Archive for the ‘Rand Paul’ Category

Rand Paul was right, McCain DID meet with ISIS – Webster Tarpley (World Crisis Radio 9/20/2014) – Video

Rand Paul was right, McCain DID meet with ISIS - Webster Tarpley (World Crisis Radio 9/20/2014)
Webster Tarpley - World Crisis Radio - September 20, 2014 #ArrestMcCain4ISIS Alleged ISIS Photo Controversy Engulfs Sen. John McCain

By: Webster Tarpley Radio

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Rand Paul was right, McCain DID meet with ISIS - Webster Tarpley (World Crisis Radio 9/20/2014) - Video

Preposterous Empire presents: FUCK YOU Tea Party! – Video

Preposterous Empire presents: FUCK YOU Tea Party!
Preposterous Empire presents another installment of their Fuck You series of videos. What grinds our gears this time is the Tea Party movement and their misleading name. Screw you Rand Paul...

By: Preposterous Empire

Continued here:
Preposterous Empire presents: FUCK YOU Tea Party! - Video

Paul: Demilitarize police

By Ashley Killough, CNN

updated 8:39 AM EDT, Fri September 19, 2014

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, is openly weighing a presidential bid.


Alexandria, Virginia (CNN) -- Fresh off his Senate floor speech against arming Syrian rebels, Sen. Rand Paul shifted gears Thursday night to lambast the current state of police militarization in the United States, especially when it comes to the war on drugs.

The Kentucky Republican told a libertarian-leaning audience in Alexandria, Virginia that police sometimes direct their focus on the wrong crimes.

"You want your police to be aggressive," he said. "But if someone's got some pot, you want to break down the door at two in the morning with masks and gas and concussion grenades?"

Paul was speaking to the Liberty Political Action Conference, where moments before his speech he was on stage with his father, former Rep. Ron Paul, to deliver a scholarship award.

It was a rare dual appearance by the two, as Rand Paul, who's laying the groundwork for a potential presidential bid, has attempted to differentiate himself from his father's legacy as a vocal libertarian. (Rand Paul, however, dutifully quoted his father at the end of his speech: "Freedom is popular. Bring it on.")

On militarization, Rand Paul said the public may never really know what happened to Michael Brown, the unarmed 18-year-old shot dead by police in Ferguson, Missouri last month, and he didn't weigh in on the still unfolding controversy.

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Paul: Demilitarize police

As feud escalates, McCain ally says Paul is a fool or despicable

By Sean Cockerham

McClatchy Washington Bureau (MCT)

Published: September 25, 2014

WASHINGTON Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., is trading insults with a longtime adviser to fellow Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who maintains that Paul is either a liar or in the thrall of conspiracy theories.

I would give him the benefit of the doubt but Im not sure which characterization dissembler or crackpot would be more generous, Mark Salter, McCains former chief of staff and senior adviser for the senators 2008 presidential campaign, wrote in a column for the website

Pauls office responded to the column with a statement slamming Salter, whos close with McCain and has co-authored several books with him.

Mark Salter advised the Republican Party down a losing electoral path that paved the way for two terms of President Obama, so people should read his angry screed in that context and disregard it, said Brian Darling, Pauls senior communications director.

Salters column was prompted by Pauls false claim that McCain had met with representatives of the Islamic State during a visit to Syria last year.

The feud is the latest sign of tensions over national security between Paul, a likely presidential candidate with a Libertarian side, and more hawkish Republican Party voices. Paul and McCain clashed over McCains support for funding Syrian rebels as part of the fight against the Islamic State.

Paul has also traded barbs with Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who suggested Paul was ignoring the crisis in Iraq, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who questioned Pauls opposition to the sweeping surveillance practices of the National Security Agency. Perry and Christie are also possible presidential candidates in 2016, and the debates likely will echo into the coming campaign for the Republican nomination.

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As feud escalates, McCain ally says Paul is a fool or despicable

Rand Paul Speech Denouncing ISIS War – Video

Rand Paul Speech Denouncing ISIS War
Rand Paul went on the senate floor today and gave quite an impassioned speech about his feelings regarding the ISIS war.

By: DailyWorldwideNews

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Rand Paul Speech Denouncing ISIS War - Video