Republican Party: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News
When it comes to the 2016 field of Republican presidential candidates, the rule of thumb this time around is obviously going to be "the more, the merrier!" The number of officially-announced Republican candidates actually doubled this week.
Much as in the United States, cross-party unity is rare in France. But recently one topic, or more accurately one woman, sparked a rare demonstration of national concord. That wonderwoman is Hillary Clinton.
Its futility makes me so weary it's hard to type the question, but I'll type it anyway: Why do the elite Washington media, especially the influential Sunday morning shows, continue to pay deference to, and take seriously, the opinions of John McCain?
Last week was startling -- but confusing -- on the energy/water nexus innovation front.
Carl Pope
Former executive director and chairman, Sierra Club
Republicans are out of sync with a majority of Americans on issues like income inequality, how to increase employment, immigration, marriage equality and national security. Attacking Clinton's trustworthiness is their default position. The more each of these flawed Republican candidates goes after Hillary Clinton on the issue of trust, the more their hypocrisy will be exposed.
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Republican Party: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News