Published 1:30 pm Monday, May 29, 2023
Demopolis High School offers career and technical education programs to all students. The programs offered at DHS include: Information Technology, Health Science, Industrial Maintenance, JROTC, Marketing, Education and Training, and Co-Op. The programs at DHS are designed to prepare our students for a broad range of employment opportunities, post-secondary educational opportunities, and are offered under the guidance and instruction of certified teachers. The lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation incareer and technical education programs. All career and technical education programs follow the systems policies of nondiscrimination. The Demopolis City School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
The school system provides translated copies of the annual public notice of career technical offerings to student(s) and parent(s) with limited English proficiency and will arrange for an interpreter for student(s) and parent (with limited English proficiency if requested. If a parent is deaf or blind or has no written language, the school district will arrange for communication of this notice in the mode normality used by the parent (e.g. sign language, Braille, or oral communication). For more information, contact Connie Davis, CT Director, Demopolis City Schools,, phone: (334) 287-4718.
The following are Demopolis City Schools District Contacts ~
504 Coordinator Yolanda Samuel 609 South Cedar Demopolis, AL 36732 334-289-1670
Title II & Title IX Coordinator Spring Pacheco 609 South Cedar 334-289-1670
Information Technology-Computer Science(FBLA)
Exploring Computer Science Exploring Computer Science is an introductory year-long high school computer science course for students in Grades 9-10 focused on foundational computer science concepts and computational practices. Students will be introduced to the breadth of the field of computer science through an exploration of engaging and accessible topics. The course is designed to focus on the conceptual ideas of computing and help students understand why certain tools or languages might be utilized to solve particular problems. The goal of Exploring Computer Science is to develop in students the computational practices of algorithm development, problem solving and programming within the context of problems that are relevant to the lives of todays students. Students will also be introduced to topics such as interface design, limits of computers, and societal and ethical issues. Prerequisite: It is recommended that students have completed Algebra I prior to enrolling or be concurrently enrolled in Algebra I. Exploring Computer Science is designed to be a college preparatory high school course and thus, should provide a rigorous, but accessible, introduction to computer science. No previous computer science experience is required.
Introduction to Computer Science-an introductory-level course for students that desire to program in Python and extend their knowledge of computer science. In this course, students will learn problem-solving strategies, software design, and the foundations of computer science. Not only will this course prepare you for continuing your studies in computer science (for example, by taking AP Computer Science Principles), but it will also teach you how to think like a scientist and solve real-world problems, skills that are important to every 21st-century citizen.
Prerequisite: Basic familiarity with how to operate a computer and use applications. Its also recommended that you have the before starting this course. Course fee $25
Credential Offered: Information Technology Specialist Python
AP Computer Science Principles College-level advanced course following the curriculum established by the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) program for computer science; focuses on the innovative and multidisciplinary aspects of computing as well as the computational thinking practices that help students see how computing is relevant to many areas of their everyday lives; introduces students to the creative aspects of programming, abstractions, algorithms, large data sets, the Internet, cybersecurity concerns, and computing impacts.
Prerequisite: Successfully completed a first-year high school algebra course with a strong foundation of basic linear functions, composition of functions, and problem-solving strategies that require multiple approaches and collaborative efforts.
CTE Lab in IT-is designed to enhance the students general understanding and mastery of the cluster. This course is designed as a learning laboratory to support students individual interests and goals. This laboratory will take place in a traditional classroom.
Foundational standards are an important part of every course. Through these standards, students learn and apply safety concepts, explore career opportunities and requirements, practice the skills needed to succeed in the workplace, develop leadership qualities and take advantage of the opportunities afforded by Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs), and learn and practice essential digital literacy skills. The foundational standards are to be incorporated throughout the course. $25 course fee.
Potential Credential Offered: Federal Aviation Part 107 License
*Dual Enrollment is available and scholarshipped for students who meet minimum GPA requirements
Health Science-Health Science (HOSA)
FOUNDATIONS OF HEALTH SCIENCEis recommended for 9th or 10th grade This course introduces students to a wide range of health careers. Integrated academics combined with health care knowledge and skills provide the framework for a strong health care delivery system in the twenty-first century. Recommended for students who want to prepare for further study in an array of health-related fields at the postsecondary level.Can substitute for the Health Education diploma requirement. $27.00 course fee
MEDICAL TERMINOLOGYis recommended for 10th or 11th grade. This one credit course is designed for students to develop health care-specific knowledge for a medical field. This course used an integrated approach for teaching the language of medicine by incorporating medical terminology with anatomy and physiology and the disease process. $27.00 course fee
SPORTS MEDICINE INTERMEDIATEisrecommended for 11th& 12thgrade Sports Medicine Intermediate is a one credit course that teaches fundamental skills to include therapeutic exercise regimens within the field of sports medicine. Students will explore the study of sports medicine and the relationship to risk management and injury prevention. Students will demonstrate an understanding of anatomy and physiology, with emphasis on the musculoskeletal system. The importance of health promotion, wellness, injury and disease prevention will be emphasized. Students will examine sports medicine facilities, policies, procedures, and protocols utilized in patient care. $27.00 course fee
PATIENT CARE TECHNICIANisrecommended for 12thgrade. Patient Care Technician is a one credit course that provides students the opportunity to become effective and efficient multi-skilled healthcare providers. Students will develop a working knowledge of advanced patient care skills, vital signs, 12-lead EKGs, oxygen therapy, basic phlebotomy via simulation, and specimen collection and processing. Essential workforce skills and safety will be emphasized, as well as, professional ethics and legal responsibilities. Students will ascertain employability skills and soft skills required by business and industry. Upon successful completion of required theory, lab, and simulation, students may be eligible to sit for Patient Care Technician Certification. $27.00 course fee
HEALTH SCIENCE INTERNSHIPis recommended for 12th grade -A one-credit course focusing on basic knowledge and skills necessary for beginning health care workers. Health Science Internship reinforces and applies knowledge learned in classroom and laboratory settings. Content Standards 1,3,4,5,6, and 9 must be taught for this one-credit course.
NURSE AIDE TRAININGis a two-credit course and is senior level. Students pursue skill mastery in the classroom, laboratory, and clinical area. The Nurse Aide Training program and Health Science instructor must be approved by the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH), Division of Health Care Services, for students to be eligible to take the National Nurse Aide Assessment. Students must successfully complete an approved program and pass the National Nurse Aide Assessment certification exam in order to become a Certified Nurse Aide (CNA).
*Dual Enrollment is available and scholarshipped for students who meet minimum GPA requirements
Manufacturing-Industrial Maintenance(Skills USA)
Introduction to Manufacturingfocuses on the fundamental knowledge and skills needed in the manufacturing industry. Emphasis is placed on job safety, use of manufacturing materials, primary manufacturing processes, secondary manufacturing processes, and manufacturing systems. Upon successful completion of this course, students perform basic tasks related to the manufacturing industry. This entry-level course may be taken in any program within the Manufacturing cluster.
Foundational standards are an important part of every course. Through these standards, students learn and apply safety concepts, explore career opportunities and requirements, practice the skills needed to succeed in the workplace, develop leadership qualities and take advantage of the opportunities afforded by Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs), and learn and practice essential digital literacy skills. The foundational standards are to be incorporated throughout the course.
Safety and Health Regulationsis designed to provide students with information on the importance of government and industry regulations as well as individual responsibilities for performing activities safely. Students identify common safety hazards found in the workplace and examine their own roles in minimizing and avoiding unsafe practices. Specific topics include flammable and combustible liquids, emergency egress and fire protection, electrical safety, environmental control, machine guarding, tool safety, first aid, hazard communication, personal protective equipment, walking and working surfaces, and material handling and storage. This entry-level course may be taken in any program in the Manufacturing cluster. $25.00 course fee
CTE Lab in Manufacturing-s designed to enhance the students general understanding and mastery of the cluster. This course is designed as a learning laboratory to support students individual interests and goals. This laboratory will take place in a traditional shop/classroom environment. This course may be taken in any program within the Manufacturing cluster.
Foundational standards are an important part of every course. Through these standards, students learn and apply safety concepts, explore career opportunities and requirements, practice the skills needed to succeed in the workplace, develop leadership qualities and take advantage of the opportunities afforded by Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs), and learn and practice essential digital literacy skills. The foundational standards are to be incorporated throughout the course.
*Dual Enrollment is available and scholarshipped for students who meet minimum GPA requirements
Government and Public Administration-JROTC
ARMY JROTC Leadership Education and TrainingI (LET-I)
A one-credit course that provides first-year cadets with classroom and laboratory instruction in the history, customs, traditions, and purpose of Army JROTC. Emphasis is placed on leadership skills, principles, values and attributes, and diversity. $35 course fee.
ARMY JROTC Leadership Education and TrainingII (LET-II )
A one-credit course designed to provide intermediate instruction in leadership and citizenry, and the expansion of skills taught in LET I. Emphasis is placed on communication techniques, cadet challenges, American citizenship, map reading, and the role of the U. S. Army. $35 course fee.
Prerequisite: Completed Level I
ARMY JROTC Leadership Education and TrainingIII (LET-III)
A one-credit course designed to provide advanced instruction in leadership and citizenry, communication, history and career opportunities, and technology awareness. Students will have hands-on experiences as teacher/leaders within the cadet battalion. $35 course fee.
Prerequisite: Completed Level II
ARMY JROTC IV Leadership Education and TrainingIV (Let-IV)
A one-credit course that provides opportunities for students to demonstrate leadership potential in an assigned command or staff position within the cadet battalion organizational structure. Emphasis is placed on negotiation skills and management principles. $35 course fee.
Prerequisite: Completed Level III
CTE Lab in Government & Public Administration-is designed to enhance the students general understanding and mastery of the cluster. This course is designed as a learning laboratory to support students individual interests and goals. This laboratory will take place in a traditional classroom.
Foundational standards, are an important part of every course. Through these standards, students learn and apply safety concepts, explore career opportunities and requirements, practice the skills needed to succeed in the workplace, develop leadership qualities and take advantage of the opportunities afforded by Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs), and learn and practice essential digital literacy skills. The foundational standards are to be incorporated throughout the course. $35 course fee.
Prerequisite: Completed Level III
*Dual Enrollment is available and scholarshipped for students who meet minimum GPA requirements
Project Managementis designed to introduce students to the myriad facets of Program and Project Management, test the character of each student as they juggle the complexities and conflicting demands, and initiate the development of difficult decision-making, for a successful program. Project management is one of the most critical components of a successful business. It affects revenues and liabilities, and it ultimately affects customer or client satisfaction and retention. Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques for project activities, to meet the project requirements.Marketing is a required prerequisite for this course.$25.00 course fee
Credential Offered: Certified Guest Services
Marketing Principlesis designed to provide students with an overview of marketing concepts. The course addresses the ways in which marketing satisfies consumer and business needs and wants for products and services. Areas emphasized include economics, entrepreneurship, information management, finance, marketing, product and service planning, promotion, pricing, selling, interpersonal skills, and international marketing.$25.00 course fee
Credential Offered: Certified Guest Services
Business Software Applications Iemphasizes the skills required to create, edit, and publish industry-appropriate documents. Areas of instruction include the integration of word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheets, database management, and presentation software as well as the use of emerging technologies. Competencies for the co-curricular student organizations, DECA and Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA-PBL), are also embedded in this course. Students will have the opportunity to gain industry-recognized credentials to document basic computer skills needed for future education or employment.$25 course fee
Credential Offered: Microsoft Office Specialist
Digital Marketingintroduces students to digital marketing techniques, tools, and methods, including email, websites, applications, social media, and other electronic means. This course focuses on how to develop and conduct digital marketing campaigns. Emphasis is placed on creating, implementing, and critiquing online advertising, email marketing, websites, social media, mobile marketing, search-engine optimization, video and images, podcasts, webcasts, and creating and repurposing content for use in digital environments. $25.00 course fee
Credential Offered: National Professional Certification in Customer Service and Sales
*Dual Enrollment is available and scholarshipped for students who meet minimum GPA requirements
Education & Training-Teaching & Training
Education & Training-Education and Training is a one-credit course. This course is the prerequisite for all pathways included in the Education and Training cluster. The course is designed for students who are interested in pursuing careers in education. Course content includes the organizational structure of education, careers, the role of the teacher, characteristics of effective teachers, communication skills, the teaching and learning processes, learning styles, research, characteristics of positive classroom environments, human growth and development, curriculum development, student characteristics, teaching techniques, learning activities, educational initiatives, technology, and careers. Observational experiences are a required component of this course.
Career and technical student organizations are integral, cocurricular components of each career and technical education course. These organizations serve as a means to enhance classroom instruction while helping students develop leadership abilities, expand workplace-readiness skills, and broaden opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Co-Opis a one-credit work-based experience which requires a minimum of 140 continuous and successful hours of employment performed under the supervision of a workplace mentor and the work-based learning/cooperative education coordinator. Requirements to participate in Co-Op: student must be in the 11th or 12th grade, minimum of 16 years of age, transportation to job, earned CCR status, be a completer (3 courses in 1 CT program), be on track to graduate, 3 teacher references, a job, *all required documentation must be submitted at the time of registration.
Demopolis City School System does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.
The following are Demopolis City Schools District Contacts: 504 Coordinator: Yolanda Samuel Address: 609 South Cedar Demopolis, AL Phone: 334-289-1670
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