Archive for the ‘Second Amendment’ Category

Letter: Guns should be well-regulated | Letters to the Editor | – Charleston Post Courier

I am writing to applaud Richard Edlunds understanding of the Second Amendment to our constitution in the editorial titled Article offers insight into gun laws. His conclusion is that the gun lobbys interpretation of the Second Amendment is one of the greatest frauds ever perpetrated on the American people.

A simple reading of the entire Second Amendment clearly communicates that the purpose of the amendment is to assure that militias have arms available to allow those militias to perform their intended purposes.

A historical understanding of the times the amendment was written reveals its purpose.

1. Militias were the standard method of providing defenses for communities, states and the entire country.

2. Militias relied on members to supply their own arms. No private arms; no defense.

3. The Founders, for many reasons, were suspicious of and wanted to avoid chancing the potential dangers they envisioned in standing armies.

4. The survival of communities, states and the entire country was dependent on individual well-regulated militia members supplying their own arms.

5. The founding population did use these same arms for self-defense since they had no other alternative.

Today's conditions are quite different from the conditions of our founding.

1. We have the strongest military in the world to protect our country.

2. We have National Guard units to both support our federal military and protect the states.

3. We have police, sheriff personnel and highway patrol units to protect our local citizenry.

4. None of the units mentioned above require individuals to supply their own arms.

5. Individuals can rely on all of the forgoing for their personal safety.

Times have changed from our founding. The arms referred to in the Second Amendment are no longer needed to support our various organizations that are designed to provide our current defensive needs. Elimination of the second amendment is unnecessary. Simply read the entire amendment, understand its initial intent and use it to help assure that our federal government does nothing to weaken or eliminate the various organizations that have replaced our well regulated Militias of the past.

The development of this country was violent and guns, both personal and governmental, were a large part of what is now viewed as past progress. One only has to compare the mayhem committed by individuals with guns in our country with other modern countries to realize that we are doing something wrong when it comes to managing these dangerous implements for public safety.

Guns, in my opinion, should be considered what they are. Very dangerous if misused. Other dangerous items such as vehicles, dangerous medications and other things that can become a public menace if improperly used are regulated by law.

It is well past time where this country, for its own protection, needs to regulate firearms in a responsible way for the public's protection and stop reading only the Second Amendments last two phrases and include the first two phrases to provide understanding of the intent. Reading relevant history can also be useful.

Ronald L. Feller


See the rest here:
Letter: Guns should be well-regulated | Letters to the Editor | - Charleston Post Courier

Historian Falsely Claims The Second Amendment Was Created To Protect Slavery – The Federalist

After spending decades assailing the Second Amendment rights of American citizens, cultural Marxists believe theyve finally found the perfect line of attack against the constitutional right to keep and bear arms: racism.

Just like every other aspect of the American Founding, the ratification of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is rooted in nothing more than white supremacy. Or at least, thats what scholar Carol Anderson wants you to believe.

In her latest book, The Second: Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America, Anderson argues that the well regulated Militia inscribed in the Second Amendment was created to provide states with a mechanism to quell potential slave uprisings.

It was in response to the concerns coming out of the Virginia ratification convention for the Constitution, led by Patrick Henry and George Mason, that a militia that was controlled solely by the federal government would not be there to protect the slave owners from an enslaved uprising, she told NPR. And James Madison crafted that language in order to mollify the concerns coming out of Virginia and the anti-Federalists, that they would still have full control over their state militias and those militias were used in order to quell slave revolts.

Anderson claimed the Second Amendment provided the cover, the assurances that Patrick Henry and George Mason needed, that the militias would not be controlled by the federal government, but that they would be controlled by the states and at the beck and call of the states to be able to put down these uprisings.

While Anderson argues that her book isnt anti-gun, her statements made to CNN say otherwise. When asked about the recent announcement that the Supreme Court would pick up a gun rights case, Anderson pivoted to gun control, asserting that opposition to such measures is likely based on white Americans fear of black Americans.

After Sandy Hook, nothing happened, she said. How could that be? That could be because of this underlying fear that if there are real gun safety laws then whites will be left defenseless against these black people.

Anderson also stated her belief that recent efforts in Texas to pass constitutional carry legislation are a result of the growing diversity of Texas and predicts that the state will become a slaughterhouse if the bill becomes law. The law has already passed the Texas legislature and is headed to the desk of Gov. Greg Abbott, who has already pledged to sign it.

Not only are Andersons historical claims entirely inaccurate, but the publication of her book represents the larger, continued effort by American leftists to degrade and distort the American founding. The entire premise of the Second Amendment was not to protect the institution of slavery as Anderson suggests, but rather to provide the American citizenry with a necessary tool to prevent encroachments by their federal government.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, stated James Madison in June 1789. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country.

Samuel Adams made the same sentiments a year prior during the Massachusetts ratifying convention, where he proclaimed the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of The United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms

Having recently lived under the thumb of Great Britain, the Founders understood that the capacity for government to infringe on the rights of its people was universal and that such tyranny could certainly exist in America. As a result, the Founders viewed the individual right to keep and bear arms as essential in preserving the freedom and liberty of the American citizenry.

Andersons attempt to make racism the reason behind the establishment of the Second Amendment falls in lockstep with Marxist curricula like the New York Times 1619 Project. The goal isnt merely to just falsify our history, but to do so in a way that breeds further division within the country. Rather than divide us by economic status or class, this kind of racial Marxism seeks to pit Americans against one another based on race.

Ultimately, the propagation of such an ideology will sow discord throughout the nation, all the while allowing power-hungry politicians and a ruling class to assume more power and control of our lives.

Shawn Fleetwood is an intern at The Federalist and a student attending the University of Mary Washington.

Historian Falsely Claims The Second Amendment Was Created To Protect Slavery - The Federalist

Second Amendment Wins of the Week : 5/30/2021 -6/04/2021 – AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

Second Amendment Wins of the Week

USA -( With so much happening for patriots these days. AmmoLand News wants to leave you with some highlights or wins on the battleground for 2A rights, and a few other patriot efforts,,, with our Friday round-up of Second Amendment Wins-of-the-Week.

Please share this page or these wins on your social media and help red pill your friends and family.

U.S. District Court Judge rules Californias ban on so-called Assault Weapons, the most popular guns in America is Unconstitutional.

CA: San Clemente Council Majority Declares City A 2nd Amendment Freedom City: aka Sanctuary:

After more than two hours of discussion, the City Council, in a 3-2 vote, passed a resolution supporting gun owners Constitutional rights to bear arms, but dropped the term sanctuary city.

Utah: Davis County Enacts Second Amendment Policy:

According to authorities, the Second Amendment policy a strong defense against any governmental infringement on constitutional rights of Davis County citizens.

Florida Mass Shooting Claim Fake News: Video Shows Crowd Just Before 3 Gunmen Opened Fire:

The gunmen [read gang members] waited outside of the banquet hall for about 40 minutes and then opened fire on patrons as they left, Miami-Dade Police Director Freddy Ramirez told ABC News on Sunday. Some patrons returned fire, Ramirez said, and over 100 shell casings were found at the scene.

24 States Urging Supreme Court to Uphold Second Amendment:

The right to bear arms is vital to all Americans, said Attorney General Chris Carr. New Jerseys law criminalizes the mere possession of commonly used arms, even in the home for self-defense, which unconstitutionally strikes at the core of the Second Amendment.

CNN surprised that female, minority & LGBTQ+ communities support gun rights:

the mainstream media are finally discovering what we have long known the gun rights tent is very, very large, and the NRA is but one of many tent poles.

California Fails to Pass Tax Hikes on Handguns and Ammunition:

The California Assembly on Thursday failed to pass a bill that would have raised taxes on handguns and ammunition.

The bill by Assemblyman Marc Levine, a Democrat from San Rafael, would have imposed a 10% tax on the sales price of handguns and an 11% tax on the sales price of rifles, precursor parts and ammunition.

Concealed Handgun License-Holder Acquitted By Jury Of His Peers, Found To Have Acted In Self-Defense:

A Franklin County jury decided Friday that a 32-year-old man with a concealed-carry permit was acting in self defense when he fatally shot another man during a confrontation at a Far East Side gas station.

California: San Clemente Becomes Second Amendment Freedom City:

Elected officials in San Clemente, California, on June 1 voted to declare the region a Second Amendment Freedom City with a non-binding, symbolic resolution.

N.H. House Asserts Independence From Feds On Gun & Election Laws:

The New Hampshire House of Representatives has voted to block state and local law enforcement from enforcing federal limits on guns.

These are just a few of the best wins of the week. Did we miss some? Include your Second Amendment Wins of the Week in the comments below.

See the rest here:
Second Amendment Wins of the Week : 5/30/2021 -6/04/2021 - AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

Gun rights and gun violence activists speak out about the recent increase in gun related crimes – ABC17NEWS –


Two homicides have happened in Columbia within the past two weeks that has shined light on the growing nationwide issue of gun violence.

Sgt. Brian Leer with the Boone County Sheriff's Office said gun violence is definitely picking up.

"We do see this every now and then it seems like in the spring/early summer when people start getting out more and the sun is up longer meaning people are stirring up longer," Leer said.

According to the Gun Violence Archive Data, there was a rise in gun violence at the beginning of the pandemic nationwide. There were 160 shootings from Jan. 1 to April 26 in which four or more people were injured or killed, compared to just over 90 during the same period in 2020.

Holly Hoechstenbach, better known as "Definitely Holly" is a gun rights activist who sees people focusing too much on the negatives of gun and not the positives.

"We need more law abiding citizens being armed to protect themselves and their loved ones," Hoechstenbach said. "You hear stories of gun violence and all these bad things happening, the mass shootings, but what people don't see as much is the stories about the grandma that was protecting herself in her house with her AR-15 or a man/woman protecting their family."

Friday evening, the Mom's Demand Action group for commonsense gun laws held a march, "to honor survivors of gun violence and demand action to end the epidemic, which kills 100 Americans every day and wounds hundreds more."

Spokeswoman for the group, Debbie Crossnoe, said the goal for them is not to abolish gun rights, but while working within the Second Amendment to add "commonsense" gun laws and add more gun safety.

Hoechstenbach said once more gun laws are added then rights of people and Second Amendment are affected and could head down a scary path and she thinks this could lead to socialism.

"It comes down to it doesn't matter if it's a gun or a knife or another type of weapon, it's the choices that people are making," said Leer. Leer said he unfortunately thinks that street violence is being glorified in different cultures and on social media.

Crossnoe said Mom's Demand Action has a be smart program to educate people on how to store guns safely. They also were provided gun locks from the sheriff's department that they give out for free to make sure guns are being stored safely.

Hoechstenbach said, "We can't stop people from doing crimes, but we can arm more law abiding citizens to help prevent those crimes from happening and to help protect families."

Crossnoe said in Missouri a large number of people are dying from suicide rather than homicide in gun shootings, the group provides education on this topic because a gun can be much more lethal than other types of suicide.

FBI firearm background checks also rose during the pandemic. From March 2020 to April 2021, the agency has seen 3 million background checks.

See the original post:
Gun rights and gun violence activists speak out about the recent increase in gun related crimes - ABC17NEWS -

Americas gun obsession is rooted in slavery – The Guardian

Bodies are piling up all over the second amendment as two of Americas pandemics converge. The plague of gun violence and the inability to mount an effective response, even in the wake of multiple mass shootings, is, unfortunately, rooted in the other pandemic gripping the United States: anti-Blackness and the sense that African Americans are a dangerous threat that can only be neutralized or stopped by a well-armed white citizenry.

For too long, the second amendment has been portrayed with a founding fathers aura swaddled in the stars and stripes.

But a well-regulated militia wasnt, as the story goes, about how valiant and effective the militias were in repelling the British. George Washington was disgusted with their lack of fighting ability and the way the men would just cut and run from battling against a professional army. Nor was the militia reliable as a force to uphold the law. In Shays Rebellion, bands of armed white men, who were in the states militia, attacked the Massachusetts government because of foreclosures and debt seizures, demonstrating, again, how unreliable the militia were. Boston merchants had to hire mercenaries to put down the rebellion.

On the other hand, where the militia had been steadfast was in controlling the enslaved Black population. Access to guns for white people was essential for this function.

In 1788, at the constitutional ratification convention in Virginia, a major source of contention was that the draft constitution had placed the training and arming of the states militia under federal control. Virginians Patrick Henry and George Mason balked, and raised the specter of a massive slave revolt left unchecked because Congress could not be trusted to summon the forces to protect the plantation owners. Mason warned that if and when Virginias enslaved rose up (as they had before), whites would be left defenseless. Patrick Henry explained that white plantation owners would be abandoned because the north detests slavery. In short, Black people had to be subjugated and contained and state control of the militia was the way to do that.

The sheer brutality of human bondage, where plantation owners were notorious for barbarities such as scalding, burning, castrating and extracting the tongues or eyes of slaves, had created an overwhelming fear among whites of the enslaveds capacity and desire for retribution. A series of revolts in the 1600s and 1700s terrified white residents and led to a slew of laws forbidding Black people from having any weapons, including guns. The militias all-important role was to quash those revolts, especially if the uprising was widespread, as in the 1740 Stono Rebellion in South Carolina.

This function of the militias was so important during the war of independence that governments such as that in South Carolina devoted the lions share of their white manpower to the containment of the enslaved. As a result, the colony did not have enough white men to join the Continental Army and repel the British. The calculus was simple: it was more important to the plantation owners in the colonial government to maintain slavery and control Black people than to fight for American independence.

In other words, concerns about keeping enslaved Black people in check are the context and background to the second amendment. The same holds true for today.

In May 2000, NRA president Charlton Heston invoked the constitution and then asserted, as he held a 19th-century-era rifle over his head, that the only way that Al Gore and other liberals would take his gun would be from my cold dead hands. That unyielding statement was a response to his people supposedly being under attack. Three years earlier Heston had declared: Heaven help the God-fearing, law-abiding, Caucasian, middle-class, Protestant or even worse admitted heterosexual, gun-owning or even worse NRA-card-carrying, average working stiff.

Nearly two decades later the Colorado congresswoman Lauren Boebert, who bragged about carrying her Glock to work in Washington DC, echoed that same defiance and fear as she wrote to her followers: I told Beto [ORourke] HELL NO to taking our guns. Without weapons, she exclaimed in a fundraising ad, her overwhelmingly white constituency would be left defenseless against gang members, drug runners and thugs, pejoratives that are often deployed as synonyms for African Americans.

Previously, Dana Loesch, NRA spokeswoman, had painted a similar picture of them screaming racism, breaking windows, burning cars, bullying and terrorizing the law-abiding. And, she added, when the police are called to stop this madness, they get outraged. The only way we save our country and our freedom, she asserted, is to fight this violence of lies with the clenched fist of truth. Clearly, the same clenched one that Heston held over his head holding a gun.

Thus, the slaughters in Sandy Hook, the Pulse Club in Orlando, Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston and San Bernardino did not lead to any meaningful gun safety laws despite the staggering casualties. The rampant anti-Blackness that dominated Barack Obamas presidency helped to short-circuit a tangible, legislative response. Instead, the fear of being left defenseless to a nation with a sizable Black population and Black leadership was palpable. Gun sales soared by 158% as did the rise of anti-Black rightwing militias.

The Wisconsin senator Ron Johnson, who has an A rating from the NRA, sums it up. He didnt fear white insurrectionists who stormed the US Capitol, injured 140 police officers, built a gallows to hang Mike Pence and hunted for Nancy Pelosi; he would have been afraid, however, if it had been Black Lives Matter. Indeed, because that fear and the second amendment mean that Black lives dont matter. And whites and others caught in the crosshairs of mass shootings are the collateral damage and pay the price.

Read this article:
Americas gun obsession is rooted in slavery - The Guardian