Archive for the ‘Second Amendment’ Category

What’s the difference between purchasing recreational cannabis and alcohol? – Reminder Publications

Our friends on Federal Street, the scholars at Merriam-Webster, define essential when used as a noun as something basic. The second definition is something necessary, indispensable, or unavoidable.

The word, whether used as an adjective or as a noun, appears in news reports almost every day. Gov. Charlie Baker speaks of essential businesses and workers as a way to define who should stay home and who has a job to perform in public.

The commonwealth considers the staff of this newspaper as essential, as also health professionals, first responders, auto technicians, construction workers, truck drivers and certain retail employees, among others.

The commonwealth has closed businesses until May 4, which are deemed unessential. You know that list as well.

I do have to note that Baker has drawn a fine line between certain consumer goods. Liquor, beer and wine are essential. Recreational cannabis is not.

Medical cannabis is still being sold and according to the press release from the Cannabis Control Commission there has been a 158 percent increase in patient applications and more than 30 telehealth certification waivers the Medical Use of Marijuana Program has received since the Governors essential services order was first issued on March 23.

Naturally, an increase would be seen.

A drive by Theory Wellness in Chicopee last week showed a full parking lot and plenty of customers who are buying medical cannabis.

So what is the difference between buying recreational cannabis and getting a bottle of Scotch or a six-pack? Alcohol and cannabis are both used by people to alter a mood and relax, right? Why is one acceptable and one isnt? They are both legal substances for adults.

Well see if Baker decides to reverse his position here. I doubt it though.

Im sure this will be a boom time for grey-market cannabis sales. I am willing to bet prices have gone through the roof. The Commonwealth is leaving that tax money on the table, which we really cant afford.

Another kind of retail that was deemed non-essential was gun shops. When asked about shops defying his order, Baker told reporters recently, They shouldnt have been open last week. The only folks on the firearm side that have been essential in Massachusetts since we issued the initial order are manufacturers.

But some gun shops have defied the order saying that they are essential. There have been media reports of an uptick in sales of guns from shops that refuse to close.

Although locally no increase in home invasion has been noted, apparently there are people who believe a side effect of this pandemic would require more weapons than they already have.

So far, the biggest concerns are people who dont use common sense and venture out when they are sick or refuse to wear some sort of mask around others. There is nothing funny about getting sick or spreading the illness.

As Ive often stated, I have no problem with people who buy and use guns legally. I have no problem with gun retailers who operate according to state and federal laws. I have family members who enjoy shooting and owning guns. Its their thing, not mine. It has been determined many times that is a Constitutional right.

However, there is nothing in the Second Amendment that prohibits a state from regulating sales, especially in the middle of a pandemic.

Kency Gilet, the chair of the Springfield Republican City Committee, posted on his Facebook page, These gun shop owners are real patriots. God bless them. The Second Amendment is essential.

No one has suggested changing the Second Amendment. The governor simply believes buying a gun right now is not an essential consumer transaction. So, the definition of a patriot is someone during a pandemic keeping his or her business open when asked to temporarily shut it down for public health reasons?

Again, I consult the folks at Merriam-Webster who define the word patriot as one who loves and supports his or her country.

Im not quite sure how selling guns at this time is supporting the commonwealth or the nation.

Want to be a patriot? In my opinion, stay inside, wash your hands, practice social distancing and wear a mask when you do go out. Oh, and dont hoard.

Originally posted here:
What's the difference between purchasing recreational cannabis and alcohol? - Reminder Publications

Biden the Half Wit Dares Lecture the Public on the 2nd Amendment – AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

U.S.A. -( The problem for Americans is that Joe Biden, the presumptive U.S. Presidential nominee of the Democrat Party, can feasibly become U.S. President. That fact makes Biden less amusing, and more frightening. Among those who are markedly incompetent to serve as U.S. President, we find Joe Biden. But, if he were at least affable, we could laugh at this clown, rather than frown.

Americans know when politicians come across as crass, insulting, and derisive. A person cannot effectively serve as the leader of the Nation if that person treats the general public as contemptible lowborn plebeians. That was a major failing of Hillary Clinton, among a litany of others. Something she could not hide. And, Bidens low regard for the average American has also become clear. We saw Bidens churlish behavior recently, during his exchange with a Detroit auto plant worker.

Fox News later interviewed the Detroit auto plant worker, Jerry Wayne, regarding what became an apparent contentious argument with former Vice President Joe Biden about Bidens position on gun rights.

Jerry Wayne chatted with Fox & Friends and said Biden could have easily said Im not taking questions and I would have very respectfully walked away. But he wanted to listen to my question and I dont think that he was ready for it. Wayne also noted that he tried to ask Biden questions about how he was going to improve the situations of union workers like himself in the future.

We bare [sic] arms and we like to do that. If he wants to give us work and take us [sic] guns, I dont know how he will get the same vote, Wayne said. He also called it disturbing when Fox & Friends asked for his reactions to a clip of Biden expressing his view that assault weapons should be confiscated.

Were you surprised that you asked a simple question and Joe Biden just went off the deep end on you? Steve Doocy [host of Fox & Friends] asked.

Yeah. I thought I was pretty articulate and respectful, said Wayne. I didnt try to raise any feathers. And he kind of went off the deep end. I saw he was digging a hole. I just kind of let him talk for a while to dig a hole.

Politicians love to equivocate, and Biden is no exception. But equivocation is hardly a talent of these people. And they love to talk about the Constitution, even when it appears they lack an understanding of Constitutional law and especially lack an understanding of the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights. That should prevent them from proselytizing to the American public about a matter they know very little if anything about. But, then, they lack humility as wellanother disturbing and all too common failing among many politicians.

You would think a politician would be perspicacious enough to refrain from lecturing the public about matters that a politician knows little if anything about; let alone legislate over it, but a politician doesnt refrain from lecturing the public or from legislating in ways catastrophic to the well-being of the Nation.

Politicians, especially those on the Radical Left and new Progressive Left of the political spectrum, proceed along their merry way, seemingly having not a care in the world, either oblivious to the fact, or, perhaps, all too mindful of it, that the actions they take as legislators, compromising the citizenry's most sacred rights and liberties, diminishes them as Americans, undermines the Constitution, and creates a hell for the rest of us to live in.

Yet, there is no compromise (in the sense of negotiation), on a fundamental, immutable, inalienable, natural right; nor can there be compromise. The word compromise, here, denotes outright capitulation. That, of course, is what the Democrats want, and the Detroit autoworker, Jerry Wayne, was doing the public a favor in bringing to light the irrationality of Bidens remarks on the Second Amendment. Biden obviously wasnt able to respond effectively to the irrationality of his own position. How could he? His position is self-contradictory.

One cannot claim rationally to support the Second Amendment, when one wishes to take steps to erase it. Biden may have realized the inconsistency inherent in his position on the Second Amendment when Jerry Wayne, the Detroit autoworker, had pointedly and demonstrably presented the inconsistency out to him. But, instead of admitting this, or otherwise doing what politicians are generally good atdisengaging and talking about something else when they do not wish to answer a question directly or cannot answer a pointed question directed to themBiden lashed out, like a petulant child. This is a common failing of the Radical Left and Progressive Left elements of our society. They do not wish to debate; they would rather shout a person down. That is much easier for them.

Sincerity was never Bidens long suit; nor is controlling his anger. Bidens obvious disinclination to engage the public, despite his efforts to demonstrate the contrary, comes across plainly and painfully. His rancor and deceit, irascibility and dissembling, along with an inability or lack of desire to even try to control his temper should not be lost on anyone.

About The Arbalest Quarrel:

Arbalest Group created `The Arbalest Quarrel' website for a special purpose. That purpose is to educate the American public about recent Federal and State firearms control legislation. No other website, to our knowledge, provides as deep an analysis or as thorough an analysis. Arbalest Group offers this information free.

For more information,

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Biden the Half Wit Dares Lecture the Public on the 2nd Amendment - AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

Pallotta demands an explanation from Governor Murphy on Second Amendment overreach –

MAHWAH Governor Phil Murphys Executive Order 107, issued on March 21stin response to the Coronavirus crisis, mandated the indefinite closure of all non-essential businesses. The order applies to all businesses except thosespecificallyexempted. Gun stores and ranges were not listed as exempt.

The Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs (ANJRPC) obtained a clarification from the Governors office that specified the following:

Gun stores are not deemedessentialand are therefore ordered closed; The National Instant Check System in NJ (NICS) for processing all firearms and ammunition transactions has been shut down completely; and All ranges (indoor and outdoor, public and private) are ordered closed under a restriction onrecreational activities.

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The ANJRPC makes the point that two major parts of the Second Amendment (means of firearms acquisition and means of developing firearms proficiency) have been shut down completely, without an end date, by a single government official, by executive order. Social distancing protocols, utilized elsewhere to justify keeping certain other supposedlyessentialbusinesses open, are not even part of the equation when it comes to firearms, ammunition, and ranges.

Congressional candidate Frank Pallotta (R-CD05) asked: Given the Governors statements and record regarding the Second Amendment, I have to ask if this is anything more than a crass attempt by Governor Murphy to use a health emergency to pursue a political agenda?

Pallotta noted the abysmal level of testing in New Jersey home to many of the worlds pharmaceutical giants: In South Korea, they have tested one of every 150 citizens. That is 30 times the capita we are doing. Instead of aggressively testing, the Governor has opted to, in essence, jail most of the population by stripping them of their freedoms under the Bill of Rights. Pallotta added, Who gave him the power to use a health crisis to specifically target the First and Second Amendments?

Pallotta is formally asking the Governor to be transparent and to explain the decision-making processes that led to including Second Amendment-related businesses and activities in his offices clarification of Executive Order 107. Pallotta also asked for a full disclosure of the Attorney Generals legal advice in this matter.

Everyone is suffering, the economy is being destroyed, and the Governor has no plan to preserve the financial wellbeing of the citizens of New Jersey. If, in addition to this, he is using the emergency to advance his own partisan political agenda, I would ask him to think about it and reconsider his decision to exclude Gun stores from the exempt list and deem them essential businesses.

Read the rest here:
Pallotta demands an explanation from Governor Murphy on Second Amendment overreach -

Guns in the coronavirus age | TheHill – The Hill

First, they came for the hand sanitizer. Then they came for thetoilet paper. Then they came for the guns. The coronavirus is spreading fast,but fear-drivenbuying may be spreading even faster.

The fear of this virus, of course, is all-too-real, and nolaughing matter. And the impulse to stock up on essentials isirresistibleand probably prudent. Butstocking up on firearms for your home isnt, for a number of reasons.

For one, putting aside the risks of spreading or being infected bythe virus from standing in a crowded line and buying guns, study after studyhas found thatbringing a gun into your home is far more likely to endanger youand your family than protect it.

One study, from theAmericanJournal ofPreventative Medicine,found that "for each 10 percent increase in household gun ownership rates,the findings show a significant 13 percentincreased incidence of domesticfirearm homicide.

The risks are great that guns will be stored unsafely andaccessible to children and others who should not have access to them. Andyour semiautomaticcant fend off the coronavirus, no matter how large yourammunition magazine is.

But there is an even more fundamental problem that may be at playwith at least some of the binge-buying of guns. Some have a sense, itappears, thatsociety may break down under the weight of this pandemic, andAmericans will end up fighting each other for supplies, or food, or to maintainsafety.

In thispost-apocalyptic Hobbesian state, guns will be needed.This is the same worldview that the National Rifle Association has been stokingfor decades to fuelthe notion that a gun is necessary for self-protection, evidencedby aninflammatorytweet last week. Some will even add, that is what the Framers intendedwhen they wrote the Second Amendment into our Constitution.

Thats a dangerous notion and its wholly contrary to what theFounders of our nation intended. The Second Amendment, in fact, wasintended to protectwell-regulated militia state armies that maintainedorder and suppressed the sort of anarchic uprisings some gun buyersenvision.

As one court put it in1874 near theConstitutionally-relevant time of the 14thAmendment it would beabsurd to suppose that the framers took it for granted that their wholescheme of law and order, and government and protection, would be a failure andthat the people, instead [of] depending upon the laws and the publicauthorities for protection, were each man to take care of himself, and to be alwaysready to resist to the death, then and there, all opposers. On the contrary,the Court went on, the Framers envisioned a well ordered and civilizedcommunity.

That should be our vision still, perhaps now more thanever.

We dont know when, but we will come out of these strange,unsettling days. Coronavirus will go away. There will be a vaccine. Butthere is no vaccine toeliminate the very real dangers of bringing an unsecuredgun in your home, and the impact on every member of that household, fromunintentional injuries todomestic violence to suicide.

The heightenedrisk of all of those injuries that claim lives every day will be permanentlyincreased by the actions people taketoday.

And when we come out of this coronavirus, we must recommit torepairing the breaches of our society and establishing a caring community inwhichAmericans recognize we are in this together, as a nation and, indeed, aworld. Stockpiling firearms is not the answer and is contradictory to thevery notionsof government and society upon which our nation was founded.

Jonathan Lowy is the chief counsel and vicepresident, Legal Action Project, at Brady. Lowy has been named one of the 500Leading Lawyers in America by Law magazine and has published numerous articleson gun litigation and policy.

See more here:
Guns in the coronavirus age | TheHill - The Hill

Constitutional Carry in Idaho is Now for All Americans – AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

Idaho Capitol Building

U.S.A. -( Fantastic news for Idaho's gun-loving citizens and supporters of the Second Amendment nationwide Idaho just passed HB 516 allowing Constitutional Carry in the great state! The following passage in HB 516 makes it abundantly clear, that ID citizens have the right to keep, bear and carry arms without any permit whatsoever.

18-3302. CONCEALED WEAPONS. (1) The legislature hereby finds that thepeople of Idaho have reserved for themselves the right to keep and bear armswhile granting the legislature the authority to regulate the carrying of weapons concealed. The provisions of this chapter regulating the carryingof weapons must be strictly construed so as to give maximum scope to the rights retained by the people.

The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance broke this story earlier today and released the following statement in regards to its passage.

You did it Idaho!

In a time of this nation's history where things are tense and uncertain, we have some great news for Idahoans and all Americans. Gov. Brad Little has signed HB 516, the final piece of Constitutional Carry in Idaho, into law!

This is a historic occasion for our state and for our country. You should all be proud of the hard work you did to make this happen. When we started this organization nearly eight years ago we had no idea what we were in for. We had no idea it would take as long as it did in a Republican state.

However, with your hard work and pressure on the legislature, we have achieved something incredible! In 2016, we passed the first portion of Constitutional Carry for all Idahoans 21-years-old and older. Then, last year, thanks to Rep. Zito, we lowered the age limit for Constitutional Carry to 18-years-old and over.

Now, Idaho recognizes that ALL Americans have the right to carry in our state without a permit. Most states with Constitutional Carry do not have a so-called residency requirement and now Idaho won't either!

Read More About HB 516 Here!

We want to give a special thanks to all the legislators who cosponsored HB 516 as well as Gov. Little for signing the bill into law. Additionally, none of this would have happened without Rep. Christy Zito who fought valiantly the last few years to make it all possible. Without her, Idaho wouldn't be where it is today. Be sure to go to and send her a thank you note for her efforts!

Finally, a big thank you to the members and supporters of the ISAA. The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance is made up of incredible grassroots gun owners across Idaho who fight and win.

Are you tired of winning yet?

We aren't!

There is still more work to be done and we hope you will continue to stand and fight with us. For now, enjoy this monumental victory and pat yourselves on the back.

About Idaho Second Amendment Alliance:

Idaho Second Amendment Alliance is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms through an aggressive grassroots program designed to mobilize public opposition to the anti-gun legislation.Our website can be located at

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Constitutional Carry in Idaho is Now for All Americans - AmmoLand Shooting Sports News