Sen. Cramer Discusses the Future of the Republican Party, Biden Energy Policy on Kudlow – Kevin Cramer
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WASHINGTON U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) discussed thefuture of the Republican party and the Biden Administrations disastrous energypolicy on Fox Business Kudlow. Excerpts and full video are below.
On Future of the RepublicanParty:
The Trump doctrine matters. Donald Trump tapped into somethingreally important that Americans care about: an America First form ofconservatism and an America First form of trade. Id lovefourmoreyears with Donald Trump as well.
I also have a lot of friends andknowa lot of peoplewho want the Donald Trump face back because they want that same fightingspirit. But whatever the field looks like, they better be prepared toarticulate an America First Trump doctrine. If they dont, they are missingwhats been going on in this country and whats been going on in the RepublicanParty for the last several years.
I submit that you and I probably felt a little bit differentlyabout international trade 5, 6, or 7 years ago than we do now or globalizingthe economy or Americas role in foreign policing efforts. Donald Trump did notjust tap into something Americans feel, he educated us on what our prioritiesought to be. I respect him for that and I appreciate that. Thats still whereAmerica is and still where our party is. If you want to be the President of theUnited States or United States Senator, Congressman, or Governor, you betterunderstand that.
On the Biden Administrations Energy Policy:
If people believed [what Secretary Granholm espoused], Joe Bidenwouldnt have a 26% approval rating today. The problem with this Administrationis they never learned from their own mistakes. Either they believe their ownrhetoric or they resign themselves to losing in November and they want to do asmuch damage as they can before we get there.
Words matter. Larry, you and Kevin [Hassett] were talking aboutmarkets. Markets respond to politics, geopolitics, consumer confidence,investor confidence, taxes, and regulations. If you have a tax increase,regulation increase Administration talking like this, markets have to respondto that. [The Biden Administration is] still in charge and they will be in theWhite House forthe nextcouple of years. So these are significantwords. Sometimes I like to think that maybe shes just ignorant. She has saidso many crazy things, quite honestly, but Im afraid they kind of believe it.
How about when you push this [environmental, social, andcorporate governance (ESG)] nonsense on the [Securities and ExchangeCommission], the Federal Reserve, the Comptroller of the Currency, [U.S.Department of Agriculture], and every chamber, every administrative agency andsubagency? Theyre all pushing the same narrative thathas a chilling effect on investment.
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Sen. Cramer Discusses the Future of the Republican Party, Biden Energy Policy on Kudlow - Kevin Cramer