Stillwater Committee to vote on 2nd Amendment resolution – New Jersey Herald
STILLWATER - The Township Committee will discuss its own version of a resolution of support for residents Second Amendment rights during its Tuesday meeting.
The meeting is at 7 p.m. at the municipal building, 964 Stillwater Road.
The resolution is being brought before the five-member committee by Committeeman George Scott, who is serving this year as deputy mayor.
I wanted to get this done earlier, he said of getting the resolution on the committees agenda, but were also in the middle of the (2020) budget and with the holidays. Its something I started and wanted to see through.
In December, Assemblyman Parker Space, R-24th District, which includes all of Sussex County and the northern part of Warren County, presented suggested resolution language which he said was taken from similar measures being passed in parts of Florida and Virginia.
Some of the language from those states, which used the term sanctuary, has been altered to include strong support for private citizens to own and use firearms.
If Stillwater approves its resolution, the committee will be the fourth governing body in Sussex County to act on similar resolutions. Previously the borough councils in Sussex Borough, Branchville and Franklin approved resolutions. Last month, the West Milford Township Council became the first municipality in the state in recent memory to approve a resolution on the Second Amendment.
The Second Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights approved as the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution in 1791. The amendment reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." and the intended meaning has been subject of debate and U.S. Supreme Court cases, usually over local or state laws regulating who can own or possess what type of firearm.
I think I got everybody to get on board with this, Scott said of the Township Committee, and the feedback Im getting seems to be that citizens are really up for it.
Scott said he personally owns several types of firearms and goes hunting in Maine and Pennsylvania where rifles are allowed.
He is a certified hunter safety instructor in New Jersey and describes himself as a big advocate for safety. I think everyone over 10 years old should be taught how to safely use a gun.
The deputy mayor said hed like to see a full audience at Tuesdays meeting so we can have a full discussion on what this all means.
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Stillwater Committee to vote on 2nd Amendment resolution - New Jersey Herald