White House, Tehran criticize Senate Republican #39;s letter to Iran
In an open letter to the leaders of #Iran, #Republican lawmakers warned that any nuclear deal #Tehran cuts with #Obama could expire the day he ends his second term as president. The letter...
By: CCTV English
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White House, Tehran criticize Senate Republican's letter to Iran - Video
Republican senators pen warning letter to Iran
Republican senators pen warning letter to Iran. Sen. Rob Portman speaks out EnGlobal News http://www.englobalnews.com Get the latest news and analysis on global events. Stay up to date...
By: EnGlobal News World
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Republican senators pen warning letter to Iran - Video
Call for Cross-Border Inquiry into Republican Sexual Abuse
East Londonderry DUP MP Gregory Campbell at Prime MInisters Questions on 11th March calling for the establishment of a cross-border inquiry dealing with the sexual abuse carried out by members...
By: Democratic Unionist Party
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Call for Cross-Border Inquiry into Republican Sexual Abuse - Video
March 9, 2015, Republican Senators #39; letter to IRAN: "Any NUCLEAR deal with OBAMA can be REVOKED." - While the letter, first reported by Bloomberg News, was ddressed to Iran, it was aimed ...
By: MLordandGod
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The Republican-led state Senate wont extend mayoral control of New York City schools as part of its state budget plan unveiled Wednesday creating a potential headache for Mayor de Blasio.
The law giving the mayor authority to run the public schools expires on June 30.
In his executive budget, Gov. Cuomo recommended that mayoral control be renewed for three years. The Democratic-run Assembly called for an even longer extension, to 2022.
But nothing can happen without the Senate.
Albany insiders said Senate Republicans want to slow down approval in order to teach a lesson to de Blasio, who campaigned last year for Dems trying to regain control of the legislative body.
Thats a ridiculous assertion. Its about educating kids in the city of New York, insisted senate Education Committee Chairman John Flanagan (R-Suffolk).
Flanagan said the issue of mayoral control should be dealt with separately from the budget. City Hall has so far been unresponsive to requests to testify at a public hearing or meet on the issue, Flanagan said.
The rest is here:
Republican State Senate threatens mayoral school control