Archive for the ‘Republican’ Category

Republican former Ohio state representative dies after weeks of being treated for COVID-19 in hospital –

CLEVELAND, Ohio Ohio House Republicans said Wednesday that former Rep. Doug Green died after contracting COVID-19.

Green, of Brown County near Cincinnati, was a member of the Ohio House of Representatives from 2013 through 2020. He was 66.

Green was under treatment for coronavirus for several weeks, according to the Cincinnati Enquirer.

Doug was one of my best friends in the Ohio House of Representatives, said former state Rep. Gary Scherer, a Pickaway County Republican, in a Facebook post. He was the former Auditor of Brown County. No Matter how late of a night we had in Columbus, he always made the 2+ hour drive home every night to help with family commitments. A great guy.

Greens wife Norma said in a Facebook post the family is making arrangements for a celebration of his life at a later time.

Ohio House Speaker Bob Cupp, a Lima Republican, said green personified capable, constructive and caring public service.

He had a great spirit, warmth, and cheerfulness and connected with people in a way that was truly special, and helped make him an effective leader and state representative, Cupp said in a statement. A personal trademark was a consistent use of something green in his clothing around the Statehouse. I will miss Doug.

Andrew Tobias and Jeremy Pelzer contributed reporting.

Republican former Ohio state representative dies after weeks of being treated for COVID-19 in hospital -

New Mexico Republicans credit oil and gas for revenue boost, report warns of volatility – Carlsbad Current Argus

Republican lawmakers gave credit to the oil and gas industry for a projected boost in revenue to New Mexico and called for legislators to support growth in fossil fuel development in the upcoming 2020 Legislative Session commencing in January.

The Legislative Finance Committee (LFC) last week announced revised projections to state revenue in that showed about $8.8 billion projected for Fiscal Year 2023 an about $1 billion increase from previous budget figures.

The August report showed projected revenue grew in the last three fiscal years, at about $8.05 billion in FY 2021 compared to the February forecast of about $7.2 billion and up to $8.1 billion in FY 2022 compared with about $7.5 billion predicted previously.

More: Federal oil and leases to resume in New Mexico, BLM schedules sale for 2022

Supporters of the oil and gas industry in the New Mexico Senate argued that funding increases from federal relief dollars amid the COVID-19 pandemic were a temporary boon, while support of extraction could mean a continued boon for the states bottom line.

While extraction saw one of the highest declines in matched gross receipts tax (mgrt) returns between FY 2020 and 2021, at about 32 percent, the LFC report showed the extraction sector still brought in about $4.5 billion in mgrt.

Matched gross receipts tax conveys the amount taxes and economic activity resulting from the industry.

More: Pipeline company grows Permian Basin footprint. Oil and gas market recovery continues

The report asserted the increase in oil and gas revenue could mean a boost to public services like childcare.

Strong recovery in the oil and gas markets are pushing severance tax and federal royalty collections well above their five-year averages, resulting in large transfers to the newly created early childhood trust fund, the report read.

New Mexico Sen. Pat Woods (R-7) who represents Curry, Quay and Union counties in eastern New Mexico, an area known for energy development, commended the industrys contributions in the face of cuts brought on by the pandemic.

More: Sen. Ben Ray Lujan visits Permian Basin, pushes to fund abandoned oil well cleanup

Amid the pandemic and downturn in the oil and gas markets, when the price per barrel of oil plummeted to less than $0 per barrel for the first time in history, a $2 billion budget surplus many credited the industry with generating became a $400 million deficit in the states budget.

Lawmakers subsequently convened a special session to rebalance the budget, and the market recovered to the mid-$60 range in recent months, meaning state revenue recouped instep.

Woods worried Democrats could seek to excessively spend the revenue.

More: New Mexico Rep.: Oil and gas communities must be valued in energy transition

What we see here is our state battling adversity despite the roadblocks of the past year, Woods said. Though I am encouraged about these new projections, I am concerned about how these excess revenue dollars will be spent.

Though oil and gas will continue to fuel New Mexicos economy, the infusion of cash from the federal government is only temporary. It is up to us as stewards of the peoples money to invest in the infrastructure that will put our state on the path to recovery and long-term success.

Sen. Crystal Diamond (R-35), who represents Dona Ana, Hidalgo, Luna and Sierra counties in southwestern New Mexico said she was concerned Democrats in Santa Fe would continue to support initiatives aimed at moving the state away from heavy oil and gas production.

More: Ozone pollution at Carlsbad Caverns comes from oil and gas. State readies emissions rules

She pointed to support from her colleagues across the aisle for a temporary pause on federal oil and gas leasing enacted by President Joe Biden upon taking office in January, as particularly troubling.

Bidens halt on new federal leases was recently blocked by a federal judge in Louisiana and the federal Department of the Interior this week announced plans to resume onshore leasing.

About half of New Mexicos oil and gas production occurs on federal land, and Diamond said a reduction in such activities could devastate the states economy.

It was disheartening to see Democratic legislators push for the demise of our energy industry when they supported the Presidents ban on oil and gas leases earlier this year, Diamond said. This massive influx of revenue is proof that Republican pushback was effective, and I trust it will remind my fellow lawmakers just how important this industry is to our state.

Until we get serious about job growth, diversifying our economy, and supporting small businesses, our states success will continue to rely heavily on our hard working friends in oil and gas country.

But the LFC report warned that New Mexicos continue reliance on oil and gas revenue could subject the state to drastic up and downturns in the commodity industry and shifts toward tougher regulations imposed on the industry.

New Mexicos dependence on the energy sector makes oil market volatility one of the largest, most significant risks to the forecast on the upside and the downside, the report read.

"Any changes to the regulatory environment for oil and gas production will affect New Mexico, since over half of the states oil and gas production occurs on federal lands and most of the remaining half occurs on state lands.

Adrian Hedden can be reached at 575-618-7631, or @AdrianHedden on Twitter.

See the article here:
New Mexico Republicans credit oil and gas for revenue boost, report warns of volatility - Carlsbad Current Argus

Soldano skips traditional Republican conference on Mackinac, most other gov candidates to attend –

Every two years, Michigan Republicans gather on Mackinac Island to hear from state and national party leaders as they gear up for the next election cycle -- an event thats proven key for some gubernatorial candidates. But candidate Garrett Soldano, the partys current fundraising leader, wont be attending.

Hes a political newcomer with grassroots clout and views the conference as being for the political elite.

Im not part of the establishment. Im part of the people, Soldano said in an interview earlier this month, citing the high price of hotels on the island as one sign of who attends the conference.

Michigan Republican Party External Affairs Director Sarah Anderson said The grassroots are a large reason we hold this eventit is an opportunity for them to hear from our policy and decision makers about the best path forward for our state and our country, as well as a great time to network, communicate, and spend tome together.

She said the party is still working on its straw poll, a survey of attendees the party typically partners with a news organization on. The straw poll usually includes questions that end up ranking primary candidates for an important office.

The non-scientific poll doesnt always predict who ultimately wins -- for example, in 2015 those polled picked Rand Paul out of the field of then-presidential candidates. But in 2009 it did pick Rick Snyder, who went on to become governor, and in 2017 it picked Bill Schuette, who got the nomination but lost to Gov. Gretchen Whtimer.

As a rule, the party doesnt get involved in primaries. But Soldano sees the party as favoring one candidate.

I think the partys actions have been crystal clear, they are pushing another typical politician. And I dont see how the party straw poll wont be rigged, Soldano said.

He didnt name names, but former Detroit Police Chief James Craig is widely considered a frontrunner in the partys primary.

Craig will attend the event, a spokesperson said. Same for candidates Michael Brown, Articia Bomer, Ryan D. Kelley, Bob Scott and Austin Chenge.

Tudor Dixon plans to attend, but a spokesperson said she would not participate in a straw poll due to concerns it would be rigged.

The only candidate who did not respond to questions about whether he planned to attend was Ralph Rebrandt.

Bomer, who recently filed a candidate committee, described herself as coming from the grassroots. But she respects the Michigan GOP, she said, and particularly party Vice-Chair Meshawn Maddock, who came from grassroots activism herself.

If Im invited somewhere for gubernatorial candidates, guess what miss, Im attending, Bomer said.

The conference takes place Sept. 24-26 on Mackinac Island. Keynote speakers include RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel; U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas; South Dakota Gov. Kristy Noem and U.S. Sen. Lindsay Graham, R- South Carolina.

More on MLive:

Whitmers blockbuster fundraising was fueled by jumbo donations over normal limit

Garrett Soldano out-raises other Republican candidates for governor at $625k

Whitmers fix the damn roads message goes national in support of Biden infrastructure bill

Read the rest here:
Soldano skips traditional Republican conference on Mackinac, most other gov candidates to attend -

Erie Voice: Im the Republican who ran against Brenton Davis, now, I’m supporting Tyler Titus –

Shawn Wroblewski| Your Turn

I entered into the Republican primary for Erie County Executive wanting to make a difference. I was tired of the old party politics and political games. I learned a lot not only about Erie County and its political system and parties. I learned about the people running and holding offices too. So, when I was being asked to run a write-in campaign, I was humbled, especially after receiving 45% of the Republican votes in the primary. Being my first time running and coming from a humble background, I could not have been happier and more thankful for the people who trusted and believed in me.

But I believe in our political system and that every voice needs to be heard. I was not the one chosen for my party. Most everyone expected me to support my fellow Republicans. However, I cannot do that in this case. I do not follow party politics. I have my own mind, values, and beliefs, as we all do in America.

More: The race for Erie County executive: Republican Wroblewski is political newcomer

So, I started to reach out to the other top candidates. I received no answer from some. Others, I had already had the opportunity to know. I reached out to Tyler Titus, who won the Democratic nomination in the Erie County Executive race. I, like most people, had a preconceived notion about meeting Tyler from the media coverage and word of mouth. I was completely wrong.

I was very surprised how similar our visions for Erie County are. While we may not agree on every issue, I believe that Tyler Titus is the best candidate in the race for Erie County Executive. Tyler has a bold vision that matches the scale of the problems Erie County faces and has the knowledge and experience with county government to manage it effectively.

I ran my campaign on a platform of enhancing public safety, supporting small businesses, and ensuring a strong recovery from the pandemic. When I spoke to Tyler, I talked about my belief that we need to invest heavily in the small businesses we have and in attracting new ones to get us through the pandemic in a better spot than we started. I talked about the need to support our local fire departments and to make sure we have a tourism industry that brings money into the county. Tyler listened and agreed. Tyler has the same views on taking care of our veterans and the needs they have, as well as defending strong family values and religious freedoms.

More: Democratic Erie County Executive candidate Tyler Titus announces victory in the municipal primary

Ive been a Republican for 27 years, but Ive always believed that we should make our decisions based on the person, not the party. I know that as a proud Republican, I will get pushback for my support of Tyler. That Im going forward with it anyway shows how important I believe this to be.

As a paramedic and volunteer firefighter, I know what it takes to keep Erie County safe. It is not the reckless showboating or arrogance my former opponent, Brenton Davis, continues to display. It is strong, stable leadership. In a moment of great division, the fact that Tyler Titus took the time to meet with a Republican shows that Tyler is not about party politics. Tyler is about what is right for the people of Erie County.

To me, politics should not be about parties or loyalty. It should be about doing whats right to create the community we deserve. I believe Tyler to be a genuine, thoughtful, competent, prepared leader one who listens first, knows what they dont know, fights for whats right, and is ready to lead. I believe Tyler has the heart, mind, and vision to serve as an effective county executive.

I know that a Titus administration will put everyday Erie County families first. We might be from opposite sides of the political aisle, but I am proud to endorse Tyler Titus for Erie County Executive in this Novembers election.

Shawn Wroblewski, of Erie, is a paramedic and holds a master's degree inhomeland security and public health from Penn State. As aRepublican candidate in the Erie County Executive primary, he garnered 8,367 votes. Davis won the nomination with 10,171 votes.

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Erie Voice: Im the Republican who ran against Brenton Davis, now, I'm supporting Tyler Titus -

GOP intern quits in protest of Republican congressman’s comparison of vaccines to the Holocaust – Salon

Kentucky Republican Rep. Thomas Massie was criticized for tweeting a meme showing an image of aperson's wrist tattooed with a concentration camp identification number as a way to oppose coronavirus vaccine mandates.

The tweet was later removed by Twitter or deleted by Massie himself, but screenshots were widely shared by users on Twitter.

An intern in Massie's office later quit, stating on Twitter that the offensive tweet was a red line.

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The tweet seems to follow comments made by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a conspiracy theorist and fierce QAnon supporter, who has previously equated COVID-19 safety measures, like mask mandates, to the treatment of Jews during the Holocaust.

Although Greene later apologized, her remarks led to condemnation across the political spectrum, which included members of her own party. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy openly rejected the Georgia Republican's "appalling" rhetoric in May.

Many further condemned Massie on Twitter:

See the original post here:
GOP intern quits in protest of Republican congressman's comparison of vaccines to the Holocaust - Salon