The Fundamentals of Marksmanship Safety
A Second Amendment University film on the fundamentals of marksmanship safety. If you caught yourself staring at my super duper sweet shirt a few times durin...
By: Second Amendment Giveaways
Visit link:
The Fundamentals of Marksmanship Safety - Video
#39;The Walking Dead #39; Is a Great Advertisement for the Second Amendment
PJTV Member Maxsmodels asks whether TV shows like "The Walking Dead" are promoting gun rights and the Second Amendment. Andrew Klavan and Bill Whittle think ...
By: PJ Media
Read the original post:
'The Walking Dead' Is a Great Advertisement for the Second Amendment - Video
Just Cause 2 Modded Playthrough Part 15 A Second Amendment
If you enjoyed the video, please consider liking it, it really helps out, thanks! ^.^ Recording date: 11/30/2014 Subscribe to my Youtube channel? http://www....
By: CowsBeFlyin
Excerpt from:
Just Cause 2 Modded Playthrough Part 15 A Second Amendment - Video
A Word about Rep Sarai Blair and the Second Amendment
A Word about Rep Sarai Blair and the Second Amendment Sarai Blair is 18 years old and the youngest elected official ever in history. Congratulations Represen...
By: Charles Merida
The rest is here:
A Word about Rep Sarai Blair and the Second Amendment - Video
Second Amendment Movie
Created by: Amit Sarma, Yiwen Shen, and Daniel Moore Mr. Romero American Studies 1 Honors Period 8.
By: Amit Sarma
Read the original post:
Second Amendment Movie - Video