Archive for the ‘Republican’ Category

EYES LEFT: Are you now or have you ever been a Republican? – New Jersey Hills

America has had a number of bad Presidents. James Buchanan, John Tyler and Warren Harding come to mind. These truly despicable men look like Washington and Lincoln rolled into one compared to Donald Trump.

His administration has been a tragic farce since election night. I cannot bring to mind a single thing that he has done that is remotely in the interest of the nation or the American people. His use of his high office to expand his personal and family fortune overseas while attempting to deprive millions of American citizens of health care is merely one of his mortal sins.

Yet Donald Trump is no fluke. He is the culmination of the self-degradation of the Republican Party. The Republican Party has had an up and down history. Republicans and War Democrats saved the American Republic in the Civil War. During the Robber Baron Era, Republicans aided and abetted railroad, steel, coal and oil tycoons when they plundered the nation creating monopolies, exploiting workers, native Americans and the environment on the way to making enormous fortunes.

But it was progressive Republicans like Teddy Roosevelt and W. H. Taft along with Democrat Woodrow Wilson that tamed the monopolies and curbed the super wealthy. They created the income tax, the inheritance tax and gave women the vote. They broke up the trusts and monopolies.

After World War 1, the Republicans sold their souls to the exploding oil industry and set the stage for the Great Depression. Post World War 2 moderate Republicans opted for smaller government and less spending. This created the Eisenhower recession and lost the early space race to the Russians.

Then after the go-go 60s, Nixon made a devils deal with the segregated South and opted for an ends justifies the means philosophy which gave us Watergate. Ronald Reagan, everybodys friendly dependable grandpa, gave us two recessions and sowed the seeds of the American Middle Class demise. The Bushes gave us economic disaster and endless war. Now to correct the good things developed during the Clinton and Obama eras, we have Donald Trump.

Clearly, his actions before and after the election, show that he has no self-control let alone the capacity to lead the nation. Yet he alone among the 16 candidates won the Republican nomination. He won not despite his obvious character flaws but because of them. Since Nixon the Republicans have peddled the message of race hate as sub-text. Welfare had to go because it allowed lazy black people and immigrants to sit around smoking crack and drinking grape soda.

These lazy welfare types were also the ones stealing white middle class jobs. Propaganda doesnt need to be rational to be effective. Heres another one, Wheres my government cheese? This evokes an image of fat poor people feasting on brie and camembert. Government cheese was a welfare program built for Midwest Republican dairy farmers.

Nixon didnt believe this stuff. He and the Republicans who followed him used these nefarious ploys to get votes. The new Republican conservatives have swallowed the cheese Kool Aid. They believe this nonsense. Republicans like Paul Ryan, Scott Walker and Sam Brownback are absolutely giddy at the thought of tossing unworthy ethnic types and poor white trash off of health care. My point being that Trump is merely a symptom of the collective mental illness of the Republican leadership.

I make this point because soon the historic failure of the conservative Republican attempt to push America back into an imaginary whites only past will be heaped on Trump. The very people who created this monster will turn on him. Sen. John McCain is already striking a Hey it wasnt me stance on foreign policy. The anti-government ideologues will claim that Trumps inept execution of their gated City on the Hill plan was the problem.

But its not Trump. As bad as he is; it is the plan. It is the Republican Partys romance with money. No taxes on the big guys is not only unfair, it doesnt work. The money pools up and the economy slows down. Public/private partnerships have been tried; they are expensive failures. Running government like a business is a nice bumper sticker but 85 percent of businesses fail.

Governments are meant to serve. Businesses are meant to make money. Most disturbing is the Republicans almost unanimous backing of Trump when he threatens the courts, the FBI, the press and his opposition.

Back in the Fifties the Communist Party was accused of attempting to overthrow the U.S. Government. The investigators when questioning witnesses always asked; Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party? Will we soon hear the phrase, Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Republican Party?

Read the original post:
EYES LEFT: Are you now or have you ever been a Republican? - New Jersey Hills

Republican opportunities we can jump on right now – Canada Free Press

What I heard on Saturday night.

I spoke at an event last Saturday for Michael McNeely, who is a candidate to be chairman of the Georgia Republican Party. The election by party delegates will be held on June 3 in Augusta.

This election has national significance in that the Georgia Republican Party chairman (or chairwoman) is one of the three Georgia representatives on the Board of the Republican National Committee.

I had met with Michael before the event, and had asked him why he wanted to be chairman. He said the party has significant opportunities in messaging, party unity and grassroots involvement.

Boom! I asked him, arent those the same three opportunities for the RNC? He said absolutely yes! The conversation unfolded like a well packed blanket from that point on. He nailed it in my mind.

One of the activists who attended the event supporting Michael asked about Republican accomplishments during this session of Congress. He asked because the people in his county of Georgia couldnt articulate a few crisp accomplishments when talking to potential supporters.

I said, first, passage of 11 of 14 Congressional Review Act resolutions to roll back regulations that hurt businesses and people unnecessarily. In contrast, none were passed during the anti-business Obama Administration.

Second, the Republican-led Congress passed the American Health Care Act. Many people do not know how significant this is, nor do they understand how it works, because of the constant false criticism of the AHCA by Democrats and the liberal media. The attitude of the Republican-controlled Senate that they will write their own version of repeal and replace is also a distraction from the significance of the Houses AHCA.

Those two accomplishments alone are huge!

The bottom line is poor messaging by the Republicans in Congress and the RNC, even to its own activist supporters. Therein lies a huge opportunity for the Georgia Republican Party, the RNC and the Republican members of Congress.

The media noise from Democrats and the liberal media is drowning out our message. Our accomplishments as a party will not spread naturally. Thats why we must be more proactive with messaging, because we are not going to get any help from our enemies!

The Democrats and liberals arent just political opponents anymore, because they want to destroy Republicans and President Trump at all costs. Even if it means ignoring whats good for the nation.

Republican Party unity is another big opportunity. Too many Republicans in Congress cant resist expressing their opinions opposing the Partys leadership or another Republican before the ink is dry, or before a piece of legislation has even been hammered out.

Theres an old saying. If you dont have something good to say, shut up!

If the Republican Partys messaging gets through the liberal medias attacks, and highly visible Republican voices show some discretion when they open their mouths, party activists will have positive results to talk about, be more inspired, and feel more connected to the good things happening in our Republican-led government.

The Democrats and their liberal media allies are making the most noise, but conservatives and Republicans can continue to achieve the most results.

Herman Cains column is distributed by CainTV, which can be found at

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Original post:
Republican opportunities we can jump on right now - Canada Free Press

Pat Mullins, former chairman of the Virginia Republican Party, dies in Hanover car crash –

Dennis Patrick Pat Mullins, who served as the chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia from 2009 to 2015, was identified Monday as the victim of a single-vehicle crash a day earlier in Hanover County.

Mr. Mullins, who lived in Bumpass in Louisa County, was 79.

He took over chairmanship of the state GOP the same year that Bob McDonnell led a sweep of the states top three offices governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general.

Mr. Mullins announced his retirement in late 2014 and was replaced by John Whitbeck early the following year.

I cant count the number of people that have reached out, Whitbeck said Monday. This is a sad, sad day for the Virginia Republican Party.

We were so shocked to hear, Whitbeck added. Hes been fairly quiet and spent a lot of time with his family over the last few years. But he was a constant source of advice for me and really beloved by the Republicans across the commonwealth.

Whitbeck said Mr. Mullins had a wonderful family who Im sure are grieving terribly this weekend, and were all just kind of feeling close to them because we all loved Pat as much as Im sure they do.

Rep. Barbara J. Comstock, R-10th, wrote in a Facebook post that Pat was a friend and activist who helped Republicans throughout the commonwealth to build and grow the Republican Party. Pat was a natural leader who brought people together and was always in good humor.

Mr. Mullins, who also served as GOP chairman in the counties of Louisa and Fairfax, rose to become the state partys leader in May 2009 after his predecessor, then-Del. Jeffrey M. Frederick of Prince William County, was ousted.

After the McDonnell-led sweep in the election later that year, Virginia Republicans did not win a statewide race for the rest of Mr. Mullins tenure and have not to this day.

When Mr. Mullins announced that he would retire, he said in a statement that serving as chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia since 2009 has been one of the greatest honors and privileges Ive had in my life. Ill be forever thankful to the Republicans across Virginia who have placed their trust and support in me.

But the time comes when retirement is at hand. Im 77 years old, and its time to turn the reins over to someone else.

A son, Steve Mullins, posted on Facebook that his father will be greatly missed by his four children and their spouses, his six grandchildren, his brother, his cousins, and the many friends and family that he has impacted over his 79 years on the Earth.

Mr. Mullins wife, Jackie Mullins, died in 2010, according to the post.

We take peace that Pat is with his Lord and Risen Savior and reunited with his wife and our mother that he married in 1963, Steve Mullins wrote.

Sundays crash occurred about 1:30 p.m. near the intersection of Mountain and Waltons Tavern roads in the northwestern part of the county, the Hanover Sheriffs Office said.

The Sheriffs Offices preliminary investigation revealed that a 2015 Buick sedan was traveling west in the 16000 block of Mountain Road when it ran off the left shoulder of the roadway and struck a tree.

Mr. Mullins, who was the vehicles only occupant, was taken a hospital, where he died.

Investigators were still collecting information Monday and consulting with the state medical examiner to determine the circumstances of the crash, the Sheriffs Office said.

Funeral arrangements for Mr. Mullins were incomplete.

Read more:
Pat Mullins, former chairman of the Virginia Republican Party, dies in Hanover car crash -

Texas Republican Accused of Threatening to ‘Put a Bullet’ in Head of Democratic Colleague – Common Dreams

Common Dreams
Texas Republican Accused of Threatening to 'Put a Bullet' in Head of Democratic Colleague
Common Dreams
Protesters lined the balconies and floor of the rotunda in the Texas state Capitol Building on Monday as their chants flooded both the House and Senate chambers on the final day of the legislative session. (Photo: Ricardo B. Brazziell/American Statesman).

and more »

See the original post here:
Texas Republican Accused of Threatening to 'Put a Bullet' in Head of Democratic Colleague - Common Dreams

Urban Dictionary: republican

An individual who believes that the white male Christian God should be the only object of worship on the planet, that power and wealth should remain in the hands of 1% of the world's population while the remaining 99% starve, that health care should be privatized so the poor can't afford basic medication, that a rape victim living on welfare should be forced to care for a baby she didn't even ask for, and that America is the only real country on Earth while all those other countries they read about are just fakes invented by communists...oh wait, it's terrorists now, isn't it?

We can all hope that the standard of education in America improves to the point where a Republican can no longer be voted into office.

One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.

Someone who supports the rights of the unborn, but won't fund stem cell research that could help the millions who are already here. The first one to protest abortion rights, and the first one willing to take a life through capital punishment. Someone who espouses personal freedom, and then tries to pass constitutional amendments to restrict it. Someone threatened by government surplus but unfazed by goverment deficits. Someone who is pro-business but anti-citizen. Someone who wants to take away the helping hand, after he's made it to safety. Someone who holds a cross in one hand and tries to burn it with the other.

He is such a Republican, hypocrisy will be the death of him yet.

One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.

(Adjective) Typical or characteristic of a Republican or the Republican party.

2. He holds Republican ideals.

One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.

Watch they say the same things and then say their ideas have more merrit, simply due to the name of their party.

One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.

If you are a Republican, you probably: - support a capitalist and/or free-market economy in which people are able to keep what they earn - want lower income taxes - want more power to states and local government - want a smaller federal government - believe that the nation should be how the American Founding Fathers wanted it to be - believe that money would go better towards employing people than giving them welfare - believe that the Constitution should be followed more strictly - believe that free speech should be protected no matter who is offended - believe that homosexual couples should not be given marriage benefits paid for by tax payers (does not necessarily mean banning homosexuality or gay marriage entirely) - believes that birth control should not be free - believes that abortion should not be aloud (often with exception for rape and/or risk of the mother's life) - believe execution is okay for serious offenses - believe people should be aloud to bear arms - believe that minorities are just like any other people and laws should apply to people of different racial groups equally

One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.

Typically a person who believes that: 1)The 2nd Amendment of the Constitution takes precidence over the rest of the Constitution. 2)The rich should be tax-exempt, and that the middle and lower classes should have to foot the bill, also, a person who bitches when an under-funded government agency is unable to carry out its assigned task. 3)Thinks that programs such as welfare, medicare/medicaid and minimum wage are unconstitutional and should be banned. 4)Labels everything and everyone they disagree with as being "Communist" or "Anti-American" or "French."

I'm filthy-stinking rich! How dare you expect me to pay taxes!

One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.

This is a real definition, not just a five paragraph rant about how republicans suck. This is what you'd find in a dictionary.

Abraham Lincoln and George Bush were both members of the Republican Party.

One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.

Read this article:
Urban Dictionary: republican