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Social Marketing Marketing Schools

Last Updated: November 28, 2020

In the early 1980s, a brief but powerful commercial started airing on network television. The 15-second spot showed a sizzling frying pan, and a voiceover narrator announces, This is drugs. An egg is cracked into the pan, and the narrator continues, This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?

This campaign was created by the New York City-based nonprofit organization Partnership for a Drug-Free America, known today as Partnership at The spot has been copied, quoted, and spoofed countless times since, and still lives on today as one of the most memorable and effective examples of social marketinga specialized form of advertising that aims not to sell products, but to change the world.

While most methods of marketing are geared toward selling goods or services, the product in social marketing is human behavior. The philosophy behind this idea can be illustrated by a quote from Gerhard Weibe, a German World War II U-boat commander, who said: Why cant you sell brotherhood and rational thinking like you can sell soap?

The goal of social advertising campaigns is to promote ideas that either encourage positive behaviors like caring for the environment or wearing seat belts; or discourage negative behaviors, such as speeding or smoking in public areas. In this way, social marketing sells the well-being of society as a whole.(See alsoGreen Marketing)

Interesting social marketing stats

Source: 2012 Social Change Impact Report, Walden University

There are many long-running, instantly recognizable social marketing campaigns that many people dont recognize as marketing. One example is Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), which started a campaign for drivers to tie a red ribbon onto their vehicles, signifying their commitment to safe, sober driving. The red ribbon symbol was also adopted for AIDS awareness, and the idea of awareness ribbon campaigns soon spread to other causespink for breast cancer, purple for Alzheimers, and yellow for families of soldiers who are on active duty abroad.

When these campaigns are done well, social marketing can be a powerfully effective force for true, positive change.

Social marketing is used primarily by nonprofit organizations, charity foundations, public highway departments, and government agencies. Its also utilized by emergency services, such as police and fire departments. Some commercial organizations also occasionally use social marketing strategies.

Nonprofit organizations and charity foundations employ social marketing to raise awareness, promote various causes, and encourage contributions from the public. Social marketing provides a way to inform and engage people that charitable organizations would not otherwise be able to reach through more traditional marketing channels. This strategy also helps charitable campaigns spread faster and reach a wider global market.(See alsoNon-profit Organization Manager)

Amnesty International is a charity organization that helps fight injustice and promote global human rights. In 2006, they launched an award-winning social marketing campaign in Switzerland that used transparent billboards to impose scenes depicting the causes theyre working toward onto glass bus stop boothssuch as food shortages in Sudan, military brutality in China, and violence toward women in Iraq. The campaign raised awareness of world issues and increased donations of funds and volunteer time.

For public sector agencies, social marketing is often used as a way to encourage people to follow rules and regulations, and practice general safe behaviors. For example, police departments campaign with slogans such as Buckle up for life and Click it or ticket to encourage people to wear their seat beltsshowing either the positive rewards for this action (saving lives) or the negative consequences for ignoring the law (getting a traffic ticket).

Government agencies use social marketing not only to encourage legal behaviors, such as observing the drinking age, but also to promote the general well-being of society. There are several government social marketing campaigns designed to inform the public on issues like food safety, sexually transmitted diseases, and personal hygiene.

One example is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) campaign for cooking food to safe temperatures to avoid the spread of salmonella and other bacteria. This campaign uses the slogan, Is it done yet? with a photo of meat being measured by a food thermometer that reads 160 degreesa safe internal temperature for ground beef.

For large commercial organizations, social marketing is often an effective way to encourage interest, participation, and donations for charitable foundations they support. One example is the Nike Foundation, which is working to help developing countries prosper through a campaign called The Girl Effectusing thought-provoking commercials that tell a story through text and music to gain Facebook fans and raise awareness for this cause.

One Memorable Social Marketing Campaign

The United Support of Artists for Africa, or simply USA for Africa, was founded to help relieve famine and disease in Africaspecifically the 1984-1985 Ethiopia famine that led to more than 400,000 deaths. This group was actually a super band composed of 47 U.S. recording artists, who came together to record one song and donate the profits to famine relief in Africa.

The song was We Are the World. It was written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Ritchie, who also performed parts along with other superstars like Ray Charles, Harry Belafonte, Bruce Springsteen, Paul Simon, Bette Midler, Billy Joel, Diana Ross, Tina Turner, Kenny Rogers, Willie Nelson, and Bob Dylan.

We Are the World sold more than 20 million copies, making it one of only 30 singles to ever sell over 10 million or more worldwide. With this campaign and the benefit event Hands Across Americaa human chain of seven million people in the continental United States holding hands for 15 minutesUSA for Africa raised nearly $100 million for charity relief.

Social marketing has the broadest of audiences: everyone in a society. However, the target for social marketing varies with the society that the advertiser is aiming to change. Some campaigns simply raise awareness for local issues, while others have the lofty goal of changing the world.

For most, its human nature to want to do good, and positive social marketing campaigns offer the opportunity to make a differenceeven if its on a small scale. Contributing to society can deliver individual, intangible benefits in the form of self-worth and self-esteem.(See alsoCause Marketing)

Negative social marketing campaigns that warn about consequences are also effective, whether the consequences are personal, such as drug use, or general, such as saving the rainforests. Awareness is the key element for negative social marketing. For example, most people had no idea that the plastic shopping bags they throw away every day make their way into natural environments, where theyre deadly to wildlife such as sea turtles and dolphins. Several social marketing campaigns have been created to bring this issue to light, and today many people shop with reusable cloth bags, or choose paper over plastic.

A lot of work and behind-the-scenes planning goes into developing an effective social marketing campaign. Naturally, the first step is to identify the behavior that the campaign will aim to change (such as using too many plastic shopping bags). The marketing team does a lot of research on the behavior by looking at existing statistics and often performing surveys to find out how prevalent it is.

Social Marketing Strategies

If theres a sufficient problem that the organization believes can be changed, the next step is to find out why the behavior thats causing the problem exists, and what can be done to change it.

For example, a community planning team might be working on ways to get more people to recycle, and realize that most people arent doing it because the existing recycling program in the community is too complex and takes too much time. Often, multiple surveys are conducted during the research phase. Research teams will talk to people working in the industries related to their cause, conduct telephone or email surveys of people in their target society, and may even form in-person focus groups to discuss the issue and gauge the reactions.

When the marketing team determines the best way to change the behavior, they work on ways to illustrate their message and get the word out. During this stage, marketing materials are created. Many social marketing campaigns use simple, powerful concepts that deliver their message at a glance, like the pink ribbon for breast cancer awareness.

In addition to materials, the team has to pick the right medium. Some social marketing campaigns work best as videos, television, or radio commercials. If a campaign relies heavily on an image, like a photograph, it may be effective as a billboard or print advertisement. Brochures or newsletters sent to mailing lists, either printed or digital, are another choice. Social marketing campaigns can also be promoted through live events like benefit concerts, banquets, or galas.

Social Marketing Salaries

Sources: U.S. Bureau of Statistics & Labor; Watkins Uiberall CPA;

The duties of a manager for a nonprofit organization are nearly identical to those of their commercial counterparts. A nonprofit marketing manager coordinates the marketing department for the company, develops advertising campaigns and strategies, and supervises the running of marketing campaigns.

One difference between nonprofit and commercial marketing departments is that nonprofit departments are usually much smaller, and may be either staffed by volunteers, or run entirely by the manager, who sometimes hires an outside advertising agency to implement campaigns.

Most marketing managers for nonprofits have a 4-year bachelors degree in a field relating to marketing or business, with a specialty in social courses.

Nonprofit marketing managers frequently have experience in the marketing departments of commercial companies, and decide to move into the nonprofit sector out of a desire to make a difference in society.

The goal of a public relations specialist is to generate positive publicity, usually through social marketing campaigns and strategies. Some of these specialists are directly employed by government agencies, public service companies, nonprofit organizations, or large commercial companies. Others work on a freelance basis, either as individuals or for marketing agencies that specialize in social marketing.

In general, public relations specialists hold bachelors degrees in public relations, or related fields like journalism, communication, or marketing. They often have entry-level experience in lower marketing positions before becoming specialists.

These professionals employ social marketing on a limited regional scale, usually within their immediate communities. Places like hospitals and universities hire account liaisons to enhance the public reputation of their organization and spread positive messages about the benefits of using their services.

Account liaisons are usually required to hold a bachelors degree in either marketing or a related field, or in fields related to the organization that employs them. For example, a hospital account liaison could have a business degree or an RN degree, while a college liaison might have a marketing degree or a bachelors in education.

For those who want to use social marketing, a degree from a marketing school can equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to design and launch campaigns that make a difference. Passion is an important quality for a social marketer, but a strong education helps professionals focus that passion into effective social change.

Courses like qualitative and quantitative research help professionals prepare for the intensive research that goes into creating social marketing campaigns. Research is a key element for success in social marketing, and with a strong understanding of the different techniques for researching an issue, its easier to find and use the necessary information.

A social marketer has to have a solid understanding of public behavior. Courses like consumer psychology can help these professionals figure out why some marketing messages are effective, and others arent, so they can fine-tune social marketing campaigns. Behavior change theory classes build on this skill by exploring human motivations for change.

Finally, strong communication is a requirement for any marketer, including people involved in social marketing. Courses in communication help professionals to create the simple, yet powerful visuals and phrases that are the core elements of an effective social marketing campaigngiving them the ability to get a point across quickly and decisively.

To discover more about how earning a degree in marketing, business, or advertising can help to create social marketing campaigns that make a positive difference in communities of all sizes, ask for further information from schools that offer these courses.

See the article here:
Social Marketing Marketing Schools

Social Media Marketing: Most common AI uses

ChatGPT has become a popular tool for people to use on social media. The language model, developed by OpenAI, has advanced capabilities in generating text and has found a number of creative and practical applications on various platforms.Content creation:

AI is widely used in social media for content creation and curation. With its ability to analyze language patterns, AI can generate creative and engaging posts, captions, and stories for social media users.AI can also help users curate content, by recommending posts and content that align with their interests and preferences. This can help social media users create a more consistent and personalized online presence.

AI is widely used in social media for customer service operations. With its ability to quickly and accurately process large amounts of data, AI can help businesses respond to customer inquiries in real-time, providing a seamless customer experience on social media. AI chatbots, for example, can help businesses respond to customer inquiries and provide personalized recommendations, reducing wait times and improving the overall customer experience.

AI is widely used in social media to inform influencer marketing strategies. With its ability to process large amounts of data, AI can help businesses analyze influencer performance, identify trends, and make informed decisions about influencer partnerships.By leveraging advanced algorithms, businesses can maximize the impact of their influencer marketing campaigns and reach their target audience more effectively on social media.

AI is widely used in social media to inform advertising and branding strategies. With its ability to analyze consumer behavior and target advertising, AI can help businesses reach their target audience, engage with customers, and build a strong online presence on social media.By leveraging advanced algorithms, businesses can tailor their advertising campaigns to meet the specific needs and preferences of their target audience, increasing the impact and effectiveness of their social media advertising.

AI is widely used in social media for social listening and sentiment analysis. With its ability to quickly and accurately process large amounts of social media data, AI can help businesses stay on top of customer needs and preferences, and respond to customer inquiries in real-time.

By analyzing customer sentiment, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer opinions and preferences, and inform their marketing and advertising strategies accordingly. This can help businesses better understand their customers, build a more loyal following on social media, and provide a more personalized customer experience.

In conclusion, AI is revolutionizing the way we interact with social media. It is providing us with more personalized experiences, more efficient content creation and curation processes, and safer, more effective ways of communicating with one another. As AI continues to evolve, it will likely play an even greater role in shaping the future of social media.

Follow this link:
Social Media Marketing: Most common AI uses

International Marketing: The Guide to Going Global | Sprout …

In a time when the majority of the global population uses the internet, geographic borders shouldnt hold back your growth.

Total global e-commerce retail sales will reach $6.1 trillion in 2023. So if youre looking at ways to expand your revenue, you might want to consider international marketing.

However, tapping into a foreign market isnt as easy as flipping a switch.

In this guide, well explain everything you need to know about international marketing and share some global marketing strategies.

International marketing is the process of marketing your products or services to an audience beyond your own countrys borders. Also known as global marketing, international marketing requires a lot more research and planning than domestic marketing.

The main benefit of international marketing is that it helps you reach potential customers around the world. You can use international marketing to raise global awareness of your brand or target customers in specific countries.

When you have customers in multiple countries, your revenue stream isnt dependent solely on economic and buying trends in your home country.

Here are a few international marketing strategies to consider. Keep in mind that entering a foreign market looks totally different from business to business.

Exporting your product directly to customers abroad allows you to enter a new market without totally transforming the way you do business. Exporting may be a good approach if you can handle the marketing and shipping costs.

Similar to fast food or retail franchise, this concept is simple: Someone else pays for the opportunity to sell your product locally or on your behalf. You determine the franchising rules, but international franchising also requires you to create agreements that conform to laws in the foreign location.

Similar to franchising, licensing allows a business partner to sell your intellectual property or brand in exchange for a fee.

Through piggybacking, you essentially allow a larger, non-competing business to sell your product as part of their inventory. Think of this almost as a form of channel sales, but it requires a lot of trust in how your products will be marketed abroad.

A joint venture represents a business partnership where two companies come together to create a unique product or service. Although this requires the most risk of the options above, it also has great potential for returns (both of which are shared by the parties involved).

International marketing success requires doing your homework.

Below are three tips for any brand seriously considering an international marketing campaign.

The idea of expanding your business is equal parts exciting and daunting.

To help you hone in on where to expand, start by exploring territories that would require you to jump through fewer hoops.

Think of territories that meet the following characteristics:

Conventional wisdom says that entering foreign markets isnt cheap.

Here are some costs to consider:

This is why global expansion seems reserved for corporate giants and household names. The bigger your budget, the easier it is to expand.

But it really depends on your industry. Its possible for a smaller retail business to offer international shipping or market to specific territories without creating microsites for those regions. Compare that to ecommerce giants like H&M that have a presence just about everywhere.

Some companies have an easier time entering international markets than others. Specifically, those that dont have to worry about physical products.

Look at SaaS marketing as a prime example. Sprout Socials Spanish site boasts similar creatives and messaging to our standard homepage.

The importance of market research cant be overstated when entering foreign markets.

For example, one study found that many western companies failed to expand into China due to a lack of strategic determination and patience.

In-depth research counts. Your brand should think of these five things when researching a new territory to enter:

As a side note, dont forget to conduct a competitive analysis beforepotential expansion.

Remember: Just because your direct competitors arent involved in a particular market doesnt mean that market is a poor fit for your organization.

Social media is a good starting point for an international marketing strategy considering the nearly 4 billion social media users around the globe.

Lets take a look at some key considerations for social media for international marketing.

While it might be tempting to create new accounts for each foreign market you want to target, managing all of those accounts takes a lot of time. Thats why its typically reserved for bigger brands like Levis.

We recommend sticking with a single, global account and expanding when demand warrants it.

For example, if you find that your primary account is being bombarded with service requests or questions from abroad, it might be time to create a supplementary social presence.

Entering foreign markets means new creative opportunities when it comes to your social content strategy.

For example, you might define separate marketing messages and materials depending on your audiences location.

Brands like Netflix have dedicated Twitter accounts based on geography, some of which look starkly different from their main account.

That said, there might be instances where youd rather cross-post and double-dip your social media content regardless of geography. Using Sprout Socials scheduling tools, you can manage all of your social assets and schedule posts appropriately to ensure that you dont spread yourself thin.

Mind both your tone and language when speaking to customers abroad. Using the wrong terminology or Americanized spelling could be offputting for a foreign audience. For example, what people in the US call a koozie, Australians call a stubby holder. Its the same product (and has the same insulating effects on your canned beverage), but the terminology is totally different.

Companies today should be culturally sensitive. Failure to do so could make your brand seem out of touch, and you could miss out on opportunities to connect with your customers.

Familiarizing yourself with your target markets culture is crucial. Arsenal Football Club demonstrates cultural awareness by acknowledging an international holiday.

Failure to understand cultures and customs may cause you to miss out on opportunities to connect with your customers.

Marketing that works in your country may not work as well abroad due to varying laws and regulations.

The EUs GDPR is a shining example of how marketers have to adapt based on where theyre doing business. GDPR has prompted international marketers to rethink how they collect and use EU customer data.

Running afoul of these data privacy regulations can be costly, so review them if youre planning to market to anyone in the EU.

Factors such as cost-per-click and how much Facebook ads cost vary greatly from the United States to, say, Indonesia or India. When in doubt about these costs, consult others whove actually run international campaigns, or consider running a test campaign yourself.

Oh, and dont forget about time zones!

As evidenced by our research on the best times to post on social media, engagement rates are highly dependent on timing.

This is where a tool like Sprout comes in handy.

Not only does Sprout allow you to queue up your posts in advance so you always hit those optimal publishing times, but you can also automatically detect when your audience is most engaged and publish during those times.

Businesses rightfully want to grow their audiences ASAP.

Sometimes entering a foreign market is the perfect way to do so.

Of course, you cant just expand your business on a whim. By conducting thorough research, you can better set yourself up for success and decide whether international marketing actually makes sense.

If youre still on the fence, check out our complete guide on social media marketing for even more tips to help you get started.

Read the rest here:
International Marketing: The Guide to Going Global | Sprout ...

Social – Wikipedia

Relating to society or its organization

Social organisms, including human(s), live collectively in interacting populations. This interaction is considered social whether they are aware of it or not, and whether the exchange is voluntary or not.

The word "social" derives from the Latin word socii ("allies"). It is particularly derived from the Italian Socii states, historical allies of the Roman Republic (although they rebelled against Rome in the Social War of 9187 BC).

In the view of Karl Marx[1], human beings are intrinsically, necessarily and by definition social beings who, beyond being "gregarious creatures", cannot survive and meet their needs other than through social co-operation and association. Their social characteristics are therefore to a large extent an objectively given fact, stamped on them from birth and affirmed by socialization processes; and, according to Marx, in producing and reproducing their material life, people must necessarily enter into relations of production which are "independent of their will".

By contrast, the sociologist Max Weber[1] for example defines human action as "social" if, by virtue of the subjective meanings attached to the action by individuals, it "takes account of the behavior of others, and is thereby oriented in its course".

The term "socialism", used from the 1830s onwards in France and the United Kingdom, was directly related to what was called the social question. In essence, early socialists contended that the emergence of competitive market societies did not create "liberty, equality and fraternity" for all citizens, requiring the intervention of politics and social reform to tackle social problems, injustices and grievances (a topic on which Jean-Jacques Rousseau discourses at length in his classic work The Social Contract). Originally the term "socialist" was often used interchangeably with "co-operative", "mutualist", "associationist" and "collectivist" in reference to the organization of economic enterprise socialists advocated, in contrast to the private enterprise and corporate organizational structures inherent to capitalism.

The modern concept of socialism evolved in response to the development of industrial capitalism. The "social" in modern "socialism" came to refer to the specific perspective and understanding socialists had of the development of material, economic forces and determinants of human behavior in society. Specifically, it denoted the perspective that human behavior is largely determined by a person's immediate social environment, that modes of social organization were not supernatural or metaphysical constructs but products of the social system and social environment, which were in turn products of the level of technology/mode of production (the material world), and were therefore constantly changing. Social and economic systems were thus not the product of innate human nature, but of the underlying form of economic organization and level of technology in a given society, implying that human social relations and incentive-structures would also change as social relations and social organization changes in response to improvements in technology and evolving material forces (relations of production). This perspective formed the bulk of the foundation for Karl Marx's materialist conception of history.

In contemporary society, "social" often refers to the redistributive policies of the government which aim to apply resources in the public interest, for example, social security. Policy concerns then include the problems of social exclusion and social cohesion. Here, "social" contrasts with "private" and to the distinction between the public and the private (or privatised) spheres, where ownership relations define access to resources and attention.

The social domain is often also contrasted with that of physical nature, but in sociobiology analogies are drawn between humans and other living species in order to explain social behavior in terms of biological factors.

Continued here:
Social - Wikipedia

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Read more:
Free Social Media Marketing Platform Worth an Entire Department - Semrush