Archive for the ‘Republican’ Category

Republican Has A Plan To Combat Homelessness – Video

Republican Has A Plan To Combat Homelessness
Read More At: Clip from the Friday, March 6th 2015 edition of The Kyle Kulinski...

By: Secular Talk

Originally posted here:
Republican Has A Plan To Combat Homelessness - Video

Scott Walker: Flip Flopping with the "Republican Obama" – Video

Scott Walker: Flip Flopping with the "Republican Obama"
Scott Walker is tipped to run for president, and the rising Republican is being labelled as the, "republican Obama." Is the media narrative of Walker overlooking some key points on his position...

By: TheLipTV

Excerpt from:
Scott Walker: Flip Flopping with the "Republican Obama" - Video

Virginia Republican: A Pregnant Woman Is Just A Host With No Rights – Video

Virginia Republican: A Pregnant Woman Is Just A Host With No Rights
A pregnant woman is just a "host" that should not have the right to end her pregnancy, Virginia State Sen. Steve Martin (R) wrote in a Facebook rant defending his anti-abortion views. http://www....

By: TheQuietAtheist

See the original post here:
Virginia Republican: A Pregnant Woman Is Just A Host With No Rights - Video

Gay group seeks official recognition from California Republican Party

A gay GOP group is seeking official recognition by the California Republican Party at its biannual gathering in Sacramento this weekend, potentially setting the stage for a divisive floor fight on Sunday.

Charles Moran, chairman of the group, the California chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans, cited work his members did in several competitive election contests in 2014 to argue that the group deserves a party charter.

They know were worker bees and go out there, walking precincts, making phone calls, he said, noting that his members volunteered for several candidates, including newly elected state Assemblywoman Catherine Baker in the Bay Area and state Sen. Janet Nguyen in Orange County.

Weve earned our street cred. Now its the point where were seeking that official recognition from the party. Weve earned it," Moran said.

Conservatives are lining up to oppose the effort, arguing that it would weaken the Republican Partys values.

Karen England, executive director of the Capitol Resource Institute, a Sacramento-based group that backs conservative social causes, told supporters in an email Saturday morning that the Log Cabin group should not be recognized because it focuses on lifestyle preferences rather than growing the GOP.

If Log Cabin California is chartered, look for the California Republican Party platform to bewatered down in terms of family values, England wrote.

The partys official platform says homosexuality is unacceptable.

We believe public policy and education should not be exploited to present or teach homosexuality as an acceptable alternative lifestyle. We oppose same-sex partner benefits, child custody, and adoption, the platform says.

However, the move comes amid a changing landscape for gay people and the party. Last year, GOP gubernatorial candidate Neel Kashkari marched in a gay pride parade, the first statewide Republican candidate to do so. Assemblyman Rocky Chavez (R-Oceanside), who is considering a run for U.S. Senate, supports same-sex marriage. The Log Cabin Luau, hosted by the California group, where attendees don rainbow-colored leis and sip mai tais, is among the best attended parties at state GOP conventions.

Read the original here:
Gay group seeks official recognition from California Republican Party

Republican lawmakers hold the line against Obamacare at state level

As President Obama fights in Congress and the courts to preserve the nation's sweeping healthcare law, the Affordable Care Act faces still another threat to its viability: Republicans in statehouses, many bucking governors of their own party eager to accept its flow of federal dollars.

When a group of Republican governors filed suit to overturn Obama's signature achievement, Wyoming's Matt Mead was among them, arguing the legislation was a vast overreach that violated the Constitution and trampled the right of states to set their own policies.

But after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected that argument, Mead decided it would be foolhardy to pass up tens of millions of dollars the act provided to expand coverage for Wyoming's uninsured adults.

"We have fought the fight," Mead told lawmakers last month in his State of the State address. "We've done our best to find a fit for Wyoming. We are out of timeouts, and we need to address Medicaid expansion."

That argument failed to sway lawmakers in Wyoming's GOP-run Senate, which voted 19 to 11 to reject Mead's proposal; many of the opponents, said Phil Nicholas, the Senate president, had campaigned on a promise to block Medicaid expansion.

A similar dynamic is playing out in legislatures across the country, including Arizona, Florida and Utah, where conservative lawmakers remain a formidable hurdle to momentum building behind the Democratic goal of guaranteeing universal coverage.

Indeed, they have proved far more effective at thwarting the 2010 healthcare law than their Republican counterparts in Washington, who have voted more than 50 times to repeal all or part of the program many call Obamacare, largely to no avail.

Earlier this month, in Tennessee's GOP-led Senate, a committee rejected a proposal to extend Medicaid coverage despite a strong push by the state's Republican governor, Bill Haslam, and waivers from the Obama administration meant to allay conservative concerns.

"I said from the very beginning it would be difficult," Haslam told reporters after his plan was shot down. "I think what you saw today is a measure of just how difficult."

The role of state lawmakers could become even more important depending how the Supreme Court rules this spring in another challenge to the healthcare law. Opponents are seeking to end the public subsidy for residents in as many as 37 states where the federal government operates the marketplace for health insurance.

Original post:
Republican lawmakers hold the line against Obamacare at state level