Right decision on Fort Hood
Re: New name honors newer hero, Wednesday Metro & Business photo.
These ongoing cultural demotions of Civil War leaders mark the passing of an age Gone With the Wind, as it were.
John Bell Hood was a brave soldier who lost the use of an arm at Gettysburg and lost a leg at Chickamauga, but he was also an impetuous, foolish general who, without need, lost an entire army at the wars end, all while fighting in defense of the imagined right of men to enslave each other.
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This name change is a poignant moment in American history, and I do have mixed emotions, but the decision to change the name is more defensible than would be the decision to keep it.
Chip Field, Dallas
It feels like a thread of illogical reasoning is popping up yet again.
For decades, weve heard about trickle-down economics. Even though theres no evidence of the wealth making it down to anyone below those at the top, thats the theory many are determined to follow. Throw money at those at the top, and surely that will make everyone better off.
Likewise, now its always the idea that we need more guns. Arm teachers, put armed guards everywhere. A good guy with a gun ...
But just as trickle-down economics is not bringing wealth to the vast majority of people, millions of guns are not bringing safety to anyone.
Its time to acknowledge that we need better plans for both issues. People are starving and dying while those in charge are spouting illogical, disproven theories.
Jan McDowell, Carrollton
Re: Unspeakable? No, Theres a Lot to Say Governor, Texas needs action on guns. Right now, Monday editorial.
This editorial was one of the most effectively directed and objective pieces of writing I have ever read addressing the gun issues and Gov. Greg Abbott.
What can explain his attitude of dismissing any sort of gun control while blaming the continuing tragedies on anything or anyone else?
Is it stubbornness, egotism or ignorance? Perhaps its being answerable to a base that ensures and validates his political future as long as he adheres to its beliefs.
What a shame for Texas and the folks, especially the children, we have lost to guns.
Judith S. Hall, Dallas
Thank you, Dallas Morning News, for speaking out on this topic and reflecting the position of most rational-minded Texans. I dont know what it will take for our politicians to finally step up and take sensible steps to reduce this type of tragedy.
I remember Gov. Greg Abbott tweeting after he was first elected governor that he wanted the first law he signed to be the constitutional carry bill. I remember wondering at the time why we were moving back to the Wild West rather than focusing on the needs of Texans to improve schools, help reduce poverty, help reduce or control annual property tax increases and improve our power grid.
I wonder why the Second Amendment of the Constitution is held with such devotion and fealty above even the document created 13 years prior, without which there would be no Constitution. The Declaration of Independence states that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
These rights are being diminished the more legislators support the Second Amendment. How many more citizens must lose their inalienable right to life?
Michael Smith, Plano
Your editorial was well-written, with appropriate facts about Texans increasing fears that stem from public access to high-powered weapons. I feel you represented the voice of the majority of Texas parents and grandparents. We feel helpless, but our leaders must now be courageous or we must make a change to get laws enacted, regardless of whatever our conservative economic views might be. I congratulate you for plain talk on this critical topic and hope you will continue to push the envelope.
Craig Lieberman, Houston
Re: More debate over gun safety legislation, Sunday Letters.
How horribly poetic that last Sundays letters section regarding gun safety was published just hours after the Allen shootings. I was born 72 years ago in the Hill Country. As every year goes by, I find myself not recognizing the state I grew up learning to love. Whether it be gun reform, a womans reproductive rights, voting repression and several other issues, I become less proud to tell others when I travel that I am a Texan.
Michael Larson, Carrollton
Re: Preserving their legacy Gentrification eats at residents identity, housing stability, Sunday news story.
Some weeks back I had to detour through the area of West Dallas that this story centered on. To say the least, I was amazed to see all the new construction among the older homes. Most had box-like, industrial-looking architecture nothing I would pay $600,000 for.
What really appalled me was the lack of infrastructure in the neighborhood. No sidewalks, streets too narrow for two cars to pass and flooded drainage ditches on each side. Once, after coming to a dead end, I had to back up almost a block to find a driveway to turn around in.
That said, the real purpose of this letter is to recall how in 1990, Dallas was ordered by a federal judge to end at-large City Council elections and draw up districts so minorities could have a say in their neighborhoods. Now, 40 years later, it appears that nothing has changed. Whoever has the money appears to be able to do whatever they want, wherever they want.
Richard L. Williams, Dallas/Oak Cliff
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Letters to the Editor Fort Hood, economics, Greg Abbott, Second Amendment, West Dallas - The Dallas Morning News