Opinion: Republicans who reject Jim Jones will save America – Post Register
The other day, the media delighted in reporting that Idaho National Laboratory was joining an effort to let so-called transgender individuals change their names on past scientific papers and research. History is being rewritten before our eyes. Can we get any more Orwellian? How long will it be before newspapers start changing whats in their archives? Were getting close.
If youre wondering how weve gotten to this point, heres my explanation: Too little pushback from folks who should know better, namely within certain segments of the Republican Party. The old school GOP, whose chief avatar in Idaho might be Jim Jones, did little over many decades to distinguish itself from liberal Democrats.
Jones was Idahos Republican attorney general and later served on the state Supreme Court. When you read Jones commentaries in the newspaper, hes often slobbering with praise for anyone who peddles leftist ideology. Its clear he never was a conservative. Nor were his contemporaries, upon whom he lavishes praise.
For example, Jones delights in the record of former GOP Gov. Robert Smylie, whose greatest accomplishments include a massive expansion of state government and the imposition of a state sales tax, as well as other Republicans who advocated for government control over every aspect of society. If theres a problem, Jones and his ilk believe government should be directed to solve it. He thinks its OK for men to play in womens sports, even working to derail Idahos bill that protects girls from having to compete against biological males. How does Jones view of government and society differ from that of a liberal Democrat?
The answer is it doesnt, which explains why Jones admits he considers himself an independent, but deceitfully votes in the GOP primary to select the most liberal candidate to the Republican Partys nominee for whatever position is being considered. His goal isnt to limit government. His goal is to expand government, which is why in his most recent writings hes pushing for the government to demand that everyone get a vaccine.
The result of this liberal detente between Republicans and Democrats has created an environment that lets stupidity run freely, where wokeism replaces facts and logic, where government has unlimited power and your right to choose the correct path for yourself and your family is replaced by a centralized authority making decisions for you. And usually, those decisions are framed by what makes people feel good for the moment, even if the costs down the road are incalculable.
Hence newspapers gleefully report how INL and others are simply rewriting history without consideration for any detrimental secondary impacts. Together, Republicans and Democrats have created a political and societal environment where anything goes.
Fortunately, the Republican Party is finding its way back to being protectors of our God-given rights, fighting for freedom and liberty, and getting back to our roots as defenders of limited, accountable government.
For example, at this summers state GOP meeting, you will see several resolutions promoting conservative values, including those opposing vaccine mandates and also calling for the censure of a former state GOP official-turned newspaper columnist named Jim Jones.
Jones is one of many former and current Idaho politicians who got away with being a liberal Democrat disguised as a Republican for a long time. Theyve done a lot of damage to our state and our country. But its not too late to embrace the conservative principles that made America the greatest nation the world has ever known. It starts by abandoning Republicans in name only like Jim Jones.
Doyle Beck is the Legislative District 30 chairman of the Idaho Republican Party.
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Opinion: Republicans who reject Jim Jones will save America - Post Register