Archive for the ‘Rand Paul’ Category

Letters to the Editor: Abbott is against them until he needs them – Austin American-Statesman

Austin American-Statesman

Re: Jan. 3 article, "Abbottasks feds for more testing sites, treatments"

So, after doing everything in his power to work against the efforts of President Biden, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,and any other federal entity that is trying to mitigate and control the COVID variants, now Gov.Abbott is asking for more testing sites and monoclonal antibodies.

He is against the federal government until he needs them after his own efforts have increased the health emergencies in Texas. His hypocrisy seems to know no bounds.

Elizabeth Boyt, Austin

A major plot element of "Spider-Man: No Way Home,"which is top of the box office right now, is the multiverse. In reading the news as of late, I am beginning to wonder if we have somehow been transported into another political reality.

In a tweet, Sen. Rand Paul has accused Democrats of stealing elections by encouraging people to vote in a legally valid way, and during his remarks at a Turning Points USA conference Donald Trump Jr. repudiateda major tenet of Christianity by rejecting Christs decree to turn the other cheek.

The Democrats have purloined the presidency by following the rules? The party associated with the conservative Christian vote is now renouncing the teaching of the man who founded the very religion? The irrationality of these arguments is strikingly bizarre, but it is incomprehensible that the GOP has fallen in lockstep with such demagogical leadership.

Mark Hinshaw, Austin

Why is it that we are allowing the unvaccinated to overwhelm our health care facilities and staff?

I just read an article about a man in Iowa who died because he was unable to get a room in the hospital best suited to provide the care he needed. According to the Iowa Department of Public Health, nearly 82% of people hospitalized in Iowa for COVID-19 were not fully vaccinated, including 88% of those in intensive care.Granted, this is but a single instance, but I'll eat my hat if there aren't many more similar stories of sadness.

In my view, folks who refuse the vaccine should be denied scarce health care resources. They made their own decision, and should be prideful when they beat the virus at home, by themselves.

TimMurphy, Austin

See the rest here:
Letters to the Editor: Abbott is against them until he needs them - Austin American-Statesman

Thorns & Roses: Kentucky Sen. Damon Thayer Is Only Representing Himself When It Comes To Medical Marijuana – Louisville Eccentric Observer

THORN:Representing Himself

Kentucky Republican Floor Leader Sen. Damon Thayer doesnt care if you, or any other Kentuckian, want medical marijuana legalized. In a KET interview, the Georgetown lawmaker said he doesnt support it, even though he knows his constituents do. If they dont like it they can take it out on me in the next election, he said. Kentucky lawmakers know they can keep getting reelected if they have a bit of power and an R in front of their name. Mitch McConnells been doing it for years. Maybe its time to show them that they cant. Of course, Thayer isnt up for reelection until 2024. Perhaps thats why hes feeling so bold.

The Louisville Democratic Party has chosen their nominee to run for Rep. Reginald Meeks state House seat as the longtime lawmaker prepares to retire. And their selection was refreshing. Keturah Herron is a former ACLU lobbyist who pushed for Louisville and Kentucky to ban no-knock warrants. Shed also be the first openly LGBTQ House member in Kentuckys history. Of course, shes not the only promising candidate: Robert LeVertis Bell, a democratic socialist and public school teacher says he will also be on the ballot for the special election in February. But, were looking forward to choosing between at least two candidates who could represent Louisville well.

Louisville closed out another blood-soaked year with a record-breaking 188 homicides in 2021. And the crime wave does not show signs of stopping. The shooting that resulted in the first homicide of 2022 occurred on New Years Day. Perhaps Louisvilles greatest hope of stemming the tide of violence is stricter gun laws. But, the Kentucky legislature only seems interested in making it easier for people to get their hands on firearms in the current legislative session. (See this weeks news story.)

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul announced that he will no longer be posting to YouTube unless its to criticize the platform, which has suspended him in the past for spreading COVID misinformation. Instead, hell be taking his rantings to the echo chambers of conservative social media sites. Now, if only hed give up Twitter.

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See the original post here:
Thorns & Roses: Kentucky Sen. Damon Thayer Is Only Representing Himself When It Comes To Medical Marijuana - Louisville Eccentric Observer

Sen. Rand Paul releases ‘Festivus’ Report on government waste – The Highland County Press

By U.S. Sen. Dr. Rand PaulR-KentuckyWASHINGTON, D.C. U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), chairman of the Emerging Threats and Spending Oversight (ETSO) Subcommittee for the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC), has released his 2021 Festivus Report, totaling over $52,598,515,585 billion in government waste.

This marks Dr. Pauls and the subcommittees seventh edition of the Festivus Report as he continues working to alert the American people to how their federal government uses their hard-earned money.

How can 2021 already be coming to a close? What a year its been. It seems like just yesterday when the national debt was $20 trillion, but now the U.S. has managed to breeze past $28 trillion. And, its safe to say that some big changes have occurred since last years Festivus Report.

Mask mandates, travel restrictions and lock-downs were lifted across many parts of the country. President Biden was inaugurated. Inflation has skyrocketed. The Kardashians finally ended their TV show after 14 years. Dad bod was officially added to Websters Dictionary.

And how about the federal government? Well, unsurprisingly, it managed to keep spending money we dont have on things we dont need.

Readers of the Platinum Pig Awards may recall my Penny Plan Balanced Budget. Only a few years ago, we could have balanced the budget by cutting only one penny off every dollar spent by the Federal government now, we need to cut five.

2021 began with Congress spending even more money and approving a $3.5 trillion Budget Resolution. I attempted to lessen the blow by introducing a series of 48 amendments, including my Five Penny Plan, which unfortunately did not pass.

The speed in which our debt is growing means we need ever more vigorous solutions to solve this growing problem.

Youd almost think the governments annual New Year Resolution is to spend moreand more money. Well, it is. Meanwhile, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projectsmore than $1.2 trillion in deficits for Fiscal Year 2022.

In fact, CBO states Congress spent $6.8 trillion in Fiscal Year 2021, $266 billion more than FY2020. Why continue to recklessly spend taxpayers money when debt held by the public is already at 103% of GDP?

This year, I am highlighting a whopping $52,598,515,585 of waste, including a studyof pigeons gambling on slot machines, giving kids junk food and telling citizens of Vietnamnot to burn their trash.

No matter how much moneys already been wasted, politicians keep demanding even more. But dont worry, I will continue to fight against government waste.

So, before we get to the Feats of Strength, its time for my airing of (spending) grievances.

Sections are broken down into COVID-19 spending, Afghanistan, and Miscellaneous.

You can find Dr. Pauls 2021 Festivus Report at

The rest is here:
Sen. Rand Paul releases 'Festivus' Report on government waste - The Highland County Press

Here are the 10 stories you, the readers, clicked on the most in 2021 – LGBTQ Nation

We at LGBTQ Nation have been looking back at the big stories of this past year all month, but this article is about what you, our readers, thought were the biggest stories of the year or at least what you all clicked on the most.

This post is forLGBTQ Nations fans, a look behind-the-scenes: the 10 stories from 2021 that got the most traffic.

10. Jen Psaki shuts down Fox News transphobic question with Trans rights are human rights

It was a historic moment, for sure.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was responding to a Fox News reporter who asked about criticism of President Joe Bidens executive order to fully implement the decision in Bostock v. Clayton Co. and ban discrimination against LGBTQ people. The reporter said that transgender rights would hurt cisgender women and asked if Psaki wanted to issue some clarification on the issue of equality.

I would just say that the presidents belief is that trans rights are human rights, and thats why he signed that executive order, Psaki replied, making the Biden administration the first presidential administration to make that declaration.

9. Concerned father arrested while peacefully testifying against Arkansas trans health care ban

Parents who stand up for their LGBTQ children win our readers hearts, and Chris Attig is no exception.

They were testifying at a hearing against a proposed law to ban gender-affirming health care for transgender minors in Arkansas and they talked about their 22-year-old son, who is trans.

Attigs speech went a little over the two-minute limit something that they said rightwing organizations were allowed to do at the hearing and they were arrested.

8. Chick-fil-As profits are being used to push anti-trans state laws & kill the Equality Act

Chick-fil-A has been caught time and time again donating to anti-LGBTQ causes. So much so that theyve become a cause clbre for Christian conservatives.

This time, it was Chick-fil-A CEO and chairman Dan Cathy whose estimated net worth of over $8 billion comes from the restaurant chain his father started who was caught donating to some viciously anti-LGBTQ organizations.

7. Rand Paul goes on unhinged transphobic rant at Dr. Rachel Levines confirmation hearing

Dr. Rachel Levine was nominated to be assistant secretary of health earlier this year due to her deep knowledge of medicine and her work organizing Pennsylvanias response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Shes also the first transgender person nominated to an administration position that requires Senate approval.

But Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) only cared about one thing: gender affirming surgery. He opened his questioning of Dr. Levine with the words Genital mutilation! and proceeded to berate her about the decisions trans minors and their families make with their doctors, which do not include surgery because trans minors dont get that kind of surgery.

Dr. Levine didnt let him get to her and responded simply: Transgender medicine is a very complex and nuanced field with robust research and standards of care that have been developed. She knew better than to get into a televised debate about a very complex issue that has little to do with the job she was nominated for.

Her appointment was approved by the Senate and she spent most of the year working to save Americans lives.

6. Lauren Boebert praises Taliban for building back better

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) took office this year and quickly became one of the most outspoken anti-LGBTQ members of Congress.

Even outside of LGBTQ issues, her wild statements earned condemnation, sometimes even from members of her own party.

In August, Boebert compared Biden to the Taliban and decided that the organization overthrowing the Afghanistan government was better.

The Taliban are the only people building back better, she tweeted.

5. Queen Latifah is officially out after she sends love to her partner & son during BET awards ceremony

Superstar Queen Latifah, after years of speculation in the media about her sexuality, came out in a heartwarming way by thanking Eboni, my love while receiving the BET Lifetime Achievement Award.

In case anyone missed it, she closed her speech with Happy Pride!

4. Jen Psaki patiently teaches Fox reporter how the First Amendment works

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki became the face of the Biden administration just as the country was healing from Trump supporters attack on democracy itself when they raided Congress in an attempt to overturn the election.

Since then, she has pushed back against the very sort of resentment and conspiracy theories rightwing media used to get its fans riled up, which often include perceived attacks on their freedom of speech.

This past June, she reminded a Fox News reporter that Black women like Olympic athlete Gwen Berry also have a right to free speech as Fox pressed President Joe Biden to denounce her for her peaceful protest.

3. Lesbian teen who got kicked out by family turns them in as possible MAGA rioters

Speaking of the Capitol Insurrection, lesbian teen Helena Duke got the attention of the entire nation when she sided with democracy instead of her family and publicly disclosed the names of her mother and other family members who were in D.C. around the time of those events.

Hi this is the liberal lesbian of the family who has been kicked out multiple times for her views and for going to BLM protests to care what happens to me, Duke wrote before stating the names of her family members, along with screenshots of them in D.C.

2. Lauren Boebert may lose her seat in Congress

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) was sworn in for her first term in January and quickly established herself as one of the most anti-LGBTQ as well as racist, pro-gun death, Islamophobic, QAnon-believing members of Congress.

So its no surprise that LGBTQ Nation readers wanted to learn about how her state of Colorado may redraw its Congressional map in a way that would make it hard for her to be anything more than a one-term Congresswoman.

1. House Republican introduces anti-trans legislation that could lead to genital exams for school girls

The most-clicked article of the year is part of a larger story about the attacks on transgender youth that occurred throughout the country.

Over a hundred bills were proposed in state legislatures to take rights away from transgender kids, mostly attacking their rights to participate in school sports and get appropriate medical care. The breadth of the attack was unprecedented and shocking, especially considering how trans youth had been exercising these rights for years in some states without raising a fuss.

Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) raised the stakes and introduced a bill to ban transgender youth from participating in school sports at the federal level. But since the federal government doesnt have direct control over education, his bill just threatened to take funds away from school districts or states that protect transgender students rights, leaving the question of how, exactly, they go about it to the states themselves.

Considering there a bill in his home state that had a decent chance of passing that demanded girls get genital examinations before participating in school sports, it wasnt hard to see how some states or school districts afraid of losing federal funding but left with almost no guidance from Steube would implement his bill in the harshest way possible if it passed.

It has not passed and it is unlikely to move forward in the Democratic House.

More here:
Here are the 10 stories you, the readers, clicked on the most in 2021 - LGBTQ Nation

Best of Late Night TV in 2021 – The New York Times

Despite Donald J. Trumps loss to Joseph R. Biden in the presidential election of 2020, late-night hosts still couldnt shake the former president in 2021.

Trumps last day in office was cause for celebration on many shows, but the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, Trumps subsequent impeachment and his supporters continued promotion of the lie that the election had been rigged meant that the former president remained a fixture of monologues and other late-night bits.

Also, Biden apparently is just not as easy to send up. The hosts impressions of him lacked the cartoonish verve of their Trump takes Stephen Colbert in aviator shades is the only one who makes much of an effort and while Bidens age and occasional gaffes were frequent targets, such jokes rarely occupied more than a few minutes of the nightly monologues.

Another defining trend this year was the hosts return to their studios after shooting their shows from home for most of 2020 and much of 2021. Colbert, the Jimmys (Fallon and Kimmel) and others brought back audiences (with Covid-19 protocols in place), live bands and in-house guests who offered a bit of normalcy to viewers looking for an escape from the coronavirus and its variants, or at least a way to commiserate through comedy.

The events of Jan. 6 were particularly of interest to Colbert, who went unexpectedly live for that evenings Late Show, chastising Trump supporters.

Hey, Republicans who supported this president especially the ones in the joint session of Congress today have you had enough? Colbert said. After five years of coddling this presidents fascist rhetoric, guess whose followers want to burn down the Reichstag?

Hosts also stayed on top of the fallout, including the prosecution of rioters like the so-called QAnon Shaman, Jake Angeli; and yet another Trump impeachment, for incitement of insurrection.

As the ensuing trial in the Senate neared its end in February, the Late Night host Seth Meyers pointed toward an outcome that was never really in doubt an acquittal thanks to Trumps Republican support despite the presentation of even more disturbing and explicit video from the assault.

House Democrats today concluded their impeachment case against former President Trump, Meyers said, adding the dig: Well, youve given me plenty to not think about, said Rand Paul.

Over on the Late Late Show, James Corden deadpanned: Were so close to figuring out whos responsible for this. What a mystery.

Samantha Bee took a different angle on the forces that led to the Capitol riots. In a segment on Full Frontal, she focused on the women of the movement, highlighting who they were and their role in the dark moment in U.S. history.

White women are playing a massive part as well, particularly when they tell themselves they are protecting families, Bee said. The messaging they use is insidious, pervasive and loaded with undertones of white supremacy. It may look pretty, but it is dangerous.

In March, hosts commemorated the one-year anniversary of the coronavirus shutdown, as the virus raged on. On Jimmy Kimmel Live!, the host celebrated the occasion with a gag that called back to the panicked early days of the pandemic.

The traditional gift for a one-year anniversary is paper, so I figured toilet paper makes the most sense, Kimmel said as he tossed out rolls to his audience.

Covid and its ongoing impact came up throughout 2021, of course, especially as vaccines became widely available and extremely politicized. Even Big Bird couldnt escape conservative attacks after posting on Twitter that he had received his shot. At around the same time, the Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers was skewered for having fibbed about getting his. On The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon found a way to thread both stories into one monologue joke.

Its a big day, actually, for Big Bird, he said. Because immediately after getting vaccinated, he was signed by the Green Bay Packers.

As the virus ramped up internationally with variants like Delta and the new Omicron, hosts frequently took anti-vaxxers to task.

I mean, how did that happen after everything we did? Trevor Noah asked on The Daily Show. I mean, for two years now, people, we wore masks for some of the time, we social distanced when it was convenient, then like half of us got vaccinated what more is it gonna take?

Try as he might to enact sweeping legislation, Biden struggled to get anything past (or passed by) Republican lawmakers in 2021, including enormous stimulus and infrastructure packages. Late-night hosts sympathized with the president and lauded efforts like the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill, which passed in March with no support from Republican lawmakers.

It will give Americans more access to health care and boost the vaccination rate, Kimmel noted. So naturally, Republicans are against it.

As the infrastructure package was whittled by Democratic intraparty disagreement and negotiation much of it involving Senator Joe Manchin III of West Virginia Meyers quipped that the bills health care proposals had been trimmed to a 30-day trial for WebMD Plus, and theyre going to paint some tunnels on a rock like Wile E. Coyote.

The American public hasnt given President Biden much support either, at least not in opinion polls; his approval ratings have dipped substantially. Even still, hosts try to find the funny, as when Kimmel used yet another age joke to call for patience.

Were also not even a year into his presidency, Kimmel said in November. Dont worry, hes like Grandpa at the wheel. Hell get us there, itll just happen very slowly, with the blinker on the whole ride.

As the rare Black late-night host and the only one with a nightly show Noah continued to speak for people of color, putting the spotlight on racially motivated attacks. He employed a somber tone, but pulled no punches in criticizing Americas gun policies and systemic racism.

Why are people so invested in solving the symptoms instead of the cause? he asked after a gunman shot and killed eight people in Atlanta in March, including six women of Asian descent. America does this time and time again. A country that wants to fight the symptoms and not the underlying conditions that cause those symptoms to take effect racism, misogyny, gun violence, mental illness. And, honestly, this incident might have been all of those things combined, because it doesnt have to be one thing on its own. America is a rich tapestry of mass-shooting motivations.

During an April show, Noah addressed police brutality after the deaths of Daunte Wright and Caron Nazario, dryly suggesting that Black people start singing The Star-Spangled Banner when they get pulled over.

Then maybe, just maybe, he said, the cops will be like, Well, I dont want to pepper spray the anthem what do I do?

Kimmel maintained a connection with some of Trumps biggest supporters, including Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Mike Lindell, the excitable chief executive of MyPillow. Cruz, in particular, was a regular target of Kimmels ire, especially when he flew the coop for Cancun during a debilitating winter storm in Texas in February.

While his fellow Texans are freezing with the power out, Ted Cruz did what any great leader would do when his state needs leadership most he booked a flight to Mexico and said, Adios, amigos! Kimmel said. He called the senator a snake on a plane headed, ironically, to the very place he tried to build the wall around.

While Cruz lashed out at Kimmel on Twitter in response to the hosts gibes, Lindell seemed to see Kimmel as a worthy adversary of sorts, confusing the hosts mockery for true admiration.

I have no idea what he is doing, but I love it, Kimmel said in May, after Lindell brought him up several times on his newly introduced livestream yellathon. Kimmel then invited Lindell onto his show, which he happily accepted.

Have you been vaccinated? Kimmel asked as Lindell sat down across from him.

No, I have not, Lindell responded.

Kimmel clarified: I meant for rabies.

Kimmel also expounded on why he invited Lindell in the first place. A lot of people didnt want you to come on the show, he said. Liberals and conservatives, everybody said, told me, dont have you on the show, and they told you, dont go on the show. But I think its important that we talk to each other.

Kimmel, however, refused Lindells invite to his web show, leaving things a little uneven.

In May, after 28 years of hosting his own late-night show and 11 years on TBS, Conan OBrien announced that he was leaving late night and had plans to move on to a variety series on HBO Max. During that address, OBrien made clear what he wanted for his last few months on air.

Im very proud of what weve accomplished here, OBrien said. Id like these last couple of weeks to be a fond look back at all the absurd madness that my team and I have concocted. Best of all, I just want to point out, there will be shockingly few, if any, references to Donald Trump.

During his final monologue in June, OBrien elaborated on his feelings about his career and comedy, but also his philosophy on living, saying, I think when smart and stupid come together its very difficult, but if you can make it happen, I think its the most beautiful thing in the world.

Kimmel gave OBrien a shout-out on his own show that night, joking, Congratulations to Jay Leno on his new time slot at TBS.

With a move to Sundays from Mondays and the addition of another weekly episode on Thursdays, Showtimes Desus & Mero continued to thrive, and the Bodega Boys as Desus Nice and The Kid Mero are known continued to be some of the most hilarious interviewers in late night. Case in point: their conversation with Jeff Goldblum, in which the actor had just as many questions for the hosts as they did for him.

Ill bet you guys are dancers, Goldblum said.

I dance a little bit, Mero said.

Do you guys sing or do music at all? Goldblum asked.

We can if you need us to, Desus said.

The Amber Ruffin Show debuted in September 2020, with Ruffin bringing the same engaging energy she first displayed as a writer and performer on Late Night with Seth Meyers. She and her talk show new episodes premiere Fridays on Peacock were even more entertaining in 2021, as seen in musical segments such as White Celebrities, Its Time to Wash Your Kids.

White celebrities/wash your kids booties/white celebrities/its your only duty/your child smells like blue cheese/and its your fault, Ruffin and company sing in a Jackson 5-esque chorus.

In 2022, late-night hosts can look forward to Trump and Covid lingering on, but hopefully they can find some new material, too. Failing that, heres hoping they at least work on their Biden impersonations.

Original post:
Best of Late Night TV in 2021 - The New York Times