You Can Thank Government Bashing Republicans For Pandemic – The Ring of Fire Network – The Ring of Fire Network
Republicans have spent decades telling us that the government is the cause of most of our problems here in the United States. Theyve spent billions of dollars crafting this message and electing politicians who will put these words into action. And in a time of crisis, the government becomes crippled because of the kneecapping weve witnessed from the Republican Party. They are responsible for whats happening today, as Ring of Fires Farron Cousins explains.
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You know, its really easy to go ahead and just blame Donald Trump for the, you know, pandemic spreading across the United States right now. The fact that we are now the world leader in the number of confirmed coronavirus cases, and to be honest, Donald Trump does deserve most of the credit. He is the president. He has failed to take action. But I think giving him all of the credit for the spread of this disease is misguided because I think the real blame lies with the Republican party itself. For decades upon decades upon decades, if not even longer the Republican party has been telling us the government is the problem. You know, that right wing ideologue Grover Norquist once famously said, lets make government so small, you can drown it in a bathtub.
And Republicans have succeeded in doing that. Just in the last three years that Donald Trump has been in office, what have they done? Theyve cut government agencies, they fired federal workers. Theyve reduced the budgets for the very agencies, including in this years proposed budget, that hasnt been changed by the way that would be responding to this pandemic. They set themselves up for failure because they hate the government so much. The Koch brothers now Koch brother have been railing against the government for decades. Funding candidates who they know are going to go to Washington DC and try to cut the government down to size just like Grover Norquist wants them to do.
And now look whats happened. Were in that worst case scenario of what happens when you have a dysfunctional federal government. This is the Republicans dream. It may not have the outcome that they wanted, but thats because not a single one of them was intelligent enough to understand that we need a strong federal government. And if youre still out there today arguing that, no, we dont, we need states rights. Youre an idiot. This we, the proof, the proof is around you right now. All around you of why we need a strong federal government. Need more proof, why dont you look at my state of Florida here.
We had a governor, he shut down the schools, you know, superintendents shut down schools. Thats good, right? Keep the kids away so they dont get contaminated. Thats great. But what they didnt do is they didnt shut down all the beaches. They let all the spring breakers come down here. And then after about a week or so of spring breakers, not only getting infected and spreading infections according to recent reports, they also took a lot of our supplies. You know, our, our groceries, the things everybodys running out of. The toilet papers, hand sanitizers, yeah, they took that back home with them. So were just kind of screwed down here. Theyve spread the virus, theyve taken our supplies, and then, oops, here we are and thats because the government didnt do anything. They didnt want to lose any money. A strong federal government could have stepped in and shut that down immediately, but they didnt.
The centers for disease control could have done something, health and human services. But oops, we like to cut those. We dont like them working on public health initiatives. Folks, heres the bottom line. This story could be about more than just the pandemic, just how small government has screwed us over in response to the pandemic. Small government has screwed us over in response to climate change. Small government has screwed us over in terms of expanding social security, expanding Medicaid and Medicare. Funding public schools, increasing the budgets for police offices, fire departments. Right? Republicans are to blame for all of that folks. This is them. This is part of their party platform. It is part of their ideology and if you want to see us avoid catastrophes like this in the future or catastrophes like the other ones I just mentioned, then I suggest you stop voting for Republicans because this is what they want to do every single time they get power.
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