Archive for the ‘Republican’ Category

President, Congressional Leaders Meet After Republican Election Victory – Video

President, Congressional Leaders Meet After Republican Election Victory
After Republicans #39; sweeping election wins, President Barack Obama met Friday with congressional leaders at the White House, saying the American people want their leaders to find common ground...

By: VOAvideo

See the original post:
President, Congressional Leaders Meet After Republican Election Victory - Video

Webster Tarpley: Ten Cruel and Stupid New Republican Senators… – Video

Webster Tarpley: Ten Cruel and Stupid New Republican Senators...
Ten Cruel and Stupid New Republican Senators on Their Way to Washington Thanks to Democrats #39; Refusal to Back Recovery Program; Obama Should Defy Threats, Sign Strong Executive Orders in ...

By: TheRiverMersey

See the article here:
Webster Tarpley: Ten Cruel and Stupid New Republican Senators... - Video

Maddow: Welcome To Your Republican Future Republicans Elect Exorcist In Colorado – Video

Maddow: Welcome To Your Republican Future Republicans Elect Exorcist In Colorado
November 7, 2014, clip from The Rachel Maddow Show (TRMS) where Rachel highlights the bible-thumping, whack-job nonsense of Republican Colorado House candidate-elect, internet preacher ...

By: incitebytes

Continued here:
Maddow: Welcome To Your Republican Future Republicans Elect Exorcist In Colorado - Video

Gov. Chris Christie Speaks at Republican Jewish Coalition (Full Speec – Video

Gov. Chris Christie Speaks at Republican Jewish Coalition (Full Speec
Gov. Chris Christie Speaks at Republican Jewish Coalition (Full Speech Gov. Chris Christie Speaks at Republican Jewish Coalition (Full Speech Mar. 28, 2014 Christie Court GOP donors in Las...

By: Carolyn Perez

Visit link:
Gov. Chris Christie Speaks at Republican Jewish Coalition (Full Speec - Video

Will the President be Able to Work With the New Republican Majority? Here is Jim DeMints Take – Video

Will the President be Able to Work With the New Republican Majority? Here is Jim DeMints Take

By: TheFoundryBlog

Will the President be Able to Work With the New Republican Majority? Here is Jim DeMints Take - Video