Archive for the ‘Second Amendment’ Category

Mo Brooks: ‘Second Amendment’ | Campaign 2018 – Washington Post

Washington Post
Mo Brooks: 'Second Amendment' | Campaign 2018
Washington Post
July 24, 2017 1:14 PM EDT - Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), who is running for Alabama's Senate seat in a special election primary on Aug. 15, released a campaign video invoking the GOP baseball practice shooting in June. (Mo Brooks for Senate) ...

Mo Brooks: 'Second Amendment' | Campaign 2018 - Washington Post

Open-Carry Swords: A Civilized Second Amendment Right – Above the Law

Things that should not be abridged.

Starting in September, Texas will allow you to open-carry swords. The state already allows you to carry around blades shorter than 5.5 inches, but this fall that restriction will be lifted and Texans can get their saber on.

I think thats great. Seriously. I am totally cool with the right to bear swords. Its an originalist interpretation of the Second Amendment. A sword is way closer to an 18th-century musket than any of the sub-assault-pocket-Uzis turning our country into a shooting gallery today. If you could get people to turn in their guns to receive a personally crafted sword, Id vote to melt down the Intrepid for steel and enslave Hitori Hanzo to do the work.

Guns kill innocent bystanders. The only innocent bystander ever to be killed by a sword was Polonius, and Hamlet felt super bad after that happened. Guns kill indiscriminately. Swords kill their intended target. If we accept that in an free society, some killing must be done in the fight for scarce resources, swords are tactical weapons while guns are weapons of mass destruction.

And while were here, lets remember that a sub-5.5 inch knife is probably way more deadly than a freaking broadsword. Christ. An enemy will make you look like a bloody sprinkler system in the time it takes for you to unsheathe your katana. Youre not a damn Jedi. If Texas is already allowing knives (and guns!), then nobody is made less safe by toting around a sword. Once the F-150 comes out with stab-proof seating, nothing will even be significantly damaged by these things.

I dont know that you can ever go back again. I dont know that you can ever get rid of all the guns lurking in our country. But our country made a wrong turn when we broadly interpreted arms to include rapid-fire hand-held artillery units, as opposed to something limited to personal stabbing weapons and slow reload rifles.

Hannibal didnt need guns. Batman doesnt need guns. Guns are for cowards. If you want to defend your people, you should be limited to the ax aisle at Walmart.

New Texas Law To Allow Open Carry Of Swords, Machetes [CBS Dallas-Fort Worth]

Elie Mystal is an editor of Above the Law and the Legal Editor for More Perfect. He can be reached @ElieNYC on Twitter, or at He will resist.

The rest is here:
Open-Carry Swords: A Civilized Second Amendment Right - Above the Law

Circuit Court: 2nd Amendment Protects Right ‘to Carry Firearms for Personal Self-Defense Beyond the Home’ – Breitbart News

This opinion was handed down in Wrenn v. District of Columbia,a case wherein the D.C. Circuit ruled that the citys good-reason requirement for concealed carry issuance is not constitutional. When the ruling was issued, Breitbart News reported that the court issued a permanent injunction, barring future use of the good-reason clause to limit concealed carry permit issuance.

The Wrenn ruling was welcomed with open arms by concealed carriers, as it came roughly a month after the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) refused to hear Peruta v. California. In Peruta, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that Americans have no right to carry a concealed handgun outside the home for self-defense.

Perutas majority opinion was written byJudge William Fletcher and said, We hold that the Second Amendment does not preserve or protect a right of a member of the general public to carry concealed firearms in public. And contrary to what the D.C. Circuit ruled this week, the Peruta ruling upheld Californias good cause for concealed carry permit issuance.

So we have two views, diametrically opposed, on two separate coasts. On the east coast, the D.C. Circuit defended the right to carry firearms for personal self-defense beyond the home, and on the west coast, the Ninth Circuit ruled that no such right exists.

As this split festers, we may end up getting the SCOTUS review that Justice Clarence Thomas has been urging his colleagues to undertake. Hecalled it indefensible when they refused to hear Peruta,and if D.C. appeals the D.C. Circuit decision, his colleagues will get the opportunity to review a similar case Wrenn in the shadow of an obvious circuit split.

Thomas is already on record saying SCOTUS ought not sit idly by as state-level gun control cripples the Second Amendment.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host ofBullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter:@AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at


Read this article:
Circuit Court: 2nd Amendment Protects Right 'to Carry Firearms for Personal Self-Defense Beyond the Home' - Breitbart News

DC Circuit upholds right to bear arms for DC residents – Washington Post

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has ruled that the District government must grant handgun carry licenses to D.C. residents on the same basis that carry permits are issued in most states. In particular, D.C. may not limit carry permits only to persons who prove a special needfor self-protection distinguishable from the general communityas supported by evidence of specific threats or previous attacksthat demonstrate a special danger to the applicants life. Instead, D.C. must follow the standard American system: issuing permits to adults who pass a fingerprint-based background check and a safety training class.

The Circuit Courts opinion comes in a pair of cases: Wrenn v. District of ColumbiaandMatthew Grace and Pink Pistols v. District of Columbia. (Pink Pistols is a LGBT advocacy group that has played an important rolein Second Amendment cases.) The opinion was written byJudge Thomas B. Griffith and joined by Senior Judge Stephen F. Williams. Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson dissented. The cases have a long and complicated procedural history; when Wrennwas before the D.C. Circuit in an earlier round, I participated in an amicus briefexamining Anglo-American legal history on the right to carry.

Background: The right to bear arms has gone through the following developments in D.C. in the past decade:

2007 (pre-Heller) License is required to carry arms, even to carry a firearm from one room to another in ones home.

2008 (Hellerdecision) Supreme Court strikes down the D.C. handgun ban and the D.C. ban on having any functional firearm in the home. In the course of litigation, D.C. had promised that if the handgun ban were struck, then it would issue plaintiff Dick Heller a license to carry in his own home. Thus, the court stated, We therefore assume that petitioners issuance of a license will satisfy respondents prayer for relief and do not address the licensing requirement.

2008 (post-Heller) TheD.C. Council repeals its handgun ban and enacts a new handgun registration ordinance. Once a handgun has been lawfully registered, no permission is needed to carry it inside the home. There is no provision for licensed carry outside the home.

2009-2016 In response to public criticism (e.g., Emily Millers book Emily Gets Her Gun) and litigation, the D.C. gun registration statute and its application are improved, from being dysfunctional to instead being exceptionally strict, but mostly functional.Meanwhile, new litigation, led byHellers victorious attorney Alan Gura, engages the right to carry outside the home. In 2014, the D.C. law making it impossible to obtain a permit to carry outside the home is held unconstitutional. (Similar to an Illinois statute that was held unconstitutional by the 7th Circuit in 2012.)

Rather than appealing the decision, D.C. adopts a very narrow licensing law: Carry permits for outside the home will be issued only if there is a good reason, defined to mean that the applicant has a special need.After much procedural delay, the issue is finally decided on the merits on July 25, 2017. Thedistrict courts inWrenn andPink Pistolshad split on whether the D.C. special need ordinance was constitutional. The Court of Appeals rules that the ordinances violates the Second Amendment.

Majority opinion: To begin with, the court finds that the right to keep and bear Arms includes the right not only to keep arms in the home but also to bear arms outside the home. Hellersaid so. So did the 19th-century cases favorably cited byHeller.They recognized a right to carry, and also upheld non-prohibitory regulations on the manner of carry. For example, the legislature may choose to require that arms be carried openly, rather than concealed. The few 19th-century cases that upheld carrying bans were all based on the flawed premise that the right to arms is only about the militia; sinceHellerdispelled that theory, the militia-only precedents are of little value.

Legal history: D.C. had argued that Englands 1328 Statute of Northampton banned all arms-carrying, and this controls the meaning of the Second Amendment. (Several legal historians and I argued to the contrary, in the amicus brief cited above.) On the matter of English history, the D.C. Circuit found that for every point there is an equal and oppositecounterpoint. However, the state of the law in Chaucers England or for that matter Shakespeares or Cromwells isnot decisive here. Instead, the history showcased in Heller Icontradicts the main scholar (Patrick Charles) who contends that there is no right to carry. For example,Hellersaid that by the time of the English Bill of Rights in 1689, the right to arms included the right to carryweapons in case of confrontation. Likewise, James Wilson earlycommentator, virtual coauthor of the Constitution, and memberof the Supreme Courts first cohort, had explicated that Founding-eraNorthampton laws banned only the carrying of dangerous andunusual weapons, in such a manner, as will naturally diffuse aterrour among the people.

D.C. had offered a second major argument that there is no meaningful right to bear arms: Based on the writings of Saul Cornell, D.C. contended that several 19th-century state surety of the peace statutes prohibited carrying in most circumstances. As the court pointed out, this argument was based on misreading the statutes. Under these statutes (the first of which was enacted in Massachusetts), anyone could carry arms. If someone else brought a civil case alleging that carrier was threatening to breach the peace, the carrier could be forced to post bond for good behavior. After posting bond, the carrier could go on carrying.

Thus, the Districts historical arguments that there is no right to carry, or no right to carry in cities, were incorrect. To the contrary, carrying beyond the home, even in populatedareas, even without special need, falls within the Amendmentscoverage, indeed within its core (citing, among other authorities, Eugene Volokhs oft-cited Implementing the Right to Keep and BearArms for Self-Defense: An Analytical Framework and aResearch Agenda, 56 U.C.L.A. L. Rev. 1443 (2009)).

Standard of review: In general, judicial review of a law that affects constitutional rights depends on what the law does. Laws that merely regulate the time, place or manner (e.g., no using loudspeakers in the park after 10 p.m.) received intermediate scrutiny. Laws that regulate the content of speech (e.g., people can have parades for holidays, but not for political purposes) receive strict scrutiny. Laws that destroy a right, or laws that discriminate based on the viewpoint of speech, are categorically unconstitutional (e.g., radio stations may praise the conduct of the war but may not criticize it).

TheHellercase involved a handgun ban. Rather than applying strict or intermediate scrutiny, the Supreme Court held the ban to be categorically unconstitutional. Suppose that instead of banning handguns, D.C. had allowed handgun possession only by a small minority with a special need to possess. The D.C. Circuit was doubtful that the Supreme Court would have upheld such a near-total ban. Indeed, the D.C. handgun ban had what the Supreme Court called minor exceptions, but theHelleropinion said that the exceptions were not relevant here.Instead, theHeller opinion recognized a general right to arms, not a right only for persons with a special need.Hellervindicates the rights of those who possess common levels of need.

For almost all D.C. residents, the special need requirement amounts to a total ban on their right to bear arms. Hence, it is categorically unconstitutional, for the same reason that the total ban on handguns was held unconstitutional inHeller.

Dissent: Judge Henderson dissented, as she has in every previous case that has upheld a scintilla of Second Amendment rights. In the D.C. Circuit, the case that later becameD.C. v. Heller in the Supreme Court wasParker v. D.C.While the majority held D.C.s handgun ban unconstitutional, Judge Henderson invented the novel theory that because the Second Amendment says the security of a free State, the Second Amendment does not apply in the District of Columbia. (This was refuted in Volokh, Necessary to the Security of a Free State, 83 Notre Dame L.Rev. 1 (2007), which is cited inHeller; free State in this context means a free polity.)

Similarly, inHeller III, the D.C. Circuit majority upheld some D.C. registration requirements, while rejecting others, such as the requirement that registered guns must be re-registered every three years. The alleged purpose was to inform the police about lost or stolen guns, but D.C. already had a separate law requiring the reporting of lost or stolen guns. Judge Henderson would have upheld all of the D.C. registration ordinance.

In accord with opinions from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Circuits, she argued that the right to arms outside the home is far from the core of the Second Amendment. Accordingly, no more than intermediate scrutiny should apply. Especially when considering the unique needs of the densely populated District, with it many security concerns, courts should defer to the D.C. Councils judgment that a near-total ban on carrying would promote public safety.

Conclusion: Lower federal court judges have varied widely in how rigorously they apply the Supreme CourtsHeller decision. Some, like Judge Henderson, have opted for a very weak form of intermediate scrutiny (or even less) that will uphold just about every gun control other than a handgun ban. Others have applied a more vigorous review, and have found some (but certainly not all) gun controls to be unconstitutional. (For a survey of the decisions, see Kopel & Greenlee, The Federal Circuits Second Amendment Doctrines, 61St. Louis U.L.J. 193 (2017).)

In my view, theWrennmajority correctly followedHeller, which teaches that total bans (or 99 percent bans) applied to law-abiding citizens are categorically unconstitutional. Notably, theWrenndecision acknowledgesHellers dictum that carrying maybe prohibited in sensitive places, such as schools and government buildings. Given the multitude of government buildings in the District, there are still many places where carrying may be prohibited. However, when a woman is walking at night from her apartment to an automobile parking lot, the District may not prohibit her from being able to defend herself.

As explainedelsewhere in ThePost, The ruling from a three-judge panel gives city officials 30 days to decide whether to appeal for review by a full complement of D.C. Circuit judges. If the court does not agree to revisit the case sitting as an en banc panel, the order would take effect seven days later. After losing in Parker and Heller III, the D.C. attorney general petitioned for en banc review, which requires an affirmative vote by the majority of non-senior Judges. Neither petition was granted.

Go here to read the rest:
DC Circuit upholds right to bear arms for DC residents - Washington Post

Restrictive concealed carry law violates Second Amendment, DC Circuit rules – ABA Journal

Second Amendment

Posted July 26, 2017 8:40 am CDT

By Debra Cassens Weiss

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled 2-1 on Tuesday that the restriction violates the Second Amendment because it amounts to a total ban on the right to carry a gun for most residents. The Wall Street Journal (sub. req.), Reuters and the Washington Post covered the decision (PDF).

At the Second Amendments core lies the right of responsible citizens to carry firearms for personal self-defense beyond the home, subject to longstanding restrictions, Judge Thomas Griffith wrote for the majority. Traditional restrictions include licensing requirements, but not special-needs requirements, he said.

The Second Amendment erects some absolute barriers that no gun law may breach, Griffith wrote.

At least four other federal appeals courts have upheld similar restrictions, while a fifth has recognized a constitutional right to carry a gun outside the home, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The Washington, D.C., gun law says the police chief may issue concealed carry permits to those who show good reason to fear injury to his person or property or has any other proper reason for carrying a pistol.

To show good reason, applicants have to show evidence of specific threats or previous attacks that demonstrate a special danger to the applicants life. District regulations interpret other proper reason to include employment involving the transportation of cash or valuables.

Washington, D.C., is considering asking the full court to hear the appeal, which had consolidated two casesWrenn v. District of Columbia and Grace v. District of Columbia.

Here is the original post:
Restrictive concealed carry law violates Second Amendment, DC Circuit rules - ABA Journal