Archive for the ‘Social Marketing’ Category

Tech CMOs Shift Marketing Efforts to The Digital Relationship – ResponseSource

The brightest minds in technology marketing have paved a progressive path for future social media marketing activities

Interviews with tech CMOs and Marketers at large brands reveal a shift in marketing focus

Following detailed interviews with CMOs from large technology brands, five trends surfaced that reveal a shift in focus from lead generation to building digital relationships. The 50+ page Technology CMO Outlook report unlocks deep insights and thinking from marketing leaders, to understand how they helped to not only navigate unprecedented challenges but unlock business value and opportunity from it too.

Copy House and immediate future collaborated to interview CMOs and Marketers from brands including Adobe, Worldpay, Siemens and SAP. The in-depth insight reveals five core trends in marketing that reveal a shift in approach. As said several times by contributors, there is a move to serve, not sell

Kathryn Strachan, MD at Copy House says: The change in direction, driven largely by the pandemic, saw marketers move to align more closely with customers and sales teams. The need to compensate for cancelled events and switch from promotional content to more helpful content, fundamentally change the marketing approach: refocusing efforts on delivering meaningful value that would make the audiences lives easier and reduce some of their stress by concentrating on solving pain points.

Conversations surfaced the need to build stronger better customer relationships. It also identified new approaches - the likely permanent move to more hybrid led events; the substantial re-evaluation of the Martech stack; and the desire to slow down and be empathetic to customers. What was clear throughout discussions was that social media played a significant part in their plans for the year ahead.

Colin Jacobs, Managing Director at immediate future, says: The brightest minds in technology marketing have paved a progressive path for future social media marketing activities. Realising the importance of learning from human behaviours and data, marketers deliver contextual storytelling across a suite of assets, they have nudged and nurtured customers by delivering relevance at scale.

Jacobs identifies a significant focus on excellence and best practice in social: Theres resounding support of quality over quantity, that cuts through the social noise and builds closer, more personal, customer relationships. To create content that your audience cares about and engage with, means you can no longer just pull apart a white paper and fluff a few try now or find out more posts. Thats lazy and boring social content and its clear from these leading marketers that success is found in being serious about social media marketing and striving to break the social boring!.

The Technology CMO Outlook report is available free for download at


Want juicy insights, news and more infoGive Katy Howell a call on 07803 898511 or oh! And of course, on Twitter @katyhowell

Who the bloomin hell are we?With 16 years doing the social media marketing thing, we know our LinkedIn from our Pinterest! Were the peeps that define social marketing! Were loved by the press (yes really), appear on TV and radio news as experts (BBC, Reuters etc) and speak at a shed load of events. Why because we work with big brands, know our stuff and love to share knowledge with everyone. Just look @IF Tweeter!

And yes, we are award-winning, respected, leading . Yada yada yada

Nitty gritty: The clients that love to work with usMission Foods, AHDB, Google EMEA, BRITA, HSBC NOW, Cats Protection, Marstons Plc, Interflora, Fujitsu, Princess Cruises, BBC, Diageo Global, Sony Music, Ubisoft, Selfridges, Indesit, Post Office, Hotpoint, JD Williams, General Medical Council (GMC), HoMedics, IBM, HSBC, BT, Royal Collection Trust, ASOS, NSPCC, EMI, Thomson Reuters, Baileys, Motorola Solutions, Orange Business, Silverpop, Sony Europe, Staples Europe, EC Harris, Ideal Shopping Direct, Basware. And bloody loads more, but we dont want to bore you

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Do you want to learn more about content marketing, and Copy House?Contact Kathryn Strachan via email,

Who are we?Copy House is an award-winning content marketing agency specialising in helping technology & FinTech brands bring their vision to life. Our vision is to empower leading technology brands and innovative startups to challenge the status quo with content that inspires their target audiences and boosts sales revenue.

Content Marketing Specialists Trusted ByKlarna, Travelex, Modulr, 365 Business Finance, Anyblock Analytics, Money Dashboard, A&O IT Group, INAA: Association of International Accountants & Auditors, ddroidd, Instanda, and more.

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Tech CMOs Shift Marketing Efforts to The Digital Relationship - ResponseSource

Harnessing COVID-19 To Reboot Business Of Life Experts Share Tips At JIMS Conclave – Outlook India

An international conference organised last month by Jagannath International Management School, Vasant Kunj has injected belief that the neo-normal has the potential to pave a better future for mankind.

At a time when COVID is being seen as all doom and gloom, an array of speakers, including marketing gurus, CEOs and business stalwarts narrated their life experiences to highlight how life and livelihoods are being salvaged.

The international conference on "Management Strategies: Retrieval, Resilience and Re-modelling in Post-COVID World" could not have been better timed. Philip Kotler, Rohit Khosla of India Hotels Private Limited, Justin Paul of IIM Kozhikode, Neeraj Walia of Montblanc, Sanjay Bhan of HeroMotocorp, talent coach Luk Dewulf and Viola Edward de Glanville, a famous psychotherapistand breathworker, were among the speakers.

Professor Paul probably put the conference in perspective. He said: Covid-19 is a ray of challenges and opportunities and how important it was to manage ourselves and our businesses strategically, diplomatically and sincerely since global economy is expected to shrink and labour-intensive industries will face more challenges.

Professor Kotler, whose words have wisdom have won him the title of father of modern marketing, advised a more humanitarian approach and told business leaders to eschew a profit-making mindset because times were rapidly changing due to the more than year-long pandemic.

The nonagenarian Kotler, who was born in Chicago and authored over 80 books, has created a concept of social marketing that focuses on healthier and safer living styles. Its his belief that stakeholders hold the key to the future and companies should give them priority over shareholders.

Professor Justin Paul at the conference. There is a solution for every problem if the mind is positive, he said

No doubt, shareholders are very important to give a strong financial foundation to the business but it is important not to think in terms of profit margins but in terms of making world a better place to live and sustain to be able to pass it to the next generation, said Kotler.

Khosla echoed Kotlers sentiment and said how the hotel industry in India was already putting humanity ahead of dwindling profit margins during pandemic times. Khosla said how the Indian Hotels Company Limited had converted hotels into temporary COVID isolation wards and provided beds, ventilators and free meals. Despite the financial constraints, the hotel industry managed to save the jobs of permanent employees but failed to protect vendors on contract.

Both Dewulf and Dr De Glanville talked about stress management and health. Dewulf explained how workflow and talent were interrelated. Flow helps to work hard without making us feel tired. It makes us feel relaxed and highly motivated at the same time, he said.

Saying how important it is for workers to be joyous in work and be socially engaged, Dr De Glanville said how modern leaders and managers could include emotional intelligence and mental fitness in their training strategies.

Professor Paul indicated how the new has overtaken the old as concepts have changed with time. We need to rewrite and rethink our traditional ways of businesses so that it will be easy to manage the businesses in the new era, he said.

In a question-answer session with students, Professor Paul said there was enormous scope for small businesses and start-ups during COVID times. Performance is the function of potential, process, path, pace and problems and one should always prepare the business plan properly, he advised.

The entire conference was full of guru mantras. CEOs like Walia would surely have penned down a few notes because at the end of the day, Montblanc will still have to write its profits but the path can be less ruthless and more humane.

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Harnessing COVID-19 To Reboot Business Of Life Experts Share Tips At JIMS Conclave - Outlook India

Sephora Announces Third Class Of Its #SephoraSquad Beauty Influencer Program – Tubefilter

Sephora has unveiled the 73 creators it has selected to serve as part of the third annual #SephoraSquad.

The beauty giants yearlong, paid influencer program provides resources and mentorship to emerging creators, who in turn participate in the companys social marketing campaigns.

The digital application process for creators in the U.S. and Canada saw 30,000 influencers apply in 2021. And this years class is particularly diverse, Sephora says, with 79% identifying as people of color 30% of whom are Black, and 24% being Hispanic or Latino. Sephora notes it also sought diversity in terms of tapping LGBTQ+ creators, vloggers of different ages, and male beauty influencers.

Once selected, Squad members not only participate in marketing initiatives but also receive early access to free products and the chance to be featured on Sephoras flagship channels. The #SephoraSquad is also invited to attend industry events for peer and professional coaching, as well as the opportunity to interface with both leading Sephora executives and beauty brand founders.

All told, Sephora says previous Squad members increased their own Instagram followings by 18.5% and YouTube subscribers by 15.11% from May 2020 to Feb. 2021. Squad members have participated in a total of 150 campaigns that comprise over 5,000 social posts to date from Instagram to TikTok to YouTube. This years class placed a particular emphasis on TikTok, Sephora notes, increasing its reach on the platform over last year by 93%, to the tune of 5.7 million total followers among the 2021 class.

You can check out the full 2021 roster including makeup artists Stephanie Glamzilla Valentine, Ndeye Peinda, Sonia Valencia, and skincare guru Mykel Neri on the programs official website.

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Sephora Announces Third Class Of Its #SephoraSquad Beauty Influencer Program - Tubefilter

How YouTube and Facebook video consumption exploded during the pandemic: Datacenter Weekly –

Welcome to Ad Age Datacenter Weekly, our data-obsessed newsletter for marketing and media professionals. Reading this online? Sign up to get it delivered to your inbox here.

U.S. media ad revenue is poised to make a 22% jump in 2021, a far rosier picture than predicted even just a few months ago, according to GroupMs mid-year forecast, Ad Ages I-Hsien Sherwood reports. After a devastating year due to pandemic losses, the March forecast from the WPP agency projected a robust 15% comeback, but strong results from big tech companies have boosted the outlook substantially.

Essential context: U.S. agency revenue tumbled 6.8% in 2020 as fallout from the pandemic pushed the economy and agencies into a deep downturn, according to Ad Age Datacenters annual Agency Report. That was the second-sharpest drop since we began producing Agency Report in 1945. But the agency business is coming back amid a resurgent economy. Read Bradley Johnsons Ad Age Agency Report 2021 executive summary here.

InfoSum wants to improve ad targeting by making the consumer data its clients store easier to share through InfoSum Bridge, Ad Ages Mike Juang reports.

Essential context: The company currently sells infrastructure that can process consumer data stored on a clients system into identity graphs, Juang adds. The graphs, which InfoSum calls bunkers, are then analyzed or passed along, ensuring the consumer data used to build the graphs never leaves storage and protecting user privacy. InfoSum says Bridge now makes it easier to share this information.

Keep reading here.

The Global Video Measurement Alliancewhich includes Tubular Labs (the social video measurement platform that serves as the data supplier for the GVMA), Group Nine, Discovery, Digitas, ViacomCBS, BuzzFeed and other major playersis out with a new report titled Discovering Audiences on Social Video. Among the most striking revelations are the ones that have to do with the explosion of social video during the pandemic. Specifically:

Social video reach across YouTube and Facebook in the U.S. grew by 55% from February 2020 to February 2021.

During that same period, social video consumptionas measured by total watch timeacross YouTube and Facebook grew dramatically across all age groups in the U.S.: 62% for 13-to-17-year-olds,42% for 18-34, 49% for 35-54, and 52% for 55+.

Learn more: You can download a copy of the report here.

Taking on Adobe and Salesforce: Why Zeta Globals co-founder sees opportunity in the shift to digital, from Ad Age.

A (massive) new trove of data for AI: U.S. Launches Task Force to Open Government Data for AI Research, The Wall Street Journal reports.

ICYMI: U.S. advertising employment barely moved in May as ad staffing plateaus, per Ad Age.

Amazon Web Services under threat: Alleged Capitol rioter pleads guilty to plotting to blow up Amazon data center, per Fox News.

Hacked: EA got hit by a data breach, and hackers are selling source code, per the Verge. See also: Ten years of breaches in one image, also from The Verge.

Privacy watch: As ad tech firms test ways to connect Googles FLoC to other data, privacy watchers see fears coming true, per Digiday.

The newsletter is brought to you by Ad Age Datacenter, the industrys most authoritative source of competitive intel and home to the Ad Age Leading National Advertisers, the Ad Age Agency Report: Worlds Biggest Agency Companies and other exclusive data-driven reports. Access or subscribe to Ad Age Datacenter at

Ad Age Datacenter is Kevin Brown, Bradley Johnson and Catherine Wolf.

This weeks newsletter was compiled and written by Simon Dumenco.

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How YouTube and Facebook video consumption exploded during the pandemic: Datacenter Weekly -

First cruise ship to arrive in Barbados under new COVID protocols – Nation News

Posted on June 6, 2021

Minister of Tourism Senator Lisa Cummins (GP)

The Celebrity Millennium will be the first ship to arrive in Barbados on Monday, June 7, under the new protocols for cruises dedicated to fully vaccinated travellers.

The protocols have been vetted and approved by the Ministry of Health and Wellness, as well as the Social Partnership of Barbados, to ensure the continued safety of all Barbadians and visitors, according to a statement issued by Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. today.

The Celebrity Millennium will be sailing from Philipsburg, St Maarten on a seven-night itinerary, with Barbados as its first port of call.

Its arrival, with over 500 fully-vaccinated travellers, marks the first official cruise passenger ship call to Barbados for the year.

The ship is sailing at less than 50 per cent its usual capacity.

As we reopen our borders and look to restart tourism on island, the health and safety of Barbadians and visitors remains paramount to what we do and how we do things, said Minister of Tourism and International Transport, Senator Lisa Cummins.

These cruise arrangements have come after months of careful planning at the level of our local health officials; the Americas Cruise Task Force, where we considered both the CDC sail orders and the EU Healthy Sail Guidelines; and even the Social Partnership of Barbados which created a sub-committee dedicated to cruise. We are therefore confident that the implementation of these new protocols will give fully vaccinated travellers cruising to Barbados the opportunity to safely enjoy the destination once more.

The statement also said that the Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. and the Barbados Port Inc. are working together to steadily rebuild the destinations tour complement under the guidance of the new protocols, as they prepare for the upcoming winter season.

Vice-President, Destination Development at Royal Caribbean Group (RCCL), Josh Carroll, added We are so excited to return to Barbados for the first time in over a year. Every painstaking, carefully measured step was taken to ensure that we protect the health and safety of our guests, crew and the residents of this treasured destination and we are thankful to the Barbados Government for its leadership and support to make this important milestone a reality. This exciting new itinerary offers vacationers so many fresh ways to experience the southern Caribbean and showcase all the splendours of Barbados history, culture and cuisine.

A small delegation of RCCL executives will be met by Government officials on Monday at the Bridgetown Port for a brief welcome and plaque exchange, in accordance with the COVID-19 protocols. (PR)

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First cruise ship to arrive in Barbados under new COVID protocols - Nation News