Archive for the ‘Republican’ Category

The Republican Identity Crisis After Trump – The New Yorker

As Trump has outsourced economic policy to the establishment, he has outsourced social policy to the evangelicals. Years before he launched his Presidential campaign, some instinct led him to create an alliance with the religious wing of the Republican Party. Nearly twenty years ago, he formed a public relationship with Paula White, a popular televangelist who preaches the prosperity Gospel, and who has said that she guided Trump toward active Christianity. Since at least 2011, Trump has been appearing at the American Conservative Unions annual Conservative Political Action Conference, a large gathering of activists from the Party base. In 2016 and 2017, Trump released lists of potential Supreme Court Justices, all of them demonstrably acceptable to both wings of the Republican Party, the evangelicals and the libertarians, and then made appointments only from those lists. (He released a second-term list this year.) He selected Mike Pence, an evangelical Christian who had strong support from the Koch brothers and from other major Republican donors, as his Vice-President. As President, Trump has issued a number of executive orders that evangelicals approve of, such as one that rescinded a provision of the Affordable Care Act which required health-care providers to offer birth control. He actually did what he said hed do, Albert Mohler told me. Its the oddest thing.

Leaders of organizations with strong connections to the Republican base have found themselves being courted by Trump. Norquist may have failed to get Trump to sign his no-tax pledge during the campaign, but he still feels attended to. Id run into him, and hed say, You like my tax cut? You like my tax cut? he said. He flipped on abortion. He came down hard on the Second Amendment. (Trump has said he had a permit to carry a concealed weapon.) Norquist told me that the day after Trump appointed Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court he invited a group of conservatives to the White House, including Norquist, Paula White, and the leaders of the N.R.A., the Federalist Society, and the National Right to Life organization. He said, Grover likes me because I cut taxes. He didnt say, I like Grover. He said, Grover likes me. Usually, you want the President to like you.

Steven Hayward, a well-connected conservative who has written the two-volume history The Age of Reagan, told me, The biggest surprise about Trump is that he has turned out to govern as a conservative, even more than Reagan did. When GeorgeW. Bush withdrew from the Kyoto accords, he sent a letter. When Trump withdrew from the Paris accords, he had a big announcement in the Rose Garden. And he doesnt know Friedrich Hayek from Salma Hayek. He sold outto us!

This is likely to be Trumps last campaign. In talking to dozens of conservatives over the past few months, I didnt find anybody who likes or admires him in any conventional way. The Republican officeholders who opposed his nomination but dont stand up to him are displaying either party loyalty or fear: he remains extraordinarily popular with Republican voters, especially in red states, and he is so vengeful that to displease him is to risk political death. Jeff Sessions experienced this firsthand during his run, earlier this year, for the Republican Senate nomination in Alabama. Sessions had a long, successful history in politics in Alabama and in the Senate, and a record of Trump-like views on immigration. He incurred Trumps wrath when, as Attorney General, he recused himself from any investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election, which led to the appointment of Robert Mueller as the special counsel. For months, Trump relentlessly mocked and attacked Sessions on Twitter before firing him, in November, 2018. This year, he endorsed Sessionss Republican opponent, Tommy Tuberville, a former football coach making his first run for political office. Trump tweeted that Tuberville was a REAL LEADER. Sessions lost the primary.

Senator Lindsey Graham, who during the 2016 primary season declared that Trump was not fit to be President of the United States, quickly became one of his most abject loyalists, expecting that the Presidents support would guarantee his relection to the Senate in 2020. Lindsey was scared of being primaried, a veteran South Carolina Republican consultant told me. Republicans in South Carolina didnt like himbut hes getting cheered by Republicans now. Grahams strategy may have worked with Republicans in his home state, but he is paying a price for it. His Democratic opponent, Jaime Harrison, who has raised more money in one quarter than any previous candidate for the Senate, has drawn close to Graham in some polls.

Donald Trump is far too bizarre to be precisely replicable as a model for the generic Republican of the future. That raises the question of where the Republican Party will go after he leaves office. The jockeying for the 2024 Republican nomination is already well under way. Did Trumps ascension represent a significant change in the Partys orientation, and, if so, will the change be temporary or lasting?

Among the Republicans I spoke to, some of whom will vote for Trump and some of whom wont, there are three competing predictions about the future of the Party over the coming years. Lets call them the Remnant, Restoration, and Reversal scenarios.

Most of the 2016 Republican Presidential candidates accepted the post-2012-autopsy argument that the Party, with its overwhelming lack of appeal to nonwhite voters, was in a demographic death spiral. Trump ran a campaign that seemed designed to appeal only to whitesindeed, only to whites who didnt like nonwhites. That worked well in the Republican primaries, and well enough in the general election for Trump to eke out a victory that would have been impossible without the Electoral College system. He also did slightly better with minority voters than Romney had, though minority turnout was significantly lower than it had been in the two elections when Barack Obama was the Democratic nominee.

Could somebody else use the Trump playbook to win a Presidential election? Those who believe in the Remnant scenario think so. It would require extremely high motivation among Trumps basemainly exurban or rural, actively religious, and not highly educatedalong with a strong appeal to affluent whites, continued modest inroads with minority voters, and a low turnout among Democrats. If a politician were able to tap into the deep antipathy toward lites in the Trump heartland, he could compensate, at least in part, for the demographic decline of white voters. In the years between the elections of 1996 and 2016, the Democratic Party lost its voting majority in about a thousand of the three thousand counties in the United Statesnone in major population centers. Trump carried eighty-four per cent of the counties.

Stalwart Trump fans talk about a looming liberal takeover of all aspects of American life, including religious life, and a domination of the middle of the country by sophisticated, prosperous, snobbish, ruthless people. The ur-text for this viewpoint is The Flight 93 Election, an essay published in the Claremont Review of Books in 2016. Its author, Michael Anton, who worked briefly at the National Security Council in the Trump Administration, has just published a book called The Stakes: America at the Point of No Return, in which he warns that red America might quietlyat first spontaneously, but later perhaps through more explicit cooperationstart to make federal operations on their turf more difficult.

The Remnant strategy entails relentless attacks. It rests on the idea of an outpowered cohort of traditional Americans who see themselves as courageously defending their values. The obvious candidate to carry out a high Trumpist strategy in 2024 would be Donald Trump, Jr., who is an active speaker in Trump-admiring circles and in the past two years has published two books that excoriate liberals. Several other potential Republican candidates, most notably Senators Tom Cotton, of Arkansas, and Josh Hawley, of Missouri, have demonstrated that they see Trumps success as instructive. Between them, Cotton and Hawley have two degrees from Harvard, one from Yale, and one from Stanford, but both have been steadily propounding populist and nationalist themes. The forty-year-old Hawley, who is only two years into his first term and is the youngest member of the Senate, is a relentless Twitter user, frequently targeting China, Silicon Valley, and liberals who are hostile to religion. Like Trump in 2016, he almost never argues for less government, and often calls for programs to help working people. In the summer of 2019, he gave a speech at the National Conservatism Conference denouncing a powerful upper class and their cosmopolitan priorities, which, he implied, had gained control of both parties. There is also Tucker Carlson, of Fox News, who, like Trump in 2016, has no political experience and a large television audience. He offers up ferocious attacks on lites almost nightly. Charles Kesler told me that, no matter who wins, the Claremont Institute, which publishes the Claremont Review of Books, is going to start a Washington branch after the election, to devise Trumpian policies: socially conservative, economically nationalist.

Under the Restoration scenario, if Trump loses, Republicans, as if waking from a bad dream, could recapture their essential identity for the past hundred years as the party of business. They could revive a Reagan-like optimistic rhetoric of freedom and enterprise; resume an internationalist, alliance-oriented foreign policy; and embrace, at least notionally, diversity and immigration. One veteran Republican campaigner with Restorationist leanings says that, if Trump wins, itll blow up the Republican Party. In the 2022 election, well have an epic disastera wipeout of epic proportions. Instead of Trumpism, economic growth with an emphasis on character, and treating the Democrats as opponents and not as the enemy, is a way forward for the Party. Many Never Trumpers would feel comfortable again in a Restorationist Republican Party. Restoration could entail a conventionally positioned Presidential candidate, such as Mike Pence or Mike Pompeo, the Secretary of State, if its possible for them to shake off their close association with Trump. But the most discussed Restorationist candidate is Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina and a former U.N. ambassador. Haley is the child of immigrants from India (one a professor at Voorhees College, a historically Black college, the other a schoolteacher who started a successful business selling clothing and accessories from around the world) and the sister of a military veteran. She achieved the rare feat of serving in the Trump Administration without either going full Trumpist or falling out with the President. She left, evidently on good terms with Trump, shortly after it emerged that she had accepted rides on private planes from businessmen in South Carolina. She was given a starring role at Trumps renomination convention, this past August.

Some Republicans who are vociferously pro-Trump sound, in conversations about the Partys future, more like Restorationists who regard him as a temporary jolt of shock therapy. During the 2016 campaign, Hugh Hewitt, a conservative radio star, hosted Trump on his show sixteen times. He applauds Trumps tax cuts and his increases in the military budget. Hewitt, who was sitting in front of a poster-size photograph of Abraham Lincoln when we spoke over Zoom, told me, Trump introduced a combativeness and aggressiveness on the Republican side. We played by country-club rules. They didnt. Theres a certain roughness to him. He was cruel occasionally. He wakes up ready to fight every day, and you dont need to fight every day. After Trump, the Party will revert to the norm.

Karl Rove, GeorgeW. Bushs chief strategist, also struck a Restorationist note. One of Roves recent projects was a book about William McKinley, the twenty-fifth President. He regards McKinley, who defeated a populist opponent, William Jennings Bryan, in the 1896 Presidential election, as the first modern Republican politician. Rove doesnt see populism, or division, as a winning stance for the Republicans. Biden has the better hand in this election, he told me, meaning that Biden could be runningto use one of Bushs favorite termsas the uniter. But, according to Rove, Biden wont play it. Rove offered up an impromptu speech that he thought Biden should have made about the unrest in Portland: The murder of George Floyd tears at every beating heart in America. But nothing justifies the violence we see on the streets of Portland.

The Reversal scenario, though perhaps the least plausible, is the most threatening to the Democratic Party. The parties would essentially switch the roles they have had for the past century: the Republicans would replace the Democrats as the party of the people, the one with a greater emphasis on progressive economic policies for ordinary families. Some Reversalists have praised Elizabeth Warren; criticizing Wall Street and free trade is pretty much a membership requirement. Michael Podhorzer, who works at the A.F.L.-C.I.O., sent me a chart he had made that showed the vote in congressional districts, ranked by median income, from 1960 to today. For most of that time, districts in the bottom forty per cent of income were far more likely to vote Democratic. But by 2010 the lines had crossedperhaps because of the financial crisis and the Great Recession, perhaps because of the Presidency of Barack Obamaand today poorer districts are far more likely to vote Republican and richer districts are far more likely to vote Democratic. The ten richest congressional districts in the country, and forty-four of the richest fifty, are represented by Democrats. The French economist Thomas Piketty has produced a chart showing that for highly educated voters, who were once mainly Republican, the lines started crossing back in 1968. In 2016, Trump carried non-college-educated whites by thirty-six points, and Hillary Clinton carried college-educated whites by seventeen points. Could Republicans become the working-class party, and Democrats the party of the prosperous? That would bode well for Republicans because, especially in a time of rising inequality, there arent enough prosperous people to make up a reliable voting majority.

The Democratic Party appears confident that it has the abiding loyalty of minority voters at all income and education levels, and that it dominates the metropolitan areas where a growing majority of Americans live. The coming majority-minority, decreasingly rural country will be naturally Democratic over the long term. But there are holes in this argument. Because minorities are younger than whites and are also less likely to be U.S. citizens, the electorate could remain white-majority for decades. Richard Alba, a sociologist who has written a book called The Great Demographic Illusion, which challenges the idea of a rapidly arriving majority-minority America, estimates that in 2060, which is as far into the future as the Census Bureau projects, the electorate will still be fifty-five per cent white. (It was seventy-three per cent white in 2018). And minority votersespecially Latinos, who will be the largest group of minority voters in the 2020 electionmay not remain as loyally Democratic as they have been in recent elections, especially if the Republican Party has a leader who doesnt race-bait. Black and Latino Democratic voters are substantially less likely to identify as liberal than white Democratic voters are. They are also more likely to be actively religious, and to pursue Republican-leaning careers such as military service and law enforcement.

Whats more, the practical definitions of whos white and whos a minority are fluid. During the past hundred years, many Americans who werent originally considered white, including the descendants of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe, were assimilated into whiteness. In the future, others who arent now considered white may do so, too. Latinos have a high intermarriage rateclose to fifty per cent for the college educatedand twenty per cent of U.S.-born Latinos have a non-Hispanic white parent. Latinos are also increasingly likely to live in integrated neighborhoods. Reversalists dream of many Latino voters going Republican because they have become uncomfortable with the prevailing political stance (more liberal on social issues, less liberal on economic issues) among college-educated white Democratic voters. In the 2020 primary season, Bernie Sanders easily defeated Biden in California and Nevada because he did far better among Latino voters, who presumably preferred his farther-left economic program, elements of which the Reversalists would like to appropriate for themselves, without usingthe term socialism.

Black voters are far more loyal to the Democratic Party, and more likely to emphasize racism as a significant problem in their lives, but Trump has made some inroads, especially with younger Black men. Terrance Woodbury, a leading pollster, said, This has been pretty concerning to me. Trump is picking up among young voters of color. He has a thirty-three-per-cent approval rating among Black men under fifty. Since Obama left, Black men have dropped in their Democratic support. Why? What is it? He mentioned the Trump campaigns Super Bowl ad featuring a Black woman whose prison sentence had been commuted by Trump, and a Trump advertising campaign on Facebook, which aired last December and went unanswered by Biden until August, touting the First Step Act, a criminal-justice measure that he signed in 2018. Woodbury went on, I asked a focus group, How could you consider supporting Donald Trump, whos blatantly racist? One young man said, I dont care. Theyre all racist. At least he tells me what he is. Something about the transparency of the vitriol is trust-inducing to them.

The Reversalists believe that the Democrats embrace of market economics, and their establishment of a powerful business wing of the Democratic Party, especially in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street, during the Clinton and Obama Administrations, has left them vulnerable to an attack from a new, socially conservative and economically liberal strain of Republicanism. Reversalists oppose the Republican donor class. Several have abandoned donor-funded libertarian and neoconservative think tanks like Cato and the American Enterprise Institute, disillusioned with the Partys indifference to the concerns of middle-class and working-class voters. Oren Cass, one of the leading Reversalists, has founded an organization called American Compass, which is trying to formulate policies that would appeal to members of the base of both parties. What were talking about is actual conservatism, he told me. What we have called conservatism just outsourced economic policy thinking away from conservatives to a small niche group of libertarians. Culturally, Reversalists present themselves as champions of provincialism, faith, and work, but they aim to promote these things through unusually interventionist (at least for Republicans, and for centrist Democrats since the nineties) economic policies. Steven Hayward, who calls himself a reluctant Trump supporter, said, Its amazing to me the number of conservatives who are talking about, essentially, Walter Mondales industrial policy from 1984. The right and the left suddenly agree. Reagan was very popular with younger voters. Younger people then had come of age seeing government failure. Now young people have come of age seeing market failure.

It can be a little surreal talking to Reversalistsare you at a seminar at the high-theory, market-skeptical Institut fr die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, in Vienna, or with a group of Republican Party strategists? People in this camp talk about the failures of neoliberalism, financialization, and market fundamentalism, and condemn zombie Reaganism. A manifesto of the Reversalists, and of young conservatives generally, is the 2018 book Why Liberalism Failed, by Patrick Deneen, a political-science professor at Notre Dame, which carries a back-cover endorsement from Barack Obama and extolls such writers as RobertB. Reich, Wendell Berry, Christopher Lasch, and Robert Putnam, none of whom is considered conservative.

The favored Presidential candidate for 2024 among the Reversalists is Senator Marco Rubio, of Florida, one of the promising Republicans whom Trump vanquished in 2016. In 2018, Rubio hired Mike Needham, a former employee of an organization affiliated with the Heritage Foundation who had converted to Reversalism, as his chief of staff. Needham is on the board of American Compass. Rubio has recently been making speeches that call for common-good capitalism, which would entail a strong government role in managing the economy and would attempt to attract religious and minority voters. Rubio has also been strongly critical of China, so much so that he has been banned from traveling there. This has the potential of alienating the business wing of the Party, which regards China as an important trading partner. Rubio gave a speech last year accusing policy lites across the political spectrum of ignoring the growing threat that China represents. Nikki Haley recently gave a speech that didnt name Rubio but clearly had him in mind as one of a new species of Republican critics of capitalism, who differ from the socialists only in degree.

When I spoke with Rubio a few weeks ago, I asked him to explain what he meant by common-good capitalism. It begins with the understanding that the market is a means to an end, not the end itself, he said. The purpose of the economy is to serve people. Its possible to have an economy thats performing well in the macro sense, but its benefits are distributed in a way that do not benefit the common good. Rubio told me that this position came together when he was running for President, as he visited communities outside Florida which were less vibrant than they had been a generation ago, and were now hollowed out. We thought people would be out of work when the factory leaves, but a new job would replace the old one, he said. But, he went on, it doesnt work that way in real life. What ends up happening is that additional job isnt created. And the people who are left without a job arent going to be able to make that transition. Interacting with that, hearing those storiesits something you have to grapple with.

I asked him what could be done. Its tough, he said. We have a twenty-five-year orthodoxy in the Republican Party centered around market fundamentalism. Sometimes the most efficient outcome isnt the best one for the country. Right now, we live in a very binary age, where youre either one thing or youre the other. Some people want to call it socialismwhich I abhor. Or, if it isnt socialism, the other side wants to call it market fundamentalism. America needs to take a hard look at its future. Trump, he said, has certainly revealed these fracture points. His election caused everybody to go back and ask, Why? Why did people who were not part of the Republican Party decide to vote for him? He said that the next step was to build the intellectual base for this kind of work: This is not a four-year project. This is a generational goal. And it could lead to a new political coalition.

What would the new coalition be? For the past twenty years, Rubio said, the left has argued that coalitions tend to form around race, gender, and ethnicity: I lived in a minority community. I dont think wed wake up in the morning and the first thing wed realize is Im a Hispanic. The first thing that comes to mind for people every single day is not your ethnicity, its the fact that youre a husband or a wife, a father or a mother, an employee, a volunteer or a coachsomebody who has a role to play. He continued, They want to have a job that allows them to have children, to raise that family in a safe neighborhood, with a house thats safe, that the kids get to go to school, and that, when the time comes, lets them retire. You can find that identity in every community in America.

He said he recoiled a bit at the tendency to judge the well-being of the economy by how the stock market is performing. For the past six months, the stock market has had some really good daysand that in no way aligns with what everybody else in the country is going through. It is possible to have a roaring stock market, and you have millions of people who arent just unemployed, they may be permanently unemployed. He talked about the inevitable disruptions caused by technological change: And then it takes policy a decade, two decades, to adjust. In the interim, theres resentment, anger, displacementall sorts of social consequences. We are now seeing another wave of technological advancement, combined with globalization, accelerated by the pandemic. Its going to produce new coalitions that dont look like the ones were used to.

Many Democrats will surely see this vision of the future of the Republican Party as fanciful. Isnt the Party controlled by ferociously right-wing billionaires? Arent Republican-base voters irredeemable white supremacists who have been bamboozled by Fox News and televangelists? But the Democrats coalition is no less unnatural than the Republicans. A political system with only two parties produces parties with internal contradictions. The five most valuable corporations in America are all West Coast tech companiesenemy territory, in todays Republican rhetoric. The head of the countrys biggest bank, Jamie Dimon, of JPMorgan Chase, is a Democrat and a Trump critic. There was a stir in Republican circles in 2018, when a conservative journalist eavesdropped, on an Amtrak train, on a long phone conversation that Representative Jerry Nadler, of the Upper West Side, was having. Nadler complained that Democrats were attracting voters who were like the old Rockefeller Republicansliberal on social issues, conservative on economics. Thats who lives in a lot of the wealthy older suburbsformerly Republican areas that are now Democratic. And the Democrats minority voters differ enough on measures such as income, education, ideology, and religion that some of them could potentially be tempted to join a Republican Party that wasnt headed by Trump.

Trump has already changed the Republican Party. Its most hawkish elementhawkish in the Iraq War sensehas gone underground, if it still exists. The same goes for publicly stated Republican skepticism about Social Security and Medicare. One must be hostile to China, and skeptical, to some degree, of free trade. Especially since the arrival of the pandemic, its hard to find a true libertarian in the Partyat least among those who have to run for office. In the future, according to Donald Critchlow, a historian of conservatism who teaches at Arizona State University, the advantage would go to a candidate who is Trump without the Trump caricature. An old-fashioned Chamber of Commerce candidate would not do well. Were in a new situation, in both parties. Everythings up for grabs. A senior Republican staffer who has Reversalist sympathies says, Trump isnt good at a twenty-first-century policy agenda, but that work can go on without him. If he loses, well have a massive argument in the Republican Party. Some will say, Hes a black swan. To me, the lesson is: he correctly diagnosed what was going on. Lets apply that to conservative economic policy.To me, whats up for grabs is the working-class vote. Not just working-class whiteworking-class. Does what the President tapped into have to be racial? Can it be about what neoliberalism has done to the country?

Trumps genius is to command attention, including the attention of people who dislike him. That makes it tempting to think that, when hes gone, everything he stands for will go with him. It probably wont; elements of Trumpism will likely be with us for a long time. Which elements, taking what form, in the possession of which party? Such questions will be just as pressing after Trump as they are now.

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The Republican Identity Crisis After Trump - The New Yorker

Texas Republicans, Democrats battle for control of House in 2020 election – The Texas Tribune

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When Democrat Brandy Chambers read in The Dallas Morning News last month that her opponent, state Rep. Angie Chen Button, R-Richardson, now supports Medicaid expansion, Chambers could not believe it.

Shocked would be a good word, Chambers recalled in an interview.

Button and other Texas Republicans have long resisted expanding Medicaid, the state-federal health insurance program, even though Texas has the countrys highest uninsured rate. But Button said she now sees the need for expanding the program due to the coronavirus pandemic, which has left many Texans jobless and without health insurance.

Button is not the only Republican lawmaker raising eyebrows about seemingly new policy positions now that the partys majority in the Texas House is on the line. Another endangered incumbent, Rep. Jeff Leach, R-Plano, recently expressed regret for supporting the divisive bathroom bill that sought to limit public restroom access for transgender people and headlined the 2017 legislative year without ever becoming law.

That legislation, along with Medicaid expansion, is among a litany of issues that are cropping up in the final weeks of the Nov. 3 election that will decide the balance of power in the Legislatures lower chamber. The stakes are high, with the battle unfolding ahead of the 2021 redistricting process during which lawmakers will draw new political boundaries for the state.

Democrats are nine seats away from the majority after picking up 12 seats in 2018, some of which Republicans are serious about winning back. But in many cases, Republican lawmakers who have held the House majority since the 2003 session are facing the first truly competitive general elections of their lives and being forced to answer for votes in a way they have never had to before.

Take for example the Legislatures massive cuts to public education in 2011, which Democrats are using to try to undercut the GOPs renewed focus on school funding during the most recent session.

That was 10 years ago, and over the last four sessions since, weve steadily increased public education funding, Rep. Sarah Davis, R-Houston, said in a recent interview, playing down the issue.

While Democrats press Republicans over health care and public education, the GOP is hoping to portray their Democratic opponents as too liberal and beholden to national Democrats, seeking to put them on defense over issues including police funding and taxes.

For example, as Rep. Brad Buckley, R-Killeen, fights for reelection, he is airing a TV ad that claims the policies of his Democratic opponent, Keke Williams, would threaten Texas economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

Its no surprise Keke Williams doesnt fight for us, a narrator says. Williams is bankrolled by out-of-state liberal extremists.

National Democratic super PAC Forward Majority is spending over $12 million in the state House fight this fall, and health care is its top issue. The Democrats dominant focus on health care mirrors the strategy they led with to help flip the U.S. House in 2018 and are relying on again this year to pad their ranks, especially in Texas.

Forward Majority is flooding state House districts with ads tying Republicans on the ballot to their partys yearslong push to repeal the Affordable Care Act and with it, its protections for people with preexisting conditions. The U.S. Supreme Court is slated to hear a Texas-led challenge to the federal health care law Nov. 10.

Forward Majoritys ads accuse GOP lawmakers of doing the bidding of insurance and drug companies when it comes to health care. And who suffers? a narrator asks. Patients with preexisting conditions like heart disease or cancer, denied coverage.

Republicans are pushing back by pointing to their passage of Senate Bill 1940 last session. If Obamacare went away, that law would allow the Texas Department of Insurance to take initial steps to temporarily bring back the high-risk insurance pool that the Legislature abolished in 2013. That option provided high-priced coverage to Texans with preexisting conditions who could not find it elsewhere, and by the time it was ended, it covered a small number of Texans 23,000.

One health-care expert Stacey Pogue, senior policy analyst at the left-leaning Every Texan think tank in Austin said the law is a wholly inadequate substitute for the Affordable Care Act.

It does nothing, Pogue said. Its perplexing that anybody would point to that as an achievement.

The dominant issue Republicans are using to criticize Democrats is law enforcement, with GOP candidates touting their support for police and seeking to tie their Democratic opponents to the defund the police movement. The term means different things to different people, but among some activists protesting police brutality, the movement aims to redirect some funds from police budgets to social services.

Abbott has done his part to make support for law enforcement the central issue of the general election for Republicans, asking candidates to sign a pledge against defunding the police and releasing multiple legislative proposals to punish local governments who cut police budgets.

While no Democrat running in a battleground district is known to have explicitly embraced the idea, Republicans are working to portray their opponents as being anti-law enforcement. A prime example is House District 67, where Leach, the incumbent Plano Republican, is airing a TV ad that labels his Democratic rival, Lorenzo Sanchez, an anti-police zealot.

The attack is based on anti-police Facebook posts from a Sanchez campaign staffer, including one calling police a terrorist organization, as well as a June campaign event where Sanchez said he agreed after a speaker advocated for taking guns away from police.

When the issues first came up earlier this fall, Sanchez issued a statement that did not directly address them but said he does not support defunding police. As for the staffers comments, The Dallas Morning News editorial board reported that Sanchez told them that he cant be responsible for everything anyone associated with his campaign says. And in a story published last week by the Plano Star Courier, Sanchez said he believes in deadly force as a last resort but that it would be foolish to de-arm cops.

In other contests, the police-related attacks appear to have less of a basis. Rep. Steve Allison, R-San Antonio, is airing a TV ad in which he says, I stand with our police; my opponent wants to defund them. But the Tribune could not find any evidence of his opponent, Celina Montoya, expressing such support, and Allisons campaign has not provided any backup.

I think that theres absolutely, without question, room for us to have some criminal justice reform, but none of us are calling to, you know, abolish the police or anything of that sort. Its silliness, Akilah Bacy, the Democrat running against Republican Lacey Hull for an open Houston seat, said during a Texas Tribune event Friday.

Some Republican candidates are acknowledging they also have to say what they support when it comes to police reform. Justin Berry, an Austin police officer challenging Rep. Vikki Goodwin, D-Austin, is broadcasting a TV ad where he calls for "de-escalation training and body cameras for all officers. Those ideas also appear in a commercial from Jacey Jetton, the GOP nominee for an open seat in Fort Bend County. Jettons spot additionally advocates for ensuring our police look more like the communities they serve.

Republicans are also trying to put Democrats on defense on fiscal issues, claiming the partys candidates would support higher taxes and even a state income tax. In most cases, that claim appears to be based on Democratic opposition to Proposition 4, the 2019 constitutional amendment that made it harder than ever for Texas to institute a state income tax. Critics called the proposition a political stunt that could hamstring future generations when the Texas economy is not doing as well.

While Democrats insist that opposing the proposition does not equate to supporting a state income tax, Republicans say the optics are tough for Democrats.

Thats a very painful position, said Dave Carney, the governors top political adviser.

Abbotts campaign conducted a statewide survey in August and settled on taxes as one of the four most effective lines of attack against Democrats in battleground House contests.

In one race where the issue has flared up, Elizabeth Beck, the Democratic nominee against Rep. Craig Goldman, R-Fort Worth, is asking TV stations to take down an ad hes airing that attacks her on taxes, saying it contains blatant lies. Among other things, the commercial claims she supports a statewide income tax, citing a 2019 tweet from her urging followers to vote against Proposition 4.

The ad also seizes on an October event where she talked about creating new streams of revenue New revenue means new taxes, a narrator says though it leaves out part of the event where she clarifies that she would not be in favor of raising taxes or creating a state income tax.

Gun violence is also factoring into some races, mainly at the behest of Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, the national gun control group. It announced last month that it would spend $2.2 million on digital ads and direct mail across 12 districts, seeking to elect a gun sense majority to the Texas House.

Everytowns ads invoke the 2019 El Paso Walmart shooting in which a gunman killed 23 people and injured 23 others while targeting Hispanic Texans to criticize Texas Republicans for inaction on universal background checks. One spot says the coronavirus pandemic is not the only public health crisis facing Texas families.

A few Democratic challengers are bringing up gun issues on their own. In one of Democrats best pickup opportunities, Joanna Cattanach is running a TV spot against Rep. Morgan Meyer, R-Dallas, that says he has stuck to the far rights agenda voting to allow guns in schools. The commercial cites Meyers vote for House Bill 1387, the 2019 law that lifted the cap on the number of school marshals who could be armed on public school campuses.

Public education has also been an issue thats come up in a number of competitive races, with Republicans highlighting an $11.6 billion school finance reform bill the Legislature passed in 2019.

In Tarrant County, Rep. Tony Tinderholt, R-Arlington, has aired a TV ad casting himself as a lawmaker "on a new mission to improve Texas schools."

Tinderholt, a member of the hardline conservative Texas House Freedom Caucus, voted for the legislation, which was championed by GOP state leaders and received bipartisan support. But his ad is notable it marks yet another push by Republicans to bolster their credentials and track records at the Legislature on public education. Tinderholt faces a challenge from Democrat Alisa Simmons.

Democrats facing competitive reelection bids are also trying to capitalize on the school finance bill from last year. In Williamson County, Rep. James Talarico, a Round Rock Democrat, recently released a TV ad titled A teacher in the House. The ad highlights his experience as a teacher and how that helped him work across the aisle to pass historic school reform in 2019. Talarico faces a challenge from Republican Lucio Valdez.

Candidate-specific issues have, of course, also emerged in certain races. In the open race for House District 96 in Tarrant County, the national Democratic group Forward Majority has criticized the Republican in the race, David Cook, for overseeing an attempt while serving as Mansfield mayor in 2016 to fund an indoor ice rink using a $1.8 million contribution from Mansfield schools.

The Mansfield City Council ultimately reversed course and decided against asking Mansfield ISD to be a funding partner after school district taxpayers pushed back on it, Cook told The Dallas Morning News in September. But Forward Majority still seized on the issue, saying in an ad it aired for the race that Democrat Joe Drago will "put kids ahead of politicians wasteful pet projects."

In another Dallas-area race, Linda Koop, a Republican running for the seat she lost last cycle to Democratic Rep. Ana-Maria Ramos, recently aired an ad knocking Ramos over her lone vote against a bill in 2019 to legalize childrens lemonade stands. Ramos, for her part, has argued that she voted against the legislation because it takes away local control and is about public safety."

Its unclear whether any of the issues that have emerged in some of the most competitive races will end up getting much play at the Legislature when it convenes for its regular session in January.

On top of questions over how exactly the Capitol will operate in the era of the pandemic, the uncertainty over which party will control the House is looming over what issues lawmakers could debate.

Matt Mackowiak, a GOP strategist and chair of the Travis County Republican Party, said the legislative session will likely be consumed by grappling with the billions of dollars in shortfalls facing the state budget and responding to the pandemic, among other issues.

The 2021 legislative session is going to be a very difficult one, he said, and its hard to predict which direction things will go until we see the makeup of the Texas House and learn who the new Speaker will be."

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See the article here:
Texas Republicans, Democrats battle for control of House in 2020 election - The Texas Tribune

Some Republicans Are Abandoning the Trump Ship – The New York Times

To the Editor:

Re Fearing a Rout on Capitol Hill, Republicans Start to Break Ranks With the President (news article, Oct. 17):

In a pathetic display of leaping off a sinking ship, some Republican senators are finding their dissenting voice. With the election near, the realization that their seat may be in danger has caused them to speak out in rebellion against their leader.

They are trying to save themselves and have shown their real two-faced approach to President Trump. After looking aside and winking at his mind-boggling tweets, statements, policies, lies and devastating failure to exhibit leadership in the face of Covid-19, they have found religion.

Too little, too late.

Harvey GlassmanBoynton Beach, Fla.

To the Editor:

Im sorry, but talk is cheap. What counts is the action one takes when confronted with an ethical choice. Virtually all these senators have voted to support President Trump throughout his corrupt, cruel and demeaning presidency. Only one, Senator Mitt Romney, showed the courage to convict Mr. Trump after he was impeached. Other Republicans have criticized the president only when they have decided to leave the administration or, in the case of elected officials, chosen not to run for re-election.

History will not be kind to these sycophants and enablers. In the meantime, the G.O.P. deserves the shellacking it is likely to face on Nov. 3.

Amy S. RichOrange, Conn.

To the Editor:

Often when I discuss the political situation with my Republican friends, their response to my criticism of President Trump is to admit that he has many faults, but that his policies are aligned with their conservative values. They point to his tax cuts, his reduction of anti-business regulations, his support of the military, his success in changing the courts and, of course, the economy.

But do they really support his other policies and actions? Do they applaud his trying to eliminate Obamacare, his gutting regulations that protect our environment, his withdrawing from our global relationships related to climate change, health and weapons reduction? Do they really admire him for building up our deficit to record levels, for his relentless fight to scrap DACA, for his bizarre relationships with North Korean, Turkish and Russian strongmen, not to mention the white supremacy crowd?

Do they like his cabinet member choices, his decisions about whom to pardon or commute their sentences? Do they really think he has done a great or even an OK job managing the pandemic? How about his constant efforts to restrict voting?

Bottom line: Will my Republican friends actually vote for Mr. Trump to lead this nation for another four years? I hope not.

Harding Bancroft Jr.Sharon, Conn.

To the Editor:

Re Meet a Secret Trump Voter (column, Sept. 29):

Bret Stephens introduces us to Chris, whom he presents as a surprising Trump voter because she is an educated gay woman from Manhattan who is not a lifelong Republican. What his profile reveals of her, though, is that she cares very much about her retirement account, she is suspicious of the media, and she doesnt like the homeless people living near her.

I saw no evidence that she gives any thought to the suffering that Donald Trump and his administration have inflicted on this country. She seems to me like a perfectly natural supporter of this president.

Barth LandorChicago

Go here to see the original:
Some Republicans Are Abandoning the Trump Ship - The New York Times

QAnon Is Becoming a Republican Dog Whistle – The Nation

Representative Ann Wagner of Missouri has not embraced QAnon, but is claiming that her Democratic opponent has displayed a disturbing pattern of putting sex offenders over our safety. (Bill Clark / CQ Roll Call via AP Images)

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QAnon may be losing some of its online platformsbut the conspiracy theory is increasingly being enabled by the Republican Party.Ad Policy

This week, TikTok became the latest app to clamp down on QAnon, announcing a ban on content and accounts that promote the conspiracy theory. QAnon, which began in 2017 with an anonymous post on the Internet forum 4Chan by someone identifying themselves as Q and claiming to have a high-level government security clearance, revolves around the delusion that Democratic Party operatives, Hollywood stars, and members of the deep state are running a satanic child trafficking ring, and that President Trump is working to stop them. The ranks of QAnon adherents have grown remarkably this year, spreading misinformation online and inspiring real-world violence. TikToks action follows similar attempts by YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to slow the spread of Q-related disinformation.

But QAnon has already morphed from an online community of amateur detectives to a budding political movement, encompassing a mess of other conspiracist beliefs. Interest in QAnon has ballooned since the beginning of the pandemic and related economic shutdowns, when suddenly many people had nowhere to go but the Internet. Between March and July membership in 10 large QAnon Facebook groups grew by nearly 600 percent. During the same period, according to a Pew survey, the number of Americans who had heard or read a lot or a little about QAnon doubled from 23 percent to 47 percent; 41 percent of Republicans who had heard about QAnon said they thought it was somewhat or very good for the country. According to another recent poll, a majority of Republicans believe the conspiracy theory about deep state elites is at least partly true.

More than two dozen candidates who have endorsed QAnon or promoted QAnon content are vying for seats in Congress, according to Media Matters, almost all of them Republicans. Not all of these candidates are serious contenders. In Oregon, for instance, Jo Rae Perkins, who shared a video of a QAnon-related meme in which she took an oath to be digital soldier, is sure to lose her bid for Jeff Merkleys Senate seat. But at least one of these candidates is all but sure to win: Marjorie Taylor Greene, running in Georgias 14th Congressional District. Theres a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take this global cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles out, and I think we have the president to do it, Greene said in a 2017 video, uploaded to YouTube this summer.Related Article

Misinformation about a vast child trafficking network has spread far beyond the bounds of explicit QAnon communities, circulating among Instagram influencers, yogis, and anti-vaxxers, often without explicit reference to Q. The fixation on pedophilia has also seeped into political campaigns even where candidates dont openly support the conspiracy theory. In September, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spent $250,000 on an attack ad against Democratic Representative Tom Malinowski, who represents a swing district in New Jersey, that opens with an ominous warning: In every city, in every neighborhood, around every corner, sex offenders are living among us. The ad goes on to claim that Malinowski tried to make it easier for predators to hide in the shadows and chose sex offenders over your family. It alleges that Malinowski worked as the top lobbyist for a radical group that strongly opposed the National Sex Offender Registry, referring to Human Rights Watch, where Malinowski was Washington director before serving as assistant secretary of state for democracy and human rights during President Obamas second term. In reality, neither Malinowski nor HRW opposed the existence of the registry. The deceptive thread that the NRCC is pulling on is a letter written 14 years ago by one of Malinowskis then-colleagues at HRW raising concerns about a crime bill that, among other things, required people convicted of sex crimes to remain on the sex offender registry for the rest of their lives, long after completing their criminal sentence.

Malinowski has described the ad as an effort by the Republican Party to align their message with the paranoia that QAnon is promoting, without directly endorsing the conspiracy theory. Malinowski was one of the co-authors of a House resolution condemning QAnon, which 17 Republicans and one independent voted against. In September, Malinowski received death threats after Q posted information about him on a message board, including an NRCC press release that, echoing the attack ad, falsely claimed that he lobbied to protect sexual predators.

Similar attacks have come up in other congressional races. In a suburban district in St Louis, Mo., Republican Representative Ann Wagner accused her challenger, Jill Schupp, of displaying a disturbing pattern of putting sex offenders over our safety. In Floridas 16th congressional district, the NRCC attacked the Democratic candidate, state Senator Margaret Good, for voting against a 2019 ban on childlike sex dolls. (Good said it was an accident.) In Michigan, the NRCC has described Democratic candidate Jon Hoadley as a pedo sex poet based upon a twisted and out-of-context interpretation of a satirical 2004 blog post.Current Issue

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Republicans in state-level races are also deploying QAnon-style messaging. In Oregon, Republican state Representative Cheri Helt aired a TV ad and sent mailers accusing her opponent, a local prosecutor named Jason Kropf, of fail[ing] to protect victims of human trafficking. The ads dont present any actual evidence of such a failure on Kropfs part, but rather refer to comments made last year by his boss, Deschutes County District Attorney John Hummel, who described trafficking as not happening in the area. Helt has rejected the comparison between her campaign ads and QAnon, describing the conspiracy theory as a bizarre fantasy.

Sex abuse conspiracies arent new, and these political campaigns arent the first to weaponize trafficking or soft on crime messaging. Still, its notable that Republican campaigns are going to such great, tortured lengths to tie Democrats to trafficking this year. QAnon leveraged the visceral horror of child sex abuse to reach new followers, to the extent that some of the people parroting QAnon talking points about trafficking dont necessarily think of themselves as subscribers to the conspiracy theory. The GOP, in turn, is winking and nodding at this new, active constituency, while trying to maintain some plausible deniability. QAnons online infrastructureits YouTube channels, Facebook groups, and hashtagscan be useful to Republicans, even as they try to sidestep the movements most unsavory aspects.

Trump, for his part, is barely even trying to sidestep. Last week, in an interview with NBCs Savanah Guthrie, he refused to disavow QAnon, claiming to know nothing about it. Then he offered this information, giving the movement a rosy gloss: I do know they are very much against pedophilia. They fight it very hard, said Trump, who has been credibly accused of sexual assault by at least 25 women. At the Republican National Convention in August, Trump boasted of [taking] down human traffickers who prey on women and children. Later that month, the media reported that a joint effort by federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies had broken up a massive child trafficking ring in Georgia, an intervention that conservatives and Q-linked accounts credited to Trump. However, an investigation by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution revealed that the operation involved several unrelated cases of missing children, only some of them related to trafficking or sex crimes, and that federal authorities created a false perception of having busted a major criminal enterprise. On October 20, the Department of Homeland Security announced the creation of a Center for Countering Human Trafficking.

Its hard to say how much misinformation about child trafficking will affect the outcome of individual races in a political landscape already largely defined as a referendum on Trump. QAnon has been spreading quickly among evangelical Christians, a constituency loyal to the president. But the movements soft front focus on child abuse (the vast majority of which actually occurs within a home or family, rather than as a result of trafficking) has also helped it find a foothold with white and suburban women, who were a crucial voting bloc for Trump in 2016. Moms groups on Facebook have amplified QAnon messaging, as have health and wellness communities and Instagram influencers. Polls suggest that white womens support for Trump is eroding, but its possible that for at least some of these voters misinformation about trafficking could be gateway drug, as Slate suggests, to Trump support. Spanish-speaking voters in Florida and other critical swing states are also being bombarded with conspiratorial misinformation on Facebook and WhatsApp, and from radio radio stations and websites created to look like news outlets. Its difficult to measure the effect exactly, but the polling sort of shows it and in focus groups it shows up, with people deeply questioning the Democrats, and referring to the deep state in particular, Eduardo Gamarra, a pollster and director of the Latino Public Opinion Forum at Florida International University told Politico.

Beyond its influence in individual campaigns, QAnon is contributing to a broader conspiratorial din surrounding the election. Trump has already warned that the election is rigged and might be stolen from him. Misinformation about voter fraud and mail-in ballots is rampant. All of this is converging in a meta-narrative of a deep-state coupa story that, if not explicitly embraced by Republican leaders, might still be useful to them in the event of a contested election.

Read the original:
QAnon Is Becoming a Republican Dog Whistle - The Nation

4 questions on the election, its aftermath, Trump and Biden for Pa. Republican Tom Ridge – USA TODAY

Erie native Tom Ridge, a Republican who is a former secretary of Homeland Security, Pennsylvania governor and U.S. Representative, said he will support Joe Biden for president.(Photo: CHRISTOPHER MILLETTE FILE PHOTO/ERIE TIMES-NEWS)

WASHINGTON Tom Ridge, a decorated Vietnam veteran, Republican congressman and two-time governor of Pennsylvania, becamethe first secretary of the Department of Homeland Security in 2003 underGeorge W. Bush. Ridgehas joined a group that has grown to more than 600 national security officials, including more than 20 four-star officers, to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden for president.

Federal, state and local law enforcement officials are preparing for possible clashes at polling places, violence and larger demonstrations similar to social justice protests that spilled into the streets of dozens of American cities. President Donald Trump has castdoubt on the legitimacy of the vote andrefusedto commit to a peaceful transfer of power, leading members of Congress and election experts to worry about violence after election day.

Ridge, 75,talked about his concerns regarding the election and the presidential candidatesin an interview with USA TODAY. The questions and answers have been condensed.

A: "I find unseemly, unworthy and unconscionable for an incumbent president to claim to know the heart and mindof Americans and to proclaim months before November 3, that he was going to win.And the only way that he couldn't win was through massivefraud. I never thought I must tell you, from the day I was a soldier in the '60s to the present day never thought that I'd see an American president try to undermine the most fundamental institution in our democracy. And that's our vote. That's the legitimacy of our elections."

"I am hopeful and prayerful that Americans will let the votes be counted so that we can let America's collective voice be heard. It'sno secret that there are a lot of patriotswho are concerned that his rhetoric and subtle encouragement could lead to spasms of violence in a post-election environment. It's interesting for a man who claims to be so supportive of law enforcement to also potentially create an environment where law enforcement lives in jeopardy because of violent protests. Again, it's inconsistent, inconceivable, but not surprising."

"It's just that litany of objections and concerns I have about the rule of law, about the Constitution, about his push back against the institution, about his preference for his own abilities, as opposed to the military, as opposed to the intelligence community. The list is almost endless. When he's decided that he's the smartest person in the room, regardless ofissues, including dealing with the coronavirus and ignoring the expertise brought to him by literally hundreds, if not thousands, of public health officials. So it's troubling to turn the reins of a country, the leadership of a country, to an individual who refuses to accept the guidance and counsel of experts across the board, when it doesn't suit his purpose."

"Vice President Biden hascertain personal qualities that I would like to see in my president: empathy, humanity, civility, character. They're moreimportant to me before I worry or tax policy."

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4 questions on the election, its aftermath, Trump and Biden for Pa. Republican Tom Ridge - USA TODAY