Invivo Becomes First Winery In A Decade To Win At The TVNZ-New Zealand Marketing Awards –
Thursday, 12 November 2020, 8:37 amPress Release: Invivo Wines New Zealand
InnovativeKiwi wine company Invivo & Co. has become the first winecompany in a decade to scoop two accolades at theprestigious TVNZ-New Zealand Marketing Awards 2020 thatcelebrate the successes of New Zealand marketinginitiatives.
At an awards ceremony held in Auckland onTuesday November 10, New ZealandMarketing Magazine, in partnership with the MarketingAssociation, presented awards in 28 categories acrosssector, excellence and individual divisions.
Invivo& Co took home the trophy for the launch of Invivo X,Sarah Jessica Parker in the Fast Moving ConsumerGoods category, also scooping up the Excellence trophyfor Best Emerging Business/New Brand.
InvivoCo-founder Tim Lightbourne says of the win, We areecstatic to win two trophies at the TVNZ Marketing Awardsand be recognised for all the hard work that went intolaunching the brand with Sarah Jessica Parker. This huge winmeans a lot to the team from our winemakers to themarketing crew. In the first month alone, we launched infive countries simultaneously! There were media interviews,launch events, digital campaigns and point-of-sale toorganise and roll out - it was a real team effort, done inconjunction with our distributors and agency partners aroundthe world.
Invivo X, SJP Sauvignon Blanc fromMarlborough, New Zealand, which launched to queues inMadison Ave in New York in September 2019, has received anincredible six gold medals in international winecompetitions and 3 x 90+ ratings. Sarah Jessica Parker hasbeen involved in the process, from blending the wine, todesigning the label and merchandise, and even sitting on theboard of the company. With thousands of alcohol brandslaunching each year, the Invivo X, SJP launch won the topspot, showing the success and long-term appetite for SarahJessicas wine collaboration, particularly cutting throughthe growing number of celebrityendorsements.
The TVNZ-Marketing Awardsjudging panel comments on the Best Emerging Business/NewBrand win: Invivo has made a significant entry tointernational markets with its latest collaboration project.Whilst incorporating celebrity endorsements can be an easyway to market, Invivo has created a full partnership withSJP to create true product ownership by SJP. Looking tocreate a premium entry to those competitive markets theyincorporated SJP through the process from creating the Wine,tasting profile development, branding and labelling, and hascreated not only an authentic endorsement, but truecelebrity and follower engagement. This is a leading exampleof endorsement and socialmarketing.
On the Fast Moving ConsumerGoods win, they added Invivo X SJP is a classic NewZealand taking on the world' success story. With trueKiwi ingenuity, Invivo delivered outstanding results with abold, effective marketing strategy. In a highly competitivemarket with New Zealand wines battling for presence, notonly did Invivo generate a strong position they generated aprice premium for New Zealand wines which has a halo forother New Zealand wines in the USA.
The SauvignonBlanc has now sold more than 500,000 bottles worldwide in 12months and can be found in the US, Canada, United Kingdom,Ireland, New Zealand, Taiwan, Greece, Ukraine, Cyprus, Japanand France, and is set to launch in Australia this year.Since the launch in 2019, Invivo X, SJP has added a 2020Ros from the South of France and will be releasing the new2020 vintage of the Sauvignon Blanc thisNovember.
Invivo X SJP is available in Countdown, NewWorld, Liquorland, SuperLiquor, Bottle O, Glengarry andmore. For more information head to
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Invivo Becomes First Winery In A Decade To Win At The TVNZ-New Zealand Marketing Awards -