Archive for the ‘Republican’ Category

GOP ex-congressman calls on Justice Roberts to override Republican effort to block witnesses – Raw Story

In a column for the New York Times, former acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal, former Rep. Mickey Edwards (R-OK) and Georgetown law professor Joshua A. Geltzer urged Supreme Court Justice John Roberts to intercede and demand Senate Republicans allow witnesses in light of the latest John Bolton bombshell.

Following a New Times report that stated President Trump directly tied the withholding of almost $400 million in American security aid to investigations that he sought from Ukrainian officials,according to an unpublished manuscriptof a book that John R. Bolton, Mr. Trumps former national security adviser, wrote about his time in the White House, the three took to the Times editorial page to implore Roberts to step in.

TheSenate rules for impeachmentdate back to 1868 and have been in effect since that time. They specifically provide for the subpoenas of witnesses, going so far in Rule XXIV as to outline the specific language a subpoena must use the form of subpoena to be issued on the application of the managers of the impeachment, or of the party impeached, or of his counsel,' the three wrote. As you can see, there is no Senate vote requirement whatsoever in the subpoena rule. A manager can seek it on his own.

Quoting the rules, they added, The presiding officer shall have power to make and issue, by himself or by the Secretary of the Senate,all orders, mandates, writs, and precepts authorized by these rules, or by the Senate, and to make and enforce such other regulations and orders in the premises as the Senate may authorize or provide. The presiding officer, under our Constitution, is the chief justice. As such, the chief justice, as presiding officer, has the power to make and issue, by himself, subpoenas.

With that in mind, they claimed that the door is open for Roberts to jump in by stating, The framers wisdom in giving this responsibility to a member of the judiciary expected to be apolitical and impartial has never been clearer.

With key Republican senators having told the American people that they prejudged the case against President Trump before it began and even working with Mr. Trumps lawyers to build the very defense for which theyre supposed to be the audience, the notion that theyre doing the impartial justice theyve sworn to do is very much in question, they reminded the Supreme Court jurist.

Mr. McConnells rules separately say that the Senate shall debate whether it shall be in order to consider and debate under the impeachment rules any motion to subpoena witnesses or documents. they continued. That language cannot restrict Rule Vs pre-existing empowerment of the chief justice to issue subpoenas. To amend Rule Vrequires a two-thirds vote of the Senate, something Mr. McConnell didnt get. That is presumably why the rules speak only to whether theSenateshould subpoena witnesses or documents but do not restrict the chief justices ability to issue subpoenas under his Rule V authority. And thats precisely what the Democrats must ask him to do now.

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GOP ex-congressman calls on Justice Roberts to override Republican effort to block witnesses - Raw Story

Former Republicans reveal why they fled the GOP in wake of Trumps latest coverup – AlterNet

Leaked contents from former national security adviser John Boltons upcoming book sent shock waves through Washington, D.C. on Sunday and raised the possibility that Senate Republicans will be seen as engaging in a blatant coverup if they dont agree to have him testify.

In the wake of the Bolton bombshell, several former Republicans took to Twitter to explain why they left the party by using the hashtag #ILeftTheGOP.

Among the former Republicans to tell their stories is economist Bruce Bartlett, who left the GOP 14 years ago and who says the party has only gotten worse ever since.

#ILeftTheGOP in 2006 because I was appalled by George W. Bushs stupidity and voted in the Democratic primary that year to mark the occasion, he writes. I have been happily independent since then.

#ILeftTheGOP in 2006 because I was appalled by George W. Bushs stupidity and voted in the Democratic primary that year to mark the occasion. I have been happily independent since then.

Bruce Bartlett (@BruceBartlett) January 27, 2020

Bartlett was far from the only Republican to post their stories check out some more below.

#ILeftTheGOP in May 2016, after 30+ years, and Im NEVER going back! It was like leaving an abusive spouse and the divorce was messy AF.

cc: @deaconcruise @jamient1776 @TexasBeard1

JB Je Suis #NeverTrump #HumanScum (@JaybeeStewee) January 27, 2020

#ILeftTheGOP after Trump became the Nominee. Reminding GOP senators theyve lost a lot of moderates these past 4 years.

Holly Tetreault (@hjeantetreault) January 27, 2020

Raised in a republican by default home, I followed suit but #ilefttheGOP during the Dubya / WMD days.

Bucky Cash (@buckycash) January 27, 2020

#ILeftTheGOP in 2008, when 20 to 30 eighteen to twenty-five-year-olds were dying every week in Iraq. They ran their names, ranks, and ages every Sunday on ABC. Who knows how many Iraquis died, some bad guys and some lovely, everyday people. I dont know. It sucked.

Bob (@Bob51235923) January 27, 2020

#ILeftTheGOP the day I watched our spineless party leaders stand by while Trump rode a wave of populist lies and crass bullshit to the candidacy.

In 18, I voted Dem for the very first time.

In 20, its Blue No Matter Who.

I dont see that changing for the rest of my life.

HarryM (@Ch3002May) January 27, 2020

#ILefttheGOP right after Trump sewed up nomination by winning Indiana. I had voted for every GOP Prez candidate Ford to Romney. My father was the last Majority Leader of the NY Assembly. Local issues played a part too. This free trader globalist cant ever imagine going back.

John Kingston (@JohnHKingston) January 27, 2020

#ILeftTheGOP in July 2016 when the party went Trumplican.

Nancy Estes (@AmBeachy) January 27, 2020

#ILeftTheGOP mentally in July 2016 when it became unbelievably clear that Trump was going to get the nomination. I voted for @HillaryClinton and officially re-registered as an Independent in Sept 2017 when my drivers license came up for renewal. I will never vote @GOP again.

Kylie Heintz (@kmheintz) January 27, 2020

#ILeftTheGOP in March 2017 after the outrageous wiretap tweet from Mar-A-Lago

Used To Be GOP (@Used_To_Be_GOP) January 27, 2020

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Read the rest here:
Former Republicans reveal why they fled the GOP in wake of Trumps latest coverup - AlterNet

Republican Women Are in Crisis – The New York Times

Suburban and college-educated white women, once reliable Republican voters, have fled the party in droves since Mr. Trumps election. According to the Brookings Institution, white college educated women increased their vote for Democrats by 13 points between 2016 and 2018. Among women, only white evangelicals remain firmly committed to the G.O.P. and Mr. Trump.

The alienation of female voters from the Republican Party is compounded by the indifference, at best, of Republican men to female candidates.

Together, these two trends have decimated the ranks of Republican women officeholders.

The partys veer to the right over the 2010s has placed nearly all Republican women with political ambition in a precarious position. Not surprisingly, in this environment, Republican women are reluctant to step up as candidates. This is a rational decision, some political science research shows. Other studies suggest that G.O.P. voters perceive women to be more moderate than men and are therefore less likely to vote for women. Small wonder that Representative Susan Brooks, the head of the Republicans House recruitment efforts for the next election cycle, will herself not seek re-election in 2020.

To survive, most Republican women have tethered themselves to President Trump. Senator Susan Collins, a onetime moderate with a bipartisan record, provided the deciding vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. She will face Maine voters in 2020 as the nations second-most-unpopular senator. Ms. Stefanik emerged in the Intelligence Committees impeachment inquiry as one of Mr. Trumps most outspoken defenders. Mr. Trump took notice, tweeting, A new Republican Star is born.

Yet not all female Republican politicians have thrown in their lot with the president. Senator Lisa Murkowski opposed Kavanaughs confirmation and is the only G.O.P. senator thus far to have broken ranks over the process for the Senates impeachment trial.

In the House, at least six Republican congresswomen have maintained some distance from the president. Well aware of how Mr. Trumps demands for loyalty have endangered their colleagues, they have tended to lie low, neither publicly embracing nor criticizing Mr. Trump, while consistently voting in line with his positions.

Several of these Republican congresswomen represent suburban areas. A few Ann Wagner of Missouri, Jackie Walorski of Indiana and Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington restarted the G.O.P. suburban caucus in November. In an effort to appeal to working suburban women, they focus on issues like paid maternity leave and the cost of child care.

Republican Women Are in Crisis - The New York Times

Republicans came to the table on climate this year | TheHill – The Hill

In the whirlwind that is our current political environment, you might have missed one particular gust that swept through Congress this year: elected Republicans have shifted dramatically on climate change. The change is due in part to encouragement from conservative voters. Today, we see Republicans in Congress getting engaged on the issue, bringing to the table conservative solutions that protect hardworking Americans and ensure prosperity in our economy.

This year, freshman Sen. Mike BraunMichael BraunRepublicans came to the table on climate this year The prescription drug approval process is broken, but we have a plan to fix it Senate Republicans on delaying impeachment articles: 'One of the dumbest things I've ever heard' MORE (R-Ind.) told the Washington Examiner, Im not afraid to talk about climate change. Were obviously pumping more CO2 into the air, and theres a thing called the greenhouse effect. Sen. Lindsey GrahamLindsey Olin GrahamUS airstrikes take tensions with Iran to new level Trump golfs with Graham ahead of impeachment trial Republicans came to the table on climate this year MORE (R-S.C.) agrees, saying, Im a Republican who believes the greenhouse gas effect is real, that climate change is being affected by manmade behavior.

In March, Sen. Mitt RomneyWillard (Mitt) Mitt RomneyTrump vaping ban could be back on the table Republicans came to the table on climate this year The most expensive congressional races of the last decade MORE (R-Utah) said theres no question that were experiencing climate change and that humans are a significant contributor. Sen. Pat RobertsCharles (Pat) Patrick RobertsPompeo: Running for Senate 'not something I want to do' Republicans came to the table on climate this year Pompeo launches personal Twitter account amid speculation over Senate run MORE (R-Kan.) said everyone in his agriculture-heavy state of Kansas realizes climate change is happening, calling the issue obvious. Sen. John BarrassoJohn Anthony BarrassoRepublicans came to the table on climate this year GOP predicts bipartisan acquittal at Trump impeachment trial GOP leadership: Initial phase of impeachment trial could run two weeks MORE (R-Wyo.), who represents Americas largest coal producing state , said, The climate is changing and we, collectively, have a responsibility to do something about it.

Rep. Matt GaetzMatthew (Matt) GaetzRepublicans came to the table on climate this year Trump invokes son Barron while attacking Warren at rally The Hill's 12:30 Report Presented by UANI Judiciary Democrats approve articles of impeachment setting up House vote next week MORE (R-Fla.) might have put it best when he posted on Facebook, I didn't come to Congress to argue with a thermometer. [...] The science of global warming is irrefutable. In May, Texas Sen. John CornynJohn CornynRepublicans came to the table on climate this year Senators seek to weaponize Clinton trial in Trump impeachment Schumer aims to drive wedge between Republicans on impeachment MORE told the Houston Chronicle bluntly, The days of ignoring this issue are over.

Theres clearly agreement within the party that climate change needs to be addressed. With that in mind, Republican officials have begun stepping down a path to protect rural Americans and coal communities, stimulate innovation, and use market forces (not regulations) to reduce emissions.

This year, 14 Republicans in the House worked across the aisle on the RECLAIM Act, which would help diversify the economies of coal communities as our country transitions to clean energy. Romney said explicitly that we should help the communities that are affected by the change in technology: the rural areas, the coal country. With Republicans engaged in the conversation about climate solutions, we can make sure these communities are protected.

Republicans also supported technological innovations such as carbon capture and storage. The bipartisan USE IT Act had support from more than 25 Republicans in the Senate and the House. This bill authorizes $35 million in competitive prize funding for direct air capture technologies and allocates $50 million toward research and development of technologies that transform captured carbon dioxide into commercial products. The bill passed the Senate as part of the National Defense Authorization Act this summer. This type of legislation directly addresses our desire to secure Americas place as a leader in innovation, as Sen. Graham has said. After all, as Rep. Buddy CarterEarl (Buddy) Leroy CarterRepublicans came to the table on climate this year Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry Mass shootings have hit 158 House districts so far this year MORE (R-Ga.) says, We led the world with coal and oil and gas development. Now we need to do it with growing clean energy markets and cutting edge energy technology.

Republicans are also working to unleash the power of the American free market on the challenge of lowering emissions. Specifically, a price on carbon is a market-friendly policy mechanism that Republicans are coalescing around. Rep. Brian FitzpatrickBrian K. FitzpatrickRepublicans came to the table on climate this year The rise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in 2019 House votes to temporarily repeal Trump SALT deduction cap MORE (R-Pa.) introduced the MARKET CHOICE Act, which would put a fee on carbon emissions to reduce them, while also eliminating the gas tax and investing in Americas infrastructure.

Rep. Francis RooneyLaurence (Francis) Francis RooneyRepublicans came to the table on climate this year Retiring Florida Republican to vote 'no' on articles of impeachment Democrats set to take historic step of impeaching Trump MORE (R-Fla.) is an original co-sponsor of Energy Innovation Act (H.R. 763), another innovative, market-driven policy. This bill will put a price on carbon pollution and give carbon dividends to every American. It will give businesses clarity about what choices will be best for the bottom line and for the environment, helping them plan for a prosperous future. At the same time, it makes sure most hardworking Americans come out ahead, with more money in their pockets than before. This bipartisan legislation has 75 co-sponsors in the House.

In addition to the legislation put forth this year, a group of Republican senators is laying groundwork for more climate legislation to come. Senators Braun, Graham, Lisa. Murkowski (R-Alaska), Romney, and Rubio have joined the bipartisan Senate Climate Solutions Caucus. According to Murkowski, the group will advance timely, pragmatic policies that will help lower our greenhouse gas emissions and address the threatening reality of climate change.

I am encouraged that Republican leaders are working on an issue I hold as important. I find that Im not alonemany other conservatives are concerned about the climate debt were passing on to our children, and their concern is showing up in public polling. Luntz Global found that GOP voters, by a two-to-one margin, support the idea of putting a price on carbon and returning carbon dividends to Americans. Young Republicans in particular are eager for this type of conservative climate policy: 75 percent say they support it.

Conservative voters will only get more vocal on this issue in 2020. College Republicans just launched a new advocacy group called Young Conservatives for Carbon Dividends, which will lobby Republicans to throw more support behind carbon dividend legislation. On Feb. 4, dozens of conservatives from Citizens Climate Lobby, a nonpartisan advocacy group, will meet with Republican offices on the Hill specifically about climate change. Ill be among them.

Republican members of Congress are comfortable acknowledging the problem of climate change now. Im optimistic well see them address it, while keeping conservative values and priorities front and center.

Jim Tolbert is the Conservative Outreach Director for Citizens Climate Lobby. He lives in North Carolina.

Read more from the original source:
Republicans came to the table on climate this year | TheHill - The Hill

Georgia Republicans Secure Another Victory in Their Voter Purge – New York Magazine

2018 Georgia gubernatorial candidate and Fair Fight Georgia founder Stacey Abrams. Photo: Cheriss May/NurPhoto/Getty Images

Georgia will not reinstate 98,000 voters who had their registrations purged on December 16, marking another victory for state Republicans whove spent years shrouding their efforts to winnow the electorate in the guise of electoral integrity. A federal judge ruled late last week that it wasnt in his purview to block the states decision, adding that the plaintiffs who challenged the purge had failed to show they were likely to prove its unconstitutionality, according to the Washington Post.

After Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger de-registered more than 300,000 voters earlier this month, Fair Fight Georgia, the voting-rights organization founded by 2018 Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, challenged the deletion of 120,000 on the basis that those voters had their rights stripped owing to capriciously defined inactivity meaning they either hadnt voted or made contact with state election officials, such as responding to mailers, for three years, then failed to vote in the two subsequent federal elections.

Fair Fight Georgias challenge alone prompted the secretary of states office to voluntarily reinstate 22,000 registrations later that same week. The fate of the rest hinged on a pending lawsuit filed by the organization, which argues that Georgias use it or lose it approach to voter-roll maintenance was so overzealous as to be unconstitutional. A law signed in April by Governor Brian Kemp extended the inactivity threshold from three years to five. Fair Fight Georgia argued that this more generous standard should apply retroactively to newly purged voters whod been marked inactive under the previous law. Judge Steve C. Joness decision not to stop Raffensperger means that the remaining 98,000 inactives will still be unable to vote unless they reregister possibly giving Republicans a decisive advantage in the upcoming 2020 elections.

Joness ruling was the latest in an ongoing voting-rights battle in Georgia, which has increasingly been regarded as a potential 2020 swing state. Though Republican Brian Kemp prevailed over Democrat Stacey Abrams to win the governorship in 2018, he did so by the narrowest margin for a Republican in nearly 20 years, and only after overseeing nearly a decade of aggressive voter-suppression measures as secretary of state.

Kemps enforcement of Americas most expansive array of state-level suppression regulations including voter-ID laws, proof-of-citizenship requirements, purges, polling-site closures, and cuts to early voting and rejection of federal help after Georgias notoriously glitchy digital voting machines were shown to be easily hacked drew condemnation. His actions were part of a trend in Republican-governed states whose leaders grew emboldened after the Supreme Courts decimation of the Voting Rights Act in 2013. Suddenly free from the burden of having to get federal preclearance before changing their voting laws, states with long histories of racist restrictions on the franchiselike Georgia and others, largely in the South pursued a barely concealed effort to make it harder for constituencies that tend to vote Democratic to cast their ballots, particularly black people, Latinos, young people, and poor people.

The Raffensperger era has seen a loosening of some of these restrictions in the form of an extended inactivity threshold, the return of paper ballots (while still keeping the digital machines), and wider availability of early voting and vote-by-mail options. But the costs of suppression continue to reverberate. An analysis last year from American Public Media found that targets of then-Secretary Kemps purges were significantly more likely to live in Democratic precincts, with close to 47 percent living in precincts that Abrams carried by at least ten points in 2018. An analysis earlier this month from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution determined that if Kemp hadnt overseen the closure or relocation of nearly half of the states precincts and polling sites between 2012 and 2018, anywhere from 54,000 and 85,000 more voters wouldve cast ballots in the gubernatorial election that Kemp ended up winning. There are counterarguments to this claim research in other states suggests that such closures tend to be offset by early-voting options, which Georgia has. But the victims remain unaltered: According to the AJCs analysis, Kemps closures and relocations were 20 percent more likely to be prohibitive for black voters than their white counterparts.

The difficulty in determining precisely how impactful suppressive measures like Georgias are lies in how their effects reveal themselves primarily in retrospect. Republicans cannot legally bar black people from voting, at least not statedly. But they can ensure that the path to the ballot box is littered with enough administrative confusion and logistical inconveniences that it makes the process close to unnavigable for people whose lives are already marked by precariousness like a lack of access to reliable transportation, steady housing, or the ability to circumnavigate work obligations in order to vote. These deficits tend to afflict black people and poor people disproportionately. All Republicans have to do to reap the spoils is watch the speed bumps theyve implemented take effect and their fallout reveal themselves in the results of the elections that follow or the findings of subsequent data analyses.

Equally difficult to parse is how many of these speed bumps are determinative. In Georgia, they seem to have mostly assured what was already the likely outcome in 2018. The states electorate is still majority white, and that white majority is still mostly conservative, so Kemp had a good chance of winning regardless. The AJC also found that, even though Kemps precinct closures and poll-site relocations may have reduced that years electorate by 1.2 to 1.8 percentage points (Abrams lost the election by only 1.4), his opponent still wouldve needed upwards of 80 percent of those absent votes to claim victory an unlikely prospect.

But the shifting partisan makeup of some of the states biggest metropolitan areas, like Atlanta, suggest that even if such measures didnt alter the outcome of 2018, theyll play a crucial role in future elections. An electorate trimmed to the GOPs liking is more likely to determine outcomes in a state where Republicans are winning by narrow margins than where their victories are already more or less assured. But even as Judge Joness ruling is a boon for Republicans seeking to prevail in Georgia in 2020, it more egregiously advances the idea that the right to vote applies only to people who exercise it with some arbitrary degree of regularity. The particulars of that degree have been devised in Georgia by a party that wants fewer black people and poor people to vote. Its the mark of a party whose definition of electoral integrity hews increasingly toward any measure that lets it become a minority and still win.

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Continued here:
Georgia Republicans Secure Another Victory in Their Voter Purge - New York Magazine