Archive for the ‘Second Amendment’ Category

Washburn to hold public hearing on ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’ resolution – The County


Washburn Municipal Building. (David Marino Jr. | Star-Herald)

Washburn Municipal Building. (David Marino Jr. | Star-Herald)

The town of Washburn is planning to hold a public hearing on a resolution that would designate the town a second amendment sanctuary, to be held at a yet-to-be determined date.

WASHBURN, Maine The town of Washburn is planning to hold a public hearing on a resolution that would designate the town a second amendment sanctuary, to be held at a yet-to-be determined date.

The Washburn town council voted July 12 to set a date for the resolution hearing. But the actual hearing itself may not take place until the fall, according to Town Manager Donna Turner.

We were hoping it was going to be in August, but I dont think were going to be able to do it probably until September, Turner said. Im right in the middle of tax commitments and getting tax bills sent out. Thats my number one priority right now.

The resolution had been brought forward to the town by a small group of residents who presented the resolution to the town. It follows a string of other recent resolutions that had been passed by other northern Maine towns in recent months, beginning with Fort Fairfield back in February. Piscataquis County has also passed the resolution, with a proposed resolution for Aroostook County also set to be discussed.

Although mostly symbolic, the second amendment sanctuary resolutions affirm the towns commitment to keep and bear arms, which the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled includes the individuals right to own firearms. The Administration of the U.S. President Joe Biden has vowed to tackle gun violence in the country, leading to concerns about potential firearms restrictions.

Turner said the original resolution brought forth by the Washburn residents had to be reworked before the town could officially vote on having the public meeting.

It was presented to us as if the council board would be deciding this, and its not, it has to be a town wide decision. Turner said. So they had to go back to the drawing board a little bit.

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Originally posted here:
Washburn to hold public hearing on 'Second Amendment Sanctuary' resolution - The County

Walla Walla, Columbia County sheriffs sign letter affirming ‘commitment to the Second Amendment’ – Walla Walla Union-Bulletin

Walla Walla County Sheriff Mark Crider and Columbia County Sheriff Joe Helm were among the 37 sheriffs statewide who recently penned and signed a letter affirming a commitment to the Second Amendment.

Washington state has 39 sheriffs.

The message was written because of increasing public concern to safeguard constitutional rights, according to the letter from the Washington State Sheriffs Association.

Crider, who is the secretary and treasurer for the association, signed the letter and posted it on his departments Facebook page with an endorsement.

I am proud to a part of such a great moment when our constitutional rights are being challenged, Crider wrote.

Helm also took to his departments Facebook page to acknowledge his signing and approval of the document.

As sheriff of Columbia County, I am sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the state of Washington, Helm wrote.

The only two counties without signatures were Kitsap and King counties.

Interim Kitsap County Sheriff John Gese told the Kitsap Sun he would have some motivation to go ahead and sign it if he were to be appointed sheriff.

King County Sheriff Mitzi Johanknecht didnt sign the letter and did not respond to multiple requests for comment, according to the Spokesman Review.

The letter does not specifically state any particular law or ordinance related to gun rights or gun ownership.

Grant County Sheriff Tom Jones, who is president of the association, said there was no specific legislation that prompted the letter, according to iFiber One News.

Jones told the Spokesman Review the letter was inspired by a similar letter signed by Utah sheriffs and was primarily prompted by numerous people asking the sheriffs about their Second Amendment rights being protected.

The letter made the rounds on social media and immediately sparked a firestorm of comments, both for and against it.

At issue for some commenters was the vocabulary used in the message, including calling the Constitution divinely inspired.

We understand the destructive influences currently existing in our country will only relent when women and men everywhere genuinely care for each other, the sheriffs wrote. We must rely on Providence and care deeply about preserving the Constitution and its freedoms in order to be a strong and prosperous people.

Others online raised questions about how the sheriffs would address a law passed in 2018 that bans the sale of certain guns to people under 21 and puts added responsibilities on gun owners.

Crider declined to make specific comments about the contents of the letter, but said the document was drafted to assure citizens that the elected sheriffs of Washington will stand by their oath to uphold the constitutions of the U.S. and the state of Washington.

We just want to reiterate that we want to be guided by our oath of office, Crider said. And thats what were gonna use to drive our decisions.

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Walla Walla, Columbia County sheriffs sign letter affirming 'commitment to the Second Amendment' - Walla Walla Union-Bulletin

Let’s take care of each other and mitigate COVID-19 | Opinion – The Jackson Sun

It looks like were getting hit with another wave of COVID-19 cases.

Looking at the international totals for the virus since all this began in late 2019, a total of 4,154,327 people have died among a total case number of 193,533,900. Those numbers are from the Worldometer website that tracks these totals based on reports from official reporting agencies from countries all over the world, and those numbers are as of Friday morning.

A quick bit of work on my calculator tells me thats a death rate of about 2.15 percent among cases.

But lets think about this another way for a minute.

The population of all of rural West Tennessee gathered for some reason in Downtown Jackson. Thats between 600,000 and 700,000 people packed in to hear a concert or watch fireworks or something like that. Well say 700,000 just to keep the numbers simple.

Were having fun. Everyone is enjoying themselves. And theres more than half a million of us packed into a fairly small area.

But then one person with a gun climbs on top of the New Southern Hotel (I just say that because its the tallest building in the area). He points down into the people and begins shooting.

If the shooter is going to kill people at a rate of 2.15 percent, hes going to get 15,050 of us. But theres no way that would happen because the 700,000 on the ground would never let it get that far.

A lot of us would scatter to get away from the gunfire or run for cover inside a building. But I also know were in Tennessee with more than half a million Tennesseans gathered together, so that means theres probably a lot more than 15,000 people who would be at this gathering exercising their Second Amendment rights in our open carry state in addition to all of the highly trained law enforcement officers and military members who would be at the gathering too.

So among those running for cover and those with guns pointing back at the shooter, precautions would no doubt be taken to make sure this shooter had as little of an impact as possible on the people gathered in Downtown Jackson before he was taken out either with a bullet from the ground or from people climbing the stairs to the roof and dealing with him personally.

We can take our precautions to mitigate the impact COVID-19 has on our local population here, but unfortunately those precautions arent as simple as running for cover or as romanticized as shooting a bad guy.

But we can still mitigate it.

Im hoping we can still get out and gather this time around, but how about we stay away from each other? Ive gotten to where Im shaking hands again when I greet people, but Im thinking Im personally dialing it back to a respectful fist bump for hopefully just a couple or a few weeks.

And keep the hands washed and sanitized too.

And according to our local healthcare leaders, the vaccine is doing its job. There is a 5 percent breakthrough rate for COVID-19, which isnt much bigger than breakthrough rates for other vaccines. But with all vaccines, while the biggest hope is to not get the illness, the secondary hope is that if a vaccinated person gets the virus, its impact is decreased severely, meaning they might not have any symptoms, but if they do, the chances of them needing to be hospitalized are decreased dramatically.

If you havent been vaccinated, call a healthcare provider you trust (an actual healthcare provider and not a meme or video you saw on social media) to get informed and make your decision.

But if youre not comfortable with the vaccine, please take other precautions to slow the spread and mitigate the impact locally.

Thats us taking care of each other just like a lot of us would want to do by taking out a shooter firing at a crowd of us.

Brandon Shields is the editor of The Jackson Sun. Reach him at or at 731-425-9751. Follow him on Twitter @JSEditorBrandon or on Instagram at editorbrandon.

Let's take care of each other and mitigate COVID-19 | Opinion - The Jackson Sun

Sen. Cramer, Colleagues File on Amicus Brief to Protect Americans’ Second Amendment Rights – Kevin Cramer

WASHINGTON U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) joined Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) in filing anamicusbrief forNew York StateRifle& Pistol Association v. Bruen,a case currently pending beforetheU.S. Supreme Court.

Legislators whether in Albany or Washington, D.C. have neither the power nor the authority to second-guess the policy judgments made by the Framers and enshrined in the Constitution,the senators wrote.The Second Amendments guarantee of the right to keep and bear arms cannot be second-guessed by legislators across the country who simply disagree with the choice the Framers made.

The brief argues New Yorks laws which make it extremely difficult to carry a firearm outside the home violate the Second Amendments guarantee of the right to bear arms. It also emphasizes that by including the right to bear arms in the Constitution, the Framers made a policy choice and explicitly removed from state and federal legislators the ability to second guess that choice.

Senators Cramer and Cruz are joined on theamicusbrief by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Senators John Barrasso (R-WY), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), John Boozman (R-AR), Mike Braun (R-IN), John Cornyn (R-TX), Tom Cotton (R-AR), Mike Crapo (R-ID), Steve Daines (R-MT), Josh Hawley (R-MO), John Hoeven (R-ND), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Ron Johnson (R-WI), James Lankford (R-OK), Mike Lee (R-UT), Cynthia Lummis (R-WY), Roger Marshall (R-KS), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Jim Risch (R-ID), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Rick Scott (R-FL), andThom Tillis (R-NC).

View original post here:
Sen. Cramer, Colleagues File on Amicus Brief to Protect Americans' Second Amendment Rights - Kevin Cramer

Guns in America: Foundations and Key Concepts – JSTOR Daily

Jumping into the scholarly literature on guns and gun violence in the United States can be intimidating, both because of the range of disciplines that address the subject and because of the intensity of debate over a few contentious questions. A non-exhaustive list of fields contributing to US gun studies would include not only my own field of history but also public policy, legal studies, criminology, sociology, political science, literature, and public health. Despite the diversity of applicable disciplines, they have gravitated toward a few central questions. Some fields are interested in the origins of US gun culture, its relationship to the founding generation, the Second Amendment, or the rapid development of the country in the nineteenth century. Others are oriented toward contemporary issues, typically those like the role of firearms in the United States exceptional levels of violence among wealthy countries.

Eight years ago I was a historian of the twentieth-century United States with no background in gun studies but with an interest in the field related to a new project. Now Im writing a new book, Gun Country: How Gun Culture, Control, and Consumerism Created an Armed Mass Movement in Cold War America, for the University of North Carolina Press. The following key works from a number of disciplines, while not exhaustive, have nevertheless helped orient me to central questions in the field, and they serve as a strong introduction to what scholars have accomplished.

Philip J. Cook, The Great American Gun War: Notes from Four Decades in the Trenches. Crime and Justice, 2013Cook is a renowned public policy scholar at Duke University who has spent decades publishing in the field of gun studies. This article provides an overview to that field. He notes at the outset that less than fifty years ago, observers bemoaned the lack of critical research on guns and gun violence in American society. Since then, the field has made impressive strides. Cook sets up two fronts on which the scholarly battles play out in what he calls the Great American Gun War: first, a cohort of mostly social scientists that studies the political, social, economic, and cultural impact of guns in the United States; and second, a group of mostly historians and legal scholars that debates the true meaning of the Second Amendment.

Frank Zimring, Is Gun Control Likely to Reduce Violent Killings? University of Chicago Law Review, 1968Zimring is one of the founders of the scholarly field of gun studies, and this 1968 article is among its foundational texts. When he began writing at the University of Chicago Law School (today he continues to work at the University of California, Berkeley), there was almost no scholarly research on guns and their impact on crime and daily life in the United States. In 1968 Zimring worked on the underappreciated but important U.S. National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, appointed by President Lyndon Johnson after the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. Zimring served as a research director on the commission and coauthored Firearms & Violence in American Life (1969), the first comprehensive report of its kind. He has long argued, across hundreds of articles and many books, that guns are the essential element in explaining the unique lethality of US violence.

David J. Silverman, Guns, Empire and Indians. Aeon, 2016Two recent extraordinary booksDavid J. Silvermans Thundersticks (2016) and Priya Satias Empire of Guns (2018)have expanded our chronological and spatial understanding of North American gun history. This article by Silverman and the one below by Satia neatly encapsulate the important arguments each makes. Silvermans book traces how Native Americans from the seventeenth century built their societies around firearms, access to which could determine the fate of a particular group or nation against its rivals. As he writes here, Indians lived in a world awash with guns and, with it, waves of terrible gun violence. The article tells one story of the Mohawks in the 1630s that demonstrates that deterministic narratives about Indian societies and guns, germs, and steel are too simplistic and fail to account for the way those societies adapted to and even thrived with new technologies.

Priya Satia, Guns and the British Empire. Aeon, 2018In the prize-winning Empire of Guns (2018), Satia writes of the significance of the firearms industry to the rapid growth of the industrial revolution in Great Britain. In this article she draws our attention not to the American colonies but the empire on the other side of the world, in South Asia, where British authorities intentionally stifled the growth of a well-respected Indian domestic arms industry, believing their own economic success required Indian dependency on the British technology and know-how.

Sanford Levinson, The Embarrassing Second Amendment. Yale Law Journal, 1989While gun rights proponents today are quick to point to the Second Amendment as the foundation for their individual right to own a guna right only confirmed for the first time by the US Supreme Court in the controversial 2008 Heller v. D.C. decisionfor much of US history, Americans generally neglected this constitutional provision. Well into the 1970s, the general legal and academic consensus was that it was a relic of the eighteenth century, a restriction on the federal governments ability to deny the states the right to arm militias in light of contemporaneous fears of standing armies commanded by tyrants. With the creation of state National Guard units at the turn of the twentieth century, the amendment appeared moribund, and the 1939 United States v. Miller decision seemed to confirm it.

But beginning in the 1960s, a concerted effort among a cohort of right-leaning legal scholars began publishing essays, mostly in law school journals, arguing that the amendment had long been misinterpretedin reality, they wrote, the founders intended to confer an individual right to own a firearm independent of service in a militia. This article by Sanford Levinson, a celebrated liberal legal scholar, drew attention to this changing understanding of the amendment, arguing that legal scholarship may have long been motivated not by an attempt to understand the founders intent but instead by scholars own political leanings. The article was an important turning point for the mainstreaming of what came to be called the Standard Model of the Second Amendment: the idea that the founders intended for it to confer an individual right to firearms ownership independent of military service.

Saul Cornell, Half-Cocked: The Persistence of Anachronism and Presentism in the Academic Debate Over the Second Amendment. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 2016Reading this article by Saul Cornell, a historian at Fordham University who authored the most important historical monograph on the Second Amendment, A Well-Regulated Militia (2006), feels like stepping into the middle of a years-long argument. The article is Cornells response to a prominent legal scholar, James Lindgren, who had recently written dismissively of historical interpretations of the Second Amendment in the wake of the 2008 Heller ruling. To an outsider, much of the discussion is impenetrable, but thats in part why its worth reading: the reader feels the tension and the import of the debate in all its arcane details. The article also captures the disciplinary divide on this subject between historians and legal scholars. Historians can be snappily contemptuous of legal scholars sloppy research and cherry-picked quotes, while legal scholars can sneer at historians insistence on seemingly tenuous contextual arguments. Plus, the footnotes are an essential bibliography in their own right.

Robert H. Churchill, Guns and the Politics of History. Reviews in American History, 2001The elephant in the room of US gun history and historiography is Michael Bellesiless Arming America (2000), a book about gun culture in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that promised to reshape not just the historical debate about guns in American society but the contemporary one, too. It made a splash, for sure, winning, among other awards, the Bancroft Prize, the historical professions most significant achievement for a monograph. But quickly Bellesiless fame became infamy, as a small army of mostly pro-gun researchers combed through his voluminous footnotes and discovered too many inconsistencies to simply write off as carelessness. Eventually an independent blue-ribbon committee concluded that Bellesiles may have falsified some of his research, and the author was stripped of the award and resigned from his position at Emory University. In this detailed review, which appeared before the scandal, Churchill, a libertarian-leaning historian of gun culture, takes Bellesiles to task for a number of research and interpretive issues. Despite the high level of scholarly discourse, contemporary gun politics is always simmering beneath the surface.

Randolph Roth, Guns, Gun Culture, and Homicide: The Relationship between Firearms, the Uses of Firearms, and Interpersonal Violence. William and Mary Quarterly, 2002The Bellesiles scandal involved the question of counting guns in early America and the sources that Bellesiles used (or, as critics said, fabricated) to do so. Bellesiles argued that high levels of US gun violence were a consequence of its gun culture, which he claimed did not exist until manufacturers invented it in the mid-nineteenth century. In this article, Roth, author of American Homicide (2012) and a historian who utilizes social science methods to examine violence across US history, tests Bellesiless claim of the relationship between gun proliferation and violence. Roths meticulous work again points to inconsistencies and problems in Bellesiless research and conclusions.

Brian DeLay, How Not to Arm a State: American Guns and the Crisis of Governance in Mexico, Nineteenth and Twenty-First Centuries. Southern California Quarterly, 2013DeLays article, which offers reflections on the transnational history of Mexico since the early nineteenth century, demonstrates the best kind of work a historian can do: take a contemporary problemin this case the Iron River of Guns, the deadly present-day flow of firearms from the United States into Mexico, where most gun purchasing and ownership is illegaland connect it to a longer history to help us better understand past and present. As DeLay shows, the movement of firearms across the United States southern border has long affected the stability of governance and civil society in Mexico. DeLays reflections on this long history bring to mind the quip attributed to turn-of-the-century president Porfirio Daz about his country: so far from God, so close to the United Statesand its guns.

Robert R. Dykstra, Quantifying the Wild West: The Problematic Statistics of Frontier Violence. Western Historical Quarterly, 2009Dykstra presents another way in which historians can contribute to broader public understanding of the past: they can assess and dismantle inherited mythologies that often obscure the truth more than illuminate it. In his work across several decades, Dykstra has confronted mythologies about the American frontier. Here he writes about the mythologies of violence in the so-called Wild West. Such mythologies have been central to gun culture, leading many Americans today to believe that phenomena like high rates of gun violence or social practices like the open or concealed carry of firearms connect them to popular eighteenth- and nineteenth-century traditions. In reality, gun death rates in frontier towns we identify with the Wild West were quite low, in large part because those towns imposed restrictions wed think of today as gun control.

Akinyele Omowale Umoja, We Will Shoot Back: The Natchez Model and Paramilitary Organization in the Mississippi Freedom Movement. Journal of Black Studies, 2002There is a rich and growing literature on the links between the Black freedom movement and firearms across US history. Umoja has authored one of the best monographs in that genre, We Will Shoot Back: Armed Resistance in the Mississippi Freedom Movement (2013), which evolved from this article. Here he writes of the case of paramilitary organizations supporting the freedom movement in the town of Natchez. Umojas work, along with that of Charles E. Cobb Jr. and Timothy B. Tyson, among others, has complicated our understanding of the postwar Black freedom movement, which is often simplistically framed as a dichotomy between Martin Luther Kings peaceful movement and more militant figures like Malcolm X and groups like the Black Panthers.

Jennifer Carlson, Mourning Mayberry: Guns, Masculinity, and Socioeconomic Decline. Gender and Society, 2015Carlson is a sociologist who has published two of the most important and innovative recent monographs in gun studies: Citizen-Protectors (2015) and Policing the Second Amendment (2020). This article derives from the former, which examines the practice of armed carry among mostly men, white and Black, in the greater Detroit area. Carlson offers a portrayal that is both critical and empathetic, locating the inspiration for armed carry among men in a feeling of social breakdown and national decline that has challenged mens identities as family protectors and community guardians.

David Yamane, Gun Culture 2.0 and the Great Gun-Buying Spree of 2020. Discourse, 2021Yamane is another sociologist doing innovative and provocative work to help scholars understand the role of guns in American society. He has written widely about the concept of Gun Culture 2.0, the shift from hunting and shooting sports to self-defense, which coincides with some evidence of the increasing diversity of US gun ownership. In this article he addresses the most prominent recent development in gun culturethe 2020 gun-buying boom, a remarkable shopping spree, spurred by the pandemic and a summer of protest against police brutality, that was unprecedented even in a country accustomed to them.

David Hemenway, The Public Health Approach to Motor Vehicles, Tobacco, and Alcohol, with Applications to Firearms Policy. Journal of Public Health Policy, 2001Gun control proponents frequently describe gun violence as a public health problem, and there has been extensive research to support that claim. David Hemenway, director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, is among the most prolific scholars advocating such an approach. In this article, he compares the failure to acknowledge firearms as a public health problem to the ways public health professionals have approached three other consumer goods that the public has generally agreed present sufficient dangers to require consistent federal regulation. Of course, the catch, critics often observe, is that there is no mention of motor vehicles, tobacco, or alcohol in the US Constitution.

Erin Grinshteyn and David Hemenway, Violent Death Rates: The US Compared with Other High-Income OECD Countries, 2010. American Journal of Medicine, 2016Its worth concluding a concise list of sources illuminating gun culture and gun violence in the United States with a glance overseas. It is a truism of the gun control movement that the United States is an outlier in both gun ownership and violent death rates, and there is a causative relationship between the two. Here, Grinshsteyn and Hemenway offer empirical confirmation. The most reasonable explanation for the United States high levels of violent death is its populations extraordinary access to firearms.

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Guns in America: Foundations and Key Concepts - JSTOR Daily