Archive for the ‘Republicans’ Category

These Republicans didn’t like Trump at first. They do now. – CNN

"Trump's a buffoon," David Searles said before casting a vote for Marco Rubio in the New Hampshire primary.

"He scares me," Rebecca Meyer said before settling on Ben Carson in South Carolina's primary.

"He's not presidential," Gail Francioli said after backing Ohio Gov. John Kasich in that state's primary.

Yet like nearly nine out of 10 Republicans nationwide, Searles, Meyer and Francioli supported Trump in the general election. And like the vast majority of Republicans, they support him still.

In fact, these one-time-skeptics are part of the bulwark that is bolstering a President whose first month in office roiled the nation.

Consider Wendy Housel of Summerville, South Carolina. She was so distraught by her party's nominee that she cried in the voting booth. She cast a ballot for Trump anyway, and prayed it was the right thing to do.

Now? "So far, I've liked what I've seen," Housel said.

Trump's provocative comments about women and minorities -- including assertions that Mexican immigrants were "rapists," that he could grab women's genitals with impunity and that African Americans had never been worse off than they were last year -- along with his misrepresentation of facts and tendency to boast gave Democrats hope that significant numbers of Republicans, particularly women, would cross party lines and vote for Hillary Clinton. They did not.

When it came time to vote, Republicans were as loyal to their party as Democrats were to theirs. And now, they are standing solidly behind Trump, even as his approval rating is the lowest of any new president in modern times. Trump's 40% approval rating is 21 points below average for a president finishing his first month in office, while his 87% approval rating among Republicans is second only to that of George W. Bush among all GOP presidents elected in the last 65 years, Gallup reported Friday.

Put another way, a greater percentage of Republicans support Trump than backed Ronald Reagan after his first four weeks in the Oval Office.

I called a number of Republicans I met along the campaign trail to find out what they think of Trump now. Some bemoaned his blustery style. None disputed his policies.

The reason is simple: They agree with him.

"I'm ecstatic! It's a breath of fresh air," Judy Griffin exclaimed when I asked her about the nascent Trump presidency. "The country was going on a near-death experience collision. Political correctness was about to strangle us all."

A 66-year-old from Woodstock, Georgia, Griffin began the campaign season supporting Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. She was such a big fan that she went to Wisconsin in 2012 to help Walker defeat a recall campaign. When he dropped out of the presidential race months before the first votes were cast, Griffin switched her allegiance to Rubio, the young senator from Florida. When I met her at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland -- sporting a straw hat bedecked with GOP buttons dating back to Barry Goldwater -- Griffin was fully committed to Trump, if for no other reason than he was, by then, the nominee.

"The only right thing to do was get behind the guy who won the race," she said.

Although all the voters I contacted said they continued to support Trump, most volunteered they were wary about his flaws, particularly what they portrayed as impetuous behavior. Not Griffin. Where others see foibles, she sees assets.

"He's the perfect reality show star. He's now starring in his own reality show," she said. "At this point in history and in our country, with all the issues that we have to face, it may be time for non-convention to take the lead and take the bull by the horn and start wrestling some of these issues that are serious issues for our country."

Griffin, formerly the director of development for a Christian school, described herself as "very conservative" and "very pro-life." She said she wants Trump to take on ISIS because "you have to confront evil." She also wants him to rebuild the military, reduce the national debt and bring back jobs -- things she criticized former President Barack Obama for failing to do. She added that Trump could do more to improve race relations than did the first African-American president.

"I think we're a more divided country than we were eight years ago. Having an African-American in the White House, I don't think, did anything to improve our race relations," Griffin said. "When you go into the inner cities, people need jobs, the kids need hope....We're at a crossroads for needing someone that could take us down a new direction."

Indeed, Griffin was so excited about Trump that she flew to Washington for his inauguration. "I have a lot of hope for him," she said.

Gail Francioli sat by the window in Dewey's Coffee House reading a short book entitled, "Grieving with the Help of Your Catholic Faith." It was July of last year and the Republican convention was taking place a few miles away in downtown Cleveland. But her thoughts were elsewhere, as she struggled to heal after the death of her mother the previous August. She set the book down to talk to me.

"I have never missed an election," Francioli said. Her mother, the long-time secretary of the Cuyahoga County Republican Party, "was so excited when she heard the convention was coming to Cleveland," she noted.

Francioli, 66, retired when her job as a licensed practical nurse was eliminated -- a victim of the economy that Trump pledged to fix. Still, the soft-spoken Francioli had no kind words for the GOP nominee.

"Trump is not good for this country. He's not presidential," she said. "His character leaves a lot to be desired. The way he insults people, it makes me cry. The children! I'm embarrassed."

The only good thing about Trump, she said, was his running mate, Mike Pence.

"I'm praying for a miracle," Francioli said. "I'm praying that either Trump gets out" -- she paused -- "I'm praying for something."

Even as she prayed, Francioli said she knew she ultimately would vote for Trump. Clinton, she said, was "untrustworthy." And as an avowed opponent of abortion rights, flag burning, same-sex marriage and adoptions by same-sex couples, Francioli said she wanted a president who would populate the Supreme Court with conservatives.

"I don't care for Trump, but he's the lesser of two evils," she said firmly. His shortcomings: "He's not presidential. I don't like the way he speaks. There's no reason for him to insult people. I don't see any plans that could be implemented. I don't like his mannerisms."

And, in case there was a kernel of doubt about her sentiments: "I don't like the way he waves his hands."

Trump hasn't changed since that July day. But Francioli has.

"So, I voted for Trump," she said when I called her this month. "I didn't care for his personality, and he doesn't think before he speaks and he's kind of rash. But I'm glad that I did. I'm glad that he's come down on the refugee immigration stance. I know it's difficult, but we have to protect our country....

"I have a good feeling about him," she said. "He seems like he's going to be good."

As for her previous trepidations, Francioli said, "I got to like his policies and I was able to put his personality aside."

Indeed, Francioli offered a substantial list of subjects on which she agrees with Trump. "He's going to increase the military, going to protect this country, build a wall, border control, Obamacare," she said. "He's bringing jobs back." A regular participant in church-led marches outside an abortion clinic, she added that she expects Trump to place further restrictions on the procedure.

When I asked if there was anything she disliked about the man whose behavior used to bring her to tears, Francioli responded flatly: "Not that I can think of."

"Trump is definitely out," Dave Searles declared when I met him one year ago. He was wedged into a crowd, waiting to hear his candidate, Rubio, who had foundered during a debate the previous night.

"It's given me a little pause," said Searles, a software developer from Windham, New Hampshire.

But Searles wasn't happy with the alternatives. John Kasich was too moderate. Chris Christie and Jeb Bush didn't stand a chance of winning. Ted Cruz was "a calculating weasel."

He saved some of his harshest words for the billionaire from New York. "Trump's a buffoon," Searles declared. "He's offered not one single policy, unless you consider building a wall a policy. He's vulgar."

Two days later, Searles cast his vote for Rubio in New Hampshire's primary. Ten months and one day later, he voted for Trump.

"I kept hoping for someone a little more sane, a little more --," Searles left the sentence hanging during our recent conversation. "I was rather puzzled and dismayed at how Trump seemed to stay up at the top."

Despite his misgivings, he said that although "there was much I didn't like about him, there was far more I didn't like about Hillary Clinton."

Searles, 61, gives the President's performance mixed reviews. He said Trump should let go of peripheral concerns, such as the size of the crowd at his inauguration or how "The Apprentice" is doing in his absence. When it comes to issues, however, he gives Trump two thumbs' up.

"For the most part, I agree with many of the policies he's looking to do. That's certainly the upside," Searles said. "The downside is sometimes he can be rather petty. I wish he could just let things go and be a bigger person."

He also favors Trump's push to roll back regulations that Searles said have "stifled" businesses, including the software company that hasn't been stable enough to give him a raise in 10 years.

Internationally, Searles said he is optimistic that the US will "have a stronger presence on the world stage." He appreciates Trump's tough talk.

"I felt that the Obama administration was preoccupied with not offending people. As a result, I think some nations that normally would not try some things are seeing how much they can get away with," he said, pointing specifically to Iran. "Sometimes, you have to smack them across the jaw. I'm not talking about starting World War III. But at some point, you have to say enough's enough."

Searles said he thought Trump got off to a strong start on Inauguration Day, when he promised to take on the "American carnage" that he said had torn through the nation, leaving poverty, crime, drugs, gangs, shuttered factories and bad schools in its wake.

"I'm surprised how many people said it was dark," Searles said of Trump's inaugural address. On the contrary, he said he was heartened that the President put a spotlight on the problems of inner cities, which Searles said politicians in both parties have too long ignored.

Searles, an evangelical Christian, said he was pleased that Trump nominated conservative Judge Neil Gorsuch to replace the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who was a leader among conservative jurists. In a position not frequently taken by political partisans, Searles said that if a more liberal justice departs, Trump should nominate someone in that person's image. "Stacking the deck would just produce more conflict," he said.

"Trump is in this unique position because he's somewhat unpredictable in terms of how he's going to govern," Searles said. "He's been a Democrat in the past. He's had some liberal views in the past. Even now, he has some conservative views and some liberal views. He's really that third-party candidate that just ran under the Republican banner."

Even when she cast her vote for Trump, Rebecca Meyer was not wholly convinced.

A veteran of the California National Guard and wife of a Marine Corps aviator, Meyer, 39, always has voted Republican. "But I was very concerned as a woman about some of the rhetoric," she told me recently. "I had a really hard time with some of the things I was hearing from Donald Trump." The "Access Hollywood" tape, in which Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women, was "jarring," she said.

Still, Meyer said she was reluctant to vote for Clinton given the FBI investigation into her use of a private email server as secretary of state and what Meyer feared would be a "pay to play" administration (a charge levied by Trump). Furthermore, she was disturbed by Clinton's response to the 2012 attack on the US mission in Benghazi, Libya, which left the ambassador and three other Americans dead.

"They had equally egregious statements or comments that could be given weight depending on your morals," Meyer said of both major-party nominees.

In the end, Meyer returned to her conservative, anti-abortion roots. But it was a long journey.

In the weeks leading up to the South Carolina primary last February, Meyer tried to meet every candidate she could. She took selfies with several of them, asked questions when possible and blogged about the race for a Marine family website called

When we first met, at a Columbia town hall featuring Bush, Meyer was wavering among several Republican candidates, including Kasich, Rubio and the former Florida governor. She said she initially supported Carson, the retired neurosurgeon who now runs the Department of Housing and Urban Development, but decided she didn't want to "throw away" her vote on someone who couldn't win. An online test concluded her views lined up with those of Cruz, but Meyer said she found the Texas senator to be "disingenuous."

During the town hall, Meyer asked Bush how he would motivate the military and improve services for veterans. His answer, replete with specifics, pleased her.

The next night, I ran into Meyer at a large Trump rally in the cavernous North Charleston Coliseum. That's when she said he scared her. Nonetheless, she hoped to get some face time with him.

"I want to ask if his edginess and brassiness will make it hard to make moral decisions," she told me. She didn't get an answer, but she did manage to grab an autograph for her brother.

A year and an inauguration later, Meyer -- who moved from Beauford, South Carolina, to San Diego last summer -- remains dubious about Trump's style.

But she is generally content with his policies.

She supported his decision to "pause" travel from the seven Muslim countries, though she criticized him for lashing out at the judges who blocked enforcement of the ban. "It would be nice if he would respect the position that these people have earned," she said. She agrees that America should curb illegal immigration, though she would prefer to make it easier for foreigners to move here legally. As a high school teacher in southern California, Meyer said, "I have kids crying their eyes out because they think their family members can't come across the border."

She is hopeful that Trump will continue to name conservative judges to the federal bench. She also wants him to replace Obamacare, which she said is fraught with fines, paperwork, billing problems, increasing costs and the kind of red tape that led a relative to travel to Mexico for an operation that was too expensive at home. At the same time, she acknowledged that crafting a new plan is no simple undertaking.

"I don't want health care reform to take too much time because people deserve comprehensive health care options now, but I also don't want it to just 'get done' for the sake of fulfilling a campaign promise," Meyer wrote in an email following one of our telephone conversations. "The simple answer, for me, is not to reinvent the wheel; rather, look at other countries' models that work and then shape them to better aid our citizens. Ask doctors, hospital administrators, the people, and have the plan not be politically motivated....Maybe I'm too idealistic and I know it's not that simple but it seems like a good starting point?"

Policies aside, Meyer has some gripes about Trump. The public school English and technology teacher had harsh words for Trump's education secretary, Betsy DeVos, whom she said "is not supportive enough of public education." She was particularly incensed that, during her Senate confirmation hearing, DeVos seemed unfamiliar with the federal law that protects students with disabilities.

She also said Trump should stop worrying about unimportant issues and picking Twitter fights.

"If I were in charge, I'd do things differently," she said. "I wouldn't have paid any attention to the nonsense and I would have gotten to business. But Trump has created a platform where people love the sensationalism of it all. I understand it. But the sensationalism of it all can stop. He can put on his suit and his tie and comb his hair and get to work. He can use his Twitter account to inform the American people, but not to be petty, show the American people that he's getting down to business so that people who opposed him can say there is a leader there....

"I wake up and I just hope that something clicks and tomorrow he'll be more presidential."

Finally, Meyer had some thoughts about the mood of the nation in the Trump era. She told me on the phone she would like to see Trump show a little more empathy, to demonstrate that he's "a leader of all people." Later, she sent me an email that addressed the divide tearing at the fabric of this country, offering words that belie stereotypes about some Trump supporters.

"I have a unique perspective and am blessed to work at a culturally diverse school -- so my preconceived ideas can be changed through real daily experiences walking alongside my students and hearing about their pain, their lives, their concerns, their struggles," Meyer wrote. "I wish more Americans could have that same experience. It might change their hearts."

Eric Johnson is a minority within a minority, an African-American who voted for Trump.

During the Republican National Convention, Johnson was unflinching: "Trump has brought people out of the attic. He got the crazy uncle who has the Confederate flag in the attic -- he got him out...We have the big-tent philosophy, but a lot of these people come in and haven't been cleaned up enough."

Critics said Trump was issuing dog whistles, appealing to white supremacists, anti-Semites and others who had been in the shadows in recent years. Clinton gave an entire speech about Trump's support among the so-called alt-right, people she placed in a "basket of deplorables." Trump denied the charge and lambasted Clinton for calling Americans deplorable.

Johnson, a 53-year-old from Woodstock, Georgia, voted for Rubio in the primary and then threw his support behind Cruz.

"The style of Trump was not a style that I was used to," he said. "He has that bombastic, tabloid style. And that was not the style that I was used to being a Republican in the South."

By the time he got to the convention in Cleveland, Johnson was all in for Trump. He even took time off his job as a paralegal assistant to help run Trump's election committee in Cherokee County, north of Atlanta. He puts his support in the context of history and economics.

"When I knew I was a Republican, the books that motivated me were about the Carnegies, the Rockefellers and the Mellons," Johnson said, recalling titans of the Gilded Age. "That's what Trump brought back for me. After the compassionate conservatism of the Bushes, Trump brought back to me that economics was something the Republicans could bring that would unite all racial groups. Everyone wants to make money."

In retrospect, Johnson said, the GOP needed a different kind of candidate, someone who could "shake things up" in a bold way, who had the "chutzpah" to take the fight to Clinton. He said Trump appealed not only to the "crazy uncle," but to Reagan Democrats who were left behind by the recession.

And even though Trump owes his victory to white voters, Johnson said he tells African Americans and other minorities that there is opportunity for them as well. "Obama was for hope, but Trump is about change," he said. "We had eight years to get more social programs. But if you believe in capitalism and gaining wealth, Donald Trump is the guy."

Johnson is so optimistic about Trump that he attended the swearing in, an inaugural ball and a prayer service at the National Cathedral. An assistant Sunday school president in his Mormon church, he said he got a kick out of watching Trump in a religious setting. "We noticed him sitting in church with his wife. You know how they have those kneeling benches? He thought it was a footrest, and his wife told him no," Johnson said.

But that is about the only criticism he voiced about the President.

"Donald Trump is getting the job done without all of the collateral damage that everybody was afraid of," Johnson said, shrugging off nationwide protests. "Republicans who didn't support him thought he'd be too wacky. The opposition thought he'd do fearful things. And he's not doing either one. And that's what I expected."

Sunnie Adams donned a little black dress and squeezed her broken toes into a black boot to see Donald Trump at the Coliseum. She listened to him talk about jobs and debates and the latest terror attack in Paris. She was there when he told a century-old, debunked story about an American general who used bullets dipped in pigs' blood to kill 49 Muslim terrorism suspects.

Her foot was killing her, but she was upbeat. Trump had convinced her.

"Everything he said was genuine, came from the heart," Adams told me that night in North Charleston.

Adams, who works for an insurance marketing organization, voted for Trump both in South Carolina's primary and in the general election.

"I will say it was disenchanting to hear him in some of the debates say 'Little' Rubio or 'Crooked Hillary,'" Adams, 48, said recently. "But I just didn't like anyone as much as I liked him. One by one, they somehow just turned me off. I felt like he was genuine."

Adams doesn't agree with Trump on everything -- she supports abortion rights, with some restrictions, as well as gay rights. But despite some of his rhetoric, particularly on abortion, she said she doesn't believe the President will infringe upon those rights.

Her greatest concern is national security. On that front, Adams said, she is finally sleeping well.

"I had lived the last eight years in fear," she told me. "I'm a military brat. My father was on a nuclear submarine in the Cold War. My grandfather was a Navy pilot. My other grandfather was in the Army. My brother was a Marine. Politics was always in the forefront in our home. It was always conservative. We were very pro- 'keep America safe.'"

Adams, who also is married to a Navy veteran, said Obama was too "soft" on world leaders. She said she supported Trump's travel ban, and thought opponents were "in a frenzy over nothing."

"I want our borders secure, I want our airports secure, I want to keep the bad people out as much as possible. I know that it's not always immigrants who do bad things," she said, pointing to the homegrown white supremacist who killed nine African Americans in a Charleston church in 2015.

"I would like to see something done about illegal immigrants," Adams continued. But here she parts ways with Trump. "I don't think deporting all of the illegal immigrants is a viable option. I think they should be offered a quick path to naturalization -- become a citizen....Don't deport them unless they're a criminal."

Adams also said she agrees with Trump on gun rights ("I'm from the South; we like our Second Amendment"), school choice, and support for the military and veterans.

While she feels sanguine about her vote, Adams said she is distressed by the level of vitriol in the nation and in her own Mt. Pleasant neighborhood. She said she has been castigated, even by friends, because she voted for Trump.

"My liberal friends are furious -- furious," Adams said. "I keep getting generalized as if I'm a racist, a bigot, (as if) I hate women. It could not be further from the truth. They seem to be full of venom, and it's sad."

Trump, she said, could help by making entreaties to Americans who did not vote for him.

"I would like to see Trump reach out to them and assure them," Adams said. "If he could somehow assure them and say, 'I am here for you. I gotta get this stuff done. I'm not taking away gay rights, we're not going to reverse Roe vs. Wade.' I would like him to reach out. I feel like Obama never tried to reach out to me."

Read more from the original source:
These Republicans didn't like Trump at first. They do now. - CNN

What to Watch: Republicans Return to Town Halls, and Protesters Follow – New York Times

New York Times
What to Watch: Republicans Return to Town Halls, and Protesters Follow
New York Times
DES MOINES Republicans home for the congressional recess have been greeted with an earful at town hall-style meetings. Many lawmakers have no such meetings scheduled sparing them the possibility of a YouTube moment but opening them up to ...
Inslee, Washington Republicans spar over how to react to Obamacare changesThe Spokesman-Review
Dave Helling: Republicans are walking into Democrats' Obamacare swampKansas City Star (blog)
New Republican health care blueprint falls far shortMSNBC
Business Insider -Concord Monitor -Business Insider
all 141 news articles »

What to Watch: Republicans Return to Town Halls, and Protesters Follow - New York Times

Republicans Want Retirement Plans That Keep Wall Street Rich – Huffington Post

We all know how hard it is to be rich. After all, it takes a lot of money to keep up multiple homes, pay for first class air travel, expensive cars and the like. For this reason, most people would naturally support a Republican plan to make workers pay higher fees on their retirement accounts so that the Wall Street crew is better able to maintain its standard of living.

Unfortunately, this is not a joke. One of the major problems facing workers today is the inability to save for retirement. Traditional defined benefit pensions are rapidly disappearing. Roughly half the workforce now has access to a 401(k) defined contribution plan at their workplace, but we know that these generally are not providing much support in retirement.

Most workers manage to accumulate little money in these accounts over the span of their working career. Part of this is due to the fact that they often change jobs. They may go several years without being able to contribute to a 401(k) plan at their workplace. And, they often cash out the money that they saved in a plan when they leave a job.

In addition, many of these plans charge high fees. This is often overlooked by workers since the financial companies operating the plans usually dont like to advertise their fees. The average fee is close to 1.0 percent of the money saved, with many charging fees of 1.5 percent of higher.

If this sounds like a small matter, imagine that you were able to save $100,000 in a 401(k). That would put you way ahead of most workers, since the median accumulation among the 60 percent of the workforce who have 401(k)s was just $26,000 in 2015, but $100,000 is certainly a plausible amount for a worker earning $60,000 a year.

A fee of 1.0 percent means that this worker is giving $1,000 a year to the financial industry. If they are paying 1.5 percent, then they are giving the financial industry $1,500 a year. But this is not a single year story. Suppose you average $100,000 in your account over a 20-year period. You might have handed over $30,000 to a bank, brokerage house, or insurance company for basically nothing. Feel good now?

Several states, most notably Illinois and California, are in the process of opening up their public retirement plans to workers in the private sector to allow people to save without giving so much money to the financial industry. Under this plan, workers in private firms would have the option to contribute to a state-managed system.

This would have the advantage of keeping the same plan even as someone changed jobs and the fees would be far lower. Instead of fees of 1.0-1.5 percent, workers would likely be seeing fees in the range of 0.2-0.3 percent. Did I mention this was voluntary?

Okay, so were talking about giving workers the option to save for their own retirement in individual accounts. If the Republican Party stood for anything other than giving money to rich people, this would be it.

But the Republicans are up in arms against making it easier for workers to save. Paul Ryan and his gang are planning to deny states the right to offer such plans. Their plan is to overturn a ruling by the Labor Department which gives the individual employers exemptions from the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) requirements when their workers contribute to the state-sponsored plan. The ERISA requirements are designed to ensure that an employer operating a pension plan for their workers is doing proper bookkeeping and is handling the money appropriately.

In this case, it doesnt make sense for the ERISA rules to apply to individual employers since all they are doing is sending a check for their workers contributions to the state-operated system. The individual employer plays zero role in what happens to the money.

This is the reason the Labor Department ruled last year that ERISA did not apply to individual employers who had workers taking part in the state-sponsored system. It is this ruling that Paul Ryans gang wants to reverse. They argue, incredibly, that workers need safeguards with their savings and that the government must have oversight over employers sending checks to the state system.

This one is too stupid even for Washington politics. Everyone knows that there is nothing the Republicans in Congress hate more than government regulations that protect workers. This is why they were so anxious to repeal the fiduciary rule requiring financial advisers to act in the interest of their clients. This is why they want to gut the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

The story here is about as simple as it gets. Republicans buddies in the financial industry will lose a lot of money if workers can put their money in these state-sponsored retirement systems instead of having to rely on their rip-off outfits. The Republicans are rigging the system to transfer tens of billions of dollars a year from ordinary workers to their rich friends. The only principle here is giving more money to the rich.

See original here:
Republicans Want Retirement Plans That Keep Wall Street Rich - Huffington Post

Over 200 Republicans reportedly shying away from town hall events amid anti-Trump protests – AOL News

Republicans in Congress are reportedly shying away from in-person town hall meetings with constituents amid growing protests over President Trump's policies.

According to a Vice News report on data by Legistorm, 292 Republican lawmakers have just 88 of such events scheduled during a two-month period this year compared to 222 from the same time frame in 2015.

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Notable members of 115th Congress

See Gallery

Freshman members of the incoming U.S. 114th Congress Mia Love (R-UT) (L) and Barbara Comstock (R-VA) huddle together in freezing temperatures after participating in a class photo on the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington in a November 18, 2014 file photo. REUTERS/Gary Cameron/Files

U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) holds the gavel upon being re-elected speaker in the House chamber on the first day of the new session of Congress at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, U.S. January 3, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) carries her daughter Abigail during a mock swearing in with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden during the opening day of the 115th Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., January 3, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) takes the stage to speak during the final day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. July 21, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Segar

U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) talks to journalist after attending the Senate Democrat party leadership elections at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC, U.S. November 16, 2016. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) participates in a mock swearing-in with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden during the opening day of the 115th Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., January 3, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

U.S. Republican presidential candidate and Rand Paul speaks at a campaign rally in the Olmsted Center at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, January 28, 2016. REUTERS/Brian C. Frank/File Photo

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) speaks to reporters during the opening day of the 115th Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., January 3, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) participates in a mock swearing-in with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden during the opening day of the 115th Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., January 3, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

U.S. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) speaks at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. July 19, 2016. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni

U.S. House of Representatives Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi speaks to reporters after she was re-elected to her post on Wednesday, despite a challenge from Rust Belt congressman Tim Ryan who said the party needed new leadership, on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., November 30, 2016. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham speaks during a news conference in Riga, Latvia December 28, 2016. Picture taken December 28, 2016. REUTERS/Ints Kalnins

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) speaks at a news conference with a bipartisan group of senators on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., U.S., to unveil a compromise proposal on gun control measures, June 21, 2016. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

Former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders speaks to reporters as Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (2nd R) and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (R) stand with him following their meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama on congressional Republicans' effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., January 4, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL)(R) holds a copy of the letter Senate Republicans sent to Iran as he and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) speak after a vote failed to advance debate on a nuclear agreement with Iran on Capitol Hill in Washington September 10, 2015. A Republican-backed measure to derail the Iran nuclear agreement was blocked in the U.S. Senate on Thursday, in a major foreign policy victory for Democratic President Barack Obama. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY



The site also points out that nearly half, or 35, of the sessions set for early 2017 are for one Wisconsin representative, Jim Sensenbrenner.

NPR reports that Republicans including Jason Chaffetz of Utah and Diane Black of Tennessee have recently held such in-person events, but they faced vocal crowds who expressed frustrations over health care and other policies.

SEE ALSO: Congressman uses 'Stranger Things' to blast Trump's adminIstration

Meanwhile, some representatives such as Lee Zeldin of New York and Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee have reportedly canceled or distanced themselves from previously scheduled appearances, notes CNN.

Vice News says that conservative lawmakers are instead "opting for more controlled Facebook Live or 'tele-town halls,' where questions can be screened by press secretaries and followups are limited."

While some Republicans have blamed the chaos on people they allege have been paid to disrupt the events, liberal groups claim they are simply providing the public with outreach information like the Tea party has done in the past.

More from Trump's trust in Flynn had been eroding -White House spokesman White House reporter claims Omarosa 'physically' threatened her One of America's largest health insurance companies is completely dumping Obamacare Trump tweets law 'continues to fail'

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Over 200 Republicans reportedly shying away from town hall events amid anti-Trump protests - AOL News

Texas Republicans think Trump will make the presidency great again –

Posted: 7:08 p.m. Monday, February 20, 2017

Poll results illustrate deep partisan divisions in Texas.

Overall, Texans views of Trump have improved since October.

Texas Republicans are more likely to think Donald Trump could make the presidency great or at the very least good again than they were before he was elected, according to a University of Texas/Texas Tribune poll released Monday.

The internet survey of 1,200 registered voters, conducted Feb. 3-10, found that the percentage of Texas Republicans who thought Trump would make a good or great president soared from 52 percent in October, just before the election, to 74 percent a few weeks into the presidency, a 22-point surge.

While most Democrats continue to believe that Trump will be a poor or terrible president, those numbers are not quite as lopsided as they were before the election.

In the October poll, 91 percent of Democrats foresaw a Trump presidency falling into the poor or terrible category. In the new poll, that number has slipped to 80 percent fearing the worst of Trump.

In a polarized age, Trump is an especially polarizing figure. There are more Texans who disapprove strongly of Trump 40 percent than approve strongly 32 percent. But there are more Texans who approve somewhat of Trumps performance 14 percent than there are Texas who disapprove somewhat of Trump 4 percent.

Jim Henson, director of the Texas Politics Project at UT, which conducts the poll, said the results suggest that Trumps dominance on the presidential stage and the intense political polarization of the electorate are buttressing his support even in a state like Texas, which he didnt win in the presidential primary, and in which his 9-point margin of victory over Hillary Clinton in the general election was well below Republican Mitt Romneys 16-point victory over Barack Obama in 2012.

One thing is for sure, Henson said. If Trumps opponents are waiting for Republicans to somehow be turned off by what (opponents) see as the chaos of the transition, or concerns about the temperament of the president so far, they are going to be disappointed.

Henson said that right now, it appears that the only thing that could undo Trumps support with his Republican base would be if he were to abandon his hard line on immigration, which hardly seems likely.

Top issues

For Texans, the poll found that immigration is the second-most important issue facing the country, right behind political corruption and leadership. On issues confronting the state, border security ranked first, followed by immigration and then political corruption/leadership.

If Trumps ascendance has sparked a surge of activist opposition on Monday several hundred people were outside the Texas Capitol for a Not My Presidents Day Rally there appears to be little political incentive for Texas Republicans in Congress or in state government to part company with the president.

While most Texans overall think Trump lacks the temperament to be an effective president and is not honest or trustworthy, his positive numbers have crept up on both counts since October, and Texas Republicans are good with him on both scores.

Sixty-eight percent of Republicans think Trumps got the temperament for the job while 84 percent of Democrats think he does not. Seventy percent of Republicans said Trump is honest and trustworthy, a judgment with which only 6 percent of Democrats concur.

Right direction?

The degree to which partisan attachments affect Texans broader view of the world is very evident in the poll.

While a plurality of Texans still think the country is headed in the wrong direction, the 39 percent who said the country is headed in the right direction, versus 49 percent who think its headed in the wrong direction, was a marked improvement compared with the 22 percent to 67 percent right track/wrong track split in October. The current reading was, in fact, the most positive view Texans have had on the measure since the university began asking the question in October 2009 in the first year of Obamas presidency.

The lessening gloom since October was powered by a partisan flip Republicans now are more sanguine about the countrys future and Democrats less optimistic.

In October, 91 percent of Republicans, and 98 percent of tea party Republicans, thought the country was headed the wrong way. In the new poll, 68 percent of Republicans and 77 percent of tea party Republicans like where the country is headed. In October, when it appeared Clinton was likely to be the next president, 47 percent of Democrats liked where the country was headed. Now, 82 percent of Democrats think the country is on the skids.

Views of Trump also appeared to color Texans views of Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose relationship with Trump has been at the heart of a series of controversies in his campaign and presidency.

Overall, Texans held a dim view of Putin by a margin of 10 percent positive to 62 percent negative and 27 percent with a neutral view. But 70 percent of Democrats held a negative view of Putin compared with 51 percent of Republicans.

The poll has a margin of error of 2.83 percentage points.


46 percent: Texans who approve of the job Trump has been doing as president

44 percent: Texans who disapprove of the job Trump has been doing as president

81 percent Texas Republicans who approve of the job Trump has been doing as president

10 percent: Texas Republicans who disapprove of the job Trump has been doing as president

See the original post:
Texas Republicans think Trump will make the presidency great again -