Is Santa a Republican or a Democrat? – The Washington Post
In the world of political analysis, there are few more urgent tasks than shuffling people in the news into the appropriate political bucket, the better to understand their motivations and likely future endorsements.
It is in that spirit that we reached out to prominent political consultants and politicians to ask them to offer their opinion on the week's biggest newsmaker: Kris Kringle, a.k.a. Santa Claus. Our thanks to those who participated -- and, of course, if other prominent figures (President Obama, Pope Benedict) wish to weigh in, please email. And our thanks to internet hero @darth, who created our Reagan-and-Kennedy-in-Santa-hat icons.
Santa Claus is clearly a Republican. He actually delivers what he promises. He and the elves believe in hard work. He helps children for free, he doesn't put them deeper in debt. He unites all of us in a love of Christmas. He isn't a divider.
Santa is definitely a Democrat. Rather than cater to the wealthiest one percent he rewards people who work hard and play by the rules. And while he's not a participant in the first lady's anti-obesity campaign he's very concerned about climate change. After all, Rudolph can fly but he can't swim.
Republican: 1. Imagine a Democrat wearing that much red. 2. If you like your gift, you can actually keep your gift. 3. He looks a lot like Rutherford B. Hayes. 4. Would Mrs. Obama approve of all the milk and cookies?
As someone greatly impacted by and deeply concerned about climate change -- and who has negative views on coal -- Santa is clearly a Democrat.
My sister Kiki suggests he is a Democrat: "He cares about all the children, rich or poor. He cares about the elf's as workers and he believes there is good in the world to be celebrated not just evil to defend against. He believes in holding the naughty accountable. Ultimately he knows is role is important for the future."
I, however, recall the reporting of my fellow Longhorn Berke Breathed back in 1981 that demonstrated Santa's Republican roots when he rejected the demands of PETCO (Professional Elves Toy-Making and Craft Organization) for higher wages, a hot tub in the locker room, and "short broads." When the elves went on strike, President Reagan fired them all and replaced them with out-of-work air traffic controllers. The resulting riot forced Santa to rehire, but in humiliating new positions such as reindeer.
Thus, it is undeniable that Santa Claus is a Reagan Democrat.
Republican... out of shape, obsessed with red, employees required to work day and night, addicted to coal.
The rest is here:
Is Santa a Republican or a Democrat? - The Washington Post