New bill allows concealed carry without permit
A bill introduced in the House would allow any law-abiding Idahoan the right to carry a concealed weapon without a permit.
A quick look at the Second Amendment shows no requirement for a permit to carry a gun. Greg Pruett thinks there's something to that.
"The Second Amendment is our carrying permit," he said. Pruett is the founder of Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, a lobbying group that promotes gun rights.
He introduced a bill today that would not require a permit for Idahoans to carry a concealed weapon.
"In the state of Idaho you can already open carry without a permit, said Pruett. All we're doing is saying 'Hey, concealed carry ought to be the same.'"
The bill wouldn't change laws concerning guns on campus - an enhanced conceal carry permit would still be needed.
At Forward Movement Training Center - where dozens of Idahoans learn to properly use guns - the news comes with mixed reaction.
"There's a huge liability that I think a lot of people don't realize or think through when they strap on a firearm," said Matt Schneider, owner of Forward Movement.
The outfit stresses the need to properly train with guns, utilizing a state of the art simulator that forces gun carriers to respond to potential real-world scenarios.
"That training is a critical piece, said Schneider. The time to make mistakes is in training the time to make a mistake is not in the real world."
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New bill allows concealed carry without permit