Letter: SAFE Act does not prevent citizens from owning guns
SAFE Act does not prevent citizens from owning guns
While I support an individuals right to own firearms under the Second Amendment, I also support the SAFE Act, which does not preclude gun ownership by law-abiding citizens. About two-thirds of New York voters also support the act, although support varies by location in the state.
Even under the SAFE Act, people can still own as many and varied types of firearms as they desire. The SAFE Act is intended to minimize the harm caused by criminals and people who are mentally ill.
The law does that by provisions that require limiting magazines to 10 rounds of ammunition, background checks for gun and ammunition sales (including private resale), registration of assault weapons, mental health professionals to report patients who credibly threaten harm to others and safe storage of firearms.
The legislators who backed the law are in touch with the people and the harm caused by people who should not have guns.
The Second Amendment states: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. This does not preclude government regulation of gun sales, firearm registration or keeping them out of the hands of criminals. In fact, one might construe the Second Amendment to require membership in a well regulated militia (National Guard) as a requirement to own a gun.
The real problem in America is the National Rifle Association, which was originally started to promote gun safety and shooting competitions. That organization has morphed into gun manufacturers sales lobby that finances and bullies lawmakers to create conditions that foster fear and increase gun sales.
Howard E. Wilcox Jr.
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Letter: SAFE Act does not prevent citizens from owning guns