House/Senate Republican Media Availability 2/27/15
House Speaker Kurt Daudt, House Majority Leader Joyce Peppin, Representative Jim Knoblach, Senate Minority Leader David Hann and Senator Michelle Benson resp...
By: MNHouseInfo
Go here to read the rest:
House/Senate Republican Media Availability 2/27/15 - Video
Rachel Maddow 28.02.2015 A shocking death in a harsh Republican primary in Missouri 2
By: Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow 28.02.2015 A shocking death in a harsh Republican primary in Missouri 2 - Video
Republican Karaoke
By: The Sacramento Bee
See original here:
Republican Karaoke - Video
Idaho Republican Backs Faith-Healing
Idaho Republican backs faith-healer parents: #39;If I want to let my child be with God, why is that wrong? #39;
By: TheQuietAtheist
Read the original:
Idaho Republican Backs Faith-Healing - Video
Syrian Arab Army Republican Guard showing off dead ISIS in Hawijah Saqr Island, Deir Ez Zor, Syria.
# . ...
By: Ivan Sidorenko
Read more:
Syrian Arab Army Republican Guard showing off dead ISIS in Hawijah Saqr Island, Deir Ez Zor, Syria. - Video