Archive for the ‘Social Marketing’ Category

Yellow wins creative and social media mandate for Crossword – ETBrandEquity

Shrey Doshi, founder, Yellow, said, Crossword as a brand has been synonymous with reading in India. There is a certain nostalgia about it - for some, it was their first experience of a book chain, for others it is probably what sparked and even encouraged a love for reading."Bookstore chain, Crossword, has awarded its creative and digital mandate to Yellow, a creative agency based out of Mumbai.

As a part of their responsibilities, Yellow will direct the brands communication initiatives in the digital space and drive the brand engagement online, increasing in-store footfalls and overall growth through interesting and engaging work.

Nidhi Gupta, director, Crossword Bookstores, said, Yellow is an agency that impressed us with their innate sense of aesthetics coupled with a strong strategic approach. We cannot wait to see what their bright minds have in store for the future of this brand. We are looking forward to the fresh perspective they are about to bring us.

As part of the mandate, the agency will look after the games 360-degree digital duties. Agencys headquarters in Mumbai will amplify enrollment in the game with creative communications across social platforms such as Discord, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Telegram...

Here is the original post:
Yellow wins creative and social media mandate for Crossword - ETBrandEquity

How Will DAOs Change the Way Brands Do Business? – CMSWire

PHOTO:Adobe Stock

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are essentially a group or entity that is represented by rules that are controlled by its members and not influenced or controlled by a central government or power all governance is done as part of a group or collective.

DAOs are increasingly thought of as the business model for Web3. This article looks at DAOs and the ways that forward-thinking brands are considering DAOs as part of their business strategies for Web3 and the metaverse.

The first official DAO was created by Christoph Jentzsch, his brother Simon Jentzschand other GitHub contributors, and was launched on April 30th, 2016 as part of the Ethereum network with a 28-day crowd sale to fund the organization.

It was known as The DAO, and by May 21, 2016, it held more than $150 million in value. Owners of The DAO tokens were entitled to voting rights, and would vote on different projects to fund, enabling them to profit from their investments by reaping in dividends still one of the chief benefits of DAOs today.

The DAO was rather short-lived, however, as a security vulnerability known as "recursive calls" was published on GitHub, resulting in a hack attack on June 17, 2016, that resulted in the loss of a third of all that had been invested into The DAO at the time. By September, the first official DAO was no more.

Since then, the number of active DAOs has increased exponentially. As of January 2022, the total market capitalization of all DAO tokens was around $21 billion, while the total number of DAOs was 4,227.

Related Article:How Is Web3 Decentralized?

One could think of DAOs as groups of like-minded people getting together regularly to talk about their favorite cause, be it financial investments, collectibles, music, art, writing, social justice or even friendships. Eventually, networking occurs, and one finds the best ways to contribute to those causes personally, and by doing so, reaps the benefits of those contributions, along with everyone else that is contributing.

There are quite a few types of DAOs already out there, which extend into many different domains and purposes, so finding one to join isnt as challenging as finding an established one that doesnt already have barriers to entry.

Here are some types of DAOs that are out there:

Currently, media and social DAOs are likely to be of the most interest to brands because they tie directly into marketing efforts. When the customer is a contributing member of the cast, so to speak, the Voice of Customer doesnt get any louder or more genuine. More importantly, however, is that every member of a DAO has voting rights, and everyone gets a slice of the proverbial pie.

Media DAOs put the control of content back into the hands of the producer, and out of the hands of brands that own the hosting media (i.e. YouTube, TikTok, etc.), and consumers of media also get control over their data and how it's used. Currently, those who consume media allow hosting companies to harvest data produced during consumption. DAOs allow them to have more control over that data, including what is done with it, and how they get paid for producing said data.

Sandra Colton-Medici, founder and CEO at College of Style, spoke with CMSWire about two ways DAOs can be approached: the Performer Content Model or Platform Content Model. Brands that employ either a Performer Content Model or Platform Content Model will be mobilizing their audiences toward community building around newly created DAOs."

"While the Platform Content Model might be easier for businesses to identify with, based on developing a business strategy, the ability for businesses to pivot toward a Performer Content Model will benefit audiences more," explained Colton-Medici. "This content model will help brands connect audiences with content that is focused on immersive experiences, one of the key ingredients that will be heavily marketed by brands looking to innovate in the metaverse."

When it comes to DAOs, the key to understanding them is to think in terms of democracy, diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Colton-Medici offered up three DAOs that are great examples of this. The Red DAO is focused on growing a digital fashion ecosystem, World of Women's DaWoW is focused on increasing diversity and giving token holders voting eligibility on decisions that impact their community, while WOW Pixies' DAO wants to build a more inclusive and diverse Web3.

Related Article:A Look at the Way Organizations Are Using Voice of the Customer

For brands with close ties to their community of customers, which should be pretty much every brand, DAOs allow customers to become DAO members, which enables them to be a part of a community that participates in the active development of the brand. This direct involvement turns a loyal customer into a part of the brand itself, part of the brands tribe, a true brand advocate.

The real synergy for brands creating DAOs is to lead their messaging with how their customers can drive the actions taken by the DAO, how members' votes steer the DAO's mission and what kind of impact they can collectively have on the world, said Colton-Medici.

Jon Reynolds, marketing director for TreatDAO, and also an investor in the space, spoke with CMSWire about the ways DAOs are extremely useful for building community and forging closer relationships with customers and members. The org structure of mature DAOs is varied and complex, but in early stages, they are typically quite flat similar to how we at TreatDAO operate currently. This structure leads to a communal effort and thus forges relationships within the community as members work hand-in-hand to devise solutions to opportunities or problems that arise."

Brands that utilize DAOs to their full potential will be ahead of the game when it comes to customer-created content and engagement. One area where this can be really leveraged is in marketing/community engagement," said Reynolds. "Users are constantly engaging with one another in the community, organically generating content such as memes, jokes or another signifier that you're in the know.

"Getting this organic content in a form that can be easily sent across various channels isn't too difficult, meaning that if your community is active and engaged, you have a fairly consistent source of organic content material for your social channels. This makes it easier to identify and align with the brand, both reinforcing current members' affinity and also drawing in new potential members!

Social DAOs offer brands an opportunity to turn groups of loyal customers into contributing brand advocates. In general, DAOs have been proven to be effective coordinators, given there are volunteers ready and able to spend their time contributing to a cause, added Reynolds.

Service and media DAOs also offer an opportunity across many domains for brands to create third-party relationships with groups of users that would have compelling reasons to want brands to succeed because they have a financial stake in the longevity and success.

I believe that brands will soon realize the wealth of value that engaging with DAOs across multiple elements of their business: marketing, branding, product development, product testing, fundraising, community engagement & management, customer support, etc!" said Reynolds. "Similar to how brands have been purchasing NFTs to acquire citizenship in digital communities, such as Bored Apes, brands will reach out to form partnerships with specific DAOs."

Similar to what Reynolds referred to, many brands may consider a hybrid DAO model in which the brand retains control of time-sensitive business decisions, but DAOs make decisions (through voting) regarding other aspects of the business. In this way, brands would not lose control, but they would gain the best of both worlds, contribute to DAO members and continue to build community, brand loyalty and ROI.

One person,Yusuf Darrat, product development entrepreneur at Spark Inventing, told CMSWire he's doing just that. His brand plans to create a modified DAO where much of the decision-making is decentralized using smart contracts, leaving major decisions that involve a high level of complexity with many time-changing variables to be made without smart contracts, in the traditional way.

Whether Spark Inventing forms its own DAO, or simply forms relationships with other Service and Media DAOs, the unification of DAOs and Darrats brand will ultimately create a synergistic relationship that benefits the brand, its customers and the members of the DAOs.

DAOs will undoubtedly impact the creator economy, but they will also change the way brands do business as Web3 continues to evolve.

Media, Social and Service DAOs will play a larger role in brand strategy, decentralizing and democratizing many of a brands decision-making processes, putting control back in the hands of both content consumers and producers. DAOs will inevitably help brands build loyal and committed customer advocate communities.

Originally posted here:
How Will DAOs Change the Way Brands Do Business? - CMSWire

Task force says $25 million to promote domestic seafood is within reach – National Fisherman

The National Seafood Council Task Force made a crowd-pleasing plea to a packed conference room at Bostons Seafood Expo North America on Monday afternoon JOIN US!

Task force members on the panel and throughout the room coalesced around a single priority: to secure $25 million per year for five years in federal funds to be used to promote seafood. But to get there, they need industry signatures for the cause.

Sign your support for a National Seafood Marketing Campaign.

We risk losing seafood consumers if we are not unified in our voice and telling our truth and celebrating all that seafood has to offer, said panelist Jason Driskill, vice president of the Seafood division for Texas-based retailer H-E-B. We are united in this critical mission to support a healthier America.

Other commodity campaigns like milk, beef, eggs, avocados have millions a year to market their product, said Linda Lai Cornish, president of the Seafood Nutrition Partnership and host of the conference session. Avocados have gone from 1 pound per person per year to 8 pounds.

Although average domestic seafood consumption hit a record high of 19.2 pounds per person per year in 2019 and Datassential research shows an increased interest in seafood consumption for the health benefits since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 that number is still paltry in comparison to other animal proteins.

Americans right now are consuming about 97 pounds of poultry per capita per year and 59 pounds of beef, said panelist Joe Rosenberg, COO of Central Seaway Co., a seafood importer.

The mission of the national seafood marketing campaign would be to increase seafood consumption by focusing on its health benefits, which Cornish pointed out is something all stakeholders can agree on without causing strife among different user groups.

We need to focus on the consumer who is looking for protein that is healthy for them and can suit their needs to have a climate friendly diet, said Cornish. Seafood fulfills those.

One critical factor is updating scientific data with new information about seafood to counteract lingering misinformation about the safety of seafood consumption, specifically during pregnancy and in early childhood.

When SNP researchers joined by other researchers looked at the relationship between seafood consumption and pregnancy and neurocognitive development, we see almost nothing but positive effects, according to Dr. Tom Brenna, chairman of the Seafood Nutrition Partnership Scientific & Nutrition Advisory Council and professor at University of Texas-Austin, where he studies infant neurological development.

In fact, seafood is one of the few foods that delivers the kind of omega 3s that our brain is made of, Brenna added. Consumption sees positive benefits to 10 times the consumption of what we see in the states.

Other task force members pointed out that supporting this initiative is a win for the entire industry because the increase of seafood sales and consumption benefits all stakeholders.

It's not going to make you larger or gain a part of the pie, said Jim Motos, senior vice president of the Consumer Brands Division of Rich Products Corp. But your piece of the pie is going to grow because consumption is going to increase.

The broad-based approach is a significant opportunity to smaller businesses and independent fishermen, who rarely have the resources to tap into a national campaign.

This campaign will also provide an avenue for those smaller places the commercial fishermen, the smaller seafood businesses to lend their story and tell the consumer where their seafood comes from, said Leann Bosarge, head of New Business Development and Project Management at Bosarge Boats, based in Pascagoula, Miss.

Many stakeholders attending the conference session agreed that there is no better time to act than right now, as the fishing and seafood industries have been highlighted as critical to the domestic food supply during the supply-chain shutdowns and slowdowns of the pandemic.

Seafood is getting the attention it deserves. Its having a moment. We should make sure it's long-lasting, said Brett Veerhusen, founder of Ocean Strategies, a fisheries and marine resources consulting firm.

The National Seafood Council Task Force is composed of industry leaders collaborating to establish the National Seafood Council and conduct a National Seafood Marketing Campaign. The Seafood Nutrition Partnership is serving as the convening organization.

See the original post:
Task force says $25 million to promote domestic seafood is within reach - National Fisherman

How to Quickly and Reliably Scale Your Digital Agency in 2022 (and Beyond) – Influencive

Whether youre just starting a digital marketing agency or growing it, theres no time like the present to start scaling. Amidst the ever-changing, post-pandemic economy, businesses are scrambling to keep up with trends. And with the rapid expansion of e-commerce, digital marketing agencies are in high demand.

Since so many businesses have shifted to an online presence, digital marketing has become a necessity in order to stand out from the crowd. The trouble is that not everyone knows how to market their business.

According to Marketing Profs and the CMI, 63% of businesses dont have a documented content marketing strategy a troubling statistic for todays highly volatile business industry. Luckily, this is where your digital marketing agency comes into the picture. From SEO marketing to social media campaigning, its your job to help get the message of your clients brand to the rest of the world.

However, the true success of a digital marketing company lies in how to help they can market themselves. To truly reach new heights, scalability is key to helping your digital marketing agency continue moving forward. While this process can be painstaking, its worth putting in the time and effort to ensure your business is ready for growth.

When it comes to optimization, sometimes less is more.

Many businesses make the mistakes of drawing up overly detailed project proposals, requesting extra team meetings, underestimating project timelines, demanding strategy sessions that workers dont get paid for, and other meticulous requirements.

This is why learning how to optimize your workflow process is crucial to achieving growth. While some smaller businesses can afford to do such petty and painstaking tasks, a bigger agency could hardly stay afloat under such conditions.

Evaluating your current workflow process and identifying areas that create the biggest issues for your company can help you stay ahead of scaling pains. Pia Silva, founder of NO BS Agencies, talks on her blog about how optimizing workflow process helped her company become a more profitable service.

Ill be the first to preach that more is not always better. Less can sneak up and be way more than what it looks like, which is what we discovered with a product that helped us get out of debt, Silva writes.

We militantly limited the time and scope of this product and stuck to a strict, this-is-whats-included list with [our product], we knew exactly how long a project would take and when it would end, which eliminated all the complications that came with the long, drawn-out custom projects.

Whether that means streamlining your hiring process, arranging more concise campaign briefs, or condensing meetings so people can be more productive, optimizing your workflow can ease any growing pains for your company.

The entire goal of digital marketing agencies is to help other clients build their brands. However, its equally as important to build your own, especially if youre aiming to attract new leads. In some ways, you can use the same strategies you use for your clients to reach new customers and employees.

Receiving commendatory references, building video case studies, showing dedication in your email marketing, maintaining an active presence on social media, and updating your blog will show your clients your talents. By using your own agency as proof of your expertise, your agency can reach new leads and candidates.

As a digital marketing agency, regularly updating your content will not only help you retain your existing clients but also attract new ones. To do so, you must also maintain consistency in your content. According to the CMI, 32% of marketers think their content creation workflow is fair or poor, and an additional 60% find it hard to produce content consistently.

As a digital marketing agency, consistency in your content is directly related to how credible people think you are. The more consistency in your content, the more people will be willing to trust your agency.

A scaling digital marketing agency amounts to nothing without its clients. From the beginning of your scaling process, all the way to the end, its crucial to manna focus on building a relationship with all of your clients. Your clients want to feel valued, so be sure youre paying attention to their needs according to their individual businesses.

Leading your clients through each stage of their marketing campaigns will make them feel like you truly care about their brand. As time goes on, these clients will serve as big contributors to your eventual growth, and may even provide glowing testimonials for new clients.

Scaling a digital marketing agency is no easy undertaking. It will take an extensive amount of time, research, and effort to learn how to adapt your business to the ever-changing business climate.

Now, the demand for digital marketing agencies seems to be only increasing, but its your job to make sure your company is producing the highest quality services. Using the strategies and tips outlined in this article, you can begin working on preparing your digital marketing agency for future growth.

Published March 12th, 2022

See the rest here:
How to Quickly and Reliably Scale Your Digital Agency in 2022 (and Beyond) - Influencive

Netrush’s Joce Macdonald on the three priorities of successful ecommerce brands – Econsultancy

Joce Macdonald is Head of Growth Marketing at ecommerce accelerator Netrush, a company which provides everything from creative services to third party logistics.

I recently sat down with Joce to find out more about her role, her biggest professional achievements, and her predictions for how ecommerce will continue to evolve.

My day job is head of marketing at Netrush, which is a leading ecommerce accelerator that helps brands grow their sales, especially on We have our hands in everything from supply chain and logistics all the way through media and creative. Of course, no two days are alike, but on most, I have multiple meetings with business unit leaders to support the growth of our platform. I also work with our CEO on strategic initiatives to support our partnership program. On days like this, which are less frequent, I have interviews with publications interested in learning about my personal brand consultancy (Call Me Joce) and my experience in the self-care and ecommerce industries.

Days can be pretty long, but by 6 PM, Im at least winding down with my family. Like most people these days, email and administrative duties can feel endless, but I like to be present for my kids as well.

Its hard to be a successful brand in any year, but 2022 has had the added baggage of a Covid peak and a global supply chain that is still bent and twisted from the past 24 months. But I think the brands that will really shine will have three major priorities straight:

They get the foundation right. Retail dashboards lit up last year with wild variations in supply, demand, advertising, efficiency, and sales. A lot of brands found themselves out of their lanes and putting out fires rather than charting a strategic course. So, this quarter, tuning the system to get these fundamentals right is Job One. Brands will need to make sure they can get products in their customers hands (which was never an issue like it is now) as well as reach them with the right messages. Its definitely time to reset and get back to basics.

They know their customers. Customer understanding will also be critical. In an increasingly omni-platform, cookie-less world, it can seem daunting to understand your digital customers. However, if you want it, the data is there, and you can use it to formulate the right go-to-market strategies for your brand.

They understand and leverage customer lifetime value (CLV). Brand managers today have a diverse set of levers to drive growth, including media, content, social media, influencers, fulfillment, brand protection, and marketplace management. CLV can be the north star in prioritising actions across these limitless possibilities. A CLV focus also helps answer important questions about the balance between acquisition costs and value in a marketing environment that is more expensive than ever. Its important to know the answers to questions such as Am I overspending on lower value customers or Am I focusing enough on high-value customers? Do that, and youll be in a happy place.

There are so many possibilities here. Ill divide them into categories.

Host Defense (full disclosure, a Netrush partner) continues to impress me with their authenticity, innovation and customer loyalty. This mycelium-based supplement brand continues to maintain its market leading position amid a rapid growth of digitally native and other competition. By maintaining an almost magical convergence of health, science, authenticity, sustainability, loyalty and innovation, they are seeing good things happen.

Our industry has been majorly disrupted by the labor market. Its important to remember that people make your organisation thrive, and you have to invest in them, sometimes in creative ways, to succeed.

We will continue to invest in the capabilities that brands need to make a meaningful and valuable connection with their customers. For example, we acquired the automated marketing and optimisation platform Sellozo in 2021, which allows our partners to invest with confidence in Amazon advertising. We are also continuing to extend our platform to help meet brands where they are digitally native, naive, or mature and enable them all to thrive and grow.

Digital Shift Q1 2022 Chapter 1 Retail Trends

See the original post here:
Netrush's Joce Macdonald on the three priorities of successful ecommerce brands - Econsultancy