Episode 475 - Part 2 - Rand Paul goes to Berkeley
Rand Paul pulled a "shocker" by going to Democrats #39; "stomping ground" and getting standing ovations on personal privacy. As he makes his way across the natio...
By: Randall Terry
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Episode 475 - Part 2 - Rand Paul goes to Berkeley - Video
Rand Paul Berkeley Speech: Q A
Rand Paul Berkeley Speech: Your Privacy is Under Assault! Hoping to appeal to younger voters and those outside the coalition of the Republican Party, Sen. Ra...
By: TheAlexJonesChannel
Rand Paul Berkeley Speech: Q&A - Video
Rand Paul brings class-action lawsuit against NSA
The National Security Agency is under fire in a new way, as Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) spearheads a class-action lawsuit that claims the secretive spy agency vio...
By: Russia4News
Read the rest here:
Rand Paul brings class-action lawsuit against NSA - Video
Beck: Dems Should See Rand Paul As A God
Glenn Beck was absolutely floored at how Rand Paul, a Republican, received a standing ovation at UC Berkeley this week, declaring that if Paul did not have t...
By: Secular Talk
See the original post here:
Beck: Dems Should See Rand Paul As A God - Video
Senator Rand Paul endorses Congressman Ted Yoho
March 18, 2014 - Senator Rand Paul endorses Congressman Ted Yoho for re-election at Congressman Yoho #39;s 2014 campaign kickoff event in Newberry, FL to a crowd...
By: YohoforCongress
View original post here:
Senator Rand Paul endorses Congressman Ted Yoho - Video