Archive for the ‘Second Amendment’ Category

The New Era of Rightwing Judicial Supremacy –

In Federalist No. 78, Alexander Hamilton famously predicted that the judicial branch of government would always be the least dangerous to the political rights of the Constitution; because it will be least in a capacity to annoy or injure them. In retrospect, Hamilton could not have been more wrong.

The U.S. Supreme Court is now dominated by five hardcore ideologuesthree of them nominated by former President Donald Trump. In its most recent term, the court made a mockery of Hamiltons forecast of judicial restraint, crossing a variety of political fault lines on abortion, the Second Amendment, religious liberty and the separation of church and state, climate change, civil rights, campaign finance, and voting rights (see sidebar). Far from the neutral institution envisioned by Hamilton, the court has become, according to many commentators, a quasi-legislative body dedicated to advancing a regressive political agenda free from democratic accountability.

Welcome to the new era of rightwing judicial supremacy.

The courts power grab reached new heights last term with its landmark abortion decision inDobbs v. Jackson Womens Health Organization, which concerned a Mississippi statute that bans almost all abortions after fifteen weeks, with no exceptions for rape or incest. Authored by Justice Samuel Alito and joined by Justices Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett,Dobbsdelivered on the rights long-festering fever dream of reversingRoe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the twin pillars of the federal right to abortion.

Alito declared that bothRoeandCaseywere egregiously wrong from the start because the word abortion doesnt appear anywhere in the first eight amendments to the Constitution, or anywhere else in our national charter. He also pontificated that abortion cannot be considered an implied or unenumerated fundamental right under the Fourteenth Amendments due process clauseasRoeandCaseyboth heldbecause it is not deeply rooted in [our] history and tradition. As a result, he concluded, the court was free to overruleRoeandCaseydecided in 1973 and 1992, respectivelyunconstrained by the doctrine ofstare decisis, whichholds thatjudges should adhere to precedent.

Instead of respecting precedent, Alito reached deep into the bowels of Anglo-American common law to override it. He cited, among other sources, the work of Henry de Bracton, a thirteenth-century English cleric andjudge who condemned abortions as homicide, and, a seventeenth-century English jurist who described abortion as a great crime and sentenced at least three women to death for witchcraft. By the time the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified, Alito raged on, three quarters of the States [had] made abortion a crime at all stages of pregnancy, in order to prove his point that abortion rights are not deeply rooted in our history.

The only solution, in Alitos view, was to strip abortion of its Constitutional protections and return the issue to the peoples elected representatives. According to the pro-choice Guttmacher Institute, in response toDobbs, twenty-six states have already outlawed or severely restricted abortion, or will soon do so.

Alitos analysis, though the last word in our Constitutional system, is deeply flawed. While controversial,RoeandCaseywere decided squarely in line with prior Supreme Court precedents that extended the concept of liberty under the Fourteenth Amendment to other unenumerated privacy interests like the right to interracial marriage (Loving v. Virginia, 1967), the right to obtain contraceptives (Griswold v. Connecticut, 1965), and the right to not be sterilized without consent (Skinner v. Oklahoma, 1942).

Nor is it true, as a matter of historical fact, that abortion at all stages was mostly illegal beforeRoe. As University of Illinois history professor Leslie J. Reaganexplainedin her definitive study,When Abortion Was a Crime, During the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, abortion of early pregnancy was legal under common law. Abortions were illegal only after quickening, the point at which a pregnant woman could feel the movements of the fetus (approximately the fourth month of pregnancy).

RepudiatingRoeandCaseywas also unnecessary. The court easily could have upheld the Mississippi statute without scrapping the federal right entirely. This was the position advocated by Chief Justice John Roberts, who penned a concurring opinion, agreeing that the Mississippi law should be upheld, but urging his colleagues to move more cautiously.

A draft of Alitos opinion wasleakedto the press in May, sparking speculation that Roberts haslost controlof the panel he heads. Together with the recentrevelationsthat Virginia Ginni Thomas, the wife of Justice Thomas, was part of the plot to overturn the 2020 presidential election, and thearrestof a man in early June for attempting to murder Justice Kavanaugh, the leak has created the impression that a once stable institution is now in turmoil as it moves ever rapidly to the right.

BothDobbsand this terms transformational ruling on the Second AmendmentNew York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruenare based on the judicial philosophy known as originalism.

Originalism has led the court to enter a legal fantasy world in which the answers to contemporary questions about matters such asvotingrightsandgerrymandering,unionorganizing, thedeath penalty, abortion, and gun control are to be found solely in the meaning that the Constitution had for the Founding Fathers. For originalists, this meaning is forever fixed, and can only be altered by Constitutional amendments.

As a tool of judicial decision-making, originalism has been around a long time. One of its earliest expressions came in theDred Scottcase of 1857, perhaps the most odious decision ever issued by the Supreme Court, which held that Black Americans of African descent could never be U.S. citizens.Plessy v. Ferguson, the 1896 decision that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation even after the ratification of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, is another originalist landmark.

But as an explicit judicial theory, originalism did not come into vogue until theearly 1980s, popularized by Reagan-era Attorney General Ed Meese, the late,failedSupreme Court nominee Robert Bork, and the late Justice Antonin Scalia. Since then, it has been embraced almost universally by legal conservatives.

InBruen, the court struck down a New York regulation that required applicants for concealed handgun permits to show a special need for protection. In a 6-3 opinion written by Thomas, and joined by all the courts Republican appointees, including Roberts, the court held that the regulationwhich has been on the books since 1911was a historic outlier on gun control, and as such, violated the Second Amendment right to bear arms outside the home.

If anything, Thomas is an even more incompetent historian than Alito. As Fordham University history professor Saul Cornell, one of the foremost authorities on the actual history of the Second Amendment,notedin a scathing critique ofBruenpublished by SCOTUSBlog:

The originalist methodology applied by Thomas has one set of rules that apply to interpreting legal texts that support gun rights, and another more demanding set of standards that apply to those that undermine them. The Thomas version of originalism might be summarized as follows: No amount of evidence is enough to support gun control, but no iota of evidence is too little to legitimate gun-rights claims. If one of the goals of originalism was to limit judicial discretion (a value few originalists continue to espouse now that they have a supermajority on the court), then the Thomas rule does the opposite. It provides a license to cherry-pick evidence with reckless abandon if the materials support the ideological agenda of the Federalist Society.

The big question now is where the court goes from here. In his concurring opinion inDobbs, Thomas called on the court to reconsider such substantive due process privacy-based precedents as the right to contraception (Griswold), the right to engage in same-sex intimacy (Lawrence v. Texas,2003), and the right to same-sex marriage (Obergefell v. Hodges, 2015). Notably absent from Thomass hit list was interracial marriage. Thomas, of course, is married to a white woman.

As hypocritical and cruel as Thomas is, he no longer operates on the fringes of the bench. To the contrary, he has become one of the courts intellectual leaders.

If there is any kind of afterlife, Alexander Hamilton is no doubt turning in his grave at theTrinity Church cemetery in Lower Manhattan.

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The New Era of Rightwing Judicial Supremacy -

Supreme Court guns ruling opens new fronts in Second Amendment fight – USA TODAY

  1. Supreme Court guns ruling opens new fronts in Second Amendment fight  USA TODAY
  2. 'NYT' Shocked To See Public Defenders Championing the Second Amendment  Reason
  3. After Supreme Court ruling, it's open season on US gun laws  ABC News
  4. The Supreme Court Pulls the Trigger on the Right to Carry a Firearm Outside the Home  JD Supra
  5. Tracking How SCOTUS's Bruen Ruling Changes State Gun Laws  The Trace
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

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Supreme Court guns ruling opens new fronts in Second Amendment fight - USA TODAY

Implementing all of the Second Amendment – The Ellsworth American

Dear Editor:

From the 1700s through Jan. 6, our unorganized paramilitary groups have a poor track-record of meeting the intent of a well-regulated militia.

The next clause, being necessary for the security of a free State, makes it clear that risks were evident in the founders era, that states rights needed to be accommodated and secured.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed drumbeat has created a powerful lobby, an accommodating arms industry, which together, and in concert with targeted political rhetoric, has driven many to focus solely on this clause, and to armor up. It has also empowered mentally unstable, largely lone wolves, to wreak havoc.

Per the Constitution, Congress can provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining militias. And for each state to appoint their officers and have the authority to train their militias within congressional guidelines.

Not to the professional level, but with specific training, including attitudinal indoctrination, to systematically equip members with the tools needed to combat hate and discrimination, and to evaluate and critique online toxic propaganda. Each militia a team, promoting guardrails, watching for outliers.

Members of the Armed Forces and the National Guard, relieved of active duty, get your militia card, and keep and bear. Citizens, until the sign-up is implemented, no changes to arms acquisition. After which, patriots must first join before arming.

Were worried about troubled citizens, medically or emotionally shaky. Militias would provide an inclusive environment, dedicated to our states and nation. Will there be incidents? No doubt. Problems will arise and adjustments needed. But with the right approach, those who may stray toward the fringes just may have comrades who, seeing troublesome signs, have Got Your 6, and raise a flag.

The SCOTUS (5-4) ruling in the 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm for self-defense, unconnected with militia service, minimized the first clauses, aka the prefatory.

Why cant Congress and each state implement the whole of the amendment?

Perhaps the idea of militias is worrying?

David Trigg


Implementing all of the Second Amendment - The Ellsworth American

Democrats Lame Attempt to Flip the Narrative on Crime: Claiming 2nd Amendment is Anti-Police – AMAC

AMAC Exclusive By Andrew Abbott

Ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, with rising violent crime a top concern for voters, the vast majority of Democrats are now working overtime to distance themselves from their prior support for the Defund the Police movement. Increasingly, however, it appears that theyre linking this professed newfound support for law enforcement to another pillar of Democrats far-left agenda gun control.

After backlash to the defund movement contributed to dozens of House Democrats losing or facing closer-than-expected races in 2020, the party slowly began changing its tune on policing. While some, like Missouri Congresswoman Cori Bush, have continued their calls for dismantling police departments, the White House and Democratic leadership are now saying that they in fact support police and have always supported police even accusing Republicans, who spent all of 2020 and 2021 vigorously defending police from attacks by left-wing politicians and news outlets, of not supporting them.

As Axios reported late last month, Democratic candidates in Ohio, Georgia, Florida, and other states are spotlighting law enforcement to boost their credibility on fighting crime. Party strategists are now privately admitting that the defund debate damaged Democrats reputation on crime, and many fear a voter perception that Democrats dont recognize the problem with violent crime and dont respect the role police play in keeping communities safe.

But as part of their effort to mask their complete reversal of position when it comes to support for police, many Democratsincluding Biden himselfhave attempted to make the issue of rising crime about guns rather than policing, implying that support for the Second Amendment is incompatible with support for law enforcement.

Take, for example, a recent ad aired by a group aligned with Stacey Abrams, the Democratic gubernatorial nominee in Georgia. In the 30-second spot, a man identified as a former Deputy Sheriff accuses incumbent Republican Governor Brian Kemp of making us less safe for signing a constitutional carry bill into law earlier this year. The ad accuses Kemp of making it easier for criminals to carry loaded guns in public, at the movies, in church. The implication is that by signing the law, which allows Georgians who arent otherwise prohibited from owning a firearm to concealed carry without submitting to a tedious and sometimes expensive permitting process, Kemp is undermining public safety and making it more difficult for police to do their jobs.

Notably, however, more than 100 sheriffs have endorsed Kemps reelection bid, and the sitting governor has broad support from the law enforcement community. Abrams, who now proclaims to support pay raises for police, has in the past called for reallocating police resources. Moreover, Abrams still sits on the board of the Marguerite Casey Foundation, a group that has supported defunding and abolishing the police.

Abrams is far from the only Democrat attempting to employ this strategy. At the federal level, Democrats in Congress led by vulnerable incumbents like Abigail Spanberger of Virginia and Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey have pushed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to pass a number of supposed police funding bills that are intended to lend credence to Democrat claims to support law enforcement. But these efforts have all been tied to greater gun control measures, sending a clear message that Democrats view the two issues as inextricably connected.

The White House, meanwhile, has introduced a new initiative called the Safer America Plan, which purportedly increases funding for law enforcement. Once again, however, support for police is tied to gun control measures. In a fact sheet on the plan released by the White House, Biden calls for requiring background checks for all gun sales and banning so-called assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

But as Republicans have long pointed out, Democrats assertion that restricting gun ownership will automatically lead to less crime isnt supported by the facts. As economist John Lott argued in his work More Guns, Less Crime, empirical evidence actually points to the opposite conclusion. Recent examples, like the shooting at a mall in Greenwood, Indiana, where an armed bystander stopped a mass shooting in progress, also support the idea that responsible gun ownership can be an effective crime deterrent. A similar case occurred in West Virginia in May, when an armed woman stopped a man firing indiscriminately into a crowd at a birthday party. These incidents are just two of at least 21 such cases since the start of 2020. As Republicans continue to point out, laws making it more difficult for Americans to own and carry firearms wont stop criminals from doing so but will stop law-abiding Americans interested in protecting themselves and their families.

At the same time, even as they work to restrict legal gun ownership, Democrats seem to have largely given up on prosecuting illegal gun ownership. New York Citys stop and frisk policy was originally designed in large part to get illegal guns off the street, and was quite successful at doing so yet former mayor Bill de Blasio ended the practice anyway. Democrat soft-on-crime prosecutors have also allowed criminals caught with illegal guns back out onto the streets, in some cases to commit more gun crimes.

Democrats and the mainstream media, meanwhile, have construed Republican opposition to gun control measures as evidence that the GOP in fact does not support police, attempting to completely flip the script on the popular perception of the two parties records on public safety. As American communities continue to suffer the tragic consequences of the lefts two-year war on law enforcement, however, Democrats complicity in their suffering will be a difficult memory to erase.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.

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Originally posted here:
Democrats Lame Attempt to Flip the Narrative on Crime: Claiming 2nd Amendment is Anti-Police - AMAC

Societe Generale : Second amendment to the Universal Registration Document filed on 4 August 2022 under number D-22-0080-A02 –

A French corporation with share capital of 1,062,354,722.50 euros Registered office: 29 boulevard Haussmann - 75009 PARIS

552 120 222 R.C.S. PARIS






Universal registration document filed with AMF on 9 March 2022 under N D.22-0080.

First amendment to the Universal Registration Document filed with AMF on 6 May 2022 under N D-22-0080-A01.

This second amendment to the Universal Registration Document has been filed on 4 August 2022 with the AMF, as competent authority

under Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, without prior approval pursuant to Article 9 of the said regulation.

The Universal Registration Document may be used for the purposes of an offer to the public of securities or admission of securities to trading on a regulated market if completed by a securities note and, if applicable, a summary and any amendments to the Universal Registration Document. The whole is approved by the AMF in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/1129.

This document is a translation into English of the Annual Financial Report/Universal Registration Document of the Company issued in French and its available on the website of the Issuer.



1. KEY FIGURES AND PROFILE OF SOCIETE GENERALE .....................................................................................


2. GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT .................................................................................................................


3. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE......................................................................................................................


4. RISKS AND CAPITAL ADEQUACY................................................................................................................


5. FINANCIAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................


6. SHARE, SHARE CAPITAL AND LEGAL INFORMATION...................................................................................




8. CROSS-REFERENCE TABLES...................................................................................................................




1.1 Profile of Societe Generale

Update of the page 9 of the 2022 Universal Registration Document

The sentence Societe Generale employs over 131,000 members of staff in 66 countries and supports on a daily basis 26 million individual clients, businesses and institutional investors around the world is updated on 30 June 2022 as following : Societe Generale employs over 117,000 members of staff in 66 countries and supports on a daily basis 25 million individual clients, businesses and institutional investors around the world.

1.2 Recent developments and outlook

Update of the pages 14 and 15 of the 2022 Universal Registration Document

Uncertainties caused by the war in Ukraine and supply side shocks are still present, notably regarding food and energy. The disruptions in energy supply should remain transitory.

Restrictions in China related to the Covid-19 pandemic should be gradually eased during the third trimester of the year. Globally, the risks induced by the pandemic should remain persistent and will require significant investments in vaccines and prevention efforts.

However, those investments will probably not be enough in emerging countries. The pandemic should remain a significant source of risk for the global economic outlook.

Across the major advanced economies, activity is slowing with fading reopening momentum, loss of household purchasing power and less policy accommodation. A recession is unlikely in 2022 due to built-up savings in households accounts and firm labour markets in the major advanced economies. This, combined with high levels of inflation, will see central banks tighten further over the coming quarters. A technical US recession is expected in late 2023.

Economic slowdown, tighter lending conditions and high levels of debt should prevent the Fed, the BoE and the ECB to return to "neutral" interest rates. Some easing regarding fiscal policy is expected in Europe and China while a tightening is expected in the US.

Geopolitical fractures are set to weigh structurally on global trade and capital flows.

With regards to the regulatory landscape, the first quarter of 2022 was marked by reactionary measures to the situation in Ukraine, which resulted in several waves of extraordinary sanctions and numerous support measures for refugees and companies impacted by the war.

On 23 March 2022, the European Commission adopted a temporary crisis framework enabling Member States to use the flexibility foreseen under State aid rules to support their national economy and grant targeted support measures. In France, the existing support toolbox developed during the COVID-19 crisis was extended to help companies face the economic consequences of the conflict. A new form of State guarantee "Prts Garantis par l'Etat Rsilience" was launched, and "Prts Participatifs Relance" will likely be maintained.

During the Covid-19 crisis, the European Commission, the European Central Bank (ECB) in its capacity as prudential supervisor, the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the High Council for Financial Stability (HCFS) used the flexibility of prudential regulations to act on the liquidity and solvency of banks. However, these regulatory adjustments progressively come to an end:

Beyond the prevailing conjunctural economic conditions, several structural regulatory projects aim to strengthen the prudential framework, support environmental and digital transitions, protect consumers, and develop European capital markets.

The year 2021 put the spotlight back on finalising the implementation of the Basel III prudential agreements in the EU. In October 2021, the European Commission published its new banking rules - the proposed CRR3 regulation and the CRD6


directive - which will enter into force on 1 January 2025. The timetable for rolling out the reforms in the main non-EU jurisdictions remains uncertain and is not expected to coincide with the Basel timetable of 1 January 2023.

In accordance with the European Green Deal and the sustainable finance strategy of the European Commission, the environmental and sustainable European legislative agenda has accelerated in 2021 with the aim to rapidly mobilize capital flows to achieve carbon neutrality and ensure the resilience of the financial system. Work on the EU taxonomy for sustainable activities are now finalized on climate and should lead to the first complete reporting of financial institutions in 2024. Besides, the global framework of sustainability reportings (not limited to climate) is getting designed, with the aim of a first publication in 2025. The EU being a pioneer on ESG topics, the issue of harmonising European standards with those introduced in other jurisdictions will be a key consideration in 2022, in order to avoid any distortion of competition and prevent duplicating reportings to answer divergent standards, while guaranteeing that the necessary data is available, including from non-European counterparts.

Banks are expected to better integrate their climate and sustainability exposure when managing risks and be more transparent about disclosing ESG risks in their prudential publications. The ECB's climate stress tests are currently ongoing and ESG risks are now part of the prudential review. Besides, from 2023, credit institutions will have to publish detailed information on their exposure to physical and transition risks. The lack of data, in the absence of a proper sequencing with the application timeline of corporate standards, will remain an important obstacle to the comparability between banks. Finally, debate is intensifying over the prudential treatment of assets that are harmful to the climate and will be the topic of an EBA report in 2023.

Concomitantly, digital transformation will continue to be a priority, with progress on legislative projects proposed in 2021:

In addition, during T1 2022, the European Commission also proposed a cross-sectoral act on data (Data Act).

Beginning 2022, in-depth work on significant topics related to payments have continued, i.e., the EPI project and ECB's study of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) and of an acceleration in the spread of instant payments. These projects should be supplemented by Open Finance proposals for which the DSP2 Directive assessment will be an important step.

Consumer issues are also set to attract considerable attention in both France and Europe. Plans to revise MiFID, PRIIPS, IDD could come to an end in 2023 and the Consumer Credit Directive review is well under way at European level. Because of the impact of the economic situation on households' purchasing power, more parliamentary debates on banking fees are expected around the vote of the French State's Budget.

Last, in a post-Brexit environment, the European Commission gave new momentum to the development of the Capital Markets Union (CMU), as designed by the European action plan published in 2020. The initial will to prioritize the deepening and integration of European markets is now coupled with the reaffirmed ambition of ensuring the EU's financial autonomy, as a response to both the Covid-19 crisis and the situation in Ukraine. The European Commission's plan on the European strategic autonomy, published in January 2021, as well as the Council conclusions of April 2022 underline the weaknesses that a dependent EU can bring.

It is in this context that the following proposals have emerged:



2.1 Pending acquisitions and major contracts

Update of the page 56 of the 2022 Universal Registration Document

2.1.1 Press release dated 18 May 2022 - Socit Gnrale has closed the sale of Rosbank and its Russian insurance subsidiaries

Societe Generale announces the closing of the sale of Rosbank and the Group's Russian insurance subsidiaries(1) to Interros Capital.

The impact of the sale, which reflects the evolution of foreign exchange rates since the announcement of the disposal on April 11, 2022, will be accounted for in Q2 22 and includes:

The Group thus exits Russia(3) in an effective and orderly manner, ensuring continuity for its employees and clients.


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