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Rand Paul Files Class Action Lawsuit Against The NSA – Video

Rand Paul Files Class Action Lawsuit Against The NSA
Rand Paul Files Class Action Lawsuit Against The NSA videos.. Please click here to subscribe to my channel.. Air Date: Feb. 12th, 2014 This video may contain...

By: Alexander Zack

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Rand Paul Files Class Action Lawsuit Against The NSA - Video

Rand Paul: 'Hillary Clinton's as Bad or Worse' Than Obama on Privacy Issues

Apr 11, 2014 8:05pm

Charles Dharapak/AP Photo

DOVER, N.H. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., told New Hampshire Republicans Friday night that the key to winning the youth vote could come by appealing to them on privacy issues, arguing that one of his potential rivals former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is vulnerable on the topic.

Theyve all got a cell phone and they all think the government shouldnt be looking at their cell phone or listening to their cell phone without a warrant. We get to the young people with privacy, Paul said at an NH GOP rally at the Cottage by the Bay in Dover, N.H., Friday night.

Its not a conservative or Republican issue. Its an area where we can connect with people who havent been connecting. Obama won the youth vote 3 to 1 but hes losing them now. Hillary Clintons as bad or worse on all of these issues, he said. Its a way we can transform and make the party bigger or even win again, but weve got to be as proud of the Fourth Amendment as much as we are the Second Amendment.

In the wake of revelations about the NSAs surveillance programs, Paul has made a concerted effort in recent months to speak to young people about privacy issues, recently delivering a speech at the University of California, Berkeley. The Kentucky Republican has also increased his outreach with African American voters, a constituency which typically gravitates towards Democratic candidates.

Why are we losing the cities? Because were not getting the African American vote, Paul said, noting he recently visited Detroit to outline a plan for helping the financially troubled city. Dont give up on that vote. Go after that vote.

The Kentucky senator also asked New Hampshire Republicans to increase turnout in their state, joking that neighboring Massachusetts has a liberal influence on the Granite State.

If we want to win though, we have to win states we havent been winning. New Hampshires one of them, so I expect you guys to do a better job. We used to always win New Hampshire, he said. Now somebody told me the real answer was building a fence between here and Massachusetts.

Earlier this week, former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown, who moved to New Hampshire late last year, announced his bid for senate in New Hampshire. Paul told reporters Friday that he will not endorse a candidate in the New Hampshire GOP primary this year.

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Rand Paul: 'Hillary Clinton's as Bad or Worse' Than Obama on Privacy Issues

In New Hampshire, GOP voters see Ted Cruz vs. Rand Paul as a tossup

MANCHESTER, N.H. As Republican contenders converged on New Hampshire, a brewing rivalry began to take focus Saturday, pitting a duo of tea partiers with overlapping agendas.

Sen. Ted Cruz and his Kentucky colleague, Rand Paul, are allies on a host of issues. Back to back at a conservative summit, each pitched a message of economic populism meant to broaden the GOPs appeal and vowed to curb federal power.

For conservative voters who get to cast the first primary ballots of 2016, its pretty much a tossup.

I would vote for a Paul-Cruz ticket. Or a Cruz-Paul ticket. It depends on which one of them wants it more, said Auburn, N.H., resident Jesse Edwards, 56, a retired Army officer.

New Hampshire political activists viewed this weekend as the unofficial kickoff for the 2016 campaign. A daylong Freedom Summit held Saturday by Citizens United and Americans for Prosperity at a hotel near the Manchester airport offered the first chance of the cycle for potential candidates to appeal for the affection of Granite State conservatives.

Apart from the senators, Fox News commentator and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee also shared the spotlight as did Donald Trump and Newt Gingrich, who arent expected to make a run in 2016.

If you listen to Democrats, Cruz said at the summit, they will tell you that Kathleen Sebelius resigning [as health secretary] is a result of Obamacares success. If that is true, then I hope every Democrat will follow her path.

Paul used his speech to argue that the GOP message should be aimed more directly at wooing blue-collar workers and minorities. If we want to grow our movement, its got to have new people. We cant be the party of the plutocrats and the rich people, he said.

Cruz popped into the press room as Paul was speaking. He pointed to the TV screen.

Riveting. Powerful, he said.

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In New Hampshire, GOP voters see Ted Cruz vs. Rand Paul as a tossup

Rand Paul offers his 'libertarian twist' on conservatism

By SHAWNE K. WICKHAM New Hampshire Sunday News

MANCHESTER U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), one of several potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates in town for today's "Freedom Summit" in Manchester, says he would not vote for the Paul Ryan budget plan that passed the House earlier this week.

In an interview with the New Hampshire Union Leader on Friday, Paul also repeated his frequent observation that "the same old cookie-cutter, Chamber of Commerce Republican may not be what we need to win anymore."

And that, he said, "actually encourages people like myself who say, you know what, maybe conservatives need a little bit of a libertarian twist or maybe the Republican party needs a little bit of a libertarian twist to help them have access to new constituencies."

The junior senator from Kentucky sidestepped a question about how his political views differ from those of his father, Ron Paul, the former Presidential candidate who frequently chastised his Republican opponents and became a counter-cultural hero to the college generation.

But Paul said he understands his father's appeal with younger voters.

"I think young people see through hypocrisy," he said. "My dad exemplified and portrayed genuineness almost to a fault."

"He didn't beat around the bush and he told you, whether it was politic or not, ... what he thought."

The younger Paul did a bit of that himself when he discussed the budget plan by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., that narrowly passed the House on Thursday. Twelve Republicans and all the Democrats voted against it.

Paul said the Ryan plan includes "a little bit of fudging on the numbers" to get to a balanced budget in 10 years.

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Rand Paul offers his 'libertarian twist' on conservatism

Sen. Rand Paul shares political insight at Pease Tradeport

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U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R- Ky., meets with supporters at One New Hampshire Ave. at the Pease International Tradeport in Portsmouth Friday.Beauchesne/

PORTSMOUTH U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., brought his vision of lower taxes, less regulation and reaching out to disenfranchised Americans in the inner city to the Pease Tradeport on Friday.

Paul said the best way to improve the economy and create jobs is to leave more money in New Hampshire, rather than sending it to Washington.

It's as simple as that, Paul said during an appearance before about 60 people in the lobby of the One New Hampshire Ave. building.

He also emphasized that the Republican party must reach out to people they might not have in the past, and pointed to his bill to create economic freedom zones in places like Detroit.

There's 15,000 feral dogs roaming the city, Paul said about Detroit. It's a disaster.

Instead of creating federal programs to try to address the parts of Detroit that have been abandoned, Paul called for cutting the tax rate for individuals and corporations in the city to 5 percent for 10 years.

I don't pick winners and losers, Paul said. I lower their taxes.

Too often, Paul contended, Republicans haven't been bold enough in calling for substantial tax cuts and trying new ideas like the economic freedom zones.

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Sen. Rand Paul shares political insight at Pease Tradeport