Archive for the ‘Second Amendment’ Category

Mark Oz Geist talks Shadow Warriors, Hillary Clinton, the Second Amendment and Islam (VIDEO) –

We caught up with former Benghazi security contractor Mark Oz Geist, who said pro-gun Americans have won a battle against liberalism with the defeat of Hillary Clinton, but the war is far from over.

Austin, Texas, they got a small bastion of liberalism down there is a state that is 100 percent conservative, Geist said. But its a foothold and if we dont keep active and keep going after, keep our defenses up and on the offense theyre going to have that foothold and grow with it.

Pro-gun advocates still have to contend with statewide initiatives, like the recent ammunition registration scheme in California and Colorados magazine ban.

Criminals are gong to be criminals and theyre going to break the law and what we need to do is make sure that people are empowered to defend themselves that have the rights and most importantly the Second Amendment is the most important amendment that we have to the Constitution because thats what gives us and protects all the others.

See the article here:
Mark Oz Geist talks Shadow Warriors, Hillary Clinton, the Second Amendment and Islam (VIDEO) -

Urban Leftists Can’t Stop Violating the Constitution – National Review

Heres a pro tip for government lawyers: You shouldnt endeavor to eliminate indirectly those constitutional rights you cant eliminate directly.

Someone needs to explain this rather basic legal reality to the city of Chicago. Yesterday, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals struck down yet another series of Chicago laws that transparently and clumsily attempted to circumvent the Second Amendment and controlling legal precedent protecting the rights of Chicago citizens to own handguns for self-defense.

Its a battle thats been raging for almost a decade. It began in 2008, just after the Supreme Court decided District of Columbia v. Heller, the case that recognized the rather obvious fact that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms. In light of the Heller decision, Otis McDonald and three other plaintiffs filed suit to challenge Chicagos near-total ban on private possession of handguns.

In 2010, McDonald won his case. The Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment was fully applicable to the states and protected the right to keep and bear arms from intrusive state and local laws. Chicagos handgun ban was thus plainly unconstitutional.

But rather than comply with the Constitution, Chicago went back to the drawing board, this time constructing a new, indirect ban. As summarized by the Seventh Circuit, the city allowed residents to possess a handgun if they had a lawful permit, required range training as a prerequisite to getting a permit, and then banned firing ranges from operating in the city.

Rhonda Ezell and two other Chicago residents sued, and in 2011, they won. As Judge Ilana Rovner wrote, Chicagos range-training requirement was not so much a nod to the importance of live-range training as it was a thumbing of the municipal nose at the Supreme Court. The city could not create a requirement for exercising a right and then ban from the city the means of meeting that requirement.

Chicago, however, was hardly done defying the judiciary. In response to the 2011 case, the city created yet another elaborate series of regulations, this time allowing firing ranges only in manufacturing districts, banning them from operating within 100 feet of each other or 500 feet of a residential district, school, or church, and banning anyone under age 18 from entering them. As a result, Only 2.2 percent of the citys total acreage is even theoretically available for a shooting range and the commercial viability of any of these parcels is questionable so much so that no shooting range yet exists.

Yesterday, Rhonda Ezell won again. The Court was particularly unimpressed with the fact that Chicago simply states that it has interests in preventing crime, protecting the environment, and preventing, without bothering to prove that ranges cause increased crime, airborne lead contamination, and a greater risk of fire.

The citys bad faith was obvious:

The Citys own witnesses testified to the lack of evidentiary support for these assertions. They repeatedly admitted that they knew of no data or empirical evidence to support any of these claims. Indeed, Patricia Scudiero, the Citys zoning administrator, conceded that neither she nor anyone else in her department made any effort to review how other cities zone firing ranges. She conducted no investigation, visited no firing ranges in other jurisdictions, consulted no expert, and essentially did no research at all.

At every turn, the city merely asserted that its regulations were justifiable without actually bothering to justify them, because it couldnt justify them.

When it comes to the Second Amendment, Chicago is hardly unique. The District of Columbia has waged its own long battle against Heller, and even after the Supreme Courts decision, it has remained extraordinarily difficult to legally possess a handgun in the city. The result is a citizenry that largely lacks the capacity to defend itself against a criminal class that is killing men and women by the hundreds.

Cities can engage in this kind of long-term resistance, losing case after case with little consequence, because of a quirk in the law that other liberal institutions exploit with impunity: Its difficult to quantify the monetary value of a constitutional right, so damage awards for constitutional violations are often low or nonexistent. Yes, plaintiffs can obtain injunctions, but significant monetary awards are rare. The only real financial penalty is the requirement that losing cities pay the plaintiffs attorneys fees, which are insignificant sums given the vast size of city budgets.

Thus, cities treat gun rights like universities treat rights to free speech, free association, due process, and religious liberty. They defy the law, wait to be sued, fight for years, write small attorney-fee checks when they lose, and wait to be sued again. Not even the judiciary possesses the tools necessary to truly check abusive government power.

Its time to close the loophole. Its time to impose real costs for violations of our most fundamental constitutional rights. The most important task of government at any level in the United States is to protect the liberty of its citizens. A government or public entity that repeatedly violates the rights secured in the Bill of Rights simply doesnt deserve taxpayer support, and its past time to link federal funding to the protection of individual liberty.

There is a new Congress, and tomorrow there will be a new president. Will there be new resolve to defend the Constitution? Lets hope so.

David French is a staff writer for National Review, a senior fellow at the National Review Institute, and an attorney.

Urban Leftists Can't Stop Violating the Constitution - National Review

Arizona Town Dubs Itself ‘America’s Second Amendment City’ – Bearing Arms

Last week, Mayor Dusty Escapule of Tombstone, Arizona, signed a proclamation naming the town Americas Second Amendment City. You may be familiar with Tombstone, because it is the site of the 1881 O.K. Corral shootout that was later portrayed in several Hollywood western movies.

The town is an Old West tourist attraction, and holds on tight to its past. Town officials have even gone above and beyond to maintain its historical appearance, ensuring the power lines are all underground (as reported by the Washington Post):

Local groups stage gun skits and reenactments, with actors shootingblank rounds, Escapule said. About 500,000 tourists come to the town every year to checkout the shows and the sites.

One such reenactment is that of the shootout at the O.K. Corral onOct. 26, 1881. Wyatt Earp, a deputy U.S. marshal, along with his brothers Morgan and Virgil and their friend Doc Holliday, faced off against a group of outlaws in a deadly fight for control of Tombstone. While the others were either killed or injured, Earp emerged from the 30-second gun battle unscathed.

Every October, the town celebrates the Tombstone Helldorado Days, a three-day event packed with street gunfight skits, shows and parades.

With a population of about 1,380 people, this Second Amendment City is in no way, shape or form going to change, Escapule said.

Its always going to be thetown thats too tough to die, he said.

Not only does the proclamationpay homage to the citys rich firearms history, but it captures the essence of what its citizensbelieve is necessary about right to bear arms.

This particular area is known for a lot of drug trafficking and illegal aliens, Escapule told the Washington Post.If we have no way of protecting ourselves, the citizens of this part of the country would actually be under attack.

Author's Bio: Storm Paglia

See the article here:
Arizona Town Dubs Itself 'America's Second Amendment City' - Bearing Arms

Gun Control Myth About MLK and the Second Amendment Debunked – Bearing Arms

Gun control advocates are quick to use MLK Day as a means of promoting their political agenda. They use Kings belief in peace as a means of arguing against the use of firearms.

What do these activists fail to realize? In 1956, MLK applied for a concealed carry permit for self-defense but was ultimately denied under Alabamas may issue state statute.

In 2014, NRA News Colion Noir explained how Dr. Kings CCW application was denied.

The NRA has a history of supporting civil rights. The group set up gun trainings for African Americans, when they were being harassed by the Ku Klux Klan in the early 1960s.

In fact, the NAACP in Monroe, NC, brought in the NRA to train its members. The training allowed one of the NAACP heads to successfully defend themselves against a KKK attack. No one was harmed and the attack was thwarted.

Maybe gun control advocates should dig deeper into their history, before trying to turn tables and incorrectly use American heroes for their advantage.

Author's Bio: Beth Baumann

Continued here:
Gun Control Myth About MLK and the Second Amendment Debunked - Bearing Arms

SHOT ShowDaniel Defense: Trump’s Election Saved Second Amendment – Breitbart News


Breitbart News asked Daniel, CEO and founder of Daniel Defense, an AR-15 design and manufacturing company, andmember of Trumps Second Amendment Coalition,Is it reasonable to say Donald Trumps election literally saved the Second Amendment?


Daniel responded, Its absolutely reasonable. We were on a terrible trajectory with Hillary Clinton and the possibility of her being our president and being able to nominate justices to the Supreme Court. We have been saved from our Second Amendment rights being taken away.

Breitbart News alsoasked Daniel what is on thehorizon with a Trump presidency. He said, We are excited to have a great president and to be able to get some great things accomplished in D.C., like the Hearing Protection Actand National Right to Carry [National Reciprocity]. Those things are huge for our Second Amendment rights, and Daniel Defense is active in supporting both of those.

He continued, We want everybody to contact their congressmen and their senators, and let them know that this is very important, that the passage of both of these is very important.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of Bullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at

Go here to see the original:
SHOT ShowDaniel Defense: Trump's Election Saved Second Amendment - Breitbart News