Archive for the ‘Social Marketing’ Category

Adapting marketing strategies in the age of COVID-19 – Modern Healthcare

Molly Biwer: With the advertising we had prior to COVID, what we were broadcasting was related to Mayo Clinic being a destination for care. And even though the tagline was Where to Go, the imagery was really about traveling to Mayo Clinic to receive care. Obviously when COVID hit, we had to completely change course.

So like many companies, we took our current advertising off the air, and then took a hard look at what messages would be important. We pivoted to messages around optimism, confidence and care. And certainly, where it was relevant, we offered assurances of safety.

We also leaned into messages with empathy and compassion while offering hope and that beacon of certainty. As this pandemic has lingered, were really finding that people feel isolated and lonely.

Vickie White: We launched our new brand last year to be consumer-led, instead of brand-led. Our messaging is designed to meet the current needs of the community we serve, but our response to whats happening in the country has never been more important than it has been this year.

Weve had to stay nimble through kind of the three phases of any disaster. We think about the unity stage where people tend to pull together and heroes emerge, to the disillusionment stage where the heroic spirit kind of wears thin and trauma and stress levels leave us feeling exhausted and helpless. And then theres that reconstruction and reckoning phase that we feel like we havent quite hit yet. But for the unity phase, we saw that our consumers didnt know what was happening or how to respond. We really pivoted our campaign to celebrate that outpouring of support that the communities showed our team members and how they received so much love and support early on. We turned it into a message of inspiration and unity.

And now we really feel like weve moved into that disillusionment phase. Weve all been fighting the same illness for months. As weve studied our consumer sentiment and current healthcare behaviors, we feel that people are kind of losing faith in themselves and each other, and weve seen unprecedented levels of stress and anxiety and people putting healthcare off in alarming numbers. So we launched a new campaign, what we call Humans Are Incredible. We kind of looked at it as our love letter to the community that acknowledges our shared hurt and just reminds us of the physical and emotional strength thats in all of us.

Misty Hathaway: We shifted gears pretty dramatically back in March. Boston was a very heavily hit community early on, and Mass General was the hospital that saw far and away the largest number of pretty severe COVID cases at the peak of the surge for us in March, April and into May. We quickly became a content marketing shop, so we turned off all of the advertising and retooled everybodys focus into creating relevant content, targeting medical professionals across the country and around the world. We translated a significant number of our protocols into multiple languages and turned them publicly to be an educational resource in the treatment, prevention and care of COVID patients, as well as providing consumer information.

We also kept pace with the news cycle. If there was an article about remdesivir in the national press, we had content ready soon thereafter from our researchers and practitioners to inform patients and physicians around the country and around the world about our experience with the drug in treating our sickest patients.

The pace of change has been very different this year. Were used to planning six months or a years worth of a marketing strategy, but were now operating in much, much smaller segments of time.

MH: As visiting restrictions have been lifted at many hospitals to allow more elective types of procedures, how do you convince people that your facilities are safe places to visit?

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Adapting marketing strategies in the age of COVID-19 - Modern Healthcare

The role of social media marketing in E-Commerce – Born2Invest

Social media marketing is a vast field that keeps on growing with every passing day. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have algorithms that keep changing every second, and it takes experts months to figure out how to master them. Social media has revolutionized the way we think, act, and perceive things. Due to this, it is being used by every business that wants to stay relevant in todays world. Especially in the times of Covid-19, itwas social media that rose to the occasion and helped many businesses thrive in uncertain times.

When we talk about E-commerce, it is impossible not to discuss social media. They are the two inseparable friends who always go hand in hand. You can never have a successful E-commerce brand without having a fully functional social media presence. If you fail to make your social media stand out, you will be forgotten and the traffic coming to your website will eventually decrease, shrinking your sales and profits.

All E-Commerce stores workby following a straightforward rule of thumb. Whenthe number of visitors increases on the website, the sales will increase as well. Bur for people to come on to your website, you need to create awareness. And the only great way to create awareness is with social media. So, brands generally gravitate towards social media because that is the ultimate way to create awareness. When you market your brand on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or Reddit, itwill become easier to let customers know about your brand. Organically and through campaigns, a brand can easily reach out to thousands of customers which later pays off. The higher the brand awareness, the higher will be the number of people who try your products or services. That is the power of social media and for E-Commerce websites; it is a gold-mine which can get you overnight success if used correctly.

Lets look at Amazon, which is hands down the biggest E-commerce marketplace. They work diligently on their social media platforms to impress buyers and to motivate their buying behaviour. They will give time-based discounts to old customers or show ads of a product you searched so that you can instantly get it from Amazon. Their marketing tactics enable their sales, and these two functions go hand in hand.

Social media is something which can take your sales from 09 to 100 quick. No matter what you do with an E-Commerce website, it will always come on to how good your social media marketing strategy is. While you will have your website to sell your products and services, you can also link up your social media as the marketplace from where customers come to you. It will provide you with another source of revenue stream. And if you have got a department of smart marketers working in your team, you might even be able to get money through social media via the help of ads. The money coming out of your products will be way less than the money you will be earning. You can easily make money from vendors by selling their products on your website as well, and you can also do different collaborations to promote various brands. If you can generate the right word of mouth, your revenue streams will double since people will be willing to work with you and will end up paying you for that.

When you market your brand on social media, you are announcing to the world that you are now working and operating a business. You let people know about your services, and then you persuade them to visit your website by showing them repeated ads. This brings in traffic to your website since customers see your name frequently and become curious to check you out. All relevant customers will stay on the website after finding what they needed or wanted and will then check out and complete the whole buying process. People who left the website without buying anything will be retargeted so they can be persuaded into shopping from you.

Regardless of the shopping behaviour, the traffic on your website will increase since more people will get to know about your brand. That increased traffic will help you get more leads, and those leads will eventually convert thus doubling up your returns.

Did you know that social media platforms such as Facebook and Pinterest now have their shop features? You can easily link up your shop from your website with your social media, and in a matter of minutes, customers can start buying from your social media platforms as well. They will find it much more convenient since they will not have tomake an unnecessary trip to your website. When everything is compiled in one place that is on a social media platform, many customers will shop and check out from there.

It is good since the easier it is to use an E-commerce website and to have products and services delivered to you. It saves time, effort and money, which in the long run becomes a great selling point for many customers and the business itself.

What is the first thing you do when youneed to build credibility? You need to make a particular image of yourself or your brand in your consumers mind. The brand that does that in the best way possible will win. Social media provides businesses with an opportunity to work on their image. A brand that always gives coupons on different occasions might be more popular than others because they will have an attractive feature to sell. Likewise, a brand that listens to its customers and engages in different conversations with them will always be considered more credible. To increase the orders on their sales, many E-Commerce businesses work hard on social media and listen to what their customers are saying. It helps them understand what products are in demand and what needs to be made better or changed about their service.

Compared to many E-commerce websites, social media is far more user friendly since it works amazingly well on mobile phones and tablets. Most of the times, E-commerce websites prefer computers and do not do well on mobile devices. So if a brand has an E-Commerce website and also a store on social media, they can quickly get a lot more orders from there since consumers will use a platform which is easy and convenient. That is a factor that many consumers will love, and that is something the brand can use to make themselves differentiated amongst the competition.

When you think about E-commerce, the most prominent names such as Amazon and Alibaba, might come to mind. Why is it that these two are the only websites that we instantly think about it? With the power of social media and incomparable services, they have made themselves the giants of this industry and are dealing in billions. The money aside, it is not just the nature of the business, which made them a giant. Their marketing strategy and well-thought campaigns gave them an edge over their competitors who did not work on their brand awareness. The top E-commerce markets did everything in their power to make people change their mind about online shopping, and that is what made them trustable for the consumers.

When we talk about any business, be itrelated to E-commerceor a business that deals solely inproducts, the first thing they all need to work on is brand awareness and brand image. That is the step one of every marketing funnel. If youwantyour sales increase, youneedmore and more people who know your brand.If people would have never heardof you, they will never buy from you.That is the consumer psyche. It sounds terrible andexploitative, but it is the job of every marketer to make sure their customers know who theyare and theirofferings. Once that step is completed, they then need to work on makingthemselvesaccessible. The onlyway a brand can do that is by makingsure it is active andpresenton every social media platform. Once thatgets done, it will be a smooth sail from there.

(Featured image by LoboStudioHamburg via Pixabay)

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The role of social media marketing in E-Commerce - Born2Invest

Riot on how League of Legends latest character may have gotten a little too real – Polygon

Seraphine, League of Legends newest character, is a glitter bomb of fame and success within the game. But Riot went so far as to create real-life social media accounts for her character, and in those, Seraphine is a bedroom producer who lives in our world. She has a cat named Bao, she likes to do face masks, and she is a fan of K/DA. She is a caf worker who wants to pursue music. Her Twitter became a venue for telling her backstory. One day she posts a cover of K/DAs Pop/Stars and gets noticed by the group; the next thing you know, shes flying out to help record with the group.

In the lead-up to Seraphines release, it all seemed like a fairly obvious promotion for Riots upcoming champion and skins, but things took a turn for the weird when Seraphine began to tweet about her anxieties. She suffered from imposter syndrome now that she was performing with K/DA, and she asked fans to send her encouraging messages which she later pinned to a corkboard.

In the replies to the initial request for encouragement, there was tons of disdain among the kind messages. This is frankly fucking disgusting, one read. Hey, this is fucked up using mental health struggles and crises as a marketing ploy, another read. Any user who replied with encouragement was also met with another reply noting that Seraphine wasnt real.

Something about a marketing account using self-doubt & mental health to come across as relatable is Sadge capitalism, said Golden Guardians Academy head coach Barento Mohammed on Twitter.

While there were fans who still found solace in Seraphine, who related to her tweets, and enjoyed what she represented, others found her anxieties upsetting, especially in our current gloomy COVID era. Shes not a real person, and she shouldnt be coercing people into feeling close to her using mental illness when she is a social marketing campaign for a video game character.

Some people compared Seraphine to Miquela Sousa, the fictional CGI influencer, since she was creating relationships with others, all while not being real. Her anxiety-posting was a startling reminder that brands and the characters used to promote them are not our friends.

While K/DAs campaign was run by creative director Patrick Morales, all of Seraphines tweets were written by Bethany Higa. Higa used her own experiences to craft Seraphines story, making them relatable. But maybe a bit too relatable.

Honestly, I wrote a lot of that story based on my own experience, as a young woman coming to Riot. Its like one of my first jobs after college. I personally experienced self-doubt. I personally experienced imposter syndrome and all those things, Higa said. The intention behind the story was to show that sense of hope, that sense of persistence, and show her growing in confidence and overcoming those struggles and those fears that she might have.

That isnt to say that Riot Games is unwilling to admit the mistakes made with Seraphines later posts.

Im personally proud of the people on our team, like [Higa] who put very intimate parts of themselves into the character, but we also recognize that the story we chose had an unintended impact outside of the narrative that we were trying to tell, Morales said. Right now, what I could say is that were conscientious about how she engages her followers, as well as topics that may potentially hurt or mislead people.

We dont know whats next for Seraphine or what Riot Games has planned for future champion promotions, but hopefully it wont involve making a fake social media influencer and giving them relatable mental illness.

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Riot on how League of Legends latest character may have gotten a little too real - Polygon

Concentric Health Experience wins 2020 Agency of the Year in Healthcare Marketing Impact Awards – Modern Healthcare

Earning two gold and two silver prizes, Concentric Health Experience was named 2020s Agency of the Year in the Healthcare Marketing Impact Awards.

The New York-based ad agency spearheaded successful campaigns for Alexion Pharmaceuticals and Sage Therapeutics.

In the print category, Alexion Pharmaceuticals wanted to position Ultomiris as a trusted brand to improve patients treatment between infusions. The campaign centered on the idea of allowing patients to widen their world. As of the fourth quarter of 2019, over 50% of patients switched to Ultomiris from Soliris; the goal was 70% by mid-2020.

Concentrics work with Sage garnered three awardsintegrated campaign, digital and website. The focus of Know the Signs was on engaging mothers who werent familiar with the risks of postpartum depression. The primary target was pregnant women who were actively seeking information about preparing for life with their baby. Concentric conducted interviews for the campaign across the U.S., as well as video talks, with childbearing age and pregnant women and new and veteran moms. The comprehensive strategy tapped into social media, as well as placements on such websites as BabyCenter and What to Expect.

During the first five months of the campaign, traffic to Sages postpartum website saw 60,000 page views and an average time on site of 2 minutes, 25 seconds.

Healthcare Marketing Impact Awards - 2020

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Concentric Health Experience wins 2020 Agency of the Year in Healthcare Marketing Impact Awards - Modern Healthcare

Effective Internet Marketing Tactics You Need in 2020 – Influencive

Traditional ways of marketing are gradually being left behind because of the limited options available. Digital marketing, on the other hand, presents a lot of alternatives to choose from and thus you could afford to select the method best suited for your business. Asides being diverse, internet marketing is also more cost-effective and its benefits far outweigh that of traditional methods.

Internet marketing includes options such as SEO, Email Marketing, Content creation, social media marketing, and so on. Listed below are some of the tactics employed by big internet marketing agencies to spur the growth of businesses:

SEO is the method of increasing the quality and amount of traffic to your website. It has been tagged as one of the greatest ways to grow businesses because of its long-term effect. Of course, this also means that the organization constantly needs to put in the work required to meet the Google rank they so desire. Usually, when you see two digital experts sit to decide on the best method for a companys marketing campaign, SEO is almost always the strategy of choice.

67% of advertisers believe that Facebook is the best site/platform for advertisements. This is especially so because of how populous the site is virtually possessing users from all over the world and this means one stands a higher chance of getting the right customer.

The use of stories, which started with Snapchat has also proved useful. Now with Facebook stories, advertisements can be made in the form of short videos that potential clients will not see as too bulky, thus having the potential of easily generating great revenue.

Email marketing is a practice of sending commercial messages to a group of people using electronic mailing. Many big brands and agencies provide Email marketing services to help businesses grow.

The rate of conversion with email marketing is particularly high. Also, due to the automated email technique, the process isnt very difficult, making it one of the best ways of generating revenue.

All you need do is offer something valuable in a bid to build a community of people interested in what is offered. Once this is done, newsletters can be introduced to push out your products or services to these people who are now potential customers. It is however preferable to initially offer products/services in the line of your business, this ensures that the community built is continually valuable.

Websites are a way to put your business out in the open. A business is almost of no use if people cant get to know about it. And because of this, many big marketing agencies keep their focus on website designing.

This strategy is about creating the finest website for your business. This website must be easy to use to avoid the loss of potential customers. Also important, the website should be friendly on all devices. Since not everyone will access your website on a computer, it should also be mobile-friendly.Opinions expressed here are the opinions of the author. Influencive does not endorse or review brands mentioned; does not and can not investigate relationships with brands, products, and people mentioned and is up to the author to disclose. VIP Contributors and Contributors, amongst other accounts and articles, are professional fee-based.

Ali Raza is an Entrepreneur, Blogger, Writer& Publisher. Ali Has 6 Years Experience, Ali writes contents for Artist, Musician, Celebrity, Etc

Published November 7, 2020

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Effective Internet Marketing Tactics You Need in 2020 - Influencive