Archive for the ‘Rand Paul’ Category

President Rand Pauls First-Term Agenda

Let us assume that: (1) Rand Paul is elected President in 2016; and (2) Republicans gain control of the Senate and retain control of the House. This is not an unreasonable scenario. It should also be clear that Republicans already control the Supreme Court by a 5-4 majority, so nothing would impede radical changes in U.S. government policy.

Nash 2.5

(1) Reduced Taxes. If there is one thing you can say about Rand Paul, it is that he believes tax cuts are good, and the bigger the better. Expect huge tax cuts within the first 100 days. This will of course create a much bigger budget deficit so next we would see

(2) Reduced Government Spending. Rand Paul and the GOP will try to balance the budget, which will probably be impossible, but they will try, by cutting every program they dont like (see below).

(3) Privatization of Medicare and elimination of Medicaid. The poor will be simply cut off: the GOPs healthcare policy for them will be get thee to an emergency room. The elderly will be given vouchers that will cover only a part of the cost of their medical care. Over time, the percentage covered by the government will shrink.

(3) Privatization of Social Security. Young people will be encouraged (but not required to) set up Individual retirement accounts to which they, but not their employers, will contribute. For people over 50 and those already retired, the traditional Social Security System will continue to operate, but benefits will steadily be cut, over time, by removing the automatic annual cost of living increases.

(4) Repeal of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. There is no racism in society today (except liberal bias against whites) so this legislation is not needed.

(5) Repeal of the 1935 Labor Relations Act. While unions will still be (theoretically) legal, any actions that they take (strikes, picketing, organizing campaigns) will be illegal, as was the case before 1935.

(6) Repeal of the Environmental Protection Act. Regulations, President Paul will explain to us, dont work and add just add cost to businesses which raises prices to the consumer. Also, global warming is a myth and the health hazards of air and water pollution are greatly exaggerated by environmentalist nuts.

(7) Repeal of the Federal Minimum Wage. According to President Pauls economic advisors, getting rid of the minimum wage will create millions of new jobs. (And pigs will fly!)

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President Rand Pauls First-Term Agenda

Chris Wallace Full Rand Paul Interview on Fox News Congress Authorize Strike on Syria – Video

Chris Wallace Full Rand Paul Interview on Fox News Congress Authorize Strike on Syria
Chris Wallace Full Rand Paul Interview on Fox News Congress Authorize Strike on Syria 9 8 13 Sen. Rand Paul FULL Fox News Sunday Interview w Chris Wallace ...

By: hilal deniz

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Chris Wallace Full Rand Paul Interview on Fox News Congress Authorize Strike on Syria - Video

IRS, AP, Cheney & Cartoon Combatant Rand Paul ‘Drunk With Benghazi’ – Video

IRS, AP, Cheney Cartoon Combatant Rand Paul #39;Drunk With Benghazi #39;
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By: niallkxof0w

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IRS, AP, Cheney & Cartoon Combatant Rand Paul 'Drunk With Benghazi' - Video

10 reasons Americans should be wary of Rand Pauls libertarianism especially millennials

Republican Senator Rand Paul has been making a big play for millennials lately, most notably by taking his civil liberties pitch to colleges around the country. Paul has got the right idea when he says his party must evolve, adapt or die (although I think the first two are virtually the same thing).Katie Glueckof Politico wrote that The Kentucky senator drew a largely friendly reception at the University of California-Berkeley as he skewered the intelligence community.

Sen. Paul spoke of dystopian nightmares and added that your rights, especially your right to privacy, are under assault. Paulalso saidhe perceives fear of an intelligence community thats drunk with power, unrepentant and uninclined to relinquish power.

Virtually all of the other politicians taking that stand come from the left side of the political spectrum. They include figures like independent socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders and Democratic senators Ron Wyden and Mark Udall. Rand Paul is not like these other defenders of civil liberties.

Rand Paul, like his father, prefers to package his fairly old-school brand of economic conservatism under the trendier name of libertarianism. Thats not just a labeling change. It also means Paul has paired his retrograde economic ideas with a very outspoken stance against militarism and the espionage state. Its a mixture that Paul hopes can make inroads with groups that are not traditionally Republican voters.

Pauls play for millennials was almost inevitable. As a recent Pew studyreported, that generations disaffection with the two-party system appears to be at record levels. Fifty percent of millennials polled said that they do not associate themselves with either party, which is the highest percentage recorded thus far. Its also a 10 point jump from their equivalent age groups level of political affiliation only seven years ago.

But Rand Paul gravely misunderstands the nature of that political disaffection. Yes, millennials feel alienated toward political and other institutions. They have a right to feel that way. AsJoshua Hollandsays, millennials didnt abandon these institutions. The institutions abandoned them.

But Rand Paul and libertarianism are not the answer. His economic strategy can be summed up in a quota used for one of his bills: remove the shackles of big government byreducing taxes, regulations, and burdensome union work requirements.

In other words, more of the same conservative philosophy that got us in this mess in the first place. Here are 10 reasons why millennials should be extremely wary of the senator from Kentucky.

1. His philosophy of deregulation created your jobs problem.

Rand Paul loved to preach the gospel of deregulation. He went so far as to proclaim that Obama was putting his boot heel on the neck ofget thisBritish Petroleum. Why? Because BP was being asked to bear part of the cost for the oil spill it created.

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10 reasons Americans should be wary of Rand Pauls libertarianism especially millennials

[NEW] Rand Paul Admits Mistake over Plagiarism on CNN, Says GOP Needs Moderate like Christ – Video

[NEW] Rand Paul Admits Mistake over Plagiarism on CNN, Says GOP Needs Moderate like Christ
[NEW] Rand Paul Admits Mistake over Plagiarism on CNN, Says GOP Needs Moderate like Christie The latest breaking news and information on the latest top stori...

By: deniz derya

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[NEW] Rand Paul Admits Mistake over Plagiarism on CNN, Says GOP Needs Moderate like Christ - Video