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Sen . Rand Paul wins second straw poll at Northeast Republican Leadership Conference
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul won his second presidential straw poll Saturday in New Hampshire at the Northeast Republican Leadership Conference.Paul, who garnered 31 percent of the vote in the Conservative Political Action Conference earlier this month, tallied 14.7 percent of the vote this round, edging out New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who received 12.9 percent of the vote.There was a three-way tie for third place between Dr. Ben Carson, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and former Sen. Rick Santorum, (R-PA.)Christie had placed fourth in the CPAC poll finishing behind Paul, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Dr. Ben Carson.The conference, held in the first-in-nation-primary state, was billed as a two-day Republican gathering and featured Sen. Kelly Ayotte, (R-N.H.), former Sen. Santorum, Rep. Peter King, (R-N.Y), former Sen. Scott Brown, (R-Mass.,) and other Republican and conservative speakers....
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