Archive for the ‘Second Amendment’ Category

For The Second Amendment – Video

For The Second Amendment
Government. -All audio/images used are not owned by me, and belong to their rightful owners.

By: Kaveh Chong

See the original post here:
For The Second Amendment - Video

D.C. Asks Federal Court to Erase Second Amendment Opinion Recognizing Right to Carry – Video

D.C. Asks Federal Court to Erase Second Amendment Opinion Recognizing Right to Carry
D.C. Asks Federal Court to Erase Second Amendment Opinion Recognizing Right to Carry.

By: Jinal10121

Here is the original post:
D.C. Asks Federal Court to Erase Second Amendment Opinion Recognizing Right to Carry - Video

Assemblyman Brian Jones Speaks on the Second Amendment – Senate Bill 53 Floor Speech – Video

Assemblyman Brian Jones Speaks on the Second Amendment - Senate Bill 53 Floor Speech
Your Second Amendment Rights SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

By: Brian Jones

Read the rest here:
Assemblyman Brian Jones Speaks on the Second Amendment - Senate Bill 53 Floor Speech - Video

NRA-ILA | Second Amendment

In 1776, America's Founders came together in Philadelphia to draw up a "Declaration of Independence," ending political ties to Great Britain. Written by Thomas Jefferson, it is the fundamental statement of people`s rights and what government is and from what source it derives its powers:

WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness--That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed.

The Founders were declaring that we are all equal, and that we are defined by rights that we are born with, not given to us by government. Among those rights is the right to pursue happiness--to live our lives as we think best, as long as we respect the right of all other individuals to do the same. The Founders also declared that governments are created by people to secure their rights. Whatever powers government has are not "just" unless they come from us, the people. Read more

See original here:
NRA-ILA | Second Amendment

2nd amendment and 'gun rights' fraud

A girl killed a gun instructor as he was teaching her to shoot an Uzi at this Arizona outdoor shooting range.


Editor's note: Jay Parini, a poet and novelist, teaches at Middlebury College in Vermont. He has just published "Jesus: The Human Face of God," a biography of Jesus. Follow him on Twitter@JayParini. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.

(CNN) -- The gun outrages continue, the latest the shooting of a gun instructor in Arizona by a 9-year-old girl who was taken to the range by her parents so she could shoot an Uzi, an Israeli-made submachine gun.

The question that the whole world asks is this: Why was a 9-year-old girl allowed even to try to shoot a submachine gun?

Jay Parini

I have a further question: Why does anybody not on the front lines of the military in a war zone need to have access to a submachine gun?

It's not as though we haven't had plenty of evidence that this gun thing in America isn't working. Since the ghastly massacre of elementary school children at Sandy Hook on December 14, 2012, by a deranged teenager, as of June there were at least 74 school shootings, on school grounds or in schools themselves. It's commonplace in this country now: A deranged shooter appears, armed to the teeth, out of his mind. Everyone ducks or runs for cover. The shooter proceeds calmly through the building, taking out innocents.

What kind of country have we become? Was this what the Founding Fathers had in mind?

The NRA will scream: The Second Amendment! The Second Amendment! Please be aware that most of what you think you know about the history of this amendment is nonsense. Many good books and articles exist on the subject, all neatly summarized by Saul Cornell a couple of years ago. He wrote: "If the nation truly embraced the Second Amendment as it was originally written, it would be the NRA's worst nightmare."

Continue reading here:
2nd amendment and 'gun rights' fraud