Search and social media writing - weve come a long way in the past 10 years. Hiring nameless, faceless, anonymous writers from underground sources at $25 a pop is so yesterday. Poof! No more. Garbage in, garbage out.
Todays smart brands are putting their money where the return on investment (ROI) is, investing in the growth and development of real authors. 2015 brings a new set of standards, the art of producing real, genuine, authentic, and high-quality content coming from an accredited and trusted real person with a notable byline.
Fast and furious content days are over. Search and social experimental writing is history. Its the dawn of authenticity where bots, fakes, and frauds cant survive. Weve entered the era of intelligent content that is laced with smart optimization and is penned by qualified writers who have a name, rank, and serial number of credentials and influence.
Where do brands begin with gaining quality content? Start by hiring writers with a reputation backed by:
Brands and marketers can gain inspiration from the E-A-T (expertise, authority, and trust) concept outlined in Googles Search Quality Guidelineswhen creating quality content guidelines for Web pages, social media posts, press releases, or educational guides.
After all, dont we want to influence the quantity and quality of traffic to a website or blog from search and social? If we look at just Google search traffic, organic results dominate, receiving about 80-82 percentof its search traffic, while ads receive a mere 18 to 20 percent of search traffic. In todays race for attracting quality eyeballs, the most influential factor can be in the writing quality of a brands content, down to every last title tag, meta description, and tweet.
"High-quality writing conveys expertise and trust signals," said Virginia Nussey, content and media manager at Bruce Clay, Inc. "The better the writer, that is a trust signal of their understanding of the topic."
Optimization and writing go together like peanut butter and jelly. If you think about it, it should be easier to teach experienced writers how to optimize than to teach technical SEO programmers how to write. Make it a best practice to invest in educating writers, content creators, and even your public relations team with basic SEO training. This can turn your quality content into search- and social-friendly content that can be better found in search, whether that searcher is performing a Google search or a Twitter search.
Provide writers with data such as targeted keyword phrases and trending hashtags that can help them help you optimize better. Invest in your writers with training and resources so they can deliver. Utilize reliable SEO resources that offer free guides, content, and tutorials on writing for SEO; these organizations make a living offering free SEO educational materials and tutorials:
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Writing Your Way to the Top of Search and Social Results