They have to be given their due; Republicans have a way with words. Self-aggrandizing, press-threatening, pouring out constant accusations and disseminations and topping off with a race-baiting misogynistic dangerous P.T. Barnum of a candidate, the discourse abusing Republicans have provided us with the verbal equivalent of an embarrassment of rashes, the kind that dont respond well to treatment.
Not the least of vexing irritants has been a presidential campaign that Trumps buddy Vlad would be proud of and, apparently, is. Working a winning combination, i.e. clever and cynical, GOP strategists looked into their tiny but surprisingly efficient hearts and earnestly questioned; why bother with the fact of the matter when facts matter so little? Apparently they learned lessons from the Russians and professional wrestling. (Wait a second, my God, could the former Soviets have hacked pro wrestling too? Maybe. Or was it the other way around!?).
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See the original post:
Russo: Republicans have lost their principles - Roanoke Times