Tech CMOs Shift Marketing Efforts to The Digital Relationship – ResponseSource
The brightest minds in technology marketing have paved a progressive path for future social media marketing activities
Interviews with tech CMOs and Marketers at large brands reveal a shift in marketing focus
Following detailed interviews with CMOs from large technology brands, five trends surfaced that reveal a shift in focus from lead generation to building digital relationships. The 50+ page Technology CMO Outlook report unlocks deep insights and thinking from marketing leaders, to understand how they helped to not only navigate unprecedented challenges but unlock business value and opportunity from it too.
Copy House and immediate future collaborated to interview CMOs and Marketers from brands including Adobe, Worldpay, Siemens and SAP. The in-depth insight reveals five core trends in marketing that reveal a shift in approach. As said several times by contributors, there is a move to serve, not sell
Kathryn Strachan, MD at Copy House says: The change in direction, driven largely by the pandemic, saw marketers move to align more closely with customers and sales teams. The need to compensate for cancelled events and switch from promotional content to more helpful content, fundamentally change the marketing approach: refocusing efforts on delivering meaningful value that would make the audiences lives easier and reduce some of their stress by concentrating on solving pain points.
Conversations surfaced the need to build stronger better customer relationships. It also identified new approaches - the likely permanent move to more hybrid led events; the substantial re-evaluation of the Martech stack; and the desire to slow down and be empathetic to customers. What was clear throughout discussions was that social media played a significant part in their plans for the year ahead.
Colin Jacobs, Managing Director at immediate future, says: The brightest minds in technology marketing have paved a progressive path for future social media marketing activities. Realising the importance of learning from human behaviours and data, marketers deliver contextual storytelling across a suite of assets, they have nudged and nurtured customers by delivering relevance at scale.
Jacobs identifies a significant focus on excellence and best practice in social: Theres resounding support of quality over quantity, that cuts through the social noise and builds closer, more personal, customer relationships. To create content that your audience cares about and engage with, means you can no longer just pull apart a white paper and fluff a few try now or find out more posts. Thats lazy and boring social content and its clear from these leading marketers that success is found in being serious about social media marketing and striving to break the social boring!.
The Technology CMO Outlook report is available free for download at
Want juicy insights, news and more infoGive Katy Howell a call on 07803 898511 or oh! And of course, on Twitter @katyhowell
Who the bloomin hell are we?With 16 years doing the social media marketing thing, we know our LinkedIn from our Pinterest! Were the peeps that define social marketing! Were loved by the press (yes really), appear on TV and radio news as experts (BBC, Reuters etc) and speak at a shed load of events. Why because we work with big brands, know our stuff and love to share knowledge with everyone. Just look @IF Tweeter!
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Who are we?Copy House is an award-winning content marketing agency specialising in helping technology & FinTech brands bring their vision to life. Our vision is to empower leading technology brands and innovative startups to challenge the status quo with content that inspires their target audiences and boosts sales revenue.
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Tech CMOs Shift Marketing Efforts to The Digital Relationship - ResponseSource