Archive for the ‘Republicans’ Category

Why Im Leaving the Republican Party – The New Yorker

For decades, I have been known as one of the most significant voices in the Republican Party. I have advised the Bushes. Ive aided the Quayles. Ive tenderly kissed the Cheneys. But today I come to you to reveal that I am leaving this beloved party of minethe party that educated me, housed me, tickled me, and dressed me up as a donkey and forced me to run drunkenly through the streets of Iowa to scare voters in the 1984 Presidential election.

It is not easy for me to say this, because the G.O.P. raised me. I grew up being fed fresh-baked cookies by GeorgeH.W. Bush every day after school. I was burped as a baby by Ronald Reagan. Dr. Henry Kissinger himself delivered me and slapped my rear in the delivery room. My mother and my father were Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon.

Yet I cannot stand idly by and watch as these crooks take over the party I love. I cannot abide this coarsening of discourse, and so on and so forth, etc., etc. Here are the reasons that I am leaving the Republican Party.

Firstly, our country is being ruthlessly divided by the Commander-in-Chief. Brother pitted against brother, cat against dog, exterminator against cockroach, sentient robot against mad inventor. Americans must accept that, no matter our particular beliefs, we are all citizens of the United Stateswhether we be Republican or Democrat, Canadian or Bulgarian, Mesopotamian or Sumerian.

Secondly, as an elder statesman, I recall a kinder, more genteel time in Congress, when Democrats and Republicans not only worked together but were, in fact, fused into a single amorphous entity, composed of writhing flesh and gravel-grasping tendrils, which governed the entire nation through fear and its hive-mind-like consciousness. Did we live in abject horror of that grotesque bipartisan creature, as it rolled through the Senate, destroying podiums and devouring congressional aides to sate its blind lust for power? Yes. But did we respect it? Of course, we did. Its psychosonic mental energy commanded us to do just that.

Thats what being American used to mean.

Finally, I must impress upon my former colleagues that real Americans do not pledge fealty to a strongman. They do not get down on their knees to kiss the boots of an elected official while crying, Oh, I love you so much, mwah, mwah, mwah, such a nice boot, I love this boot, until, out of embarrassment, an aide has to slowly pry them off the guys leg. And then everyone is just kind of standing around, wondering, What the hell is that guys problem? Is he just obsessed with shoes, or what? Americans dont do that. They dont even like shoes that much.

Ultimately, the rank partisanship of our current era is what the Founding Fathers feared most. Well, except for John Jay. He was terrified of goblins. Benjamin Franklin also thought goblins were real, and James Madison was scared of goblins, too. Also, John Hancock and Alexander Hamilton really talked about goblins a lot in their journals. Come to think of it, almost all of the Founding Fathers were really scared of goblins. But after that came hatred of partisanship. And fear of vampires.

In closing, today I depart from the party I once loved so much with great anxiety for the future of our country but also an abiding faith in the ability of our citizens to rise above their petty disagreements and give me a multimillion-dollar contract at a cable news network. We, as a nation, have blindly forgiven far worse than what Ive done, and I sincerely believe we can do it again. All that it takes is everyone suffering severe head trauma and forgetting the past forty years of my actions and beliefs. Then, and only then, can we transcend the divisiveness of the current moment and move on to a glorious new world in which I can afford a nice renovation of my kitchen, with one of those refrigerators thats built right into the wooden cabinetry.

God bless you all.

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Why Im Leaving the Republican Party - The New Yorker

How Democrats Can Learn Hardball From the Republicans of 1861 – POLITICO

These Republicans of the 1860s werent angels. Their motives were not uniformly pure. And they didnt always agree with each other. But in response to decades of anti-democratic incitement by white politicians from slaveholding states, who represented roughly just 25 percent of the countrys population in 1860, Republicans in the age of Lincoln and Grant united to make the rules work for the majority, even when doing so required rewriting the rules wholesale.

Its the playbook Democrats today should follow if they win the White House and the Congress next week.

For several decades now, modern Republicans have used every tool at their disposalvoter suppression, gerrymandering, court packing at all levels, midnight bills to curb the powers of incoming Democratic governors, parliamentary chicanery that applies different rules to presidents of each partyto ram a minoritarian agenda down the majoritys throat. How else, after all, could a party that has lost the popular vote in six of the past seven electionsand which will likely lose the eighth, already in progresswield so much power?

If a Biden administration and the Democratic Congress are to have any chance of leveraging the authority that voters may confer on themif they truly want to enact and protect a popular, majoritarian agendathey should look to an earlier generation of politicians that understood the uses of power and the ends to which it could be applied. That generation didnt quiver in the face of established procedure and precedentand neither should Democrats today.

Slavery was first and foremost a violent crime against African Americans. But it also eroded the countrys political and social fabric. In the three decades preceding the Civil War, pro-slavery Southerners and their supporters in the North had degraded democratic institutions and flouted the rights of everyone elsewhite and Blackin the service of preserving the Peculiar Institution. They imposed a gag rule in the 1830s, barring antislavery Northern congressmen from presenting abolitionist petitions in the House. They remanded that the Post Office bar the delivery of abolitionist literature. They crafted a highly unpopular Fugitive Slave Act in 1850 that required Northerners to be actively complicit in detaining Black persons accused of being runaway slaves, at penalty of trial and imprisonment. In the 1850s, after they nullified the Missouri Compromise that barred slavery in certain Western territories, they deployed violence and election fraud with impunity to ram a pro-slavery state constitution through the Kansas territorial Legislature. When Charles Sumner, the fiery Masachussetts politician, dared deliver an antislavery address in the U.S. Senate, a Southern congressman beat him nearly to death.

When, in a culminating moment, 11 Southern states decided to secede rather than accept the outcome of a free and fair election, Republicans finally enjoyed an opportunity to reinvigorate democratic institutions long been under assault by the Slave Power and pursue a bold economic and social agenda that established a foundation for the postwar world.

From 1861 to 1865, during the Civil War years, Republicans used their majorities to pass legislation authorizing the seizure of rebels land and slaves; the Homestead Act, granting federal land to American families who agreed to settle and improve it; the Land Grant College Act, which conferred on each state federal acreage to support the cost of establishing public universities; legislation funding the construction of a transcontinental railroad, which promised to draw homesteaders into a national market, but which alsotragicallyset in motion the violent destruction of Native American communities everywhere the iron tracks took root; and laws abolishing slavery in Washington, D.C., and the territoriesand, later, everywhere in the United States. In effect, the Civil War Republicans fundamentally altered the character of American life.

Despite their supermajorities in Congress and hold on the White House, Republicans left little to chance.

Fearing the federal judiciary, whose membership skewed conservative and pro-slavery, might invalidate their legislative agenda or limit President Abraham Lincolns ability to prosecute the war, in 1863, Republicans added a 10th seat to the Supreme Court.

There was strong precedent for doing so. As the country admitted new territories as states, it required additional federal circuit courts. In 1807 and 1837 Congress had enlarged the Supreme Court to keep the number of justices on par with the number of appellate courts, a practice that reflected the justices dual function as chief circuit judges. During the Civil War, with the population of California and other Western states growing at a steady clip, Republicans saw an opportunity to justify the creation of a new circuit and, thus, a 10th seat on the high court. But principle converged closely with politics. The court was scheduled to consider a case challenging the Unions blockade of the Confederacy; if the justices ruled against Lincoln, their decision threatened to cripple the war effort. They intended to pad their slim majority.

The governing party also restructured the shape of the circuit courts to dilute the influence of pro-slavery judges and create new vacancies for Lincoln to fill, with the advice and consent of the Republcan-controlled Senate.

In other ways, too, Lincoln and his congressional allies threw sharp elbows. In 1864, the president introduced his Ten Percent Plan, which extended an offer of amnesty to all Southerners who would pledge allegiance to the United States and invited any state that could muster up enough such loyal men, equal to 10 percent of those who had voted in 1860, to form a new state government and send representatives to Congress. Radicals introduced their own plan, which required a 50 percent threshold and a stronger, iron-clad oath that few Confederates could meet, but Lincoln pocket vetoed their bill. He wanted a lower bar for readmission, not because he was soft on treason, but to foster political dissent and chaos behind enemy lines. He also wanted to create (on paper, at least) newly reconstituted Southern statesled by men loyal to the Unionthat could cast Electoral College votes for the Republican ticket and help ratify the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. Ultimately, the reconstituted but hardly reconstructed states of Louisiana, Tennessee and Arkansaswhich were readmitted under Lincolns termsapproved the abolition amendment before the presidents death

In the same way, when the western counties of Virginialargely populated by white yeoman farmers who held the states slaveholding elite in bitter contemptdeclared their independence from the Confederacy, congressional Republicans passed legislation, which Lincoln signed, admitting them as the new state West Virginia in 1863. A year later, they made the sparsely populated Nevada territory a state. Thus the party gained four new U.S. senators, a reliable slate of presidential electors and a support for a broad assault on slavery.

Lincolns death complicated matters. In what was surely his worst decision in public life, the president had replaced Vice President Hannibal Hamlin, a reliable antislavery politician, with Andrew Johnson, a deeply insecure white supremacist from Tennessee who had remained loyal to the Union, but whose sympathies lay with his native South. The next four years witnessed acrimonious conflict between a revanchist, racist president and a Republican supermajority that repeatedly overrode his vetoes and governed over his head.

Between Lincolns death in April 1865 and the opening session of the new Congress that December, Johnson unilaterally readmitted Southern states and invited them to hold elections. This, despite their widespread enactment of Black Codes that reintroduced slavery in all but nameimpressing free Black children into apprenticeships, proscribing the right of Black persons to free expression and assembly, barring ex-slaves from owning guns and compelling them to sign labor contracts that bound them to their former owners. Adding insult to injury, the Southern states sent a slate of prominent ex-Confederates to Congress, including Alexander Stephens, the former Confederate vice president who arrived in Washington that winter as a senator-elect from Georgia. In Johnsons mind, the war was over and slavery dead, at least on paper; the rebellious states should be welcomed back to their prior relationship with the federal government immediately.

But congressional Republicans viewed matters otherwise. They saw an unreconstructed minority refusing to accept its defeat. On December 4, 1865, amid widespread anticipation of the impending political crisis, the newly arrived members of the 39th Congress descended on the Capitol for the opening session. At noon, the House clerk, Edward McPherson, a former two-term congressman and protg of Thaddeus Stevens, stepped up to the rostrum and gaveled the House into session. Stevens, the radical leader, if not dictator, of the House, by one members estimation, served as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, a position akin in the 1860s to majority leader. An uncompromising opponent of slavery and unforgiving foe of slaveholders, he cut an austere figure. Stevens instructed McPherson to skip the names of the Southern members-elect as he read the roll call. When a Northern Democrat rose to intercede on behalf of Congressman-elect Horace Maynard of Tennessee, Stevens replied tartly that all motions were out of order pending election of a new speaker. I cannot yield to any gentleman who does not belong to this bodywho is an outsider, he remarked. The House flat-out refused to accept the credentials of the Southern members-elect, as did the Senate. The non-congressmen packed up their bags and went home.

Over the next 3 years, the Republican Congress overrode Johnsons vetoes to enact legislation enshrining civil rights for freedmen and splicing the former Confederate states into five military districts. Until Southern states accepted the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery and the 14th Amendment, establishing a broad swath of civil rights for all natural born citizens, including freedmenand until they established new state governments on the basis of universal male suffragethey would remain under martial law and go unrepresented in Washington.

Republicans invoked a number of justifications for their procedural and policy measures. Stevens held that the Confederate states were conquered provinces whose citizens had forfeited their citizenship rights. Charles Sumner, the radical senator from Massachusetts, held that Southerners had committed state suicide. But most Republicans hung their hats on a section of the Constitution that guarantee[s] to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government. If loyal white persons and Black freedmen were denied their right to property, free expression and assemblyif elections were marred by fraud, violence and disenfranchisementCongress had an obligation to intervene on their behalf.

Governing in opposition to Johnson, the Republican supermajorities in Congress bent the system as far as it would go. Fearing the new president might pack the judiciary with loyalists, in 1866 they once again changed the composition of the Supreme Court, eliminating three seats by means of attrition. The next three vacancies would go unfilled until the number of justices fell to seven, thus depriving Johnson of the power to appoint anyone to the bench. (In 1869, after Republican Ulysses S. Grant assumed the presidency, they reset the number of justices at nine, where it remains today.) They passed a constitutionally dubious act barring Johnson from dismissing Cabinet officials without congressional approval, a measure intended to protect radical War Secretary Edwin Stanton, who effectively administered the Armys occupation of former Southern states.

In 1867, Republicans admitted another reliable western stateNebraska (1867)and in so doing, gained new senators and electoral votes. Beginning in the 1870s after Johnson left office, but as their hold on power began to slip, they granted statehood to a trove of thinly populated but (at the time) reliably Republican territories: Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. They did so out of concern that the very rebels who had, in recent memory, raised arms against their country would soon regain control of the federal government.

Remarkably, these bare-knuckle mean and ends were broadly popular. In 1866, the GOP swept off-year elections, bolstering its capacity to govern over Johnsons head. Equally of note, the partya hotchpotch coalition of former Whigs, Democrats, Free Soilers and Know Nothings, which had been a party for only 10 yearsremained fundamentally unified. Despite their pronounced differences over policy and politics, moderates like Henry Raymond and William Pitt Fessenden worked in lockstep with radicals like Stevens and Sumner. With the exception of Andrew Johnsons impeachment trial, in which several moderates broke ranks and voted to acquit the president, on every critical votethe Civil Rights Act of 1866, the Freedmens Bureau Bill, the Reconstruction Act of 1867, and the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitutionthe alliance held.

For many years, Americans remembered Reconstruction as a failed experiment, at besta Tragic Era, at worst, an Angry Scar. Its violent overthrow by white Southerners betrayed the early economic and political advancements of millions of freedmen who, for a brief moment in time, experienced self-government and a free labor economy, until the onset of Jim Crow stamped out their gains.

Since the 1960s, however, historians have acknowledged the era for its more lasting, if gradual, revolution. The Reconstruction amendments not only forged a basis for civil rights legislation in the 1960s, and for the legalization of abortion and marriage equality in subsequent decades. From the 1920s onward, the Supreme Court used the 14th Amendment to incorporate the Bill of Rights and extend its federal guarantees to the states. If youre glad that the state of Texas or Florida is bound to respect your rights to free expression, speech and religionyour right not to incriminate yourself or face unlawful search and seizureyou have the Reconstruction-era Republicans to thank.

To be sure, were not living in the shadow of a Civil War. As bad as things are, theyre nowhere near as violent or divisive. But the parallels to our own era are striking. For well over a decade, Republican politicians at the state and federal levels have feverishly assaulted democratic norms and processes to advance a hard-hitting minoritarian agendathe abolition of reproductive rights, dismantling of the Affordable Care Act, deregulation of environmental and safety standards, tax cuts for corporations and the wealthiest Americansthat is deeply unpopular. They know its unpopular. Which is why theyve made it harder for people to vote; manipulated Senate rules to hold judicial seats vacant under Barack Obama, only to fill them under Donald Trump; incited domestic terrorists and extremistsProud Boys, QAnon fanatics, the Klan and neo-Nazisto meet lawful political assembly with violence. The president has openly flirted with nullifying the election if he doesnt like the results. Indeed, the pro-slavery zealots of 1860 could hardly have done it better.

Democrats, should they earn a governing majority, may soon have an opportunity to restore and improve the institutions that a minoritarian party has broken piece by piece over so many years. If so, the lessons of the Reconstruction era are clear: You cant achieve the ends if you dont embrace the means.

To pass elements of the "Green New Deal" or protect and expand the ACA, Democrats might need to dismantle the filibuster, an anti-majoritarian instrument that threatens to scuttle the expressed will of the voters. They might have to unpack the federal courts and expand the Supreme Court by four seats, thus returning to the original standard of one justice per circuit. Theyll surely want to admit new statesWashington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, perhaps other territoriesto the Union, not just because doing so will enlarge the Senate and Electoral College, but because it extends democratic rights to disenfranchised Americans who live in those place. They might even consider expanding the size of the House of Representatives to recalibrate the ratio of those governing to those being governed.

Taking a cue from Thaddeus Stevens, Democratic majorities in the House and Senate should refuse to seat members-elect whose claim to sit in Congress is compromised. In close congressional elections, if uncounted ballots lay piled up in U.S. Postal Service sorting centers, or hundreds of people were unable to vote due to 12-hour-long lines and the arbitrary rejection of absentee ballots, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer can and should invoke the constitutional guarantee of a republican form of government. Make the offending states hold new electionsthis time, properly.

If the Supreme Courtwith Amy Coney Barrett newly installedcancels out a narrow but clear Joe Biden victory by ordering officials in Pennsylvania to throw out ballots that were postmarked before, but arrived after, the election, Congress should accept the competing slate of electors that the governor, a Democrat, certifies. If state officials in Georgia repeat their egregious efforts to suppress the votes of Black citizens, the House and Senate should throw out Georgias entire slate of presidential electors. They should take these measures even if Biden wins the requisite 270 electoral votes elsewhere, to send a clear message: The era of minoritarian rule is over.

Biden, should he occupy the Oval Office, should appoint judges who support a reinvigoration of the Reconstruction amendments, particularly the 14th Amendments clause stipulating that the citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states. Intended by its framers to create a robust federal guarantee of civil rights, the clause fell into disuse in later decades, the victim of an increasingly reactionary Supreme Court that willfully abnegated its purpose. As historian Eric Foner argued in his recent book The Second Founding, there is no reason why it shouldnt be excavated. A rising generation of 14th Amendment originalists might use it to address all manner of issues, from cash bail and police excesses to environmental standards.

Few politicians in American history have understood the uses and ends of power as well as the congressional Republicans of the 1860s. Faced with an existential threat to American democracy, they stared down a violet and revanchist minority and summoned authority earned at the polls to expand the very meaning of citizenship. If next weeks elections go their way, thats the lesson Democrats should take away.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this article misstated the number of military districts comprising the former Confederate States.

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How Democrats Can Learn Hardball From the Republicans of 1861 - POLITICO

Pence to headline Republican campaign rally in Montana – Associated Press

BELGRADE, Mont. (AP) Vice President Mike Pence is due to headline a campaign rally in southcentral Montana Monday as Republicans in the state seek to take back the governors mansion and retain seats in the U.S. House and Senate.

Pence is scheduled to appear Monday afternoon at the Big Yellow Barn, an event venue in Belgrade, Montana, just west of Bozeman. He has an event earlier in the day in Wisconsin.

Also scheduled to be in attendance are Republican U.S. Sen. Steve Daines, who is facing a challenge from Gov. Steve Bullock; U.S. Rep. Greg Gianforte, who faces Lt. Gov. Mike Cooney in the run for governor; and state auditor Matt Rosendale, who is being challenged by former state legislator Kathleen Williams for Montanas sole House seat.

The event if open to the public but crowd size is limited because of restrictions due to the coronavirus.

Pence was originally scheduled to attend a fundraiser for the Trump re-election campaign earlier Monday in Bozeman, but cancelled following revelations that the events hosts have supported the discredited QAnon conspiracy theory.

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Pence to headline Republican campaign rally in Montana - Associated Press

This Republican Party Is Not Worth Saving – The Atlantic

Conservatives must also let go of fantasies about saving the good Republicans, a list that is virtually nonexistent. (You cant count Mitt Romney more than once.) The occasional furrowed browa specialty of the feckless Susan Collins of Maineis not enough. The few, like Romney, who have dared grasp at moments of sanity have been pilloried by Trump and other Republicans. In any case, Romney is chained to the GOP caucus, a crew that includes the jabbering Louie Gohmert and calculating Elise Stefanik in the House, and the sniveling Ted Cruz and amoral Mitch McConnell in the Senate.

Would-be Madisonians among the Republicans warn that no party should have untrammeled access to the levers of powerand especially not the Democrats. Yes, they say, we understand that Trump must go, but if Joe Biden is allowed to run the executive branch without a Republican Senate, America will become a one-party state that sooner or later will fall under the boot of the dreaded Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. This faux constitutionalism is naked hypocrisy: I do not recall, during my days in the GOP, anyone on the right ever pleading that Americans should leave at least a few Democrats in office so that we Republicans would not go crazy and start force-feeding Ayn Rand or Friedrich Hayek to impressionable schoolchildren.

America needs two healthy political parties. So if the Republicans suffer a full-spectrum defeat in 2020, what comes next? At the least, a shattering loss should result in a wholesale purge of the Republican National Committee. Even donors who like what they got from Trump will not pour money into a losing proposition.

Annie Lowrey: The party of no content

In the long term, sensible conservativeswho believe in limited government and the prudent, constitutional stewardship of national power and resourcesmight feel safe to run for national office as Republicans again. Those at the local level who were bullied into silence by their state organizations might be able to come out of hiding and challenge the people who led them to disaster.

Reconstructing the GOPor any center-right party that might one day replace itwill take a long time, and the process will be painful. The remaining opportunists in the GOP will try to avert any kind of reform by making a last-ditch lunge to the right to fill the vacuum left by Trumps culture warring and race-baiting. In the short term, the party might become smaller and more extreme, even as it loses seats. So be it. The hardening of the GOP into a toxic conglomeration of hucksters, quislings, racists, theocrats, and cultists is already happening. The party gladly accepted support from white supremacists and the Russian secret services, and now welcomes QAnon kooks into its caucus. Conservatives must learn that the only way out of the wilderness is first to vanquish those who led them there.

No person should ever get a second chance to destroy the Constitution. Trump has brought the United States to the brink of civil catastrophe, and the Republican Party has protected him from the consequences of all his immoral and illegal actions more ably than even Fred Trump did. Conservatives need to put the current Republican Party out of itsand ourmisery.

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This Republican Party Is Not Worth Saving - The Atlantic

Transgender scare tactics are back on the Republican agenda. Here’s why they won’t work. – USA TODAY

Leigh Finke, Opinion contributor Published 5:00 a.m. ET Sept. 14, 2020 | Updated 10:42 a.m. ET Sept. 14, 2020

LGBTQ rights have come a long way in the U.S. But the community still faces threats in the form of legalization, discrimination and even violence. USA TODAY

Making a 2020 wedge issue out of transgender lives ignores the real lesson of 2004: Republicans cant stop human empathy, no matter how hard they try.

At this very moment, there is a man sitting in a room deploying a strategy to re-elect the current president based on the belief that it is unacceptable for me, a transgender woman in middle America, to exist. According to this man, the extension of basic human rights to transgender people specifically transgender children and youth is so self-evidently repugnant, that posing the question of our humanity will swing voters away from Joe Biden and towards Donald Trump.

This isnt hyperbole or conjecture. This mans name is Terry Schilling. He runs the American Principles Project in Virginia. Hes already been profiled in a Politico feature that centers on this very strategy. Schilling, the piece reports, is in the process of rolling out a campaign, starting in Michigan, targeting Biden and Democrats for supporting transgender youth.

Schilling and his supporters want to make transgender rights a kitchen table issue in this election. He believes that opposition to transgender rights for young people should define the Republican Party going forward.

We heard Cissie Graham Lynchdeploy this strategy at the Republican National Convention. Graham Lynch misgendered transgender students, falsely claimed that Democrats pressured schools to change their policiesand argued that trans youth were a risk to schools and students, despite no evidence to support such a claim.

This is very scary, Ill admit. As Schilling moves forward with his national strategy, voters are going to hear a lot of anti-transgender messages that are harmful, cruel, and just factually inaccurate.

The facts on transgender youth are known and accepted by medical and psychological experts: Gender affirming health carefor transgender and non-binary youth saves lives. Full stop. Familial acceptanceand transitional health careare the foundational building blocks of a happy and fulfilling future. Transgender affirming care harms no one. It saves lives. These are not opinions. These are facts.

Leigh Finke on April 16, 2020.(Photo: Family photo)

Also true: transgender people, especially transgender women and girls of color, are among the most vulnerablepopulations in the United States. The countryhas lost at least 28 transgender people (that we know about) to violence so far this year already surpassing last year's horrific record of violence.The Trump administration has spent the last four years weaponizing the departments ofDefense, Health and Human Services, Housing and Educationagainst transgender people seeking to serve their country, requesting health care and a safe place to sleep and go to school.

LGBTQ+ leaders: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the most pro-equality ticket in US history

Politically exploiting transgender youth for electoral purposes makes it more dangerous to be transgender. Ad campaigns designed to demonize usencourage violenceand puts transgender lives at greater risk. Unfortunately, there are many people in this nation (like, our president and his family) that appear more than willing to make us casualties in their war for more power.

Culture war fights based on LGBTQ+ rights are not new in a presidential campaign, of course. It does feel like the stakes this time seem higher than ever (I am trans, after all), but campaigns based on weaponizing the fear of queer people have a pretty recent history, and we can all learn from that history as we embark on the next twovery awful months.

In 2004, PresidentGeorge W. Bush narrowly defeated Sen.John Kerry in part by embracing a strategy of fear-mongering about the dire consequences of marriage equality. Bushcalled for a constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriage, and conservatives in 13 states put such bans on their November ballots.

The idea was to help boost turnout by so-called family values voters. And it worked. Sort of.

All 13 ballot initiatives passed, its true. And Bush did squeak out another term. But ask yourself: Was that second term for George Bush really worth it? Are the voters who were persuaded by the threat of marriage equality better off because of the failed leadership of the Bush administration and all the calamitous results he brought us, including the worst economic recession since the Great Depression?Oh, and before you answer, dont forget Republicans actually lost that culture war a decade later when marriage was legalized nationwideand none those dire consequences actually happened.

More: Don't let Trump hide brutal LGBTQ record behind 'religious freedom' rhetoric in 2020 race

The anti-campaign we are seeing is making the same bet in 2020. Terry Schilling and his ilk are using the same scare tactics to exploit vulnerable lives in an attempt to re-elect I cant believe I have to write this another failed president who led us into the new worst recession since the Great Depression.

Making a wedge issue out of our lives ignores the real lesson of 2004, which is that the Republican Party cant stop human empathy, no matter how hard they try. In 2004, 31% of Americans supported marriage equality, and their culture war campaign worked. Today, only 31% of Americans oppose marriage equality. It is the majority opinion in the United Statesthat the Republican Party was wrong in 2004. Transgender rights are following in the wake of the marriage equality fight. No matter how hard you wedge us into your campaign, youre wrong, and whether its this year, or next, Americans will realize it.

Campaigning against the rights of transgender people especially transgender children and youth should be seen for what it is: hateful, bigoted, and wrong. Dont fall for it.

Leigh Finke is an author and filmmaker from Saint Paul, Minnesota. Her book, "Queerfully and Wonderfully Made: A Guide for LGBTQ+ Christians," came out August 25. Follow her on Twitter:@leighfinke


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Transgender scare tactics are back on the Republican agenda. Here's why they won't work. - USA TODAY