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The POZ 100 RZ – POZ – POZ

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Venita Ray

Houston, Texas

Venita RayCourtesy of Venita Ray

Venita Ray, JD, is the coexecutive director of PWN-USA and has more than 20 years of experience advocating for underserved communities on issues such as affordable housing, environmental justice, health care and HIV. She previously served on PWN-USAs board. Before PWN-USA, Venita was the public policy manager for Legacy Community Health in Houston, where she monitored HIV-related health policy and managed an advocacy training program for people living with HIV. In 2016, she led a citywide effort to end the HIV epidemic in Houston. She appeared on the POZ cover for the 2017 POZ 100, which celebrated women.

Jay Reed

San Diego, California

Jay ReedCourtesy of Jay Reed

As a peer case manager at Christies Place, where she has worked since 2010, Jay Reed is an amazing mentor and community advocate who has helped countless San Diegoarea women living with HIV find their self-worth and confidence. She works daily to help women living with HIV overcome barriers that prevent them from accessing and retaining medical care. She spearheaded a special support group for women with HIV over age 50. Jay is a member of the San Diego HIV Planning Group, and is the chair of the Faith-Based Action Committee of San Diego, of which shes been a member since 2012. Through PWN, she provided feedback on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy to the federal government. In 2018, she won the Brad Truax Award, given annually in recognition of outstanding contributions in the struggle against HIV/AIDS in the San Diego area.

Lepena Reid

Tampa, Florida

Lepena ReidCourtesy of Lepena Reid

Lepena Reid was helping people living with HIV even before her own diagnosis in 1988. Shes a vibrant and vocal advocate for people aging with HIV who are living with comorbidities. She also speaks out in support of women living with HIV, womens reproductive rights and survivors of intimate partner violence. Lepena has advocated to get more women of color involved in clinical trials and research. Shes a spokesperson for PWN-USA and was included in the 2018 POZ 100. For the past five years, she helped facilitate a national virtual support group for Black women living with HIV. As a member of Common Threads, a crafting collective of women with HIV, Lepena creates red ribbon earrings and other jewelry to raise HIV awareness and support.

Monica Lee Ridgeway

Frankfort, Kentucky

Monica Lee RidgewayCourtesy of Monica Lee Ridgeway

Monica Lee Ridgeway is the program manager, writer and creator of the innovative pilot program Kentucky Finding Cases Project. The program supports the national Ending the Epidemic plan by increasing HIV testing in rural areas considered hard to reach, increasing access to care to boost viral suppression rates among people living with HIV, addressing health inequities and raising awareness of PrEP. Monica is an advisory board member of the 20212023 Emory COMPASS Coordinating Center, where she works to address the HIV epidemic in the South. She was appointed as the 20202021 state representative for HIV advocacy focused on ending the epidemic. She also volunteers for the Life Development Corporation, a grassroots organization that empowers people through educational and economic growth.

Br Rivera

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Br RiveraCourtesy of Br Rivera

As a Black trans woman living with HIV, Br Rivera is passionate about helping to fund organizations spearheaded by Black queer and trans people. Thats why she founded the Black Trans Fund, the nations first fund to center joy and liberation in Black trans and gender-diverse communities. (She also serves as the funds program officer.) Br previously served as the executive director of Trans Sistas of Color Project, an organization she formed in Detroit. She worked as an HIV intervention specialist at Wayne State University of Medicine and as a research assistant at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. Shes on the boards of PWN-USA, Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico, Third Wave Fund and Grantmakers for Girls of Color. Plus, she currently serves as a U=U ambassador for the Prevention Access Campaign. She graced the cover of POZ in January 2020 and said, I am unapologetically creating something for Black trans folks.

Ace Robinson

Long Beach, California

Ace RobinsonCourtesy of Ace Robinson

Veteran health equity administrator Ace Robinson, MHL, MPH, has been fighting for effective and equitable access to HIV education and treatment for people of color for nearly two decades. He was an early and vocal proponent of the importance of treatment as prevention, especially for minority communities. Hes an original member of the U=U steering committee and a cochair of the Federal AIDS Policy Partnership, a national coalition of more than 120 local, regional and national organizations advocating for federal funding and legislation to end the HIV epidemic in the United States. He served as director of strategic partnerships for GMHC and led the Center to End the Epidemics at NMAC. Hes currently the chief mission officer of the COVID Clinic, which was founded by a group of individuals dedicated to providing COVID-19 testing for all.

Larry Scott-Walker

Atlanta, Georgia

Larry Scott-WalkerCourtesy of Larry Scott-Walker

Baltimore native Larry Scott-Walker is an author, poet and proud Black gay man living with HIV. His passion for helping others landed him at various community-based and AIDS service organizations, including AID Atlanta, before he cofounded, with Dwain Bridges and Daniel Driffin, Transforming HIV Resentments into Victories Everlasting Support Services (THRIVE SS), a support group for Black same-gender-loving men living with HIV. Larry is the groups executive director. Founded in 2015 and based in Georgia, THRIVE SS has branches in Tennessee, California, South Carolina, North Carolina and Washington, DC. The group provides both in-person and 24/7 online peer support services.

Jahlove Serrano

Staten Island, New York

Jahlove SerranoCourtesy of Jahlove Serrano

A Guatemalan-American Bronx native, Jahlove Serrano had a challenging childhood and was diagnosed with HIV at age 17. Today, hes a youth advocate, health educator, model, runway coach, drag queen and all-around entertainer. He works with the New York AIDS Institute, National Gay Mens Advocacy Coalition, the Global Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS and the White House. He currently appears in New Yorks statewide HIV Stops With Me campaign. Jahlove is an ambassador for Positively Fearless, a Janssen campaign that promotes living your best positive lifeand hes proof that you can.

Curtis Smith

Hemet, California

Curtis SmithCourtesy of Curtis Smith

Curtis Smith is the founder and CEO of the Families Living with AIDS Care Center, an HIV services agency in Hemet, California, about two hours southeast of Los Angeles. He founded the agency in 2004, when he, his wife and his daughter were extremely ill due to AIDS. The family had been unaware of the availability of lifesaving services for too long, and Curtis was determined not to let anyone in need in the Inland Empire region suffer the same fate. Hes currently the community cochair of the Inland Empire HIV Planning Council. Curtis says that, for him, serving others living with HIV is therapy. When Im helping others, Im not thinking about myself and my pain, he says.

Charles Stephens

Atlanta, Georgia

Charles StephensCourtesy of Charles Stephens

Charles Stephens is the founder and executive director of the Counter Narrative Project, which works to shift perceptions about Black gay men to change policy and improve lives. He served as the organizer for the historic 2014 conference Whose Beloved Community? Black Civil and LGBT Rights at Emory University. He also led the innovative social marketing campaign From Where I Stand for AID Atlanta. He coedited the anthology Black Gay Genius, which was a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award. Charles has been a CDC Institute for HIV Prevention leadership fellow, an Arcus Foundation executive director fellow and a Rockwood Leadership Institute fellow for racial and gender justice leaders in the HIV/AIDS movement.

Krishna Stone

New York, New York

For nearly 30 years, Krishna Stone has worked with GMHC, the worlds first provider of HIV prevention, care and advocacy. She began as a volunteer in 1993; in 2015, she was promoted to director of community relations, a position that keeps her busy writing media alerts, coordinating interviews and organizing community events. Her commitment to HIV advocacy has been recognized both locally and statewide. In 2021, Krishna told CBS, As a straight ally, I think its important for me to be of service, and that means to be of service to the LGBT+ community, to be of service to people living with and affected by HIV and AIDS.

Robert Suttle

New York, New York

Robert SuttleCourtesy of Robert Suttle

HIV is not a crime! For Robert Suttle, the phrase is more than a slogan or campaign to end HIV crime laws. In 2008, after a bad breakup, his former partner called the police and accused Robert, who is living with HIV, of not disclosing his status. Charged with a felony and incarcerated for six months in Louisiana, Robert emerged from the ordeal as an outspoken and knowledgeable activist about HIV criminalization (youll frequently find him speaking about the topic on panels and Zoom events). He is the chair of The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation Council of Justice Leaders, an adviser for the HIV Justice Networks Global Advisory Panel and a founding member of the Sero Project, which works to end HIV criminalization, mass incarceration, racism and social injustice.

Jasmine Tasaki

Memphis, Tennessee

Jasmine TasakiCourtesy of Jasmine Tasaki

In 2017, Jasmine Tasaki, a transgender woman of color, founded WeCareTN, a Memphis nonprofit that advocates for trans women of color who are current or former sex workers and provides direct programs and services. She uses harm reduction, healing justice and transformative justice frameworks in her work. She is the policy advocate for Black and Pink, a national prison abolition group focused on LGBTQ and/or HIV-positive people. Jasmine has worked as a PrEP navigator, HIV counselor, sexual health educator and cultural competency facilitator for the Memphis Police Department. She was also the first leader of trans experience in the National Urban League of Young Professionals and was previously an ambassador for the Black AIDS Institute. She stays grounded in hopes that her work can really impact the community.

LaDawn Tate

Detroit, Michigan

LaDawn TateCourtesy of LaDawn Tate

After attending a Positive Womens Health Speak Up Summit, LaDawn Tate was motivated to become more involved in HIV advocacy work. She currently cochairs the Southeastern Michigan HIV/AIDS Council, where she helped implement an HIV advocacy training program called Project LEAP (Learning, Empowerment, Advocacy and Participation). LaDawn is also an advocate for women living with HIV and formed a support group called Detroit RISE (Respect Is Empowerment), which helps women have conversations about their journey with HIV. An intervention specialist at Corktown Health Center, LaDawn says she will fight HIV until the very end.

Tyler TerMeer

Portland, Oregon

Tyler TerMeerCourtesy of Tyler TerMeer

Tyler TerMeer, PhD, aspired to have a career in theater, but after he tested positive in 2004, he dedicated himself to supporting and advocating for people living with HIV. Seventeen years later, hes the chief executive officer of Cascade AIDS Project. The oldest and largest provider of HIV services in Oregon and Southwest Washington, Cascade AIDS is also the home of Prism Health, Oregons first federally qualified health center focused on LGBTQ+ people. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Tyler joined other Black leaders and Black-led organizations to create the Oregon Cares Fund for Black Relief and Resilience, a financial lifeline for the states Black community.

Marvell L. Terry II

Chicago, Illinois

Marvell L. Terry IIJonathan Timmes

A senior program manager for the Southern HIV Impact Fund at AIDS United, Marvell L. Terry II is a public health strategist, community builder and thought leader. A Memphis native, he began his HIV work linking newly diagnosed individuals to care and identifying and supporting those who had not been adherent to their health care plan. He is the founder of the annual Saving Ourselves Symposium, a conference for Black LGBTQ people living in the South that addresses the health and wellness of this population as well as the social injustices it faces. This brave gathering is now convened by the Southern AIDS Coalition. Marvell is the founder of BLK.Affirm, a digital mental health awareness initiative that reaches Black gay and same-gender-loving men. He previously founded The Red Door Foundation and Netherwood Consulting Group.

Kerry Thomas

Boise, Idaho

Kerry ThomasCourtesy of Kerry Thomas

In 2009, Kerry Thomas was sentenced to two consecutive 15-year sentences in prison for not disclosing his HIV status to a sexual partner who did not contract the virus from him. (He maintains that he was undetectable and used a condom.) Kerry has been an HIV decriminalization activist since 2014, when he spoke from prison via a TV feed at the first HIV is Not a Crime conference. He has also spoken to the media about care conditions for prisoners living with HIV. He has served on the board of the Sero Project since 2013 and in 2016 helped create a peer mentor program for newly arriving prisoners. In November 2020, Kerrys sentence was commuted; he will be eligible for parole in September 2023.

Alecia Tramel

Miami, Florida

Alecia TramelCourtesy of Alecia Tramel

When Alecia Tramel noticed that people living with HIV lacked social support, she created the Positive People Network in 2015. The organization provides opportunities for meaningful connections and networking through social activities meant to empower, strengthen and uplift people living with HIV. Alecia is currently the Florida state lead for PWN-USA. Shes also a member of the Black Treatment Advocates Network, the Southern AIDS Coalition, the Florida Community Health Worker Coalition and the Florida HIV Justice Coalition. She is a blogger for The Well Project and was inducted into SisterLoves 2020 Leading Womens Society. Alecia fights HIV criminalization laws in her home state and works closely with homeless people. Those who know her describe her as a powerhouse. We can see why!

Racquelle Trammell

Detroit, Michigan

Racquelle TrammellCourtesy of Racquelle Trammell

Miss Mouthy amplifies the voices of transgender women of color in Detroit. Hosted by the outspoken Racquelle Trammell, the podcast includes interviews with community leaders and offers listeners numerous HIV and health resources. As a researcher at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, Racquelle is a member of the Love Her Collective, a community-academic partnership between the school and the Trans Sistas of Color Project. She also helps women overcome trauma, including trauma related to HIV and stigma, through the intervention group Kickin It With the Gurlz. As if that werent enough, shes the proud mom of a 5-year-old daughter. Everything I do, Racquelle says, is for her.

Lynette Trawick

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Lynette TrawickCourtesy of Lynette Trawick

As a mother of 11 children, Lynette Trawick knows a thing or two about family life. And as the founder and ministry leader of I Am U, she uses her experience and wisdom to help guide and support women living with HIV as well as serodiscordant couples and children of parents who have been diagnosed with HIV. In addition to doing public speaking and facilitating workshopsshe participated in Iris Houses 2020 Women as the Face of AIDS Summit Lynette documents the challenges she faces as a woman living with HIV online in her candid blog posts for The Well Project.

Masonia Traylor

Atlanta, Georgia

Masonia TraylorCourtesy of Masonia Traylor

Masonia Traylor is a community advisory board member of The Well Project, a long-standing nonprofit with a focus on women and girls living with HIV. Shes also a member of the University of Houstons SUSTAIN Advocacy Group. Since her own diagnosis in 2010 at age 23, Masonia has served as a youth representative and volunteer for numerous organizations, including Georgias Community HIV Prevention Planning Group, SisterLove, AID Atlanta and the Ryan White Planning Council. A much sought-after advocate and speaker and onetime PWN-USA Shero of the Month, she facilitates groups for women living with HIV and shares her own experiences as a mother living with the virus to help defeat the internalized stigma that keeps HIV-positive women from enjoying the lives they deserve. Shes also the founder of Lady BurgAndy, a nonprofit that focuses on health and wellness initiatives for youth, women and people living with HIV/AIDS.

Joyce Turner Keller

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Joyce Turner KellerCourtesy of Joyce Turner Keller

Joyce Turner Keller is an ordained archbishop who uses art, community organizing and theater to address stigma in churches across the country. She has lived with HIV for more than 20 years and is the founder and CEO of Aspirations, a nonprofit HIV service organization. Through her advocacy, shes tested thousands of people and connected many to care. Joyce has led many conversations about the effectiveness of PrEP and the concept of U=U. She continues to educate Black people, especially African-American women, about the importance of sexual health whenever and wherever she can. She was previously honored on the 2016 POZ 100.

Jason Walker

Brooklyn, New York

Jason Walker began their career as an activist while protesting for racial justice as a student at the University of Louisville. After the murder of Trayvon Martin, they led a march and rally that gave rise to the development of the Louisville, Kentucky, chapter of Black Lives Matter. After their HIV diagnosis, they moved to New York City and began organizing at VOCAL-NY as the groups HIV campaign coordinator. Jason recently served as the senior grassroots coordinator at Health GAP (Global Access Project). In 2019, their activism was recognized with the Ali Forney Centers 2019 Luminary Award. They are a leader within the house and ballroom community as a member of the Legendary House of Garon (CDG Pro).

Dafina Ward

Bluffton, South Carolina

Dafina WardCourtesy of Dafina Ward

As executive director of the Southern AIDS Coalition, Dafina Ward is fighting the HIV epidemic in the South, which accounts for an estimated 51% of new HIV cases annually. She is passionate about uplifting the voices of people living with HIV and providing them with access to the resources they need. She was previously a project director at AIDS Alabama and served as the organizations director of prevention and community partnerships. In 2019, she helped launch the Southern HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, which is observed each August 20. Dafina believes its important to empower people to be their own advocates and to show them how to be involved in fighting and preventing HIV. If we want to end the epidemic on a national level, she says, everyone has to care about what happens in the South.

Darrell P. Wheeler

New Rochelle, New York

Darrell P. WheelerCourtesy of Darrell P. Wheeler

Darrell P. Wheeler, PhD, MPH, MSW, is a researcher with extensive experience in health disparities concerning Black MSM. He has led numerous HIV prevention and intervention studies, including serving as protocol cochair for HPTN 061, a study to explore the feasibility of a peer health navigation intervention with Black MSM, and as principal investigator for Black Men Evolving (B-ME), a study evaluating locally developed HIV prevention interventions. Darrell currently serves as the provost and senior vice president of academic affairs at Iona College in New York and was named a member of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS. Of his new appointment, he says, I remain dedicated to promoting continued movement to end the AIDS epidemic and to promoting engagement of underrepresented minorities in HIV prevention sciences, care and treatment on an even larger scale.

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Hyundai Partners With Culture Brands To Launch First Black Marketing Campaign – Because of Them We Can

Theyre committed to creating a more inclusive marketplace!

Hyundai Newsrecently reported the launch of its first Black marketing campaign, created by Culture Brands.

This past summer, Hyundai made history, bringing on Culture Brands as its firstBlack marketing agency. Founded by advertising veteran Eunique Jones Gibson in 2017, the agency exists solely to bring an authentic representation of Black people to the marketplace. This includes Because Of Them We Can, #CultureTags, and Dream Village, which are under the Culture Brands umbrella.

Now, theyve released Hyundais first Black marketing campaign, entitledOKAY Hyundai, which features the all-new 2022 Hyundai Tucson Plug-in Hybrid (PHEV) and the 2022 Santa Fe Plug-in Hybrid (PHEV).

OKAY is defined as a word that is used to express assent, agreement, or acceptance. In the African American community, placing OKAY before something is the quintessential way things worth noticing are acknowledged. Together, its the perfect nod to Hyundai and to our prospective buyers, Gibson said.

The new campaign features television, radio, creative, digital, social media, and influencer programming, as well as branded content developed with several media partners. Using insights gained from consumer research and real-time polling through Because of Them We Can, the campaigns messaging is embedded with cultural references that are the hallmark of the Culture Brands creative recipe.

We set out to make our marketing more inclusive, and representative and the result is working with Culture Brands to launch theOKAY Hyundaicampaign to promote the 2022 Hyundai Tucson PHEV and the 2022 Hyundai Santa Fe PHEV in a culturally relevant way. What makes this campaign unique is its relatability which we feel broadens Hyundais voice in the marketplace, said Angela Zepeda, CMO, Hyundai Motor America.

Brim & Brew, a Black-owned production company, worked alongside Culture Brands, ensuring that people of color were represented throughout all aspects of the production. What resulted was palpable chemistry in the first two commercials and a ton of behind-the-scenes footage that will be utilized as a part of the campaigns social strategy.

As important as the cultural insights were to the creative, they were also used as a tool for the media placement. We are reintroducing Hyundai to the community as a viable option for new vehicle prospects, while showcasing the PHEV quality, benefits, and capabilities of these vehicles, said Erik Thomas, senior group manager, experiential & multicultural marketing, Hyundai Motor America.

Check out the first two commercials for theOKAY Hyundaicampaign below.

OK Hyundai! Because of you, we can!

Photo Courtesy of Hyundai USA

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Hyundai Partners With Culture Brands To Launch First Black Marketing Campaign - Because of Them We Can

How Ubisofts platform-first approach helped its Far Cry 6 marketing campaign stand out – Digiday

In a bid to widen its player base and capture the attention of an inundated mobile audience, Ubisoft changed gears with its Far Cry 6 marketing campaign by creating targeted content for each social platform and enlisting the actor Giancarlo Esposito to star in fourth-wall-breaking ads.

If you identify even vaguely as a gamer, you were probably aware of the Oct. 7 release of Far Cry 6, the latest installment in Ubisofts popular first-person shooter series. The last edition of Far Cry came out almost four years ago, and Far Cry 6 is being released into a very different landscape. Though games were already well on their way to becoming mainstream in 2018, that process has accelerated significantly due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Ubisoft is looking to expand its audience accordingly.

We needed to attract younger audiences, with a specific focus on the 1824 demographic that has potential for developing a longer-lasting and deep relationship with the Far Cry franchise as we continue to evolve, said Ubisoft brand manager Angela Lin. Younger audiences live and breathe digital, which is why our launch campaign was digital-first.

The cross-platform campaign had Ubisoft and creative agency Funworks working closely with social platforms to create bespoke content for each. Across platforms, the crux of the campaign was Giancarlo Esposito, who played the role of Antn Castillo, the fictional villain of Far Cry 6. In various ads, Esposito taunts players for failing to win the game, shares gameplay tips and directs bone-chilling stares at the camera. All of our videos from this campaign have a 99%+ like ratio on YouTube, said Lin, pointing out that independent fan-made compilations of the ads have attracted hundreds of thousands of views.

The campaign was the brainchild of Funworks, whose ideation process involves workshops with comedians and improvisers who get a sneak preview of the game. It was this approach, which Funworks CEO Paul Charney describes as the science of fun, that helped convince Ubisoft to break the fourth wall and address players directly via the Esposito ads. Humor is saying the quiet part loud, Charney said.

Once they nailed down the big idea of enlisting Esposito, the creatives at Funworks brought the idea to social platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook to figure out how best to execute on each. Of the participating platforms, Snapchat was particularly engaged, according to Funworks co-founder Kenny White. A couple big things really stood out, White said. For me, I think one is that they showed us their best-performing ads, which became a blueprint for the drily humorous Esposito ads.

This enthusiasm lines up with Snapchats push to take advantage of its growing gaming audience. And while the pseudo-interactive and heavily auditory nature of the Esposito ads make them a natural fit for Snapchat, this seamlessness was a natural result of Ubisoft and Funworks platform-first approach. By working that far upstream, Funworks was able to develop creative in line with Snaps best practices, said Clayton Peters, head of U.S. Verticals at Snap, pointing out that 58% of Snapchatters are console gamers, according to Q4 2020 data from GWI.

That said, the feedback for Ubisofts Esposito-led marketing campaign has not been entirely positive; for a minority of consumers, increased interactivity and fourth-wall breakage can be uncomfortable. For example, some players were disturbed when they received emails purportedly from the Far Cry 6 villain taunting them for giving up and listing gameplay stats such as hours played and number of weapons collected. But the email side of the campaign was entirely separate from Funworks social platform push, and the team we worked with at Ubisoft actually wasnt on top of that either, Charney said.

Dissenters notwithstanding, Ubisofts unusual Far Cry 6 campaign has received a warm reception from audience members across platforms. Though formal results for the campaign are still forthcoming, the game developer already plans to apply the lessons its learned to more platform-first campaigns in the future.

Leaning into the behavior of consumers on each platform and tailoring assets to that behavior has been a huge learning for how to stand out in a positive way, Lin said. Replicate that across multiple social and other channels, and youre onto something that will delight consumers and make your campaign unmissable.

How Ubisoft’s platform-first approach helped its Far Cry 6 marketing campaign stand out

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How Ubisofts platform-first approach helped its Far Cry 6 marketing campaign stand out - Digiday

Global Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) Business Model Trends Report 2021: Key Drivers, Challenges, and Major Technologies that will Drive Innovation -…

DUBLIN, Nov. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Trend Opportunity Profiles: Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) Business Model" report has been added to's offering.

This study explores the evolving customer journey across a wide range of online and offline D2C models, key drivers influencing growth, challenges that lie ahead, and major technologies that will drive innovation in this space.

The convergence of transformational Mega Trends and disruptive technologies emerging from the new retail shift will result in new growth opportunities in this space, including social marketing and commerce integration, software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms for supply chain management, and vertical integration to improve profit margins.

In 2020, 59% of customers preferred to shop online. Customers emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic expect seamless digital shopping experiences and direct interaction with brands. In fact, customers are more willing to switch to brands that offer complete transparency and accountability.

In the post-pandemic retail era defined by ease of access and personalization, direct-to-consumer (D2C) is emerging as a business model that offers end-to-end customer service without the need for traditional intermediaries. The eCommerce boom and the increasing demand for digital shopping experiences are driving the growth of digital-native brands and the shift to digital business models. In fact, social commerce and influencer marketing are emerging as two key factors contributing to successful customer outreach and retention.

Looking ahead, the deployment of emerging technologies, such as AR/VR, data analytics, chatbots, and blockchain, will drastically improve online customer experience and improve supply chain transparency. A strong data-driven strategy will emerge as the key solution to understanding customer behavior and offering a holistic customer experiences.

Technologies will mature, become less expensive, and make it easy for new participants to penetrate the market and offer better customer experience. To create differentiation, brands will need to influence customer habits and find new ways to promote and sell their products.


Key Topics Covered:

1. Strategic Imperative

2. Executive Dashboard

3. Trend Opportunity Analysis

4. Growth Opportunity Universe

5. Next Steps

6. Appendix

For more information about this report visit

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Global Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) Business Model Trends Report 2021: Key Drivers, Challenges, and Major Technologies that will Drive Innovation -...

Know How Energy Drinks May Double Its Market Size in Years to Come – Energy Siren

Advance Market Analytics published a new research publication on Energy Drinks Market Insights, to 2026 with 232 pages and enriched with self-explained Tables and charts in presentable format. In the Study you will find new evolving Trends, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities generated by targeting market stakeholders. The growth of the Energy Drinks market is mainly driven by the increasing R&D spending across the world.

Get Free Sample Copy with TOC, Graphs & List of Figures @

Some of the key players profiled in the study are:

Red Bull (Austria),Monster (United States),Rockstar (United States),Pepsico (United States),Big Red (United States),Arizona (United States),National Beverage (United States),

Energy drinks are classified under beverages that contains high level of stimulant ingredients such as caffeine, sugars and other supplements. Energy drinks market is expected to mark significant growth over forecasted period owing to increasing consumers spending on health consciousness products, providing organic food & beverages and product innovation. There has been significant rise in number of young adults age between 20 to 39 consuming energy drinks with figure stood up to 5.5% in 2016 up from 0.5% in 2003 at United States, the future energy drinks looks promising. Energy drinks offers health benefits, other energy supplements ingredients which offers instant energy and provide output. This result in rising popularity of sugar free energy drinks and escalating need for low calorie energy drinks, and growing popularity of consumer health & fitness may trigger demand and help in industry expansion.

The titled segments and sub-section of the market are illuminated below:

Type (Drinks, Shots, Mixers), Application (Teenagers, Adults, Geriatric Population), Distribution Channels (Supermarkets/ Hypermarkets, Food Services, Online Retail, Specialist Store, Others), Packaging (Bottle (Pet/Glass), Can, Others)

The Energy Drinks Market report provides a basic overview of the industry including its definition, geography segment, end use/application segment and competitor segment and manufacturing technology. Then, the report explores the international major industry players in detail.

Market Trends:

Growing Demand For Organic Products

Rising demand of Energy Drinks by sports personality.

Market Drivers:

Increasing Consumption of Energy Drinks by Young Adults and Adolescents.

Rapid Demand due to Consumer Focus on Low Calorie Energy Drinks.


Limitation Due to Excess Intake Leads to Health Risk Such as Sleeplessness, Abnormal Heart Rhythms and Others Are Anticipated to Challenge the Market.

Stringent Government Regulation Threat the Energy Drinks Market.

Fluctuation of Raw Materials is Antic


Proliferation of Energy Drink at Social Gatherings, Parties and Celebrations.

Upsurge Demand of High Alcoholic Energy Drinks.

Rising Demand due to Celebrity Endorsement through Social Marketing.

Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa

Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.

Have Any Questions Regarding Energy Drinks Market Report, Ask Our [emailprotected]

Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Energy Drinks Market:

Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Energy Drinks market

Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary the basic information of the Energy Drinks Market.

Chapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Energy Drinks

Chapter 4: Presenting the Energy Drinks Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.

Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region

Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Energy Drinks market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile

Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions.

Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source

Research Methodology:

-The top-down and bottom-up approaches are used to estimate and validate the size of the global Energy Drinks market.

-In order to reach an exhaustive list of functional and relevant players who offer Energy Drinks various industry classification standards are closely followed such as NAICS, ICB, SIC to penetrate deep in important geographies.

-Thereafter, a thorough validation test is conducted to reach most relevant players specifically having product line i.e. Energy Drinks.

-In order to make priority list sorting is done based on revenue generation as per latest reporting with the help of paid databases such as Factiva, Bloomberg etc.

-Finally, the questionnaire is set and specifically designed to address all the necessities for primary data collection after getting prior appointment. This helps us to gather the data for the players revenue, profit, products, growth etc.

-Almost 80% of data is collected through primary medium and further validation is done through various secondary sources that includes Regulators, World Bank, Association, Company Website, Annual reports, press releases etc.

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Contact Us:

Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager)AMA Research & Media LLPUnit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJNew Jersey USA 08837Phone: +1 (206) 317 1218[emailprotected]

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