Republican Club of Chathams to party this Sunday
THE CHATHAMS - The Republican Club of the Chathams (RCC) will host its seventh annual celebration of Lincolns birthday from 4 to 6 p.m. this Sunday, Feb. 15, at Caf Beethoven, 262 Main St., Chatham. Delicious light refreshments will be served, including wine.
The event costs $20 per person. All are welcome.
President Abraham Lincoln was the founder of the Republican Party, said Cindy Steffens, president of the RCC. Celebrating Lincolns birthday each year is a terrific Republican tradition.
Brown On Hand
Former New Jersey state Senator Leanna Brown, founder of the RCC, will attend. In more than 50 years of distinguished public service, Brown served as a Chatham Borough Council member; a Morris County Freeholder; the Morris County Freeholder Director; the New Jersey Association of Counties President; as a New Jersey state Assemblywoman; as a New Jersey state Senator, and as a New Jersey Casino Control Commissioner. From 2007 to 2009, she served on the Presidents Commission on White House Fellows.
Brown currently writes a syndicated column, "Upbeat New Jersey," for the New Jersey Hills Media Group, including this newspaper.
Civil War Writer
To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War, this years event will feature special guest speaker Bill Styple of Chatham, a well-known Civil War historian.
A fund-raising event will be held for a copy of one of his two books, "Tell Me of Lincoln," and "McClellans Other Story: the Political Intrigue of Colonel Thomas M. Key." Participation in the fund-raising is free for RCC members who have paid their 2015 dues, and $1 for all others.
RCC members, and those who wish to become members, may pay their annual dues at the Lincolns birthday event. Annual dues are $20 per person.
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Republican Club of Chathams to party this Sunday