Archive for the ‘Republican’ Category

Meet the Ex-Governor Who Might Try a Comeback as President

Meet yet another Republican who might want to be your next president: George Pataki.

Not ringing any bells?

Even the former New York governor acknowledged in a recent interview with Newsmax, People dont remember who I am, but we can remind them of that.

Pataki, 69, served as governor of New York from 1995 to 2007, but has since moved to the private sector. Now, he's flirting with a run for the nation's highest office -- the third time he's done so since 2008 -- and he recently launched a super PAC called, We the People, Not Washington.

ABC News recently spoke with Pataki about his potential 2016 run. The questions have been edited and his answers trimmed for length and clarity.

1. I hear that you are seriously considering running for president.

Thats correct.

2. You also considered running in 2008 and 2012. Whats making you think about it again?

I look at what is happening in the country and I look at whats happening in the world, and I think we just have dreadful leadership in Washington. We need to dramatically change the direction of this country and change the leadership in Washington. ... Having led a large state with a very complex government -- a large blue state I might add -- for 12 years and having been able to not just run the state well, but completely change everything from the economic climate to the finances to replacing a culture of dependency with one of opportunity, I believe that I have the ability to not just win an election but to govern this country well and to change its direction.

3. You were a three-term governor. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a fellow Republican and possible 2016 presidential candidate, said he thinks the next Republican presidential nominee should be an outsider -- more specifically, a governor. Do you agree?

Meet the Ex-Governor Who Might Try a Comeback as President

Republican: Minimum Wage Should Be Low For Minorities! – Video

Republican: Minimum Wage Should Be Low For Minorities!
GOP Rep. Tom McClintock manages to repeat every minimum wage lie in just one small clip. And we easily debunk it... This clip from the Majority Report, live ...

By: Sam Seder

Read the rest here:
Republican: Minimum Wage Should Be Low For Minorities! - Video

Republican National Committee Stands with Hate Group – Video

Republican National Committee Stands with Hate Group
Why are members of the Republican National Committee taking an all-expense paid trip to Israel from a hate group that claims "Jewish atheists" are among "the worst enemies of the country"?

By: PFAWdotorg

Read more from the original source:
Republican National Committee Stands with Hate Group - Video

Romney would change Republican presidential field – Video

Romney would change Republican presidential field
John King, Jackie Kucinich and Peter Hamby on a new WMUR Granite State poll that looks at the GOP 2016 presidential field. Ron Paul has surged to 24% in the latest NH Poll! We need to show...

By: Weldon Keat

Read the original:
Romney would change Republican presidential field - Video

Republican lawmaker: Childbirth resulting from rape is "beautiful"

Last Updated Feb 7, 2015 11:14 AM EST

A Republican state legislator from West Virginia said Thursday that women should not be allowed to abort pregnancies resulting from rape because the child that could result from it is "beautiful."

"For somebody to take advantage of somebody else in such a horrible and terrifying and brutal way is absolutely disgusting," said West Virginia Del. Brian Kurcaba during a hearing on proposed new abortion restrictions, CBS Charleston affiliate WOWK-TV reports. "But what is beautiful is the child that could come as a production of this."

Kurcaba later said in a statement that his comments didn't fully represent his views, WOWK-TV reports.

"I apologize to anyone who took my comments about the sanctity of human life to mean anything other than that all children are precious regardless of circumstances," he said in the statement.

The bill under consideration would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. On Thursday, the state legislature's health committee voted down a proposal that would have made exceptions for pregnancies resulting from rape or incest, and the bill is now headed for a up or down vote in the full House.

Kurcaba, a financial adviser and resident of Morgantown, West Virginia, was first elected to the statehouse last November. According to his campaign website, he was endorsed by West Virginians for Life, an anti-abortion group, during his primary and general election campaigns.

He becomes the latest Republican lawmaker to offer some eyebrow-raising comments on the subject of rape and abortion. In October 2012, then-Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock argued during a debate, "I think that even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen."

And perhaps the most infamous rape-related comments during that year came from then-Rep. Todd Akin, R-Missouri, who was running for a Senate seat as well. Akin said that women who were the victims of "legitimate rape" wouldn't become pregnant because "the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."

2015 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Republican lawmaker: Childbirth resulting from rape is "beautiful"