Archive for the ‘Rand Paul’ Category

Sen. Rand Paul Caught Knocking GOP ‘Jesus’ Ronald Reagan (1/2) – Video

Sen. Rand Paul Caught Knocking GOP #39;Jesus #39; Ronald Reagan (1/2)
The Ronald Reagan Myth: What We are Getting Wrong About The Gipper:

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Sen. Rand Paul Caught Knocking GOP 'Jesus' Ronald Reagan (1/2) - Video

Judge Napolitano Rand Paul Can Lead Us To An Era Of Prosperity, Happiness Small Government – Video

Judge Napolitano Rand Paul Can Lead Us To An Era Of Prosperity, Happiness Small Government
Judge Andrew Napolitano talks to Glenn about the appeal of libertarian ideals and the future of the movement. Judge Napolitano Rand Paul Can Lead Us To An Er...

By: EcoNomy 2014

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Judge Napolitano Rand Paul Can Lead Us To An Era Of Prosperity, Happiness Small Government - Video

Al Sharpton’s Guest Accuses Cliven Bundy the Image of GOP – Video

Al Sharpton #39;s Guest Accuses Cliven Bundy the Image of GOP
Joe Madison, Bill Press on Al Sharpton #39;s MSNBC #39;Politics Nation #39; #39;It #39;s no accident that Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Sean Hannity and the rest defend this guy because He is Who They Are,...

By: YouPoliticsNews

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Al Sharpton's Guest Accuses Cliven Bundy the Image of GOP - Video

E Dennis and his Penis Medicine 8 26 1994 – Video

E Dennis and his Penis Medicine 8 26 1994
Randal Howard Rand Paul (born January 7, 1963) is the junior United States Senator for Kentucky. He is a member of the Republican Party and the son of form. Howard Stern Show - Mayor Bloomberg...

By: howardstern162

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E Dennis and his Penis Medicine 8 26 1994 - Video

Sen. Rand Paul, possible 2016 Republican contender, to introduce pro-Israel legislation

In a gesture that is sure to win applause from supporters of Israel within the Republican electorate, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Monday will introduce a bill that would stop U.S. aid to the newly formed unity government in Palestine unless certain demands were promptly met, including a cease-fire and a public declaration of Israels right to exist.

The move by Paul, a potential 2016 presidential contender, is his latest effort to reassure skittish Republicans that he is a firm supporter of Israel. Last year, he visited with Jewish leaders in Jerusalem and prayed at the Wailing Wall, and he has touted his two votes for sanctions against Iran as evidence that he considers Israel a key ally.

Israel cannot be expected to negotiate with an entity that does not believe it should exist, and has used terrorist tactics to seek its end, Paul said in a statement obtained by The Washington Post.

His bill would give Palestinian leaders five weeks, upon the governments formation, to renounce violence and recognize Israel, something he calls vital for encouraging peace talks.

As The Posts Ruth Eglash and Anne Gearan have reported, rival Palestinian political factions recently announced a surprise reconciliation deal and plans for a unified government.

The deal would reunite the moderate Fatah faction in the West Bank, which has been negotiating with Israel, with the radical Hamas faction, which refuses to recognize Israels legitimacy, they wrote last week.

Pauls father, former congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex.), was known for contesting the extent of U.S. aid to foreign counties. Ever since Rand Paul first ran for office in 2010, hawkish conservatives have dogged him about his fathers views and his sympathy for parts of them, questioning the depth of his commitment to Israel.

Last month, at a Republican Jewish Coalition meeting in Las Vegas, which Paul did not attend, a number of possible GOP presidential candidates, including New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Florida governor Jeb Bush, reiterated their strong support for Israel. In speeches, several of them knocked Pauls preferred foreign policy a more noninterventionist worldview but did not criticize him by name.

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Sen. Rand Paul, possible 2016 Republican contender, to introduce pro-Israel legislation