Archive for the ‘Republican’ Category

Republican Gamble on Fast-Track Rules for Health Care Hits Wall – New York Times

We are dealing with one-sixth of the economy, said Senator Chris Van Hollen, a Maryland Democrat who has worked on many budget blueprints. We are dealing with something that impacts the lives of millions of Americans. Its a totally inappropriate use of the budget reconciliation process.

On Tuesday night, the Republicans broadest plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act was defeated after Democrats protested that the Congressional Budget Office had not formally assessed the measure; therefore consideration violated budget rules.

Key provisions on abortion and Planned Parenthood funding and efforts to persuade people to maintain insurance coverage could also slip away because they violate the rules that Republicans chose to operate under.

The expedited procedures were first used in 1980. Since then, Congress has completed action on 24 budget reconciliation bills. Twenty became law. Four were vetoed.

Reconciliation is probably the most potent budget enforcement tool available to Congress for a large portion of the budget, the Congressional Research Service, a nonpartisan arm of Congress, has said.

Democrats used the reconciliation process to adopt a very small piece of Obamacare in a separate bill enacted one week after President Barack Obama signed the original 905-page measure in March 2010.

Reconciliation has never, ever been abused to the extent that it is today, Representative Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin, then the senior Republican on the House Budget Committee, said at the time. The goal of the fast-track procedure, he said then, was to control the government, not expand it.

To be sure, Democrats used procedural shortcuts to clean up the Affordable Care Act in 2010. But those changes are dwarfed by the repeal bill being debated in the Senate this week and by the one passed by the House in May.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says those bills would erase the gains in insurance coverage made in the seven years since the Affordable Care Act was adopted.

The Senate parliamentarian has challenged at least 11 provisions of the Republican health care bill, including one that would prevent consumers from using tax credits to help pay for insurance that includes coverage for abortions.

And so far, Republicans have not pushed back. Ms. MacDonough grew up in the Washington area and graduated from George Washington University. She knows the guts of the Senate firsthand. She served as a legislative reference assistant in the Senate Library and as an assistant executive clerk for the Senate, keeping track of treaties and nominations. She was also an assistant editor of the Congressional Record.

Seeking wider opportunities, she obtained a law degree from Vermont Law School in 1998.

She worked for the Justice Department, then took a job as an assistant Senate parliamentarian in 1999 and became the first woman to head the office in 2012.

J. Keith Kennedy, who worked for Republican senators for 28 years, said: Elizabeth diligently worked her way up through the ranks. Shes a very smart woman, has a wonderful sense of humor, enjoys life.

Being caught in the political crossfire between Republicans and Democrats is an occupational hazard that Ms. MacDonough has so far managed to avoid.

She is performing a very important institutional duty, is under enormous pressure and is handling it very well, Mr. Kennedy said.

Muftiah M. McCartin, who worked in the office of the House parliamentarian from 1976 to 2005, said Ms. MacDonough is stellar, 100 percent professional.

Under the procedure that Republicans are using to speed passage of their health care bill, senators can object to a provision if its budgetary effects are merely incidental to some policy goal.

There was talk in recent days that Republicans could try to overturn key decisions of the parliamentarian, through a strong-armed majority vote the same way Senate Democrats ended the filibuster for most judges and presidential appointees, and Republicans then ended it for Supreme Court justices.

But at least for now, Ms. MacDonoughs judgments have not been overturned or overruled.

The merely incidental test is inherently subjective, Ms. McCartin said. But Elizabeth has fidelity to Senate precedents and to advice given over the years by the Senate parliamentarians office. Thats what shes striving for: consistency.

A version of this article appears in print on July 27, 2017, on Page A17 of the New York edition with the headline: Republican Gamble on Fast-Track Rules for Health Care Hits Wall.

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Republican Gamble on Fast-Track Rules for Health Care Hits Wall - New York Times

Sen. Ben Sasse rebukes Republican colleagues who voted against health care repeal legislation – Omaha World-Herald

WASHINGTON Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., vented his frustration Wednesday as a handful of his Republican colleagues lined up against the same kind of health care repeal language that they supported less than two years ago.

How can you possibly explain that to people with any intellectual integrity? Sasse said in an interview with The World-Herald.

As Senate Republicans struggle this week to unify behind a replacement for the Affordable Care Act, Sasse highlighted Wednesdays vote to repeal significant parts of former President Barack Obamas health care law with a two-year delay. GOP senators had approved such a plan in 2015 only to see it vetoed by Obama.

Since President Donald Trump would presumably sign the repeal legislation, Sasse said, voting against it now when it counts amounts to a breathtaking flip.

All four GOP senators from Nebraska and Iowa voted for the repeal proposal Wednesday, but it attracted only 45 votes, with 55 against, including seven Republicans. Six of those Republicans had voted for the similar plan under Obama.

There was a lot of show voting going on here 15 months ago, Sasse said.

Nebraska Democrats blasted senators support for the proposal, saying it would leave people without coverage.

Sasse made repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act a centerpiece of his 2014 campaign, although he has avoided the public spotlight for much of the recent Senate health care discussion. In the interview, Sasse said that he has been working for months behind closed doors to build support for repeal-and-replace, with a particular emphasis on promoting insurance portability.

The main GOP proposal to simultaneously repeal and replace was rejected earlier this week, despite the support of all four Midlands senators.

While Sasse said that bill had its shortcomings, he also praised language from Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, that would have opened the door for insurers to again sell skimpier catastrophic plans.

Sasse said theres no interest group that makes money off those plans or lobbies for them, but many Americans would like to have that option.

Nobodys ever going to come and do a demonstration sit-in, screaming in your office: I want a catastrophic plan, Sasse said. But thats actually what you hear lots and lots in Nebraska.

It remains to be seen how the rest of this weeks health care debate will play out. Sasse has repeatedly pushed the idea of first repealing the Affordable Care Act and then keeping Congress in town as long as necessary to agree on a replacement.

He said that approach, which Trump has supported at times, would bring Democrats to the table.

Sasse often invokes the need for portability in a replacement health care law, drawing parallels to the shift from defined-benefit pensions to 401(k) retirement plans that workers can carry over from job to job and state to state. Allowing people to keep their health care benefits as they move or change jobs would address some of the problems with the current health care system.

We used to have the same problem with pensions and we fixed it, Sasse said.

Republicans dont have a well-developed theory of what is necessary to address problems in the health care system today, Sasse said, and they should keep working on it until they do.

I know what I believe should happen in health care, Sasse said. But so far, he said, there isnt a majority in Congress in support of his approach.

It cant compel a majority vote, he said. So, we should be debating harder and longer about replace.,

Continued here:
Sen. Ben Sasse rebukes Republican colleagues who voted against health care repeal legislation - Omaha World-Herald

Bernie Sanders refuses to support ‘sham’ Republican single-payer amendment – Washington Examiner

Sen. Bernie Sanders will not support a "sham" amendment to the Republican healthcare bill dismantling Obamacare that would implement a single-payer healthcare insurance program.

On Wednesday, Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., who does not support single-payer, proposed the amendment as a way of cornering vulnerable Democrats seeking re-election to go on record for the progressive platform.

Not all Democrats have voiced support for it, but progressives like Sanders, I-Vt., have long called for a single-payer, government-run system. However, Sanders' office said he will not play Daines' game.

"The Democratic caucus will not participate in the Republicans' sham process. No amendment will get a vote until we see the final legislation and know what bill we are amending," Josh Miller-Lewis, a spokesperson for Sanders, said in a text sent to Vox.

Miller-Lewis added, "Once Republicans show us their final bill, Sen. Sanders looks forward to getting a vote on his amendment that makes clear the Senate believes that the United States must join every major country and guarantee health care as a right, not a privilege."

Daines' single-payer amendment is a rip of legislation offered in the House by Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., which has the support of more than 100 Democratic co-sponsors, calling for a "Medicare for All" program.

Bernie Sanders refuses to support 'sham' Republican single-payer amendment - Washington Examiner

Republican Senators Steamed Over Trump Attacks Back Sessions –

Senate Judiciary Committee member Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington on March 21, 2017. Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP file

"Jeff Sessions is among the most honorable men in government today...I have full confidence in Jeffs ability to perform the duties," said Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the most senior Republican in the Senate.

Hatch was the second senator to endorse Trump last year, he noted to reporters "some people thought I was crazy to do it."

Sen. Tom Cotton, an Arkansas conservative, called Sessions "a good man and a fine Attorney General."

Sen. Tom Tillis, R-N.C., praised Sessions specifically for his handling of the Russia probe.

"I think that his independence has been proven by his willingness to recuse himself," Tillis told reporters. "I think hes doing a good job there and I look forward to him continuing to serve."

Asked if the Senate would confirm a replacement for Sessions should it need to, Tillies replied, "That raises the question about whether or not anybody would wanna do it."

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who has butted up against Sessions hardline on immigration, defended him on Twitter.

Trump snubbed Sessions on Monday when he spoke to the

Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., told CNBC that Sessions "embodies all of the things that are great about boy scouting and eagle scouts."

"I worked with Jeff Sessions for nine and a half years in the Senate," Barrasso added. "Jeff Sessions has my confidence."

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich introduces Donald Trump at a rally last month in Ft. Myers, Fla. Evan Vucci / AP

And even Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker and outspoken Trump defender, took Sessions' side. "I think Sessions should stay," Gingrich told NPR Wednesday. "I dont think this is one of the Presidents better moments."

Meanwhile in Alabama, three Republicans are the leading candidates

One of them, Rep. Mo Brooks, on Wednesday announced that he would drop out of the race if the other GOP contenders would do so as well so that Sessions could become the Republican nominee to get his old Senate seat back if he is fired by Trump.

"This public waterboarding of one of the greatest people Alabama has ever produced is inappropriate and insulting to the people of Alabama who know Jeff Sessions so well and elected him so often by overwhelming margins," Brooks said.

Republican Senators Steamed Over Trump Attacks Back Sessions -

Republican Party, Russia, Venezuela: Your Wednesday Evening Briefing – New York Times

Hours later, Mr. Trump joined the chairman of Foxconn, the Taiwanese electronics supplier for Apple and other tech giants, for a big announcement: The company will open its first American factory in Wisconsin.


3. The Treasury Department announced new financial sanctions on current and former Venezuelan officials. The Trump administration is threatening further action if President Nicols Maduro proceeds with a constituent assembly on Sunday that critics consider a danger to democracy. Above, a scene from a protest in Caracas.

And Russian legislators called for painful measures against the U.S. in response to plans for new American sanctions. The House voted on Tuesday to bolster sanctions to punish Moscow for aggression toward its neighbors and election interference. The bill goes to the Senate next.


4. You can think of California as a giant laboratory.

That was a Berkeley professor as Gov. Jerry Brown signed a new law expanding the states cap-and-trade program to cut greenhouse gas emissions. The state now plans to rethink every corner of its economy, from urban planning to dairy farms.

And theres a big scandal rocking the University of Southern California. The Los Angeles Times published an expos about the former dean of the medical school, who was seen on camera taking hard drugs and partying with much younger companions.


5. Thousands of people were evacuated from homes and vacation sites in southeastern France as strong winds fueled wildfires that had been raging across the region for days.

At least two homes and 2,000 acres of forest were gutted, but there have been no reports of fatalities so far. The fire started at a campsite near Bormes-les-Mimosas, a town on the Mediterranean coast, where the population surges with vacationers during the summer.


6. At least four people, including two teenagers, have died since Monday trying to cross the Rio Grande into Texas, in another deadly sign of the extremes to which migrants will go to reach the U.S.

The river is normally just a trickle there, but heavy rains have transformed it into a dangerous torrent. Seven people were also rescued near El Paso, above.

The deaths came days after the authorities discovered the bodies of eight migrants packed in a sweltering tractor-trailer in San Antonio.


7. New York Citys subway system is a disaster at the moment plagued by delays, breakdowns and even derailments.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo declared a state of emergency in June. Now hes going to Washington to meet with Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao and the states congressional delegation about the crisis.

If youre wondering why the governor is in charge of the subway and not the mayor youre not alone. Heres the back story.


8. A first-of-its-kind traveling exhibition of objects from Auschwitz, the Nazi death camp, will begin a tour of 14 cities across Europe and North America later this year.

The organizers said its more urgent than ever as the last survivors age, and anti-Semitism persists in many quarters.

The exhibit will include letters and testimonials, a tin that contained Zyklon B gas pellets and other grim reminders from the complexs gas chambers. Above, a wooden box made in Auschwitz by a Polish prisoner.


9. Is your Roomba plotting to spy on you?

The company that makes the robotic vacuum, iRobot, is considering selling the mapping data the devices collect to a company like Google or Amazon.

The data could be a windfall for marketers, and the implications are easy to imagine as are the legal questions and privacy concerns that could arise.


10. Finally, the late-night hosts had their hands full trying to make sense of the health care debate in the Senate. (We sympathize.)

But they managed. Ahead of the health care vote senators were saying that they had no clue what theyd be voting on, Jimmy Fallon quipped. Then Americans said, Hey, just like us during the election.

Tonight, Stephen Colbert talks to Michael Moore about his forthcoming one-man show on Broadway on The Late Show.

Have a great night.


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Republican Party, Russia, Venezuela: Your Wednesday Evening Briefing - New York Times