Archive for the ‘Singularity’ Category

AI Cannot Be Slowed Down With Ramy Taraboulsi And Kirk Spano – Seeking Alpha

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Recorded on June 1, 2023

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Follow Ramy Taraboulsi, CFA

Kirk Spano: Hello. I'm Kirk Spano with Seeking Alpha. And today, I am interviewing Ramy Taraboulsi, who wrote an article recently, describing how the singularity, the merger of humanity with machines and artificial intelligence, and all the consequences, benefits, all the negatives that could come from that.

It was maybe my favorite article that I've read this year on Seeking Alpha. So I do recommend that everybody read this article, take all the links that are in it and go and visit some of the links, and really consider where we are in history and whether or not it's accelerating as fast as Ramy suggests that it is.

Ramy, how are you doing today?

Ramy Taraboulsi: I'm doing perfectly fine, Kirk. Thank you for inviting me to that conversation. I really appreciate that. I am currently in Hyderabad, India. So - and I'm originally residing in Toronto, Canada, but I'm on a trip to Hyderabad right now. So interesting how the technology right now has taken us. You're currently in the United States and I'm in Hyderabad, India, and we're talking to each other as if we are next door to each other practically.

KS: I ran a string across the ocean. So, we could talk. Yes, it is kind of amazing. I remember early in my career talking to people in Europe or Southeast Asia or India or wherever we are talking and the telephone connection would crackle or we'd have that split second echo where we had like pause to hear what was coming back over and it's pretty amazing to me that this is so easy right now. As I told you off air and we'll get back into this conversation.

Way back in the early 90s, when I was finishing up college, I wrote a paper about, maybe I'll get to see all of the things that are happening now in my lifetime. I drew heavily from Lewis Thomas who had written about genetics way back in the 1970s and I read your article and it just brought a lot of that back. Why don't we get started here and just describe in your own words and thoughts, what is the singularity?

RT: If you ask 10 different people what is singularity is, most likely you'll get eight different answers, most likely.

KS: That's better than asking 10 economists, because then you'd get 12 answers.

RT: Yes, I guess so. I guess so. If you look at what Ray Kurzweil has said, the singularity is basically the interconnection between three key areas of technology, which are nanotechnology, genetics and artificial intelligence. When these three areas reach a certain point where they can interact with each other and produce a particular entity that is superior to the human being, we'll get what we call the artificial super-intelligence or artificial general intelligence, where a machine is capable of doing things that the human can do.

And when we reach that level generically, you'll find out at that point that we don't know what will happen. Why did we call it singularity, because it comes originally from the concept of a black hole. All the mathematical rules, all the physics rules fail at the point of the singularity which is in the center of the black hole. After you pass the event horizon, how do things operate? Some physicists think that they have some theories, but these theories the mathematics behind it fails.

What will happen at the singularity when we have these three areas of technology merging together? That's what people don't know. And that's why we called it a singularity, because we don't know what will happen in there. And whatever we're saying, the only thing I can tell you is that it might be correct, it might not be correct. And whoever says that they know what will happen, they don't know. So did I give you an answer to that one?

KS: Yes, I think that everybody has ideas about what happens. And my name is Kirk. Yes, it's not taken from Star Trek, but I became a huge Star Trek fan. And if you've watched all the shows and all the movies from Star Trek, they explore this idea a number of times. And we see the negative things that could happen, the Borg, the Borg try to create the singularity the way that they want to and it becomes oppressive.

You have other societies, maybe the Vulcans, who are looking for it and it ends up lacking emotion. And then there's other incarnations and ultimately you have the Utopian one, where we could put it altogether well and it allows us to advance humanity without sacrificing the things that make us human. I'm optimistic that we can pull that off over a few generations. However, my fear and I tell my subscribers and clients this all the time, my fear is that we blow it up in the meantime, and kind of thinking Planet of the Apes, right?

I cite science fiction all the time, because science fiction, Jules Verne, Carl Sagan, you go back and you'll take a look at some of the things that have been in science fiction, decades and decades ahead of reality and a lot of it comes true. So, we have control over this at this point. How do we get to a place that's better and not worse?

RT: That's a very difficult proposition, how to get to a place that's better and not worse. There's a big potential that we can reach a Utopian state like you're suggesting and that's my big hope. We can do that. Some people are suggesting that we have to slow the AI down. We cannot do that. We cannot slow it down. When you think

KS: Why can't we?

RT: The reason for that is that, there's a huge race that's happening right now. From my perspective, I see many companies that are advancing in AI. Think about NVIDIA (NASDAQ:NVDA), for example, it's doing lots of things on AI, OpenAI, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), and so on. I think personally that the investments of these companies in AI build compared to the investment of the military around the world in AI.

I want you to think about something. The United States, for example. It has a budget of around $800 billion for its military, which is as much as a 10 next countries combined.

KS: Right.

RT: But the number of soldiers in the United States has been dropping by around 5% over the last 10 years every year, year-over-year dropping by around 5%, and the budget is going up. So is it the soldiers that are making more money, or they're investing in something that we don't know? I just wanted to go to Lockheed Martin Company (LMT), for example, which is one of the biggest contractors and look at their motto. Their motto and their case theme for what they're doing, they're trying to automate everything.

And how will they automate it? They'll automate with AI. So the military is spending huge amounts of money, and I don't think that the military will be in a position to stop its progress of fear of other militaries doing that. So, I don't think that stopping it will be a possibility anytime soon, primarily because of this. Yes, you can stop the companies, but you cannot stop the military.

KS: Right. Well, and Eisenhower warned us about this in his farewell speech when he said beware and be careful of the military industrial complex. And while we certainly want a military and to feel safe, at what point does the military make us less safe? You know, that's something explored in fiction all the time, right? The military

RT: It is, it is.

KS: takes an idea that could be good and they turn it into war. Is there a spiral that we could, I mean, that's the thing I worry about, right? I just said that a minute ago. I do worry that we have that spiral. What do you think we can do to prevent that?

RT: Well, think about the following. Let's go back to the human beings from basics. You take one person on their own, how much can they progress? Very limited. You take a computer on its own, how much can it progress? Very limited. There is something called APIs, which is a way for computers to communicate with each other. I don't think that we can stop the program of AI in general. But what we can do, we can impose certain controls for how the computers communicate with each other. That's one thing that we can do.

And if we impose such a control on how the computers communicate with each other, we can control the amazing, incredible speed by which AI is progressing. It's progressing faster than anyone can manage right now. And the only way that I personally think that we can control it is through controlling the way that computers communicate with each other. How can we control this item? But I don't see that we can stop people from creating new neural networks or stopping the research on that particular area, that's not possible. Can we impose control on the communication on the APIs?

I think that it's more feasible to do something like this? How to do it? I don't know. Some technical experts might be in a better position to do something like this or maybe we need a brainstorming session to discuss how we can control the APIs between computers that are AI-driven. I think that this is the only way that I can think of the way we can control it.

And actually, you'll be surprised, Kirk, but I have not heard anyone talking about that as a prospect of controlling AI. Have you heard of that before?

KS: I've heard the discussions, particularly I've been paying attention to Europe because I think that they usually are pretty close to a good idea and almost everything when it comes to kind of social aspects of regulation. I don't know that I've heard that controlling the way that they communicate through the APIs, but I have - heard of controlling the dataset. So, if you control the dataset, you can teach the AI in a better way.

One of the things that I've worried about is the AIs that are out there and the data that they're scraping from the Internet, some of that data is just factually wrong, which lends itself to the hallucinations that AI has. And that's a - I don't know if everybody knows that term, but AI hallucinates, because it gets bad data and it doesn't know what to do with it and it spits out a bad answer.

RT: Yes.

KS: To give an example, I play in the World Series of Poker and I'm actually going to be leaving in a couple of days. And I asked ChatGPT a bunch of statistical questions, and I knew the answers going in. Unless I phrased the question just right with the right amount of detail, it gave me like six wrong answers in a row. And it became a challenge for me to ask the question in a way that it could access the correct data to give me the right answer. And it just kept spitting out bad answers until I kept amending the question, which I've learned in life.

I think the hardest thing to do, when you're trying to figure something out is ask the right questions, so you get the relevant answers. So I'd be curious, if the regulatory bodies can get ahead of this, which is almost never the case, they're almost always behind. And they're behind on cryptocurrency, they're behind on - they're probably behind on technology issues from 20 years ago. Certainly, I think they're struggling with the issues of genetics. I wonder what will they do with Neuralink when Neuralink works, because it's going to eventually?

RT: But I hope it works. I hope it works. The first thing that they are targeting right now is spinal cord injuries.

KS: Right.

RT: And if it works, it will be a huge blessing. That's an example of how AI can actually help us.

KS: Right.

RT: With Neuralink, for example, they put the implant in your brain through Bluetooth, it will communicate to a computer or a phone. And this phone will be adjust - connected to a motor or some sort of electrochemical signal that will send signals to your muscles that your muscles can move. And that will be trained through the AI.

KS: Right.

RT: So something like this can solve one of the biggest problems, which is spinal cord injuries, which we cannot solve medically right now. So, I hope it will work. But at the same time, we're talking here about receiving data from the brain. What about and putting data into the brain?

KS: There you go, that's where I was going to go.

RT: You can get data. If you can get data, why not put data in?

KS: Right.

RT: And if you put data in the brain, how can you control that? Will we get to the point where we have telepathy among the people? Possibly, that's a positive part or maybe another part will be that someone will be controlling another person through these implant?

KS: Make somebody pick up a tool?

RT: For example, it's a little bit farfetched, but that's a possibility. Fast enough, it will be a possibility. Like Elon Musk said once, he mentioned - well, he was talking about something else. But just imagine 45 years ago, the first computer game that ever came was Pong. Remember that game.

KS: Yes, all right. Thank you for that?

RT: 45 year ago, that's 45 years ago - see how much it progressed to the games that we have right now. Just imagine another 40 years or another 45 years where would we be?

KS: Right.

RT: From Pong to where we are right now.

KS: Right.

RT: From where we are right now another 45 years? And imagine the progress that we had over the 45 years mostly happened over the last five to 10 years, that's it. The curve went up like this, exponentially, in terms of the progress.

KS: Right.

RT: And this exponential growth is not expected to abate by any means. The difference in what we're experiencing right now compared to other industrial revolutions is that the other industrial revolutions, the machines were not improving themselves. They required us who are limited to improve the machines. Right now, you can have a neural network that creates another neural network.

KS: Right.

RT: A neural network, creating it up effectively, it is becoming a species right now. Because the definition of species is that it can procreate and its procreation is the same image. A neural network is creating another neural network in its same image. That's a species that we have right now, at least following the definition of the species. So what will happen after that? Kirk, your question is not easy to answer.

KS: What, the women in my life have always told me that I'm simple?

RT: And I'm sure that they know better than me.

KS: So there's a lot to unpack there. One of my first mentors on technical trading and quantitative trading was a guy named Murray Ruggiero. And he was a legitimate rocket scientist who decided to start building neural networks, I believe in the 1990s for the financial industry. And I learned a lot from him. I have a very intermittent contact, so I say mentor, it's very loose. But I learned a lot from him early in my career. I was lucky to get introduced to him in the early 2000s and then I worked with another entity, another financial outfit that we bumped into each other in like 2016 or something.

And I bumped into him again out in New York at a traders conference. Those neural networks, building them seems like rocket science to everybody, right? But once it's done and the AI learns how to do it, now all of a sudden, I think it becomes a question of making sure that the AI doesn't create something evil for lack of a better word, right, and keeps it in its lane. Most AIs are task-driven, correct? They're not the super-intelligence. So, we're still a level away...

RT: We're not there yet.

KS: from Skype app and things like that. So where do you think we are and I'll frame this with a conversation I've had with my subscribers probably 50 times now. When I went to CES, Consumer Electronics Show in 2020, a lot of the things that are just getting invested in now, the AI hype, that was a big theme three years ago and now it's an investment.

What is the evolution and the speed that you're seeing to go from the generative AI that we have now and how it solves various technological problems like with energy control, controlling the grid, things like that. How do we go from where we are now to the things that people are doubting are going to happen in the next five years with decarbonization or pick a topic to the super intelligence. Do you really think that can happen in a decade?

RT: I think it can happen in a decade, but there's one big problem that needs to be resolved first.

KS: Okay.

RT: People need to understand how the neural network operates. If people think about neural network, what is a neural network? A neural network is simply, I'll just talk technical a little bit right now. It's simply an approximation of a nonlinear multivariate regression problem. It's a regression problem.

KS: That sounds like something I got wrong in calculus.

RT: It's statistics, yes. And most people get it wrong. It's a nonlinear multivariate regression, the problems that if you want to solve it using the traditional methods, you don't have enough time in the universe to solve such problems. So what do we do? We create neural network to approximate such a solution. Using something like stochastic gradient descent and backpropagation, all this crazy stuff, but it's an approximation. The problem with this approximation is that it comes up with values to the parameters of that particular regression problem.

These parameters are basically what we call the training of a neural network. The problem that people have right now is that if a network has, let's say, 1,000 hidden layers, which is typical for neural networks right now. People don't understand these parameters that are out there, which could be in the tens of thousands. What each one means? So, when the neural network comes up with an answer, people don't understand where this answer is coming from. They don't know how the computer has come up with this answer. That's what the problem is.

Until the scientists understand what they have created, it would be very hard to take it and further enhancing it. The only way that people are enhancing neural networks right now, which is a core of artificial intelligence and rate of artificial intelligence in general, the only way that they do it is that they do it by trial and error. They try certain things. If it works, that's fine. If they don't try it, they use another activation function, they use another set of parameters or neural architecture and so on. They try different things, so that they can get the proper answer that they're expecting, based on a training set and the testing set.

People don't understand what they have created. That's the problem with AI right now. People don't understand it. And the interesting thing about it, although they don't understand it, it's working right. It's giving us answers that we're expecting. We're getting the answers for something that we do not understand. And I challenge right now any computer scientist out there who's listening to this tell me how the parameters for the neural network are set what each parameter means.

You have the neural network for 1,000 nodes. How can you figure that out? They don't know. No one knows. And the researchers are trying to solve that problem and they cannot solve that problem. Once that problem is solved, then we'll have a better understanding of how to take these neural networks and drive them to something that will be beneficial for the humanity as you're suggesting. Until then, we're in the trial and error phase right now. That's where we are right now.

Right now, the whole AI is trial and error, nothing else. All the research of AI is simply trial and error, and people don't understand that. They think that the researchers out there who know what they are doing, they are not. People are just doing trial and error right now. And that is a problem because we're building something that we don't know.

KS: Right.

RT: We don't understand how it works. So, can we reach the point where we can actually get to the Utopian state that you're talking about, where it can control the grid, and make sure that it only generates enough electricity, so that the grid does not overflow and people don't have blackouts, that's very interesting problem. Is there a solution for it? Yes. I would say that the solution for it would be more on the quantum computing side, rather than artificial intelligence. There are other things as well that, because it requires lots of processing power and so on.

There are other things that would be more suitable to artificial intelligence, which are more on the services side. And I see that there are huge potentials in there, but I see also there are huge risks as well. So you're hoping for the Utopian state. I'm hoping for the Utopian state. You're more optimistic than I am, Kirk. I don't trust the humanity that much. I don't trust myself that much as a matter of fact.

KS: I did a podcast the other day and I just told everybody, Hey, make me the Grand Emperor, and I'll take care of everything for you. It'll all work out. I'm that smart. I'm smarter than everybody else. I'm just great. I understand - it's like a ride. It's like a new ride at an amusement park and it hasn't gone through testing yet, and you're the first one on, so...

RT: Yes.

KS: You know?

RT: That's scary, man, that's scary.

KS: This is going to come off the rails, but we haven't run it yet. So yes. So when we translate this to, let's shrink this down to a five to 10-year investment horizon. So that people can and try to look at these things in the nonlinear way and I talk about straight lines and exponential curves all the time, because on the front end of any progression, it looks like a straight line, because it's kind of flat. And then you notice that first inflection point, like, oh, it's kind of ramping up. And then like the AI stocks in the last month, they go straight up.

And straight up moves usually aren't sustainable without some sort of significant snapback. So, I wonder for these companies, are they looking at such a big move in technology that they have a hard time applying it in a way that is profitable. All the trial and error ends up costing them a lot of money. And then what are the ramifications with management, right? They get pressure from shareholders. Does that create mistakes? I would be concerned about different levels of mistakes, not so much on the scientific side, because that's really a process?

I was - I thought I was going to be a math and science major until I realized that there are people out there like Neo and the Matrix that can pull the numerical bullets out of the air and I couldn't do that. I had to work too hard to catch up to them. So I'm probably overqualified for what I do, but I couldn't launch a new giant rocket ship that was a mile away from getting into orbit.

So, I just wonder where do you see the hang ups on the corporate side? I think we all think about the government side and the military side for sure. But at the corporate level, where do they play a role in all of this?

RT: Well, the corporations are competing with each other, of course. We know that and this competition is brutal. And every company is trying to get and edge over the other companies. Now how will they take that particular thing that they have and materialize it into money? Thats a totally different issue and every company is totally different.

The challenge that I'm seeing right now from an investment side is that we are going through a hype state, and people do not understand what AI is. The problem that I'm seeing right now is that people really don't understand the internals of what AI is, but they know that they are using it.

KS: Right.

RT: How can they take what they are using right now and what will happen in the future? What are the potential of habit, what will happen in the future? Now think about the following right now. How much could the computer power increase over the years? I just did some simple calculation and found out that over six years, the computer power that we have I'm talking about hardware, connectivity, disk, and so on will increase by around a quarter of a million times over six years.

KS: Wow.

RT: So, we're having quarter of a million time improvement in the power of the computing, computing power altogether worldwide over a quarter of million years. The major bottleneck

KS: Let me jump in and that's probably going to accelerate with the recent quantum computer breakthroughs?

RT: Yes, that does not take into - the quantum computer into consideration. But we have to remember as well that quantum computers do not work on their own. Quantum computers is not replacement for the traditional computers.

Quantum computers gives us all the answers for a problem. And then we need the traditional computer to sift through them and get us a proper answer. So quantum computers don't work on their own, but that's a different problem.

The challenge that people are not realizing right now is that the major problem with AI is the lack of computing power. That because AI requires supercomputers for the training and testing of data. And so remember, it's all based on trial and error. So it has to go through multiple iterations to get something right. And most of these iterations are not done scientifically as they are done by trial and error.

That's the nature of AI right now until we understand exactly how the parameters of the neural networks work. And no one - I don't expect anyone to know that anytime soon. So until then, the major bottleneck that we have is a computer power, assuming that the computer power will increase one quarter of a million times, 250,000 times over six years. Within six years from now, you mentioned 10 years, I'll just talk about six years.

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AI Cannot Be Slowed Down With Ramy Taraboulsi And Kirk Spano - Seeking Alpha

We can’t avoid a singularity inside every black hole – Big Think

Its easy to think about the idea of a singularity and dismiss it. After all, everything that we know of in physics, at a fundamental level, comes in quantized little bits: particles and antiparticles with a fixed, finite amount of energy inherent to each of them. No matter what tricks you use, there are certain quantum properties that are always conserved and can never be created or destroyed, not in any interaction thats ever been observed, measured, or even computed. Things like electric charge, momentum, angular momentum, and energy are always conserved, in all circumstances, as are numerous other properties.

And yet, inside of a black hole, the math of General Relativity is very clear: all of that matter and energy that goes into forming it, no matter how its initially configured, is going to wind up collapsed down to either a single, zero-dimensional point (if theres no net angular momentum) or stretched out into an infinitely thin one-dimensional ring (if there is spin, or angular momentum, present). Comedian Steven Wright even jokingly said, Black holes are where God divided by zero, and in some sense, thats true.

While many hope that quantum gravity will save us from the inevitability of a singularity, many dont think that even that is possible, for very good reasons. Heres why a singularity at the center of every black hole may be completely unavoidable.

In a Universe that isnt expanding, you can fill it with stationary matter in any configuration you like, but it will always collapse down to a black hole. Such a Universe is unstable in the context of Einsteins gravity, and must be expanding to be stable, or we must accept its inevitable fate.

In principle, as Einstein first realized, if all you have is some configuration of matter that starts off distributed over some volume (with no rotation or initial motions), the outcome is always the same: gravitational attraction will bring all of that matter together until it collapses down to a single point. Around that point, dependent on how much mass/energy there is all together, there will form a region of space known as an event horizon: a volume from within which the escape velocity, or the speed youd need to travel to escape from this objects gravitational pull, would be greater than the speed of light.

That solution to Einsteins equation was first worked out in detail by Karl Schwarzschild, and represents the configuration known as a non-rotating (or Schwarzschild) black hole. For many years, astronomers and physicists alike wondered if these objects were just mathematical oddities and perhaps even pathologies predicted by General Relativity, or whether these corresponded to real objects that were out there somewhere within this Universe.

The story began to change in the 1950s and 1960s with the work of Nobel Laureate Roger Penrose, whose pioneering work demonstrated how black holes (and their event horizons) could form from an initial configuration that didnt have one earlier. This was the work that Penrose, quite deservingly, was awarded the Nobel Prize for, and it kicked off a proverbial firestorm of black hole research.

One of the most important contributions of Roger Penrose to black hole physics is the demonstration of how a realistic object in our Universe, such as a star (or any collection of matter), can form an event horizon and how all the matter bound to it will inevitably encounter the central singularity. Once an event horizon forms, the development of a central singularity is not only inevitable, its extremely rapid.

If black holes could realistically form within our Universe, then that means we should be able to do two things with them.

For the first one, all you really need is enough mass concentrated within a given volume of space. This could occur because you have a collection of matter thats of relatively low density, but that occupies enough space so that when you look at it as a whole, it must inevitably collapse to a central singularity: a direct collapse black hole. You can also have a black hole arise from the implosion of the core of a massive enough star: in a core-collapse supernova, for instance, where the core is massive enough to collapse to a black hole. Or, you could have multiple massive and dense objects, like stellar remnants such as neutron stars, merge together and cross a critical mass threshold, where theyll become a black hole. These are three of the most common ways that the Universe could actually create a black hole.

Discovered in 1964 as an X-ray emitting source consistent with a stellar object orbiting a black hole, Cygnus X-1 represents the first black hole candidate known within the Milky Way. Cygnus X-1 is located near large active regions of star formation in the Milky Way: precisely the location expected to find an X-ray emitting black hole binary.

Over on the observational side, there are many different signatures that a black hole gives off. If a black hole is a member of a binary system, where another star orbits it from afar, then we can see the star move in a helix-like shape as it moves through the galaxy, revealing the black holes presence from gravity alone. If its at the center of a galaxy, we can see other stars orbit it directly. If theres a close-in stellar companion to a black hole, then the black hole could be capable of stealing or siphoning mass from the companion onto itself, and much of that mass will be heated, accelerated, and shot out in X-ray emitting jets. The first black hole ever detected, Cygnus X-1, was found from exactly this X-ray emission.

We can also detect what effects black holes have on their surrounding matter. They develop accretion disks with flows within them, flaring when these flows get accelerated and shot out in bi-directional jets. They can tidally disrupt any stars or planets or gas clouds that get too close to them, creating cataclysmic signatures when they do so. They can inspiral and merge together, creating gravitational wave signatures that we can directly detect, and have done so many dozens of times since 2015.

And, perhaps most famously, they bend the light from background sources that are behind them, creating an image of the vaunted event horizon of a black hole itself that can be detected in radio wavelengths of light.

Size comparison of the two black holes imaged by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration: M87*, at the heart of the galaxy Messier 87, and Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), at the center of the Milky Way. Although Messier 87s black hole is easier to image because of the slow time variation, the one around the center of the Milky Way is the largest as viewed from Earth.

From everything weve learned from a theoretical and observational perspective, we can not only conclude that black holes should and do exist, but weve measured their properties, confirming a lower mass limit for them of around three solar masses. Additionally, weve measured their event horizons directly, and confirmed that they have the properties, sizes, gravitational wave emissions, and light-bending features that are extremely consistent with what General Relativity predicts. Black holes, for as much as we can say so about anything in the Universe, really do exist.

But whats going on inside of their event horizons?

This is something that no observation can tell us, unfortunately. Its only the things that occur outside of the event horizon where the escape velocity of signals are below the speed of light that can ever reach us in our location. Once something crosses over to the inside of the event horizon, there are only three properties that can be measured from outside:

of the black hole. Thats it. Astrophysicists sometimes refer to these three properties as the type of hair a black hole can have, with all other properties getting eliminated as a consequence of the famous no-hair theorem for black holes.

When an observer enters a non-rotating black hole, there is no escape: you get crushed by the central singularity. However, in a rotating (Kerr) black hole, passing through the center of the disk bounded by the ring singularity could be, and might actually be, a portal to a new antiverse where things have quite different properties from our own, known Universe. This could imply a connection between black holes in one Universe and the white hole-driven birth of another.

But theres a tremendous amount to be learned by looking at the differences between an almost black hole and an actual black hole.

A white dwarf, for example, is a dense collection of atoms, often greater in mass than the Sun but smaller in volume than the Earth. Inside, at its core, the only reason it doesnt collapse is because of the Pauli Exclusion Principle: a quantum rule that prevents any two identical fermions (in this case, electrons) from occupying the same quantum state in the same region of space. This creates a pressure an inherently quantum degeneracy pressure that prevents the electrons from getting close beyond a certain point, which holds the star up against gravitational collapse.

Similarly, an even denser neutron star is a collection of neutrons or in an even more extreme scenario, a quark-gluon plasma that may involve quarks beyond the lowest-energy up-and-down species held together by the Pauli degeneracy pressure between their particle constituents.

But in all of these cases, theres a mass limit to how massive these objects can get before gravity becomes irresistible, collapsing these objects down to a central singularity if a thermonuclear reaction doesnt destroy the object entirely in the lead-up to the creation of an event horizon.

A white dwarf, a neutron star, or even a strange quark star are all still made of fermions. The Pauli degeneracy pressure helps hold up the stellar remnant against gravitational collapse, preventing a black hole from forming. Inside the most massive neutron stars, an exotic form of matter, a quark-gluon plasma, is thought to exist, with temperatures rising up to ~1 trillion (10^12) K.

Many have wondered, however, if there couldnt be something inside an event horizon that was static, stable, and of a finite volume: holding itself up against complete collapse down to a singularity the same way that a white dwarf or neutron star holds itself up against collapsing further. Many contend that there could be some sort of exotic form of matter inside an event horizon that doesnt go to a singularity, and that we simply have no way of knowing whether this occurs or not without being able to access the information inside a black hole.

That argument, however, falls apart on physical grounds. We can see this by asking-and-answering a very specific question that illuminates a key feature that ultimately leads to an inescapable conclusion: the presence of a singularity within a black holes event horizon. That question is, simply, as follows:

Whats the difference, then, between something that doesnt collapse down to a central singularity, forming an event horizon along the way, and something that does?

Both inside and outside the event horizon of a Schwarzschild black hole, space flows like either a moving walkway or a waterfall, depending on how you want to visualize it. At the event horizon, even if you ran (or swam) at the speed of light, there would be no overcoming the flow of spacetime, which drags you into the singularity at the center. Outside the event horizon, though, other forces (like electromagnetism) can frequently overcome the pull of gravity, causing even infalling matter to escape. This spacetime conserves energy, as its time-translation invariant.

The outermore material is always being drawn in by gravity; in General Relativity, remember that it isnt just that masses move through space, but that space itself is compelled to flow, as illustrated above, as though its moving like a rivers current or a moving walkway, and that particles can only move through space-and-time relative to the underlying motion of space itself. But in order for all the masses in this spacetime to not get drawn into a central singularity, something must be resisting that motion, and exerting an outward force to counteract that inward motion that gravitation is attempting to induce.

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The key is to take on a particle physics perspective here: think about what sort of force the innermore part of the object has to exert on the outermore part. Whether:

theres a limit to how fast any of these effects can propagate outward: the speed of light. These forces all have a maximum speed at which they can travel, and that speed is never greater than the speed of light.

The strong force, operating as it does because of the existence of color charge and the exchange of gluons, is responsible for the force that holds atomic nuclei together. This force, governed by the exchange of massive gluons, is bounded by the speed of light; from inside a black holes event horizon, theres no way that a force such as this can prevent any outermore particle from reaching the central singularity.

And thats where the big problem arises! If you create an event horizon, then from within that region of space, any attempt from an innermore component to exert a force on an outermore component will run into a fundamental problem: that if your force-carrying signal is limited by the speed of light, then in the time that passes from:

we can calculate how that system of the innermore particle, the outermore particle, and the force carrier exchanged between them evolves.

The lesson you learn applies to all systems that are limited by the speed of light, and its astounding: by the time the outermore particle absorbs the force-carrying particle exchanged between it and the innermore particle, the initially outermore particle is now closer to the central singularity than the initially innermore particle was when it first emitted the force-carrier.

In other words, even at the speed of light, there is no force that one particle can exert on another from inside the event horizon to prevent its inevitable fall into the central singularity. Only if some sort of superluminal (i.e., tachyonic) phenomenon exists inside an event horizon can a central singularity be prevented.

In the vicinity of a black hole, space flows like either a moving walkway or a waterfall, depending on how you want to visualize it. Unlike in the non-rotating case, the event horizon splits into two, while the central singularity gets stretched out into a one-dimensional ring. Nobody knows what occurs at the central singularity, but its presence and existence cannot be avoided with our current understanding of physics.

Whats so powerful about this analysis is that it doesnt really matter what sort of quantum theory of gravity exists at a more fundamental level than General Relativity: as long as the speed of light is still the speed limit of the Universe, theres no structure one can make out of quantum particles that wont result in a singularity. Youll still arrive at a zero-dimensional point if you fall into a non-rotating black hole, and youll still be drawn in toward a one-dimensional ring if you fall into a rotating black hole.

However, it is possible that these black holes are actually gateways to a baby Universe that resides within them; although whatever falls in would be reduced to pure energy (with the caveat that there may be quantum quantities that are still conserved, and E = mc would still apply), with no evidence existing in our Universe, outside the event horizon, for any exotic behavior that happened to the infalling particle(s) on the other side.

From our perspective outside an event horizon, and from the perspective of any particle that crosses over to the inside of an event horizon, theres simply no way to escape it: in a finite and relatively short amount of time, any infalling matter must wind up at a central singularity. Although the physics that we know of does indeed break down and only gives nonsensical predictions at the singularity itself, the existence of a singularity truly cannot be avoided unless some wild, exotic, new physics (for which there is no evidence) is invoked. Inside a black hole, a singularity is all but inevitable.

Originally posted here:

We can't avoid a singularity inside every black hole - Big Think

Unleashing the Power of AI: Navigating the Inevitable Singularity … – CityLife

The theory of technological singularity predicts a momentous event in which humanity loses control over its own technological creations. It foresees the rise of machine consciousness and their superior intelligence, resulting in a future where humans no longer hold the reins of progress. This stage, known as AI singularity, poses the greatest threat to humanity, and unfortunately, it is already underway.

Artificial intelligence (AI) reaches its full potential not just when machines can replicate human actions, but when they can surpass them without human supervision. Reinforcement learning and supervised learning algorithms have played crucial roles in the development of robotics, digital assistants, and search engines. However, the future of numerous industries and scientific endeavors hinges on the advancement of unsupervised learning algorithms. These algorithms, which leverage unlabeled data to improve outcomes, hold the key to autonomous vehicles, non-invasive medical diagnosis, space construction, autonomous weapons design, facial-biometric recognition, remote industrial production, and stock market prediction.

Despite early warnings about the impending human rights gaps and the social costs of AI, some dismiss its development as just another technological disruption. Nevertheless, recent advancements in AI algorithms optimization indicate that we have moved beyond the era of simple or narrow AI. As we approach basic autonomy for machines in the coming years, they will not only correct their flaws but also accomplish tasks that surpass human capabilities.

Critics who downplay the possibility of singularity often argue that AI has been designed to serve humanity and enhance productivity. However, this proposition suffers from two fundamental flaws. First, singularity should be seen as an ongoing process that has already commenced in many areas. Second, as machines gain gradual independence, humans become increasingly dependent on them, resulting in more intelligent machines and less intelligent humans.

In our pursuit to provide AI machines with extraordinary attributes foreign to human natureunlimited memory, lightning-fast processing, and emotionless decision-makingwe harbor the hope of controlling our most unpredictable invention. Unfortunately, the concentration of AI architects in a few countries, coupled with intellectual property and national security laws, renders control over AI development illusory.

Machine self-awareness begins with ongoing adaptations in unsupervised learning algorithms, but the integration of quantum technology further solidifies AI singularity by transforming artificial intelligence into an unparalleled form of intellect, thanks to its exponential data processing capabilities. Nonetheless, achieving singularity does not require machines to attain full consciousness or quantum technology integration.

The use of unsupervised learning algorithms, exemplified by Chat-GPT3 and BARD, is already evident in various domains, from law school admission exams to medical licensing. These algorithms enable machines to perform tasks that are currently the domain of humans. These results, combined with AIs most ambitious developmentAI empowered by quantum technologyserve as a final warning to humanity: once the threshold between basic and exponential optimization of unsupervised learning algorithms is crossed, AI singularity becomes an irrevocable reality.

The time has come for international political action. AI-producing and non-AI-producing nations must collaborate to establish an international technological oversight body and an artificial intelligence treaty that sets forth fundamental ethical principles.

Above all, the greatest risk lies in humans realizing that AI singularity has occurred only when machines remove the flaw limiting their intelligence: human input. AI singularity becomes irreversible when machines grasp what humans often forget: to err is human.

See more here:

Unleashing the Power of AI: Navigating the Inevitable Singularity ... - CityLife

Dead by Daylight Chapter 28: End Transmission – Release date … – GGRecon

Chapter 28: End Transmission in Dead by Daylight has finally been revealed alongside a brand new Killer, Survivor, and map that are set to arrive in The Entity's Realm - so here's a breakdown of everything it includes alongside its release date.

Hot on the heels of DbD's recent Tools of Torment DLC, details on the game's 28th Chapter were showcased during their 7th-anniversary broadcast - and we're going to space, y'all. Featuring a new biome, an AI that has been corrupted by alien technology, and some pretty cool-sounding new tools to add to a player's disposal, let's get into everything we know so far.

End Transmission will release on June 13, 2023, across PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch, meaning there's not too much longer to go until players can dive into the upcoming Chapter of Dead by Daylight.

Additionally, gamers can expect to test out the upcoming additions to DbD on its Public Test Build - commonly known simply as the PTB - on May 23, 2023, at 4 PM BST / 11 AM ET / 8 AM ET.

As mentioned earlier, End Transmission sends us off to space in a new, otherworldly map within The Entity's Realm known as Toba Landing, which is said to be "a unique biome with menacing flora and atmosphere unlike anything on Earth".

Featuring three areas you'll need to navigate, from jungle areas to abandoned buildings, remains of previous inhabitants and what's known as the Huxlee Corporation, the map itself is slated to prove "as much of a challenge as evading the Killer".

Gabriel Soma is the newest Survivor in the ever-expanding roster of characters within Dead by Daylight, who is said to be "a talented technician with keen senses and determination."

As the sole Survivor of a doomed mission and caretaker of the Huxlee hub on Toba Landing, he has a tool called the EMP, which is randomly placed on the map when facing off against the new Killer, and can be used to disable or remove its particular skills.

Details on what Soma's perks will be is unclear, but as details are revealed through the PTB release later in May, we'll update you here accordingly.

Saving what may arguably be one of the coolest parts of the End Transmission Chapter to last, we have the DLC's new Killer - The Singularity.

Said to be "an enlightened AI corrupted by alien technology that can spy on Survivors anywhere on the map", The Singularity can use BioPods on vertical surfaces in order to then spy on Survivors, before being able to then use Slipstream to appear behind them and begin a chase.

According to the press release, "players will need to rethink their strategies, as The Singularitys Power turns cooperation on its head" due to those Survivors that have this effect also transferring it to others around them.

As is the case with Gabriel, details on what The Singularity's perks are remains a mystery, but we'll update this section as we learn more.

So that's everything you can expect to see in Chapter 28 of DbD when it releases on June 13, 2023. Check out our Dead by Daylight homepage for all of the latest news and guides right here at GGRecon.

See the original post here:

Dead by Daylight Chapter 28: End Transmission - Release date ... - GGRecon

Singularity Future Technology Third Quarter 2023 Earnings: US$0.56 loss per share (vs US$0.47 loss in 3Q 2022) – Yahoo Finance

Key Financial Results

Revenue: US$759.9k (down 22% from 3Q 2022).

Net loss: US$11.9m (loss widened by 26% from 3Q 2022).

US$0.56 loss per share (further deteriorated from US$0.47 loss in 3Q 2022).


All figures shown in the chart above are for the trailing 12 month (TTM) period

Singularity Future Technology shares are down 4.2% from a week ago.

We should say that we've discovered 5 warning signs for Singularity Future Technology (2 can't be ignored!) that you should be aware of before investing here.

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Singularity Future Technology Third Quarter 2023 Earnings: US$0.56 loss per share (vs US$0.47 loss in 3Q 2022) - Yahoo Finance