Now Republicans Want To Provide Lunches To #39;Rural #39; Not #39;City #39; Kids!
The Newton Leroy #39;Newt #39; Gingrich File: A History of Bigoted, Offensive and #39;Tribal #39; Rhetoric:
By: politicalarticles
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Now Republicans Want To Provide Lunches To 'Rural' & Not 'City' Kids! - Video
Thank you to America #39;s veterans from Iowa House Republicans
A message from Rep. Stan Gustafson (House District 25) and Iowa House Republicans. Happy Memorial Day to all the men and women, past and present, that have our country. http://www.iowahouserepubl...
By: Iowa House GOP
Here is the original post:
Thank you to America's veterans from Iowa House Republicans - Video
Republicans Question Comcast
Does Comcast have a political agenda? OAN #39;s Amanda House reports on why some Republicans are beginning to question the Comcast/Time Warner Cable merger.
By: One America News Network
Read the original:
Republicans Question Comcast - Video
Dr. Hotze, President of Conservative Republicans of Texas, Supports the Texas Solution!
By: Texans For Sensible Immigration
The rest is here:
Dr. Hotze, President of Conservative Republicans of Texas, Supports the Texas Solution! - Video
Episode 79 Gun Panic; Gay Republicans; Windows Phone for Free!
By: Windows News
Here is the original post:
Episode 79 Gun Panic; Gay Republicans; Windows Phone for Free! - Video