Archive for the ‘Rand Paul’ Category

Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduces Bill to Regulate Hemp and Hemp-Derived CBD in Food – JD Supra

US Senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), and Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) introduced legislation on May 21 to ensure hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD) is regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) like other ingredients used in dietary supplements, foods, and beverages.

Under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), it is unlawful to introduce into interstate commerce a food (including any animal food or feed) to which has been added a substance that is an active ingredient in an approved drug product, or a substance for which substantial clinical investigations have been instituted and the existence of such investigations has been made public. FDA has approved one drug, Epidiolex, which contains CBD. Consequently, because CBD has been approved as a drug ingredient, FDAs current legal position is that CBD cannot be legally contained in a dietary supplement or food product. Notably, this restriction only applies to dietary supplements and foods. Cosmetics containing CBD are not subject to this particular provision.

If passed, the Hemp Access and Consumer Safety Act would amend the definition of a dietary supplement in the FFDCA, creating an exception for hemp, hemp-derived cannabidiol, or a substance containing any other ingredient derived from hemp from the prohibition on the use of ingredients that have been approved in drugs, or substances for which substantial clinical investigations have been instituted. Consistent with the definition of hemp under the Agricultural Marketing Act, this exception would only apply to extracts from the plant Cannabis sativa L. with a tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration of not more than 0.3 % on a dry weight basis. The proposed legislation would create a legal avenue for the use of hemp-derived CBD and other cannabinoids in dietary supplements, foods, and beverages in compliance with all existing federal regulations for these types of product.

The bill would also create an avenue for submissions to FDA seeking approval for CBD or other hemp-derived cannabinoids as dietary ingredients or food additives through regulatory pathways such as New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) notifications, Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) notices, or Food Additive Petitions. How FDA would treat hemp-derived ingredients for use in dietary supplements and foods, i.e., requiring an NDI or GRAS submission and imposing limits on use levels or servings, would potentially require all products that currently include CBD as an ingredient to submit regulatory filings and relabel products.

The bill follows the passage of several state laws and the creation of state regulations permitting the sale and distribution of dietary supplements and foods that contain CBD. For example, the New York State Department of Health announced proposed regulations for hemp products in October 2020, which will implement the NY Controlled Substances Therapeutic Research Acts provisions on hemp and hemp extracts.

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Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduces Bill to Regulate Hemp and Hemp-Derived CBD in Food - JD Supra

Opinion: Filibuster rules have evolved to create no need to talk through differences – SC Times

Barbara Banaian, Times Writers Group Published 1:10 p.m. CT June 2, 2021 | Updated 2:11 p.m. CT June 2, 2021

The term "filibuster" has been in the news a lot of late. It evokes passion. The word refers mostly to obstruction of legislative work by talking or some other procedure, though, prior to that, the Spanish wordfilibustero referred to pirates who pillaged colonies in the West Indies. It has been used since the 1850s to refer to long speeches meant to stop a bill from passing.

Last Friday was a Republican filibuster of a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. This was the first time under President Biden that a bill died. It needed the help of 10 Republicans to pass this legislation. Nobody stood to make a speech because at least one Republican senator had placed a hold on the legislation which in essence acts like a filibuster, as it indicates the possibility of a filibuster. In the case of this bill, a motion to end debate, called cloture, was made but failed.

Barbara Banaian(Photo: Submitted Photo)

There are good and bad things about the filibuster. When a party is in the majority and wants to get things done, they dislike the filibuster and want to rein it in. Since it is not in the U.S. Constitution, it would not be hard to change the rules governing this. But every majority party can expect that it will someday be in the minority and that thought may stay their hand. And the Senate is supposed to be the "saucer"into which the House pours its legislation (while many believe George Washington himself called the Senate this, theres no proof of that.)

Does it hinder action, or bring bipartisanship?I would propose keeping the filibuster, but returning to the days of "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." Who can forget Jimmy Stewart's impassioned speech (as Sen. Jeffrey Smith) condemning corruption on thefloor of Senate, "I will not yield!" I would favor being in the chamber talking to colleagues and persuading them!

I wont give away the ending except to say, the filibuster lasts 25 hours and changes only one mind. And "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" was made in 1939, long before the longest recorded talking filibuster was given by Sen. Strom Thurmond. Rather than exposing corruption, Thurmond was trying to stop the Civil Rights Act. He too failed.

Filibusters do not even need to talk about the matter before the Senate (after the first threehours). In 2013 Sen. Rand Paul filibustered the nomination of a CIA director, not to stop the nomination, but to call attention to the use of drones by the CIA to kill an American considered an enemy combatant.

But at least then the fictional Sen. Smith and the real Sens. Thurmond and Paul tried to persuade people. Now the filibuster involves no speeches most of the time. The hold, and the ability of the Senate to continue business while a hold is in place (which means other senators do not have to do anything to resolve disagreements, just not vote on the bill they disagree over), has made it easier for two sides not to talk to each other.

Likewise later reforms, such as ending the supermajority needed to stop a filibuster for presidential nominations including the Supreme Court, have not made us more bipartisan but rather less. The founders knew what majority vote looked like from their experiences with the British Parliament, and that was not what they had in mind.

There is a "nuclear option," and that is to get rid of the filibuster. Will it make the two parties talk to each other more, or less?I think we know the answer: the Senate would resemble the House, where compromise doesn't matter as much as the majority steamrolls the minority.

In March, President Biden endorsed returning to the "talking filibuster," in which a senator must stay on the floor while debating similar to the scene in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." It might not help in the end, but it would at least get them talking.

This is the opinion of Times Writers Group member Barbara Banaian, a professional pianist who lives in the St. Cloud area. Her column is published the first Sunday of the month.

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Opinion: Filibuster rules have evolved to create no need to talk through differences - SC Times

Rand Paul’s Wife Has a Serious Message After Latest Death …

Sen. Rand Paul received a death threat at his Kentucky home on Monday containing a white substance and a picture of the Republican with a gun to his head.

Ill finish what your neighbor started you mother*****, read the threat with an image of Paul bruised and bandaged, reports Fox News.

In 2017, Paul was viciously attacked by his neighbor Rene Boucher while he was mowing his lawn, resulting in six broken ribs, lung damage, and multiple bouts of pneumonia.

According to the Daily Mail, "the photoshopped image attached to the package was doctored from a photo illustration of Paul that was created by GQ magazine as part of a 2017 feature story on the assault that left the Republican senator badly injured."

"I take these threats immensely seriously," Paul said in a statement Monday. "I have been targeted multiple times now, it is reprehensible that Twitter allows C-list celebrities to advocated for violence against me and my family.

This must stop. Just this weekend Richard Marx called for violence against me and now we receive this despicable powder filled letter, he added, referring to the singer who tweeted that if he ever met Boucher he was going to hug him and buy him as many drinks as he can consume.

Pauls wife, Kelley, who received the letter and called the FBI, said she was tired of the threats against her husband. Nevertheless, the tactics will not intimidate him, she added, reminding people that they are armed.

"I am sick of the hatred and vitriol from people who boast of their 'empathy and compassion' in their bios," she tweeted. "Rand will continue to stand up for our constitutionally protected liberties. He will keep questioning the 'experts.' We wont be intimidated. And yes, we have guns."

The FBI has launched an investigation.

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Rand Paul's Wife Has a Serious Message After Latest Death ...

Rand Paul’s House in Bowling Green, KY – Virtual Globetrotting

Rand Paul is an American politician & physician. He's the son of former U.S. Representative Ron Paul of Texas, and owns this Bowling Green, Kentucky Mansion. As a politician he served as the junior United States Senator from Kentucky since 2011.

A Republican, Paul has described himself as a Constitutional conservative and a supporter of the Tea Party movement. He has advocated for a balanced budget amendment, term limits, privacy reform, and criminal justice reform. Paul was a candidate for the Republican nomination at the 2016 U.S. presidential election. He suspended his campaign in February 2016, after finishing in fifth place out of 12 Republican candidates at the Iowa caucuses.

In 2017 U.S. Sen. Rand Paul was attacked by his neighbor. Rene Boucher 59 was arrested and charged with one count of fourth-degree assault and released on a $7,500 bond. Paul sustained five broken ribs, of which three were displaced fractures. The dispute was over Paul repeatedly leaving tree yard debris in view of his neighbor. In August 2019, part of Paul's lung required removal as a result of the injuries he suffered during the attack. In September 2019, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit vacated Boucher's sentence of 30 days, ruling it was unreasonably short, indicating "closer review" was in order, and remanded the case to the lower court for resentencing

His neighbor recently sold his home next door to the senator. Rene Boucher pleaded guilty last year to assaulting Paul. Paul also won a civil verdict against Boucher for more than $582,000 in January. Court records in the civil case show Boucher sold his Bowling Green home in May and delivered the proceeds of the sale, about $482,000, to the court. The records say the money will be held in an account until the civil proceedings are resolved.

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Rand Paul's House in Bowling Green, KY - Virtual Globetrotting

Letters to the Editor – Memorial Day, guns, child care, Sen. Rand Paul and vaccinations – The Dallas Morning News

Our sacred responsibility

Within the highest form of life on earth lies the human heart. The structure of that magnificent creation contains wondrous capacities that exist in no other.

On this Memorial Day, the magnitude of that capacity will be displayed. For there is nothing moves the human heart more than when one person gives his or her life for another.

On this day, we remember those who gave, in the words of Abraham Lincoln, the last full measure of devotion. Reflecting upon what I might feel most upon realizing I was going to die in battle, I think it would not be my loss of life, but that I would not be able to see the joy in the victory, and the world that resulted from the combined efforts of all who died for the preservation of freedom.

Therefore, we who are left behind have a sacred responsibility to preserve with the greatest of love, care and selflessness, the ultimate American values for which they fought and died.

Thank you, great soldiers! As I salute you, I give you my heart and my promise that you will not be forgotten!

Bob Speir, Mesquite

Hundreds of thousands of American soldiers have died after taking the required oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Presidents, likewise, swear, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

As Memorial Day approaches, we should consider the words of President George Washington in his Farewell Address of Sept. 19, 1796, But the Constitution which at any time exists, till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all. The very idea of the power and the right of the people to establish government presupposes the duty of every individual to obey the established government.

Thus, we should honor those who have given their lives for our country by striving to support our established government and condemning those who would interfere with its proper functioning.

John Stettler, Dallas;

and John A. Bradley, Nashville, Tenn.

Ret. Lt. Gen., U.S. Air Force, and president and CEO Lamia Afghan Foundation

This Memorial Day, lets give credit which is due for Asians. I doubt the average American knows that about 20,000 Chinese Americans fought in World War II for this country.

E.B. Waters, East Dallas

The much-publicized Carry the Load events and fundraising over the Memorial Day weekend are laudable in that they honor veterans, firefighters, law enforcement and emergency workers. I just wish they would stop saying this event is restoring the true meaning of Memorial Day.

The true meaning of Memorial Day is to honor the men and women who died while serving in the military. Carry the Load seeks to redefine, not restore, the meaning of Memorial Day. As a Vietnam veteran who saw buddies die in combat, I dont appreciate redefining the true meaning of Memorial Day.

Rick Williams, Garland

For those who aspire to live in a humane, rational society the passing of the law allowing anyone to carry a handgun without a permit is heartbreaking and brings on a sense of frustration and hopelessness. This country needs many things such as reconciliation, social and economic justice and safety from official oppression. But more guns in the hands of people who think they have the judgment to use deadly weapons is not something we need more of.

Why would our legislators and our governor spend their time crafting and signing laws that that do not make us a safer, fairer or more just society? More guns just means more suicides, accidental deaths and more crimes of passion where using a gun seems the best way to settle a score. But its too late now; the base has been appeased and Gov. Greg Abbott says hell sign the bill. All we can do now is to sit in silent dread as the real American carnage continues to rise.

Scott Mashburn, Dallas/Merriman Park

Quality early education and child care is a two-generation issue that supports parents in todays workforce and prepares the children who will be tomorrows.

When COVID-19 caused countrywide school shutdowns, child care providers remained open to serve children of essential workers.

Evelyn, one of the nations 1.5 million child care workers, owns a South Dallas child care center that has educated and cared for hundreds of children and provided stable employment for 16 women for 35 years.

Despite receiving Texas Workforce Commission support during COVID-19, her top-rated center still risks closure: Reimbursements dont cover the full cost of quality care, and with decreased enrollment and additional costs to meet health and safety requirements in COVID-19, she struggles to make ends meet. If Evelyns business closes, it will create a triple economic impact: on Evelyn, her employees and the parents of the children in her program.

Nearly 3 million women exited the workforce during COVID-19, exposing both the fragility and importance of child care to the workforce. Our chance to reimagine, rebuild and invest in the system that supports todays workforce and prepares tomorrows is now.

Tori Mannes, Dallas

CEO/president of ChildCareGroup

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Letters to the Editor - Memorial Day, guns, child care, Sen. Rand Paul and vaccinations - The Dallas Morning News