Archive for the ‘Republican’ Category

Republican Club of Chathams to party this Sunday

THE CHATHAMS - The Republican Club of the Chathams (RCC) will host its seventh annual celebration of Lincolns birthday from 4 to 6 p.m. this Sunday, Feb. 15, at Caf Beethoven, 262 Main St., Chatham. Delicious light refreshments will be served, including wine.

The event costs $20 per person. All are welcome.

President Abraham Lincoln was the founder of the Republican Party, said Cindy Steffens, president of the RCC. Celebrating Lincolns birthday each year is a terrific Republican tradition.

Brown On Hand

Former New Jersey state Senator Leanna Brown, founder of the RCC, will attend. In more than 50 years of distinguished public service, Brown served as a Chatham Borough Council member; a Morris County Freeholder; the Morris County Freeholder Director; the New Jersey Association of Counties President; as a New Jersey state Assemblywoman; as a New Jersey state Senator, and as a New Jersey Casino Control Commissioner. From 2007 to 2009, she served on the Presidents Commission on White House Fellows.

Brown currently writes a syndicated column, "Upbeat New Jersey," for the New Jersey Hills Media Group, including this newspaper.

Civil War Writer

To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War, this years event will feature special guest speaker Bill Styple of Chatham, a well-known Civil War historian.

A fund-raising event will be held for a copy of one of his two books, "Tell Me of Lincoln," and "McClellans Other Story: the Political Intrigue of Colonel Thomas M. Key." Participation in the fund-raising is free for RCC members who have paid their 2015 dues, and $1 for all others.

RCC members, and those who wish to become members, may pay their annual dues at the Lincolns birthday event. Annual dues are $20 per person.

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Republican Club of Chathams to party this Sunday

Republican Hopefuls Kickoff 2016 Presidential Campaign This Weekend – LoneWolf Sager – Video

Republican Hopefuls Kickoff 2016 Presidential Campaign This Weekend - LoneWolf Sager
ABC News Exclusive: Sen. Marco Rubio is preparing to run for president. "Happy New Year To All To All A Good Night.....From LoneWolf The Three Muskadoggies! Please.... Remember Our ...

By: LoneWolf Sager

See original here:
Republican Hopefuls Kickoff 2016 Presidential Campaign This Weekend - LoneWolf Sager - Video

Matt Wolfe joins widening Republican field for Council at-large

Matt Wolfe kicked-off his campaign for Republican City Council at-large, Wednesday, outside of the Center City office for the Philadelphia Gas Works.

Wolfe picked the location to criticize Councils unwillingness to hold a hearing on the sale of the utility to a private company an issue which has become the focus of many challengers.

I decided to do it here because the biggest failure in leadership by our City Council in this last term has been killing the deal to sell PGW...They killed the deal without any one of those 17 city councilmen having the backbone to introduce a bill, have a hearing or take a vote, he said. Thats not the message you want to send to companies who want to locate in Philadelphia.

Wolfe announced his bid on a cold day outside of the office, which is closed on Wednesdays, as several people wound through the crowd to slip their utility bills into a slot near the door. Wolfe was also critical of the company's hours at the Center City location - closed on weekends and on Wednesdays.

Wolfe, 58, of University City, runs his own law office and ran unsuccessfully against Councilman Ed Neilson in a special election last year. A former Deputy Attorney General, Wolfe also worked as Chief Counsel of the Department of Labor and Industry under Gov. Tom Ridge.

The Citys Republican Committee president Joseph DeFelice introduced Wolfe at the event, calling him a Rowhouse Republican" and The kind of guy who has the honesty and integrity to go to City Hall and shake things up for the right reasons.

The Republican Committee has not formally endorsed anyone.

Were going to allow the candidates to go out and circulate petitions," DeFelice said. "I think its good if you have eight or nine Republican candidates running around the city, knocking on doors, meeting voters and then afterwards, were gonna have a discussion about what were gonna do. We may endorse we may not endorse we may decide to let it be open.

Republican Councilmen Dennis OBrien and David Oh are the incumbents seeking reelection.

View original post here:
Matt Wolfe joins widening Republican field for Council at-large

Republican Howard County executive lobbies Hogan on education funds

The new Republican leader of Howard County has joined Democrats in the Maryland legislature in calling for Gov. Larry Hogan (R) to boost education funding next year.

Hogans proposed budget includes an overall increase in state aid for K-12 education, but it provides $144million less for local jurisdictions than mandated under existing funding formulas, based on enrollment and other factors.

In a letter Wednesday, Howard County Executive Allan H. Kittleman (R) asked Hogan to provide an additional $5.7million to his jurisdiction, arguing that proposed budget cuts in education funding would severely hamper Howard Countys ability to provide the outstanding student experience that is expected by our residents.

The slower growth in education spending is one of several strategies Hogan has advocated to close a state budget shortfall of more than $700million. He told reporters Tuesday that he is open to providing more money for education if legislators can find savings elsewhere.

As the governor has said many times over the past few weeks, he is open to all ideas from both Democrats and Republicans on how to live within our means while still providing for the essential government functions, and he looks forward to hearing from County Executive Kittleman with his ideas, Hogan spokesman Doug Mayer said Wednesday.

Mayer also pointed out that although Howard would get less education aid than anticipated next year under Hogans budget, the county would receive $6.9million more than it is receiving this year.

Kittleman, a former state senator, was in Annapolis on Wednesday lobbying Hogans budget staff for additional help, Kittleman spokesman Andy Barth said.

In his letter to Hogan, Kittleman said that Howard, one of the states wealthiest jurisdictions, is grappling with its own budget shortfall and that it would be disappointing to not be able to maintain some of our crowning achievements.

Besides the $5.7 million in K-12 aid, Kittleman also asks Hogan to restore about $900,000 in aid to Howard Community College and about $45,000 to the library system.

Democratic lawmakers have said restoring education funding is their top priority for the 90-day legislative session. And several Democratic county officials have also spoken out.

Read more here:
Republican Howard County executive lobbies Hogan on education funds

Clavell Takes on Republican No Hopers – Video

Clavell Takes on Republican No Hopers
Clavell Jackson pokes fun at the Republican presidential candidates who have no chance of winning the nomination.

By: Clavell Jackson

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Clavell Takes on Republican No Hopers - Video