Archive for the ‘Second Amendment’ Category

Nolan is for Second Amendment rights

Posted: Tuesday, September 9, 2014 6:00 am

Nolan is for Second Amendment rights

Stewart Mills III is trying to scare gun owners. Weve seen this trick before. Dont buy into it.

Ive been seeing some really angry mail pieces recently, accusing Rep. Nolan of not standing up for our Second Amendment rights.

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Nolan is for Second Amendment rights

Coeur d'Alene Stands by Gun Ban, But It May Get Sued for Doing So

The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance is urging members on itsFacebook pageto attend several upcoming city council meetings in Emmett, Fruitland, Lewiston and Mountain Home, as part of what it calls the "Preemption Project." The post said city councils and mayors are expected to overturn ordinances that are "outdated and out of compliance with Idaho's preemption law"a law that prohibits cities from regulating firearms.

The post continues, listing cities and counties that have overturned ordinances or where "full support is expected," which include Meridian, Gem County and Twin Falls County. The organization is also chipping away at others, like Star and Nampa, but it recently had its sights set on another city: Coeur d'Alene.

When the Coeur d'Alene City Council refused to overturn laws prohibiting firearms at parades and public assemblies, the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance threatened to sue, according to KTVB. A report from the Coeur d'Alene Press said the organization lacks the legal standing to file suit on its own, but members are working with an attorney to build a case.

The organization is celebrating a recent victory in Twin Falls County, where commissioners unanimously voted to overturn their firearms ordinanceallowing guns to be carried into county parks.

See original here:
Coeur d'Alene Stands by Gun Ban, But It May Get Sued for Doing So

Eagle on the Air Judicial Tyranny Part 2 – Video

Eagle on the Air Judicial Tyranny Part 2
Discuss the Second Amendment as it applies to the Sheenan Allen case in NJ and the Fergusion case in MO. Nick Purpura and Judge Reed Chambers to weigh in.

By: Liberty ACTIONTV

Read more from the original source:
Eagle on the Air Judicial Tyranny Part 2 - Video

Scott Brown is Against the Second Amendment – Video

Scott Brown is Against the Second Amendment

By: Jacob Leonard

Originally posted here:
Scott Brown is Against the Second Amendment - Video

Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll speaks to New Jersey Second Amendment Society – Video

Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll speaks to New Jersey Second Amendment Society
Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll addressed the New Jersey Second Amendment Society about biometric gun requirements and other gun regulations Oct. 15.

By: tvjersey

The rest is here:
Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll speaks to New Jersey Second Amendment Society - Video