Archive for the ‘Rand Paul’ Category

Rand Paul Reintroduces Bill Aimed at Blocking FDA Regulation of LDTs – 360Dx

NEW YORK US Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky,on Tuesday reintroduced a bill that would prevent the US Food and Drug Administration from regulating laboratory-developed tests.

The bill, called the Verified Innovative Testing in American Laboratories, or VITAL,Act of 2021, would place regulation of lab-developed tests under the authority of the US Health and Human Services secretary under the Public Health Services Act, and "no aspects of lab-developed testing procedures shall be regulated under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, including during a public health emergency."

The FD&C Act gives the FDA authority to regulate devices, which the agency has historically argued includes LDTs, and gives it broad authority to stipulate requirements for test providers (or exempt them from requirements) during emergencies. However, the FDA has largely practiced "enforcement discretion" over most LDTsand left the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to oversee labs under CLIA.

Paul originally introduced the bill in March of 2020. It represents an alternative to the Verifying Accurate, Leading-edge IVCT Development, orVALID,Act that was introduced that same month in the Senate and House of Representatives, but which did not receive a vote during that session of Congress. The VALID Act would have created a new risk-based oversight framework for so-called in vitro clinical tests, a category comprising lab-developed tests and test kits. The FDA would have authority over these tests.

Both the VITAL and VALID acts would settle the long-running debate within the industry as to FDA's authority over LDTs.

Paul and other supporters of the bill have taken the position that VITAL is needed to update CLIA and keep LDTs away from burdensome FDA oversight in light of the slow federal response to expand access to SARS-CoV-2 virus tests during the present pandemic. This argument has gained momentum in the year since Paul originally introduced the bill. HHS in August 2020 issueda determination that the FDA cannot require premarket review of LDTs without notice and comment rulemaking.

This decision by HHS recapitulated a claim made for years by many in the laboratory industry that the FDA cannot expand its authority over LDTs through guidancesbut must do so through notice-and-comment rulemaking, a much more involved process. Guidances, historically, have been the FDA's preferred method of articulating its regulatory requirements over segments of the lab industry.

While the HHS statement did not preclude the FDA from regulating LDTs through notice-and-comment rulemaking, some observers suggested the agency wouldn't take such a route, given the investment in time and effort required.

The Association for Molecular Pathology, or AMP,and the Association of Pathology Chairs, or APC,issued statements Tuesday supporting the passage of VITAL.

"This important support by members of Congress for the VITAL Act addresses the serious consequences experienced by our nation when laboratory tests are regulated like medical devices," said Lydia Howell, the president ofAPC. She is also a professor and chair of pathology and laboratory medicine at the University of California Davis School of Medicine.

"In the earliest and most frightening days of the pandemic, CLIA-accredited academic clinical laboratories could have used their valuable expertise and resources to expand SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic testing in their communities, but were unable to do so due to inappropriate FDA restrictions.Priceless weeks were lost, making the urgency to address these issues now even more clear," she added.

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Rand Paul Reintroduces Bill Aimed at Blocking FDA Regulation of LDTs - 360Dx

To the Bat Cave: In Search of Covids Origins, Scientists Reignite Polarizing Debate on Wuhan Lab Leak – Kaiser Health News

Arthur Allen

Once dismissed as a conspiracy theory, the idea that the covid virus escaped from a Chinese lab is gaining high-profile attention. As it does, reputations of renowned scientists are at risk and so is their personal safety.

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At the center of the storm is Peter Daszak, whose EcoHealth Alliance has worked directly with Chinese coronavirus scientists for years. The scientist has been pilloried by Republicans and lost National Institutes of Health funding for his work. He gets floods of threats, including hate mail with suspicious powders. In a rare interview, he conceded that he cant disprove that the deadly covid-19 virus resulted from a lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology though he doesnt believe it.

Its a good conspiracy theory, Daszak told KHN. Foreigners designing a virus in a mysterious lab, a nefarious activity, and then the cloak of secrecy around China.

But to attack scientists is not only shooting the messenger, he said. Its shooting the people with the conduit to where the next pandemic could happen.

Yet what if the messengers were not only bearing bad news but also accidentally unleashed a virus that went on to kill more than 3 million people?

The generally accepted scientific hypothesis holds that the covid virus arose through natural mutations as it spread from bats to humans, possibly at one of Chinas numerous wet markets, where caged animals are sold and slaughtered. An alternative explanation is that the virus somehow leaked from the Wuhan Institute, one of Daszaks scientific partners, possibly by way of an infected lab worker.

The lab leak hypothesis has picked up more adherents as time passes and scientists fail to detect a bat or other animal infected with a virus that has covids signature genetics. By contrast, within a few months of the start of the 2003 SARS pandemic,scientists found the culprit coronavirus in animals sold in Chinese markets. But samples from 80,000 animals to date have failed to turn up a virus pointing to the origins of SARS-CoV-2 the virus that causes covid. The viruss ancestors originated in bats in southern China, 600 miles from Wuhan. But covid contains unusual mutations or sequences that made it ideal for infecting people, an issue explored in depth by journalist Nicholas Wade.

Scientists from the Wuhan Institute have collected thousands of coronavirus specimens from bats and registered them in databases closed to inspection. Could one of those viruses have escaped, perhaps after a gain of function experiment that rendered it more dangerous?

Daszak, who finds such theories specious, was the only American on a 10-member team that the World Health Organization sent to China this winter to investigate the origins of the virus. The group concluded its work without gaining access to databases at the Wuhan Institute, but dismissed the lab leak hypothesis as unlikely. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, however, said the hypothesis requires further investigation.

On Friday, 18 virus and immunology experts published a letter in the journal Science demanding a deeper dive. Theories of accidental release from a lab and zoonotic spillover both remain viable, they said, adding that the Wuhan Institute should open its records. One of the signatories was a North Carolina virologist who has worked directly with the Wuhan Institutes top scientists.

That demand is definitely not acceptable, responded Shi Zhengli, who directs the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases at the Wuhan Institute. Who can provide evidence that does not exist? she told MIT Technology Review. Shi has said that thousands of attempts to hack its computer systems forced the institute to close its database.

Many leading virologists continue to believe that zoonotic transmission from a bat or some other animal to a human remains the most likely origin story. Yet the lack of evidence for that is troubling, 17 months after the emergence of covid, said Stanley Perlman, a University of Iowa virologist who was not among the Science letter signatories.

The fact that no bat or other animal has been found infected with anything resembling the covid virus, which suddenly swept through Wuhan at the end of 2019, has put the lab leak hypothesis back on the table, although there is no evidence supporting that theory either, he said.

Alina Chan, a Broad Institute postdoctoral researcher who signed the Science letter, agrees that there is no dispositive evidence either way for covids emergence. But a network of amateur sleuths have put together evidence, she said, that the Wuhan Institute has covid-like viruses in its collection that it has not deposited in global databases, as would be customary during a global pandemic. Chan and others are particularly curious about a bunch of SARS-like viruses that the institute collected from a cave in Yunnan province where guano miners suffered a deadly outbreak of respiratory disease in 2012.

We dont have access to that data, Chan said. She and other scientists wonder why the covid virus was so ideally suited to human-to-human transmission from the onset without signs of an intermediate host or circulation in the human population before the Wuhan outbreak.

In a paper posted to a virology forum last week, Robert Garry of Tulane University, who doubts the lab leak hypothesis, brought forth a new fragment of spillover evidence: The WHO report shows that some of the first 168 cases of covid were linked to two or more animal markets in Wuhan, he said, with strains from different markets showing slight differences in their genetic sequence. Maybe one animal was in a truck with a bunch of cages and then it spread it to another species and thats where the shift took place, Garry said.

Garry and other international scientists have worked with Shi and her lab for years. The evidence for Garrys supposition isnt airtight, he admitted, but its more convincing than contriving something where some of the worlds leading virologists are covering up at the behest of the Chinese Communist Party, he said.

Shi has no greater defender in the United States than Daszak, whose EcoHealth Alliance was a wildlife protection organization when he joined it two decades ago. The group has since expanded its goals from protecting endangered animals to protecting humans endangered by the pathogens trafficked with those animals. The more than $50 million EcoHealth Alliance had received in U.S. funding since 2007 includes contracts and grants from two NIH institutes, the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Agency for International Development, as well as Pentagon funds to look for organisms that could be fashioned into bioterror weapons.

Daszak has co-authored at least 21 research papers on bat coronaviruses since 2005, finding hundreds of viruses capable of infecting people. He estimated that about 1 million people a year are infected with bat viruses a number thats grown as humans encroach on bat habitats.

He recalled a 2019 visit to a cave filled with millions of bats. Tourists were going in there in shorts, and we were in there in full PPE. They asked us, What are you doing? and we told them, Were looking for viruses like SARS.

In April 2020, citing what he said was evidence of the viruss link to the Wuhan lab, President Donald Trump ordered the NIH to cancel a five-year, $3.7 million grant for EcoHealth Alliances bat virus research. But about 70% of the groups annual $12 million budget continues to come from the U.S. government, Daszak said.

When the NIH grant was frozen, Daszak called the lab leak hypothesis pure baloney, saying he was confident his Chinese scientific partners were not hiding anything. But he admits it is impossible to disprove.

There are plenty of reasons to question Chinas openness and transparency on a whole range of issues including early reporting of the pandemic, he told KHN. You can never definitively say that what China is telling us is correct.

Daszak said he thinks it more likely that China is covering up the role of the countrys wildlife markets in covids origin. Farming of these animals employs 14 million people, and the government has closed and reopened the markets since SARS. Following the covid outbreak, the Chinese authorities investigation of Wuhans animal markets, where the virus could have mutated after passage through different species, was incomplete, Daszak said.

People dont realize how sensitive China is about this, he said. Its plausible that they recognized there were cases coming out of a market and they shut it down.

A Controversy With Roots

The scientific conflict over the lab hypothesis is partly rooted in a debate over gain-of-function experiments, work that in theory could lead to the creation and release of more infectious or deadly organisms. In such experiments, scientists in a lab can, for example, test a viruss ability to mutate by exposing it to different cell types or to mice genetically engineered with human immune system traits.

At least six of the 18 signatories of the Science letter are part of the Cambridge Working Group, whose members worry about the release of pathogens from the growing number of virus labs around the world.

In 2012, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who leads NIHs National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, came out in support of a moratorium on such research, posing a hypothetical scenario involving a poorly trained scientist in a poorly regulated lab: In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? Fauci wrote.

In 2017, the federal government lifted its pause on such experiments but has since required some be approved by a federal board.

In his questioning of Fauci in the Senate last week, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) cited a 2015 paper written by Shi, Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina and others in which they fused a SARS-like virus with a novel bat virus spike protein and found that it sickened research mice. The experiment provided evidence of the perils that lurked in Chinese bat caves, but the authors also raised the question of whether such studies were too risky to pursue.

.@RandPaul: "Dr. Fauci, do you still supportNIH funding of the lab in Wuhan?" Dr. Anthony Fauci: "Senator Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect"Full video:

Critics have jumped on this paper as evidence that Shi was conducting gain of function experiments that could have created a superbug, but Shi denies it. The research cited in the paper was conducted in North Carolina.

Using a similar technique, in 2017, Barics lab showed that remdesivir currently the only licensed drug for treating covid could be useful in fighting coronavirus infections. Baric also helped test the Moderna covid vaccine and a leading new drug candidate against covid.

Research into covid-like viruses is vital, Baric said. A terrible truth, he said, is that millions of coronaviruses exist in animal reservoirs, like bats, and unfortunately many appear poised for rapid transmission between species.

Baric told KHN he does not believe covid resulted from gain-of-function research. But he signed the Science letter calling for a more thorough investigation of his Chinese colleagues laboratory, he said in an email, because while he personally believe[s] in the natural origin hypothesis, WHO should arrange for a rigorous, open investigation. It should review the biosafety level under which bat coronavirus research was conducted at the Wuhan Institute, obtaining detailed information on the training and safety procedures and efforts to monitor possible infections among lab personnel.

Fauci also told KHN, in an email, that we at the NIH are very much in favor of a thorough investigation as to the origins of SARS-CoV-2.

Scaling the Wall of Secrecy

U.S.-China tensions will make it very difficult to conclude any such study, scientists on both sides of the issue suggest. With their anti-China rhetoric, Trump and his aides could not have made it more difficult to get cooperation, said Dr. Gerald Keusch, associate director of the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory Institute at Boston University. If a disease had emerged from the U.S. and the Chinese blamed the Pentagon and demanded access to the data, what would we say? Keusch asked. Would we throw out the red carpet, Come on over to Fort Detrick and the Rocky Mountain Lab? Wed have done exactly what the Chinese did, which is say, Screw you!

Still, while China has shut off its laboratories to outside inquiry, that doesnt mean all investigative avenues are closed, Chan said. Many Chinese scientists were in contact with colleagues and journals outside the country as the pandemic emerged. Those communications may contain clues, Chan said, and someone should methodically interview the contacted individuals.

Its worth recalling that the only U.S. bioterror attack so far in the 21st century consisted of a U.S. bioterrorism researcher mailing anthrax spores to politicians and journalists. Hundreds of millions of dollars go into researching organisms around the world and there are risks of leaks, accidental or intentional, no matter how sophisticated the lab, Chan said.

But it would be unwise to limit support for global virus research, said Jonna Mazet, a University of California-Davis professor who led a USAID-funded program that trained scientists around the world to collect and research animal viruses. For her pains, she has received death threats and hacking attacks on her computers and home alarm system.

If we dont do the work, she said, were just sitting ducks for the next one.

KHN correspondent Rachana Pradhan contributed to this report.

This story was produced by KHN, which publishes California Healthline, an editorially independent service of the California Health Care Foundation.

KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.

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To the Bat Cave: In Search of Covids Origins, Scientists Reignite Polarizing Debate on Wuhan Lab Leak - Kaiser Health News

Rand Paul wins: Dr. Fauci admits he wore a mask for show to avoid sending ‘mixed signals’ – TheBlaze

President Joe Biden's chief medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci, on Tuesday confirmed what Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told him two months ago about mask-wearing being unnecessary for Americans vaccinated against COVID-19.

Fauci appeared on ABC's"Good Morning America" to discuss the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's new mask recommendations, reiterating that the CDC says it's safe for vaccinated people to stop wearing face coverings. He explained that the science has "evolved" over the last few weeks to show that vaccinated people are protected from infection and that the risk of them spreading the virus to someone else is "extremely low, very very low."

When asked by host George Stephanopoulos how his personal mask-wearing habits have changed, Fauci responded that he feels more comfortable being seen in public indoors without a mask. Though he was vaccinated in December, Fauci said he had continued to wear a mask to avoid sending "mixed signals" to the American people by not wearing a mask.

"I'm obviously careful because I'm a physician and a health care provider. I am now much more comfortable in people seeing me indoors without a mask, I mean, before the CDC made the recommendation change I didn't want to look like I was giving mixed signals," Fauci told ABC News.

"But being a fully vaccinated person the chances of my getting infected in an indoor setting is extremely low. And that's the reason why in indoor settings now I feel comfortable about not wearing a mask because I'm fully vaccinated."

Exactly two months ago, on March 18, Fauci told a different story to Sen. Paul during a hearing on the pandemic response. Paul had grilled Fauci on the absence of scientific evidence to suggest that vaccinated Americans needed to wear masks.

"You're telling everybody to wear a mask whether they've had an infection or a vaccine, what I'm saying is they have immunity and everybody agrees they have immunity," Paul said. "What studies do you have that people who have had the vaccine or have had the infection are spreading the infection?"

"If we're not spreading the infection, isn't it just theater?" he pressed.

At the time, Fauci told Paul "I totally disagree with you" and insisted that mask-wearing is not theater because of the risk that vaccines did not protect against COVID-19 variants.

Now, Fauci admits that he continued to wear a mask indoors even though he was vaccinated and knew he didn't need to because he didn't want to send "mixed signals" to the American people, which appears to be the very definition of "theater."

Sen. Paul has not yet commented publicly on Fauci's remarks but he did share the following social media post from the Republican Party of Kentucky: "Two months TO THE DAY after Dr. @RandPaul said Dr. Fauci was performing 'theater' and wearing two masks 'for show' despite being vaccinated, Dr. Fauci finally admits it was, indeed, for show."

Read more here:
Rand Paul wins: Dr. Fauci admits he wore a mask for show to avoid sending 'mixed signals' - TheBlaze

WEBBER: What my old man would have thought – Kankakee Daily Journal

Anybody heard from the Trump-Derangement-Syndrome set about what a great job Joe Biden is doing for America. Im betting we wont its difficult for folks to acknowledge theyve been duped.

At the end of this month, my father will have been gone five years. Most people knew him by his middle name, Neal, or nickname, Jerk. The rather peculiar sobriquet, Jerk, was a handle bestowed upon him by his grandfather. In Chebanse, where he lived most his life, he was always Jerk.

Dad was self-made, creating a successful business that survives him. I believe he thought the Frank Sinatra song, My Way was written especially for him. It was his way or the highway, as he strictly followed his instincts. It enabled him to create a true rags-to-riches story.

My old man had a moral compass that couldnt be shaken. He could be outspoken about what he thought was right or wrong. With that in mind, I spend a lot of time thinking about what dad would think about the socialist era we are experiencing.

Dad didnt live long enough to see Trump elected but was one of the first to come out in his favor. It surprised me at the time, as I doubted Trump could win.

Dad would have been disillusioned at the way the media and Congress treated his candidate with pathetic childish rancor, Russian witch hunts and wasteful impeachments. He would have also been highly critical of those who supported such nonsense. And, he would have most assuredly been dismayed that this kind of political hose-hockey could be carried out in the America he grew up.

There is debate within the family how Dad would have handled the China bug fiasco. Due to chronic poor health, I believe he would have stayed home to avoid contact with people. Having said that, he would surely have agreed that Tony Fauci has continuously moved the goal posts in order to keep people scared, confused and compliant. He probably would have had a few choice words for Fauci.

Speaking of Fauci, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, a doctor himself, has been critical of Fauci and the National Institute of Health of late. Fauci has directed the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases, a branch of the NIH, since 1984. They provided the funding, which Fauci signed off on, to the Wuhan Lab in China, where it is believed the virus was manufactured and subsequently escaped, rather than the original assertion it was borne from a wet market. Supposedly, 3.4 million people died worldwide of this bug, so its important for mankind to know where it originated and why. (Oddly, only 4,600 of those deceased souls were in China. Go figure.)

Other matters spawned by the bug, such as the absurd ongoing mask debate, PPP loans, forced business closures, and pandemic pay to the unemployed, are not as clear in my mind as to what Dad would have thought. I like to think I know, but sometimes he would surprisingly land on the other side of an issue as me.

Im confident though, Dad rolled over in his grave at the irrationality of other issues, such as:

My old man wasnt racist and would be upset with claims to the contrary. I could envision the look on his face when liberals claimed just the fact that he didnt consider himself a racist proved he was one. I saw that look on a few occasions growing up.

The list is endless in my mind, often frequenting my thoughts and writing. At times, given his health, I wonder if its better he had not lived to see what a sorry socialistic pickle weve gotten ourselves into. Ive overheard many elderly people say, Its a good time to be old.

The rest is here:
WEBBER: What my old man would have thought - Kankakee Daily Journal

HempFusion Commends the Proposed Hemp Access and Consumer Safety Act – Business Wire

DENVER--(BUSINESS WIRE)--HempFusion Wellness Inc. (TSX:CBD.U) (OTCQX:CBDHF) (FWB:8OO) (HempFusion or the Company), a leading health and wellness Company offering premium probiotic supplements and products containing CBD, commends the Hemp Access and Consumer Safety Act (the Act or Bill), filed by Senators Ron Wyden (D- Ore.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) that aims to add hemp, hemp-derived cannabidiol, or a substance containing any other ingredient derived from hemp to the definition of dietary supplement according to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and would remove certain restrictions that have blocked the emergence of legal consumable hemp products in the United States.

HempFusion has been a longstanding member of the US Hemp Roundtable which is a major advocate for the Bill.

HempFusion is prepared for both GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) and NDIN (New Dietary Ingredient Notification) which separates us from the vast majority of CBD brands on the market today, stated Dr. Jason Mitchell, HempFusions Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer. We proudly endorse and commend The Hemp Access and Consumer Safety Act and thank Senators Wyden, Paul and Merkley for their bipartisan support. A major component of our strategic business plan has been to prepare for this day and now we are finally at the door of what will open up the CBD industry for those brands that can properly adhere to FDAs requirements, continued Dr. Mitchell.

While the Senate bill is more comprehensive than the previously introduced House bill H.R. 841, passage of either will provide a vast and very important boost to the hemp industry, benefitting farmers, producers, manufacturers, small and large retailers and, most importantly, consumers, stated Ola Lessard, HempFusions Chief Marketing Officer. The lack of clear regulation for the past several years has had devastating economic impact across many sectors. Its also allowed fly-by-night companies to thrive, selling products that dont meet label claims, arent manufactured properly, and in some cases are actually dangerous to consumers, continued Lessard.


HempFusion is a leading health and wellness CBD company utilizing the power of whole-food hemp nutrition. HempFusion distributes its family of brands, including HempFusion, Probulin Probiotics, Biome Research, and HF Labs, to approximately 4,000 retail locations across all 50 states of the United States and select international locations. Built on a foundation of regulatory compliance and human safety, HempFusions diverse product portfolio comprises 48 SKUs including tinctures, proprietary FDA Drug Listed Over-The-Counter (OTC) Topicals, Doctor/Practitioner Lines and more. With a strong focus on research and development, HempFusion has an additional 30 products under development. HempFusion is a board member of the US Hemp Roundtable, and HempFusions wholly-owned subsidiary, Probulin Probiotics, is one of the fastest-growing probiotics companies in the United States, according to SPINs reported data. HempFusions CBD products are based on a proprietary Whole Food Hemp Complex and are available in-store or by visiting HempFusion online at or

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Originally posted here:
HempFusion Commends the Proposed Hemp Access and Consumer Safety Act - Business Wire